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David Wilcock: negative ETs misled governments

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by MrVertigo

Originally posted by mr-lizard
I'd rather base things on misconception than assumption.

So you'd rather base things on what you know is wrong than what you guess might be true?

In context: I don't think ancient aliens are travelling through worm holes in order to trick unevolved governments.

If that's a misconception then i can live with that.

I'd rather have a misconception based on common sense than an assumption based on B-movie sci-fi's.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
How on earth can we tell how old an ET is when we still have no real proof of their existence. Even with all the millions of supposed sightings and hoaxes abound, we have no way of guessing how old these ET's are.

The information of the levels of advancement of the ETs are not based on assumptions, but on repeated, redundant information from reliable sources and many anecdotal reports.

Again we don't even know wormholes exist, let alone hazard a guess that aliens may or may not be travelling through these hypothesised wormholes.

These wormholes are not hypothesized -- they are demonstrated to exist by repeated, redundant information that is out there. Space-time and time-space are connected by counter-rotating wormholes, which are otherwise known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges.

And they are able to, for the most part, immediately understand the protocols of human communication -- regardless of what language is spoken -- and use those protocols in ways that we Earthlings can understand.

Again, how do we know this? We don't even know aliens exist, we don't know if wormholes exist - yet you're telling me that aliens are travelling through wormholes to deceive the US government. If they are millions of years old shows a certain lack of maturity if that's the case.

The record of the existence of ETs are, again, repeated and redundant in the literature of the world, as well as the physical bodies, ships, etc that have been captured and secreted away by the US and other governments.

As to why the ETs bother to come here at all, that's a question that I'm exploring at the moment. As I understand it, Earth is a very unique place in our galaxy, unique in the sense that there are many souls who have been "cast off" from other realities -- from Mars when it was destroyed; from Maldek when it was blown up, etc -- so Earth stands alone, or nearly alone, as a planetary melting pot of numerous, diverse souls being thrown together in an experiment to see if this could work.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

The information of the levels of advancement of the ETs are not based on assumptions, but on repeated, redundant information from reliable sources and many anecdotal reports.

Okay fair enough i'll play ball. Please provide three pieces of confirmed evidence of ET's that doesn't equate to questionable witness statements, shakey video footage or psychics.

These wormholes are not hypothesized -- they are demonstrated to exist by repeated, redundant information that is out there. Space-time and time-space are connected by counter-rotating wormholes, which are otherwise known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges.

Again all theories, concepts and assumptions. To travel through these 'worm holes' one would need to break the laws of physics. Or at least consist of zero atoms.

So why would aliens who have either broken the laws of the universe or consist of no material substance dare to be bothered by the trivialities of a single planet?

The record of the existence of ETs are, again, repeated and redundant in the literature of the world, as well as the physical bodies, ships, etc that have been captured and secreted away by the US and other governments.

Again prove it to me. I'm curious. One man may see a UFO in a painting, another man may see the moon. The old Indian scriptures talk about flying craft but that doesn't mean they were of ET origin.

I don't know if any government have any captured ships. Surely we'd have reversed engineered them now? What about our space travel?

We can barely get something to land on Mars without losing contact.

As to why the ETs bother to come here at all, that's a question that I'm exploring at the moment. As I understand it, Earth is a very unique place in our galaxy, unique in the sense that there are many souls who have been "cast off" from other realities -- from Mars when it was destroyed; from Maldek when it was blown up, etc -- so Earth stands alone, or nearly alone, as a planetary melting pot of numerous, diverse souls being thrown together in an experiment to see if this could work.

Okay - but how can you even say Mars was inhabited? Again this is just theory.

I don't mean to disagree with you (far from it, i like debate) but up to now you've prevented me with nothing but theories, hypothesis and assumptions.

Not to deflate you, after all it's me who's asking just as many questions as you friend.

educate me

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:07 PM
There are several major parts in Wilcock's latest blog that each one of them can easily garner it's own thread, but, for the sake of efficiency of threads, I'm guessing that it would be better to discuss the parts of Wilcock's latest blog in one thread.

Wilcock said this:

All along, we have said that this movement into a new galactic energy zone is the physically-measurable 'celestial event' that all the 2012 / end times / Golden Age prophecies have been referring to. And the scientific data to prove the point has been coming in so fast and furious that we haven't had time to cover most of it with new updates on this website, given all the things we're accomplishing at this time.

