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David Wilcock: negative ETs misled governments

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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Seems to me like everything is subjective to the observer. This puts me in a bit of a predicament as i cant decide which lie to believe.

i hear you there, man.

but this thread has certainly helped shed some light on who not to believe.
process of elimination at least narrows the choices of lies to select from.

ultimately, i believe there is objective truth to be found despite the subjective nature of observation.
just hope the shovel is strong enough to dig through all of the bs and find it.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:16 AM
"Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge."

--- Lao Tzu

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

You say he isnt about ego but then in the same post you say his message is about "there is only one of you".

I had to laugh at the irony, dont you realize that it is the Ego that defines your unique individuality. As a student of Psychology he should know this fact inside and out. So which is it? Is he about Ego or isnt he?

Yea, I see your point in the irony and, when I was posting that, I had the thought that someone may point out that irony and you did; however, take a look at the capitalization of the "One" -- the first letter is capitalized and that means that I am referring to the "One Infinite Creator", of which we all emerge and from which we all are a part.

There is only the One -- with many parts, many aspects, many beings, but there is still One Infinite Creator who has created it ALL, including the allowance for dark energies to exist for the myriad beings to see the contrast and learn from them.

So, no, Wilcock is NOT making himself the center, the big shot, the central messenger; he does recognize that he is a liberator of the world, but NOT THE liberator of the world, as there are many liberators of the world and we all are doing our parts to help liberate our world from the darkness that currently engulfs the world.

Everybody thinks they know whats going on but nobody knows squat.

So, going with what you said, does this include you? I think that you know a bit more than you give yourself credit for; I know that there are many people who actually are well-informed as to what is going on out there. Yes, there are many confused, dazed people who just can't be sure of what are the truths and what are lies, but there are many people who are starting to wake up, starting to sift the truths from the lies, starting to get a grip on the game of life that we all are a part of.

One of my bedrocks of truth is this:

The Ra Material is the single best-channeled work in history, bar none. It has the least amount of distortions and it has yet to be found to be in error or to have any flaws and it paints an amazingly-accurate of how life really functions and how it works. And note the title of it: "The Law of One" -- like Wilcock is saying, Ra is not elevating itself up to the top dog position, Ra is referring specifically to the One Infinite Creator, of which we ALL are a part and to which we all return.

The Ra Material talks some about the ego, what it does and what its role is in 3-D as we know it. That website is very valuable with the study guide that comes with it. The Ra Material can help you start to discern truth from falsehoods with confidence.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by chomps
I am starting to get the feeling that this Historical-Mozart is in fact David Wilcock. I mean look how much he defends this guy and keeps refering people to Wilcock's web site. I have noticed this trend in all the threads that have to do with D. Wilcock and his wacky predictions.
Maybe Historical-Mozart and Wilcock are both reptilians who will reveal their true identity on October 26 2009...


Well, chomps, you have improved my health today with a big-arsed laugh from me.

I can assure you that I'm not David and that he would not even waste his time on this site, although he's looked through an occasional thread that I alerted him to, otherwise, he's flat-out too busy to even waste his time on the site.

And I'm referring people to David's site in responses to specific topics on my own volition. Imo, David's site is one of the best sites on the net that combines a blend of very accurate spiritual and scientific information.

In my own research, I like to go with the best-available information that is out there, hence I would not hesitate to refer people to David's site for the reason that it is one of the best sites out there that blends a balance blend of spiritual and scientific information that is out there.

And David's own lineage is pretty significant; he was each of these characters in his own past lives, to wit...

~Edgar Cayce

~King David of the Bible

~One of the prophets in the Bible -- can't remember which one.

~Ra-Ta, one of the builder of the pyramids.

So he comes from a pretty heavy-hitting background; however, he refuses to be put on a pedestal and wants to be treated like the guy next door, so that's how most of us around him treat him. We give him space to be himself and he appreciates that.

But, at conferences, there's always a crush of people who descend upon him before and after his speeches, so he tries to accommodate people to a point, but then he has to get away in order to maintain his own energy levels -- any celebrity will have had that kind of experience, that kind of draining experience when crowds of people want a piece of you. Fame is not easy.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

When will humans realize that "truth" is found everywhere and in all things? Why must humans credit or discredit someone? What about another option? Why don't we simply accept everything we hear and when it sounds odd we go look into it? We feel odd about it and then we go do a little bit of research for a bit. One must step out of the box to see the big picture. This means dropping the ego, religion, state-political stances and just about everything else for just a moment. Feel deep within you and you will see that "truth" is in all things. David just happens to be one of the only people to reveal as much as he has. Many all over the world do so.

