posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:04 PM
My friend's enitire family (6 children and her husband) had the "flu" for over two weeks. All but the 2 youngest and the oldest daughter had mild
cases. The oldest daughter has severe asthma and was taken to the ER, where she was given Tamiflu. She was much better the next day and recovered
much more quickly than the others. She was told in the ER that she had H1N1, though they tested for nothing. The two youngest were taken to their
pediatrician, told they had H1N1 without any testing, and that most likely that is what the rest of her family had as well. They were sent home with
flu care instructions. Eveyone was better after two weeks.
The following week, she took her youngest in to the very same pediatrician for her 30 month check up. The Dr. told her that she should definitely get
the H1N1 vaccine. My friend asked why, if she already had the virus. The Dr. told her that she had been seeing so many severe cases in young
children that needed to be hospitalized, some even sent to major city hospitals in other states, that she is getting scared. And that it would be in
her daughter's best interest to get the shot because it is mutating and just because she already had it doesn't mean she won't get another mutated
strain that is even worse. And they just got their shipment in so she should get it while it is available. Her youngest daughter received the
vaccine. There was no mention whatsoever of vaccinating the other 7 people in their household, one of which has severe asthma. So far, no one has
been ill in their household.
Another friend took her two children in for their regular check ups. The pediatrician recommended the H1N1 vaccine. Both children got it. They went
home, where they live with her husband, her sister, her two nieces, and their elderly father who has severe health problems and is on oxygen. Within 6
hours the youngest child who had received the vaccine had a fever of 103 and all the flu symptoms. The next morning everyone in the house had it
except for the other child who had received the vaccine, the husband, and the elderly father. I haven't talked to her since she called to tell me,
but will post anything new I find out.
Two weeks ago, my oldest son went for his regular check up. The doctor recommended the "seasonal" flu vaccine, which he got. There was no mention
of the H1N1 vaccine. Last week, my younger son went in for his check up, the doctor told him "They are reccomending the H1N1 vaccine." My son said
he didn't want it and the doctor said "ok". No mention whatsoever of the "seasonal" flu vaccine.
My mother went to her OB/GYN the other day. She asked him what he was reccomending as far as the H1N1 vaccine. He told her he thinks it is very
important that pregnant women get it because so many pregnant women die when they get the flu! He is also my OB/GYN and when I was pregnant and had
the flu, he wasn't concerned at all, and never once recommended any vaccines for me while pregnant. In fact, he threw a fit when I had a Tetanus
shot after having to go to the ER for stitches when I was pregnant, telling me that it is always safer to get vaccines after delivery.
A dear friend was found dead in his apartment the other day. It is being kept very hush-hush. All anyone knows is that on Friday he went to the ER
because he thought he had the flu. They gave him antibiotics and sent him home. He was dead on his living room floor a few hours later. He had
severe health problems - diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, etc, and hasn't been in good health for years, but we're all wondering. Purely
speculation at this point. We don't know if he had any flu vaccines or not, but figure it is a good possibility because he would be one of the
"high risk" people they are recommending them to. Will update anything further.
Just seems like the whole thing is speculation at this point, since they aren't even testing, just "diagnosing".