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David Wilcock: negative ETs misled governments

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:20 AM
David Wilcock has come out with a blockbuster of a blog entry. He discusses the Balloon Boy incident that carries a hidden message; he discusses the very significant scientific implications of the discovery of the huge ribbon that has been discovered to exist at the edge of the solar system, which surprised scientists and fully supported David Wilcock's scientific models of how the Universe really functions; he discussed the possibility that negative ETs intentionally misled the world governments, to wit:

According to multiple whistleblowers, the insiders have been told since the early 1950s -- probably by negative ETs intending to scare them -- that we would have a massive cataclysm on or around the year 2012. They also said this cataclysm would be caused by our solar system moving into a zone of higher energy in the galaxy.

Positive ETs also said something remarkable would happen in 2012 -- and that at this point, if not sooner, they would openly announce their existence to the world. This was revealed in testimony from Project Camelot's very first witness, based on old documents he saw from the 1950s.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Maybe I misread the thread title. But how exactly are such claims 'blockbuster'? I like listening to David Wilcock, but I fear such claims without proper back up could be bad for business. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:37 AM
As I say with all his stuff, I wish I could believe him. I like what he says, and I think the message he carries has good intentions especially in today's society of doom & gloom.

However, these guys are all profiteers. He seems to be getting ready to cash out his credibility soon.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by NightVision
Maybe I misread the thread title. But how exactly are such claims 'blockbuster'? I like listening to David Wilcock, but I fear such claims without proper back up could be bad for business. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

His sources of insider information comes from the insiders themselves. Wilcock has direct, personal contacts with numerous insiders and many of them have come forward to talk with him personally, knowing that he would not disclose their identities if they ask and that, given his position in the world and who he is, he's an ideal person to whom to come to with valuable insider information that needs to get out there in the public domain.

So Wilcock frequently cannot provide hard evidence to support the insider claims -- he wants to, believe me -- so he has to go with what he can go on, with regards insider information. He does not go public with insider information unless such information is redundant and strong.

Wilcock is extremely aware of his public position that he now holds -- and he will become far more public soon, once his TV programs and his 2012 book comes out -- so he is VERY careful about what he talks about in his blog entries, so, whatever he talks about in his blogs can be considered with confidence that such things are reflective of what is really going on in the world today.

From knowing Wilcock personally and from having had conversations on this very matter of putting out previously unknown or unpopular information, I am fully confident that, whatever he puts out there in his blog, can be considered with confidence that such information fully reflects the truth of what is going on out in our world.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:48 AM
Aww shoot!

He's just trying to make Negative ETs into a positive bank account for himself!

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
However, these guys are all profiteers. He seems to be getting ready to cash out his credibility soon.

DocEmrick, et. al.,

I can state with full confidence that Wilcock is not a profiteer. He has struggled for funds for many, many years and, even now, he's barely keeping his head above the financial water, now that he has more demands on his time and on his resources.

It now costs a lot more money to host his site; it now costs a lot more money to do all the traveling that he does; it costs a lot more money for him to do everything that he does; it costs a lot of money to fund his book project, his TV projects, his movie project and so on.

I'm not saying that he is funding those projects entirely, but I am saying that he has his own, personal and ever-increasing costs that he must cover in his efforts to support those projects. He uses the funds that do trickle slowly in to help keep his entire process funded and flowing forward as smoothly as he can.

His entire focus is on the message and that is that we are in historic, unprecedented times in which members of humanity have outstanding opportunities to spiritually grow in leaps and bounds; that the coming 2012 Ascension process will be far more positive than anyone expects and that our Earth will soon enter the long-prophesied Golden Age that awaits humanity, so his funds are dedicated entirely towards getting that positive message out there. He spends very little of the funds that he gets on himself, very little and only what's needed at a minimum.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I fully understand and respect you and Wilcock, with regard to his sources and his awareness of how easily the tables can turn.... but what if all this stuff doesn't happen. Then what?

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Insiders from where ??......the Gov ???