I am VERY grateful for David. His very first project Camelot videos were my first-ever. I could very easily attribute (if I wanted to "value" it) my awakening to him.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart


Yes, they have always been here. We simply ignored them among many things. I am so happy that so many people are waking up to this reality.

It is not fact. There is no proof. There is only your perception. If you do not want to see this you won’t. I can come down in a thought-consciousness-controlled light ship and stick my hand out of the ship and on someone’s shoulder and they can completely ignore me. That is what this reality is all about. It would not be any fun if everyone knew everything. Now we just have to BE the change or the reality that we want to live in. It is quite simply.

Thank you Historical-Mozart

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by hermantinkly

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart
What of your brother's information can you share without endangering yourself or your brother?

Well, he was really open about sharing information back in the late 90s, but back then I wasn't too interested in these topics. Luckily, I remember a lot of what he said. For example he once told me that crop circles were mostly made by humans but that "their minds were being used as the tool" by the extraterrestrial mind(s), much the same way channelers tune into a (alien) source and download information to present to an audience. He's told me that certain drugs, like dimethyltriptamine and Salvia Divinorum open the gates to extraterrestrial communication in other planes of existence, and that certain shadow sectors of the NSA experimented with these drugs on children for a few months in the 80s.

In regards to 2012: dimensions are going to literally merge together, and this merging of dimensions is going to entail an "upgrade" of our DNA. Our DNA was downgraded in the past by extraterrestrials who were regarded as creator gods (The Reptilians, or Annunaki). This DNA upgrade will significantly increase brain capacity and function. When this happens, there will be incredible power. People, simply by coming together and jointly intending something, will instantaneously manifest whatever they want. With the upgraded DNA, you will be superhuman. You will know everything. From walking on water, being telepathic, travelling to another dimension, or being in two places at one time. Anything is possible in the 'higher' dimensions, and so as you intend for something to occur in the melting pot of infinite possibility, so shall you be gifted with the information (consciously) on how to manifest it, because you will be a telepathic receptacle for extraterrestrial energies that will be broadcasting information to you from various parts of the universe. You will be a living encyclopedia, and you will have access to any information you want in order to manifest whatever it is that you intend to manifest so that you could create a desired future for yourself and the planet. All you need do is set out an intention, or a strong inner desire for something, and you will just consciously "know" how to attain it. This phenomenon is the foundation of human creativity. Matter is energy condensed, and energy can take many forms of creativity, but since this has been a controlled society (by the reptilian consciousness, who control this reality through their dimension particularly by influencing thought), human creativity has been impeded and limited.

According to him, this is the reason why remote viewers cannot see past 2012 -- there are an infinite array of possibilities for what can happen. Whether it being in our individual lives or collectively as a species, the course of the future is not fixed and never has been; we have been creating it with every thought and intention we've ever entertained. Apparently, what happens in 2012 and beyond is no different, except that it will be occuring in a much more literal and instantaneous sense. 2012 = we will consciously co-create the future however we desire.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by hermantinkly]


Excellent post and excellent read. You have just typed some of the most important information on the earth. Thank you and may you live in and through peace, forever.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:58 PM
So let us have a little lesson in perception, shall we?

Ironically some will prove this “truth” by simply reading this. Pay attention:

Stay with me if you will, and if not then carry on and thank you for the brief acknowledgment.

NOTE: If this post makes you uncomfortable in any way then I have succeeded in my goal. If you get aggravated or angry or sad or fearful then you are “getting” it in some way. Then you just step back far enough and then *light bulb.*


If I had to describe reality I would say thus: Reality is simply the illusion or distortion of perception. Meaning us (humans) see what we want to see. This is VERY heavy information. Humans see what they WANT to see.

IE: Here is an English word "Tall".

Now, for something to be "tall" it must be compared. There is a comparison.
If you compare "something" to "something" you are giving a VALUE.

Jimmy gives the value of "tall" to basketball players generally speaking.

Jimmy is comparing with a VALUE of "tall".

Okay, are we here so far?