...and this

It is, of course, greatly interesting that the 'new' energy discovered at the front end of the Solar System is indeed a "magnetized strip structure," exactly as Dmitriev had written in 1997. Have a look -- and also notice that the 'ribbon' is directly perpendicular (90 degrees offset) to the tilt angle of the Galaxy's magnetic field:

...and this

Most people would see these rings as a gravitational effect -- but here we have an interesting suggestion that gravitation and magnetism interact much more directly than we thought. Many of the gravity-shielding technologies that have been suppressed by the elite work on these same principles -- and the 90-degree offset angle is a very important aspect of it.

...and this

Look again at the positions of Voyagers 1 and 2 in the diagram. Notice how they 'just so happened' to overshoot this zone of remarkable brightness, each one by precisely the same amount. Is this a coincidence?

Not if NASA has known the truth at the top levels for a long time, as several whistleblowers I've spoken to have asserted, and has been actively thwarting any efforts to let the public know the truth.

This seems more plausible when we bring back the testimony of NASA astrophysicist Don Shemansky, who said NASA had a "persistent, pernicious bias" against any investigation of changes in the Local Interstellar Medium. You can read it for yourself in his Curriculum Vitae online:

So what Wilcock is alluding to is the fact of the conspiracy of NASA (Never A Straight Answer) to coverup the facts of the real happenings that are going on out there.

The truth is that we -- our solar system -- is moving into a highly-charged space in the galaxy, so that energy is piling up at the edge of the solar system, thus creating the magnetized ribbon that has the scientists on Earth abuzz about it.

The scientists can't explain it; Wilcock can.

Here's the link to the Wilcock blog, for your easy reference:

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

This post wasn't rhetorical, or a veiled insult.

I really would like to know if he has made any prediction that came to be true.

I'm sure someone could point me in the right direction, thanks.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:28 PM
David is very wrong on how ET's travel tru a galaxy. ET's done travel from one part of the galaxy to another one tru worm holes on their spacechips! Even if they try that and breaking some laws of physics still they would need years to cross the entire galaxy!

ET's dont need space ships when they travel great distances! they only use space ships locally (this means on the solar systems exclusibly only)

This is an example:

ET 1 wants to cross from our solar system to the other side of the galaxy, to the farest spiral arm of our galaxy. He gets out of his body! yes..its a true thing! they get out of their biological body, for them this are like just clothes! he is just a pure energy soul, the laws of physics doesnt aply to advance souls (material physics)! so after that they can travel the entire galaxy in an instant just thinking about their destination! have you ever dream flying around folks?? no need for worm holes or super fast spaceships!...

So ET 1 gets in an instant to the other side of the galaxy..they already have bases all around that solar system in planets or asteroids,he gets to the base, they already have a body over there specially made for this solar system he gets in the body...then he gets to the spaceship and go to where he needs to go there on that particular solar system.

Thats actually how ET crosses great distances (from one point of the galaxy to another)..

believe or not this is how ET travel great distances, no need for wormholes or spaceships...

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Okay fair enough i'll play ball. Please provide three pieces of confirmed evidence of ET's that doesn't equate to questionable witness statements, shakey video footage or psychics.

I'd love to provide three hard bits of evidence of the existence of the ETs -- if I did have those hard bits of evidence, I would not be here posting, nor would I be alive today. The damn gov't has hogged every bit of hard evidence of ETs and, when any new bit shows up, they are extremely aggressive in their efforts to snag that evidence.

These wormholes are not hypothesized -- they are demonstrated to exist by repeated, redundant information that is out there. Space-time and time-space are connected by counter-rotating wormholes, which are otherwise known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges.

Again all theories, concepts and assumptions. To travel through these 'worm holes' one would need to break the laws of physics. Or at least consist of zero atoms.

No, not so. The laws of physics are not large enough to be outside the limit box that they have created for themselves.

Read this...

...and pick any one of the first three free books by Wilcock and learn about how the laws of physics are not broken when one time-travels or when one travels from one part of space to another in an instant.

... -- from Mars when it was destroyed; from Maldek when it was blown up, etc -- so Earth stands alone, or nearly alone, as a planetary melting pot of numerous, diverse souls being thrown together in an experiment to see if this could work.

Okay - but how can you even say Mars was inhabited? Again this is just theory.

The idea of Mars being inhabited is repeatedly covered by many sources of information that dovetails with each other very nicely and the fact that Mars was once inhabited is covered in the Ra Material, a source of info that has yet to be found to be in error of any kind.

Here's a link to the Ra Material that has information on Mars:

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 06:56 PM
I'm currently reading both your links.


posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
But, has this guy ever came out with any real evidence of anything? Has he ever made a "prediction" that has came true. And I mean something you could honestly say he predicted, not a vague prediction that you could fit anything into?

