posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:59 PM
I do not have swine flu-- at least not yet.
Nor do I personally know of anyone who has either had it or has it yet.
But I have definitely noticed the increase in the number of ATS members either starting threads about personally having swine-flu or posting as much
in response to other threads.
It occurs to me that it would be really useful to start a swine flu
tracking thread.
For those members who wish to participate, this thread could serve as the place to announce your general geographic location and the fact of your
personal infection, or of the infection of others you directly know, giving as much or as little detail as any contributor desires on such topics as
believed manner of infection, symptoms (type and duration), diagnosis, and/or treatment .
Perhaps, in this manner, we can collectively provide each other a sense of scale, distribution, severity and timing on this thing.
Good luck and good health everyone.
[edit on 20-10-2009 by loam]