Basketball players are not “tall” they simply are what they are. They just are. But Jimmy feels that he must give a value to that which is “tall.” He gives another VALUE to that which is “short.” These are not even opposites until Jimmy decides the VALUE to give, and then they become opposites.

Jimmy has just GREATLY limited his perception-perspective-understanding-reality-truth.

I will say it again. Jimmy has just G-R-E-A-T-L-Y limited his perception.

Jimmy has now an opposing VALUE concept that he can entangle himself in forever. He can now argue mindlessly back and forth between “tall” and “short” and which is “better” or “worse,” etc.

I see things as they are without VALUE. So therefore I see the (ISness) of basketball players and Jimmy sees a VALUE of (tall and short) basketball players.

Now here is the tricky part.

We both (Jimmy and I) see the “truth.” We are both CORRECT! This (my wonderful fellow beings) is reality. We (humans) see the same reality but we don’t see the same reality. Quite the illusion wouldn’t you say?

So when it comes to David Wilcock and whether he is “credible” or “non-credible” or “a liar” or “he is being advertised by a fan” we are missing the BIG PICTURE.

You are wasting your time on the VALUE of objects, people and concepts and completely ignoring the problem. Humans have the tendency to attack or assist the symptoms of things without ever attempting the CAUSE. Cause and effect is very, very, very simple people. Humans are still living in this duality-cause-and-effect reality.

I could go into why humans OBSERVE the world from this (insane and distorted) perspective but that would take entirely too long for some and I am already doing so in a short book that I am writing.

Not only can you VALUE everything (and we have) but even your name is a VALUE. So Jimmy is labeled with a VALUE for that which he is or (ISness). He just LIMITED himself for a VALUE. Can you say sold out?

Black or white.

Tall or short.

Happy or sad.

Truth or lies.



Do you see now?

So it would appear then that the entire English language and all languages across the Earth are limitations. Hmmmmm. I recall some heavy people back in the day saying just this same heavy thing. I suppose we didn't get it back then either. Very interesting.

I now leave you back to “your” duality. Enjoy.

[edit on 10/20/2009 by awakened sleeper]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart
It is a common misconception that the ETs have to "adapt" to our Earthly sphere -- most of them are millions of years advanced, compared to us on Earth, so most of them are able to very quickly adapt to any environment and to very quickly perceive and understand the communication protocols of any civilization that they visit.

They don't travel to here with their original bodies -- they travel to here through wormholes, for the most part, so they are able to take on physical forms that are Earth-specific, while retaining their own, unique characteristics that expresses who they are, to a degree.

And they are able to, for the most part, immediately understand the protocols of human communication -- regardless of what language is spoken -- and use those protocols in ways that we Earthlings can understand.

Ok I had to stop right there, I haven't read the rest of this thread but seriously... where's the proof? I'll continue reading and see if you posted some answers.. but that's just speculation if you ask me.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Estharik
Ok I had to stop right there, I haven't read the rest of this thread but seriously... where's the proof? I'll continue reading and see if you posted some answers.. but that's just speculation if you ask me.

No, there is no proof, but there's tons of reliable anecdotal evidence of reliable witnesses who have seen such things as people appearing and disappearing in an instant in normal, awake 3-d reality as we know it.

Read this book: Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, who was the 5th guru in a line of gurus that dated back a couple of centuries. Yogananda would not lie -- ever -- and the book is a truthful account of what actually happened in his life. It has accounts of people disappearing and appearing in instant moments. No ETs, no aliens, just highly-evolved humans who were born on Earth and lived on it.

And you can perceive -- and place whatever value -- whatever you want on Yogananda's book. I have personally spoken with someone who has spent many years with Yogananda and I asked, point-blank, if the book was true and if it had any falsehoods in it and this guy said that he was absolutely certain that Yogananda's book was 100% true.

You can read Yogananda entire book online, if you want:

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

Some of my own investgations into the phenomena are also why.
Some of it can be read about here: They Come From Within


I read your post/thread -- S&F for you, man. Brilliant post.

I'm going to re-read it, then comment on it in your own thread, so it can get some light that it deserves. Good work.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:38 AM
Well i already have a front row seat to this increadeble event.Any one for tickets.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by GORGANTHIUM
Well i already have a front row seat to this increadeble event.Any one for tickets.

Save a seat for me, man.