David has been prescient in many matters, but you will have to go to his website... find out which ones that he made did actually happen. Not specific time/date predictions, but trends happening, as well as big events. David's prescience is matched by very few others.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by NightVision
Maybe I misread the thread title. But how exactly are such claims 'blockbuster'? I like listening to David Wilcock, but I fear such claims without proper back up could be bad for business. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

His sources of insider information comes from the insiders themselves. Wilcock has direct, personal contacts with numerous insiders and many of them have come forward to talk with him personally, knowing that he would not disclose their identities if they ask and that, given his position in the world and who he is, he's an ideal person to whom to come to with valuable insider information that needs to get out there in the public domain.

So Wilcock frequently cannot provide hard evidence to support the insider claims -- he wants to, believe me -- so he has to go with what he can go on, with regards insider information. He does not go public with insider information unless such information is redundant and strong.

Wilcock is extremely aware of his public position that he now holds -- and he will become far more public soon, once his TV programs and his 2012 book comes out -- so he is VERY careful about what he talks about in his blog entries, so, whatever he talks about in his blogs can be considered with confidence that such things are reflective of what is really going on in the world today.

From knowing Wilcock personally and from having had conversations on this very matter of putting out previously unknown or unpopular information, I am fully confident that, whatever he puts out there in his blog, can be considered with confidence that such information fully reflects the truth of what is going on out in our world.

Not to even mention the effects of his many projects have upon his health.
David does not look well,and I worry about that. I believe that David does have the best of intentions for us,and tells the truth as he understands it.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by daddyroo45
Not to even mention the effects of his many projects have upon his health.
David does not look well,and I worry about that. I believe that David does have the best of intentions for us,and tells the truth as he understands it.

Well, I do appreciate your concern and agree with you that he has the best of intentions.

A lot of people comment that he "does not look well", but that's because of the structure of his eyes, which makes him look like that he's got dark circles under his eyes, but, when one meets him in person, he's vibrant, alert and very healthy-looking.

He eats very well and years ago, I had encouraged him to include some animal proteins and he's doing very well eating fish, chicken and other animal proteins, to the disappointment of the veggie purists, who'd rather eschew animal foods altogether.

So, in actuality, David is very healthy.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

Just for edification, I have the same issue with my eyes, as well. I am in great shape for the shape I am in... but my eyes are horribly blackened around them.. looks like I'm wearing deep dark makeup all the time lol

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:19 PM
I am starting to get the feeling that this Historical-Mozart is in fact David Wilcock. I mean look how much he defends this guy and keeps refering people to Wilcock's web site. I have noticed this trend in all the threads that have to do with D. Wilcock and his wacky predictions.
Maybe Historical-Mozart and Wilcock are both reptilians who will reveal their true identity on October 26 2009...
As much as I believe in E.T.'s and U.F.O.'s , I am not buying anything Wilcock is saying. It's just too far out there man.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Speaking of synchronicity, I was listening and watching this video before the balloon boy thing broke. It's strange how these things come about.

Look everyone it's Falcon all grown up.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

Originally posted by NightVision
Maybe I misread the thread title. But how exactly are such claims 'blockbuster'? I like listening to David Wilcock, but I fear such claims without proper back up could be bad for business. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

His sources of insider information comes from the insiders themselves. Wilcock has direct, personal contacts with numerous insiders and many of them have come forward to talk with him personally, knowing that he would not disclose their identities if they ask and that, given his position in the world and who he is, he's an ideal person to whom to come to with valuable insider information that needs to get out there in the public domain.

So Wilcock frequently cannot provide hard evidence to support the insider claims -- he wants to, believe me -- so he has to go with what he can go on, with regards insider information. He does not go public with insider information unless such information is redundant and strong.

Wilcock is extremely aware of his public position that he now holds -- and he will become far more public soon, once his TV programs and his 2012 book comes out -- so he is VERY careful about what he talks about in his blog entries, so, whatever he talks about in his blogs can be considered with confidence that such things are reflective of what is really going on in the world today.

From knowing Wilcock personally and from having had conversations on this very matter of putting out previously unknown or unpopular information, I am fully confident that, whatever he puts out there in his blog, can be considered with confidence that such information fully reflects the truth of what is going on out in our world.