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:17 PM
For what it's worth, I think Wilcock truly believes what he is saying.
He has quite a few big projects in the works and to blow his credibility at this time by making outlandish claims just to get attention would be very illogical.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by lee63
Insiders from where ??......the Gov ???

From the covert, black-op projects, for the most part.

And to Night Vision, et. al.,

Note that Wilcock speaks of future events in general terms without specific dates, since putting out any sort of specific date is a fool's play, given the fact that the observer -- hundreds of thousands of observers -- can change the future merely with their observations of the future and that any specific date set up the likelihood that the gov't would not proceed with any event on any specifically-prophesied date, but that they would choose another date, for a number of reasons, one of which is to retain the element of surprise -- which keeps power in their pockets -- and to make anyone who had made any specific prophecy on any specific date to look like a fool.

I'm making the specific-date comment to make a point and I'm not saying that Wilcock has any specific dates with which he's made any sort of "prediction" -- he does not have any.

But there are specific, large-scale events that he appears to be quite confident that will unfold, to wit:

1) The eventual and near-term defeat of the NWO/Illoonynaughties happening either by the end of 2009, or by 2010, at the latest (one must allow for the natural variation of time scales -- to a degree)

2) That Disclosure will happen sooner or later, possibly by the end of 2009 and no later than 2010, most likely.

3) That the positive Ascension process will happen on or around the end of 2012 Ascension process. The time scale for the 2012 Ascension process is between early 2011 and late 2013, so that's a two-year span of time for the 2012-related Ascension process to happen. One must allow some time leeway, because of the unfoldment of the events and players on Earth, which, at the moment, the elites are putting up as MANY roadblocks as they can and they are resisting with all their power and might, which is very considerable.

4) That these times are historic opportunities for each soul who is on the planet to grow/evolve by leaps and bounds by preparing oneself for the Ascension process. Only twice has the gateway to 4-D opened up in the 75,000 year history of modern man and this time, the third time, will be the charming one with a likely few million people successfully ascending up into the brand-new 4-D reality into which our Earth is now about to shift upwards into.

The four aspects that I have described above are MY perceptions of Wilcock's work and are not to be construed to be Wilcock's own POV, just to be clear on that; my perceptions of Wilcock's work is based on my own reading/research of his work, conversations with people who are in this field of work and my own research with redundant material that relates to this work.

I can state with unequivocal confidence that the negative, dark scenarios of massive gloom and doom as often envisioned by many people will not happen and that our world will soon experience wide-spread healing as we get closer to the event horizon of 2012. We are at the darkest hour of humanity at the moment (late 2009), but this hour will soon pass and we will soon find our world dramatically changed/transformed in ways that we did not dare dream to be possible.

For those of you who want to prepare for the coming Ascension, here's a very valuable study guide...

...that will assist you greatly in your personal efforts to grow in leaps and bounds and to have the historic opportunity to escape the grips of 3-D and to leap upwards into a far-more-positive 4-D that awaits us. The Ra Material has been closely studied and examined by many and has been found to be without one single flaw, error of any kind, so it stands alone as the single, most-clearly and accurately-channeled material on the planet. It's information of how life really functions is extremely accurate and it DOES reflect what is really going on with minimal distortion.

I want to emphasize that it is vital for each of you to visualize, imagine and call forth the positive, peaceful and healing world that most of us really want, rather than to keep on envisioning the dark, negative scenarios that are way-too-often portrayed in the Hollywood movies, mainstream books, TV, etc.

Which world do YOU WANT? The dark, crappy one or the light, healing one?

Which one? It's up to each of us to call forth what we want.

According to the insiders, we are on an uncharted timeline with NO predetermined future -- so it is up to each of you to call forth the world that you want.

Which world do you want? The dark one or the light one?

It's up to you.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

booooooooooom :O)

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:52 PM
So what if his "Insiders" are dis-info agents? He is just as much at risk of being fooled by a dis-info agent as any other person.

I just don't buy into his gibberish. He knows nothing and has not enlightened us with anything other than a good ole sci fi story.

These guys lead people on for as long as possible.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

And these so-called aliens managed not just to breathe our oxygen but figured out how exactly to get in touch with certain agencies within the US government and THEN figured out how to communicate with us.