As for me, I'm going to have to watch for it very carefully, as I fully expect it to happen in a breaking news format, since I want to witness this live, as well as to capture the vids with the closed-captioning on it, as I'm nearly deaf, so I gotta have the captioning.

And for those of you who record it and post it onto You Tube -- turn on your closed-captioning! I never, ever get any damn captioning on any You Tube vid, yet there's a button that supposed to turn it on, but if the original recording does not have the captioning going, then it's not going be on the You Tube version -- this has caused me endless frustration, so I usually totally ignore the damn You Tube vids. Pox on them.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Here's an article that explains alot of what is supposed to happen. It's very similar to Sheldan Nidle's sources, the Sirians.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by Estharik
Ok I had to stop right there, I haven't read the rest of this thread but seriously... where's the proof? I'll continue reading and see if you posted some answers.. but that's just speculation if you ask me.

No, there is no proof, but there's tons of reliable anecdotal evidence of reliable witnesses who have seen such things as people appearing and disappearing in an instant in normal, awake 3-d reality as we know it.

Read this book: Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, who was the 5th guru in a line of gurus that dated back a couple of centuries. Yogananda would not lie -- ever -- and the book is a truthful account of what actually happened in his life. It has accounts of people disappearing and appearing in instant moments. No ETs, no aliens, just highly-evolved humans who were born on Earth and lived on it.

And you can perceive -- and place whatever value -- whatever you want on Yogananda's book. I have personally spoken with someone who has spent many years with Yogananda and I asked, point-blank, if the book was true and if it had any falsehoods in it and this guy said that he was absolutely certain that Yogananda's book was 100% true.

You can read Yogananda entire book online, if you want:


Never expected this thread to take a turn so close to home! LOL

I am a follower of Self Realization Fellowship, and Paramahansa Yogananda is my Guru...So yes, I can also attest to what you have claimed.

As much as I am a follower of mu guru's teachings, I am also extremely interested in UFO's, ever since witnessing one first hand during the "Phoenix Lights" back in 1997. Since then, I have seen over 8 or 9 different UFO's, and have become very interested with the subject.

Yogananda also told his closest disciples of that time about how extra-terrestrials were visiting the Earth. But since he was here for a very different purpose, he rarely addressed the topic directly. However, anyone who reads from his books can tell you that he also makes many references to life throughout the universe as well!

I also listen to what David Wilcock says and I have always respected Edgar Cayce as well! In fact, Wilcock also teachers the 25,000 year cycle that Yogananda described as the "Great Year". It's always so interesting how much of the same information seems to come to light through so many different teachers!

Anyway, I just wanted to provide a little insight into this thread and back up your statements about my guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. His autobiography is certainly a timeless classic!

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by bigdaddy7ftr
Anyway, I just wanted to provide a little insight into this thread and back up your statements about my guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. His autobiography is certainly a timeless classic!


Very cool response there and very cool that you have chosen Parmahansa as your guru. Can't go wrong there.

Have you met Kriyananda? In my hometown, there's a small village called "Ananda", where there are mostly Yogananda devotees and followers who live there. It's a cool place and I have a lot of friends there. Kriyananda has spoken a bunch of times about Yogananda and his connections with him.

But Kriyananda has also been in a lot of legal hot water. I'd say that his lawyers have been in samadhi with all the money that they made defending the guy. As far as I know, Kriyananda is now in Italy, far away from the mess that he was involved in here in the USA.

Sometime I'd like to re-read Paramanhansa's book, Autobiography of a Yogi. I can confidently say, of all modern people that we had in the 20th century, that Parmahansa Yogananda was closest to Christ in terms of Christ-like powers and abilities.

There is a hot spring up in the Sierras that has a stone/metal memorial commemorating the appearance of the Immortal Babaji sometime in 1977, witnessed by some people there. I have camped there, kinda hoping that I'd get a whiff of his energy. And, as far as I know, the Immortal Babaji still has a physically-incarnate body, but that he is eagerly looking forward to finally letting his body go after 2012, after having the same body for some 500+ years.

It would be so awesome to have Babaji suddenly appear at a party, serve up instant from-thin-air toasts with melted butter, eh?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by bigdaddy7ftr
Anyway, I just wanted to provide a little insight into this thread and back up your statements about my guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. His autobiography is certainly a timeless classic!