Isn't David Wlcock the same guy who claims to be Edgar Cayce reincarnated? That's a pretty outrageous claim. Why wouldn't you take everything else he says with a grain of salt after hearing something like that? I'm not criticizing or anything, just genuinely curious.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by hermantinkly]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by chomps
I am starting to get the feeling that this Historical-Mozart is in fact David Wilcock. I mean look how much he defends this guy and keeps refering people to Wilcock's web site. I have noticed this trend in all the threads that have to do with D. Wilcock and his wacky predictions.
Maybe Historical-Mozart and Wilcock are both reptilians who will reveal their true identity on October 26 2009...


Well, chomps, you have improved my health today with a big-arsed laugh from me.

I can assure you that I'm not David and that he would not even waste his time on this site, although he's looked through an occasional thread that I alerted him to, otherwise, he's flat-out too busy to even waste his time on the site.

And I'm referring people to David's site in responses to specific topics on my own volition. Imo, David's site is one of the best sites on the net that combines a blend of very accurate spiritual and scientific information.

In my own research, I like to go with the best-available information that is out there, hence I would not hesitate to refer people to David's site for the reason that it is one of the best sites out there that blends a balance blend of spiritual and scientific information that is out there.

And David's own lineage is pretty significant; he was each of these characters in his own past lives, to wit...

~Edgar Cayce

~King David of the Bible

~One of the prophets in the Bible -- can't remember which one.

~Ra-Ta, one of the builder of the pyramids.

So he comes from a pretty heavy-hitting background; however, he refuses to be put on a pedestal and wants to be treated like the guy next door, so that's how most of us around him treat him. We give him space to be himself and he appreciates that.

But, at conferences, there's always a crush of people who descend upon him before and after his speeches, so he tries to accommodate people to a point, but then he has to get away in order to maintain his own energy levels -- any celebrity will have had that kind of experience, that kind of draining experience when crowds of people want a piece of you. Fame is not easy.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by hermantinkly
Isn't David Wlcock the same guy who claims to be Edgar Cayce reincarnated? That's a pretty outrageous claim. Why wouldn't you take everything else he says with a grain of salt after hearing something like that? I'm not criticizing or anything, just genuinely curious.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by hermantinkly]


It's always good to be genuinely curious -- here's a url with which you can explore his claim to be Edgar Cayce...

Feel free to form your own conclusions after reading that.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by Digital_Reality

And these so-called aliens managed not just to breathe our oxygen but figured out how exactly to get in touch with certain agencies within the US government and THEN figured out how to communicate with us.


*sniff sniff*

you make it sound so "Far Fetched" let you just imagine for a moment, that you aren't who you are...a scared illogical, high un-rational, emotionally driven child...and imagine yourself an intelligent, smart, logical, rational alien, with a brain that we prrrobably cant even compare to.
You really think its hard for them to "sneak in" or to contact the "higher powers"?
seriously i can spend about 2-3 hours on google and most likely at least get the contact numbers of some "higher up" people in the governments. Let alone if you traveled millions of light years pretty sure it wouldn't be hard.
I really wish these people that are so negative and obviously so stupid, would use there brain and logic for one second.

It's like us going into the jungle and bonding with certain animals and "living" with them without them really noticing...really isn't that hard.
u act like we are the supreme intelligence and NOTHING can fool us.
If that was the case ATS wouldn't exist

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Hello Historical-Mozart,

Back in june 14th, Wilcock posted on his blog a statement that he never came back to prove. He claimed he had 'undeniable proof' about how the conspiracy media is being led astray by the pentagon/NSA. I'm surprised that his faithful followers have not questioned him about it, and maybe you can remind him that he forgot to post his 'undeniable proof.' I'm highly curious as to what this proof is. Of course, not holding my breath that he will ever come back to clarify his own post.


I find it unfortunate how many people are still being taken in by the virulently negative material in the conspiracy media. For the record, I do not consider Obama a saint nor a savior. I consider him the first President since Kennedy who is actually doing his job and trying to make things better for our planet.

As I've said before, the conspiracy media is saturated with propaganda to an unheard-of extreme. I have undeniable proof of this which I have not yet released, saving it for the right time, but I have decided that I will do so within a very short timeframe after returning from Canada -- not more than two weeks.

This proof shows how it's done, the enormous money being spent on it, what they write, who does it, and includes a whistleblower statement from someone who was actually hired on one of these jobs during the election. It is shocking.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by Digital_Reality

And these so-called aliens managed not just to breathe our oxygen but figured out how exactly to get in touch with certain agencies within the US government and THEN figured out how to communicate with us.


*sniff sniff*

Well, could it be possible that these "aliens" aren't all as "alien" to us as we might think? "Aliens" aren't necessarily eight-legged green globs. They could be related to us. (not the green globs)

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