*sniff sniff*

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by Digital_Reality

And these so-called aliens managed not just to breathe our oxygen but figured out how exactly to get in touch with certain agencies within the US government and THEN figured out how to communicate with us.


*sniff sniff*

It is a common misconception that the ETs have to "adapt" to our Earthly sphere -- most of them are millions of years advanced, compared to us on Earth, so most of them are able to very quickly adapt to any environment and to very quickly perceive and understand the communication protocols of any civilization that they visit.

They don't travel to here with their original bodies -- they travel to here through wormholes, for the most part, so they are able to take on physical forms that are Earth-specific, while retaining their own, unique characteristics that expresses who they are, to a degree.

And they are able to, for the most part, immediately understand the protocols of human communication -- regardless of what language is spoken -- and use those protocols in ways that we Earthlings can understand.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

It is a common misconception that the ETs have to "adapt" to our Earthly sphere -- most of them are millions of years advanced, compared to us on Earth, so most of them are able to very quickly adapt to any environment and to very quickly perceive and understand the communication protocols of any civilization that they visit.

How on earth can we tell how old an ET is when we still have no real proof of their existence. Even with all the millions of supposed sightings and hoaxes abound, we have no way of guessing how old these ET's are.

I'd rather base things on misconception than assumption.

They don't travel to here with their original bodies -- they travel to here through wormholes, for the most part, so they are able to take on physical forms that are Earth-specific, while retaining their own, unique characteristics that expresses who they are, to a degree.

Again we don't even know wormholes exist, let alone hazard a guess that aliens may or may not be travelling through these hypothesised wormholes.

And they are able to, for the most part, immediately understand the protocols of human communication -- regardless of what language is spoken -- and use those protocols in ways that we Earthlings can understand.

Again, how do we know this? We don't even know aliens exist, we don't know if wormholes exist - yet you're telling me that aliens are travelling through wormholes to deceive the US government. If they are millions of years old shows a certain lack of maturity if that's the case.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
I'd rather base things on misconception than assumption.

So you'd rather base things on what you know is wrong than what you guess might be true?

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:43 PM
When I have been alowed to view past 2012, it seems the world has become a paradise and people have different priorities. It resembles a utopian state much like nervana or eden. Bastions of present society (greed, hatred, jealousy, war, corruption, pursuit of monetary increase, and etc.) are not the order of the day.

I also can not get a clear picture of how these changes will come about.

Even Revelation events depict some sort of cyclical event, as testified by the Dinosaurs.

I am told things will be different this time. The vehicle for change escapes my view.

to add: Have Dinosaurs preceeded us into the 4th density?

[edit on 19-10-2009 by win 52]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:50 PM
This was first talked about by Richard Hoagland on C2CAM with George Noory.It was just last week.

But they think he is a new age guru so what would one think.

He is a fraud and a wanabee trying to get in to the entertainment industry.

He takes old information from others and makes it his own.

Ed Komarek has an interesting take on exopolitics here.

I always like how many "insiders" disclose information to these con artists.

Wilcock even believes that dinosaurs are time travelers!

You say that he is barely making it.

Nobody that is barely making it lives on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica, Calif.

I suppose Kerry Cassidy is barely making it at her Malibu beach front home too.

They are all in the entertainment business. They want to sell their books, music, movie scripts etc.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I will admit that I really have no idea who this David Wilcock person is. UFOlogy? is not something I have followed closely throughout the years, just something I have given a passing glance. (not to say the subject does not intrigue me)

But, has this guy ever came out with any real evidence of anything? Has he ever made a "prediction" that has came true. And I mean something you could honestly say he predicted, not a vague prediction that you could fit anything into?

From what I've read, I can count probably 4 instances he has predicted something and nothing came about. Now for the later part of this year he has 3? predictions?

If he has made tons of sensationlist claims, but nothing has ever came through on any of them, or on 99.9% of them, yet people still follow every word he says with bated breath.....

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker

Nobody that is barely making it lives on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica, Calif.

Cut the guy some slack, its hard to make porsche payments on a conspiracy theorists salary.

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