Very cool response there and very cool that you have chosen Parmahansa as your guru. Can't go wrong there.

Have you met Kriyananda? In my hometown, there's a small village called "Ananda", where there are mostly Yogananda devotees and followers who live there. It's a cool place and I have a lot of friends there. Kriyananda has spoken a bunch of times about Yogananda and his connections with him.

But Kriyananda has also been in a lot of legal hot water. I'd say that his lawyers have been in samadhi with all the money that they made defending the guy. As far as I know, Kriyananda is now in Italy, far away from the mess that he was involved in here in the USA.

Sometime I'd like to re-read Paramanhansa's book, Autobiography of a Yogi. I can confidently say, of all modern people that we had in the 20th century, that Parmahansa Yogananda was closest to Christ in terms of Christ-like powers and abilities.

There is a hot spring up in the Sierras that has a stone/metal memorial commemorating the appearance of the Immortal Babaji sometime in 1977, witnessed by some people there. I have camped there, kinda hoping that I'd get a whiff of his energy. And, as far as I know, the Immortal Babaji still has a physically-incarnate body, but that he is eagerly looking forward to finally letting his body go after 2012, after having the same body for some 500+ years.

It would be so awesome to have Babaji suddenly appear at a party, serve up instant from-thin-air toasts with melted butter, eh?


It's awesome talking with someone who knows so much about Yogananda and his guru lineage outside of my temple! I never expected to bump into someone who was so familiar with these teachings right here on ATS.

I certainly know about Kriyananda and Ananda...I know they have been involved in a bitter dispute with SRF for quite some time. I prefer not to get involved with that sort of thing personally. Afterall, both organizations follow the same teachings more or less, so it seems trivial to dwell on the differences!

What you said about Babaji is dead on! He has been witnessed by so many, even those who have no ties to Yogananda. He is certainly a great Sage, and one of the ascended masters who still chooses to take on a physical form here on Earth.

And yes, the Autobiography is always a good book to read. There is so much information in there its hard to digest it all at one time. India is such a mystical place, and has always been very open minded regarding all things spiritual, paranormal, and extra-terrestrial. In fact, even their main newspapers of curent times speak of the UFO phenomena as if it were a regular part of everyday life! I hope it will soon be that same way for us all...

[edit on 22-10-2009 by bigdaddy7ftr]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by Estharik
Ok I had to stop right there, I haven't read the rest of this thread but seriously... where's the proof? I'll continue reading and see if you posted some answers.. but that's just speculation if you ask me.

No, there is no proof, but there's tons of reliable anecdotal evidence of reliable witnesses who have seen such things as people appearing and disappearing in an instant in normal, awake 3-d reality as we know it.

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart
It is a common misconception that the ETs have to "adapt" to our Earthly sphere -- most of them are millions of years advanced, compared to us on Earth, so most of them are able to very quickly adapt to any environment and to very quickly perceive and understand the communication protocols of any civilization that they visit.

They don't travel to here with their original bodies -- they travel to here through wormholes, for the most part, so they are able to take on physical forms that are Earth-specific, while retaining their own, unique characteristics that expresses who they are, to a degree.

And they are able to, for the most part, immediately understand the protocols of human communication -- regardless of what language is spoken -- and use those protocols in ways that we Earthlings can understand.

For beginners, just because people have witnessed "people appearing and disappearing" does not mean they that are not here in their "original" bodies.

They can appear and disappear in (at least) two ways: teleportation and dimensional/vibrational change.

Teleportation means that they can, through conscious thought manifestation, move all of the particles of their bodies from one location to another. Depending upon the entity, this could be across the room or across the Galaxy.

Dimensional change means they have manipulated the "space" between individual particles of their bodies (less space = more dense = lower vibration) but have not "moved" from one location to another.

I won't even get into the how and why of them using space ships to travel.

There are base 3D beings that can teleport but can not change their vibration to a higher level because they have not "Ascended" yet.

"Ascension" basically means taking the characteristics of your lower dimensional "body" (i.e., a physical form and those things that make you unique in the current dimension, including memories and personality/"ego") and moving that "body" into a higher dimension.

A 3D person on Earth who "dies" does not Ascend to the spirit/4D dimension, they leave their physical body behind and their 3D and 4D energies "revert" back to their basic Soul-self energies. To actually "Ascend" at a future time, they have to incarnate into another physical vessel first (and because of this, do not retain the same exact physical and personality characteristics they have before in a previous incarnation).

There are also multiple-vibrations within each dimension, so for example, two 3D people on Earth may be on the "opposite" ends of the 3D vibration spectrum, and obviously, the closer you get to the 4D spectrum, the more you will be able to "see" and interact with the 4D spectrum.

You also can not Ascend as a carbon-based life form. Ascension requires a crystalline-based form, since that is the only form that can keep a "physical" aspect in the higher vibrations/dimensions.

As far as "understanding protocols", this is a two-sided coin. All of the higher dimensional beings are capable of telepathy. The great thing about telepathy is that species-to-species translation is done on the "etheric" level, if you will, so every one just "understands" the other. A problem of telepathy, though, is that it is limited by an entities "knowledge", if you will.

Basically it is the idea that an english-speaking rocket scientist can communicate with an english-speaking young child, but because the child has a limited understanding of rocket science, the communication will be at the lowest common denominator (i.e., what the child can understand). Same with telepathy. Unfortunately, while all humans have the ability to use telepathy, it normally only comes about through spiritual awakening.

There are ways around this, including channeling, memory implants, etc.

Now, if an "ET" physically "talks" to you, it is because they actually took the time and learned your language. The exception is there are some technological devices that can "interpret" in real-time between wearers (but, obviously, they don't move your lips for you...)

Even higher dimensional "ETs" have adaptability "problems". For example, what we would call the "Dolphin" race are water breathers. They require adaptive suits (a water environment vs. an "Air" environment) when not immersed in water. And because nobody wants to wear a suit all the time, their quarters (whether on a starship or at home, are filled with water).

The problem with putting 3D attributes/limitations on higher-dimensional beings, is that number one, the Laws of Physics (in most every case) in our 3D dimension do not carry over into the higher dimensions.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:04 AM

You also can not Ascend as a carbon-based life form. Ascension requires a crystalline-based form, since that is the only form that can keep a "physical" aspect in the higher vibrations/dimensions.
Well that means humanity is screwed since no human can ascend then. We all die! Yay!

Wilcock claims some humans will ascend. But how can they if the above is true? This does not compute.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

His sources of insider information comes from the insiders themselves. Wilcock has direct, personal contacts with numerous insiders and many of them have come forward to talk with him personally, knowing that he would not disclose their identities if they ask and that, given his position in the world and who he is, he's an ideal person to whom to come to with valuable insider information that needs to get out there in the public domain.

So, let me see if I figured this out correctly...

You are saying, that the very few people that actually know about the existance of aliens are talking to him because they know he is "safe" about their identity?

Well, this just doesn't make sense.

Whistleblowers come out and speak and a few things can happen:

1- They get into witness protection programs and get away and disappear;
2- They are murdered before/after they open their mouths;
3- They simply disappear (dead...) without giving information, or after giving some information.

That's why you have "Cold cases", and that's why whistleblowers come out YEARS after the events happened. If any of them leaks out information about something that just happened, or is about to happen, the source of information (secret information) isn't that hard to trace.

Alien/Ufos is a heavy subject. If it is true that they exist, that they are here, that they walk among us, and all that, then the people who KNOW about it, besides being a minority, have a lot of power.

If doesn't matter that Wilcock doesn't reveal their names or information. The second one of those people opens their mouth, they know from where it came from, since they are only a few.

It's like you telling a secret to your family, father, mother, brother... And that secret coming out. It's obvious that it came from within your family!

That argument simply looks silly to me, with all due respect.

As for the rest of Wilcock's stuff... I'm just sitting back and watching him fall into oblivion.

I mean, first we were having a major event with 2 hours of disclosure in a short range of time (October/November/Dezember)...

Now he's pointing to 2012?

I don't get it, honestly. But maybe I misunderstood something...

[edit on 22/10/09 by Tifozi]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by seircram

What is the truth behind all of this ascension propaganda? Why in the world would I need my flesh or physical body for anything?

This body is finite dust and physical reality is finite shadows. If anything this ascension sounds more like a descent deeper into the shadows and darkness of the finite cosmos.

I would think if these beings really cared about our "ascension" then they would help us reach henosis or union with Absolute Infinite instead of trying to entangle us further into the finite illusion we accept as physical reality.

[edit on 22/10/09 by MikeboydUS]

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