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Very Scary End Of The World Article

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posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:08 AM

ScoFe "No. Solomons Temple has not been rebuilt and that is essential to fullfilment of end-time prophecy. The Tribulation will not start until thats been done."

See, your mum is one of those who happens to not agree with me. to her this is an end of time prophecy, but even as she believe it, this mess still doesn't fit the description in Revelations completely.
The temple, in other scriptures:

Mt 26:61 and said, "This man stated, `I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.' "
Mt 27:40 and saying, "You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross."
Mr 15:29 Those passing by were hurling abuse at Him, wagging their heads, and saying, "Ha! You who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days

What did Christ DO in three days? His death burial and ressurection.

Mt 21:42 Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures: "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is amazing in our eyes'? 21:43 Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom. 21:44 The one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and it will crush anyone on whom it falls."21:45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they realized that he was speaking about them.

44 holds true to the stone that crushes the feet of Iron and Clay in Daniel, the supposed end of time prophecy, the 4th kingdom being destroyed by a stone not cut with hands.
As to MELCHIZEDEK, Christ was made a priest of God after the likeness of this priest which was BEFORE the LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD...and Christ is this high priest. (can find him in the OT, as well).
Post Number: 512599 (this was one of the most rediculous arguments I've been pulled into...)
This would mean that the rebuilding of the temple is the foundation of the church. Simple enough, and of course, it would be called Solomon's temple--that was the first one built.

specialasianX Just sounds like fundamental christianclinging on to hope for the apocalypse... if it happend it happens, if not it wont. Keep in mind though, those nutty christians back around 1000AD predicted the world would end then... obviously it didnt...

That's stereotypical...I AM a who believes in the fundamentals or first/basic tennants of the faith...
Two "bible experts" peanut gallery: a little too much toungue in cheek... said no, this is not it, from two different directions--me, I don't think there is a true end of times prophecy, and the other doesn't see this as fulfilling the most improtant part...
As for most of the "paranoid panickers," I don't think all of these are some of it is, but this generalization is WRONG. It's insulting to my basic intelligence...
Let come what comes...I wasn't promised one more breath, so what's an asteroid or two going to do to break or fulfil my life? If it's my time to go, I'm gone...

A note of warning. The Jews used to copy the sacred texts meticulously, count the letters, several times, if they did not match up with the original document by count(to the jot and tiddle), it was burned. When they had a satisfactory copy of the script, they'd burn the original, as is tradition, so you'd have no clue how old which documents actually ARE until you look at the timeframe of the "story" and other historical facts. In this way, Daniel may be as old as Ezekiel...and Isaiah is probably the same age...I like how much they say that this and that MUST have been written at THIS AND THAT TIME because THAT'S the oldest document. You look at the history of the text, what the traditions of the people writing were--like the jews burning old copies before they faded to useless. those date are just as early as the fragments have been dated back to, so far...
Now, the Books of Ezekiel and Isiah know this one...that's talking about prophecies between which of the 5 times the jews were in captivity (EGYPT--when they grew up there and were enslaved from their point of prominence within the society--not likely, more after Nebuchadezzer? Nebuchadezzer is the first of 4 captivities where the Israelites came back to their own. Remember these books have chapters and verses, people who don't post where they got the info are less credible. Some of the prophecies were already fulfilled, (if not ALL), and you can't tell which one he's quoting or misquoting. I know more than quite a few have to deal with the time between the 1st and 2nd captivity, and most others have to do with the comming of christ...
First Enoch, and Daniel looking at the FACT that Daniel was written as if they were under the domain of Nebuchadezzer, it also mentions the prophecy of weeks in a manner that clearly deals with the comming of Christ. I posted this already, as to which chapter to read... as to the book of Enosh, if it's one of the books added in by one Pope 300 years after Bible was put together, and was originally kept out because ofa belief that it was not real--probably written in aramaic. the old testament was written in hebrew, except for part of Daniel, and I think, Esther...both were nearly thrown out because they were not in Hebrew.

63 BCE Romans capture Jerusalem With the capture of Jerusalem, the Romans make Judea an outpost of their empire. Their oppressive rule makes Rome the locus of evil in apocalyptic literature until the conversion of Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century A.D.
and that's where most prophicies end, right there, because the Roman empire spilt after Constantine into the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine empire, was no longer the world domination it was, lost it's strength, anyway, most have to do with the comming of christ and how christianity destroyed much of the earlier ways of thinking...

Revelation: as I stated earlier, it was talking about what had already happened, and was happening forget that they talk about the Antichrist being HERE in 1st and 2nd John.
135, A.D. when Jerusalem was finally made into rubble, yet again...part of the prophecies...
From there on it goes into the mundane, bring up a few "Is the end here?" things, but this is not proof of these texts being apcolyptic in nature, when it's after the point where this was already done.

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by jlc163]

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
So you don't think it will happen?

No, personally I don't, and if it did, there isnt a lot I could do about it. Maybe hide out in the corner of the basement and hold my kids really tight, thats about it.

From everything I read from this guys posts, its all stuff I have read elsewhere, only its all thrown together into one big long story. I am almost willing to bet thats what it is. A bunch of pieces of differnt things, thrown together to make what would actually make a rather good movie.

Just my thoughts

If it does happen, hey...been nice knowing ya'll, but I aint holding my breath, and I am not the least bit worried.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:13 AM

Guess who's booked holidays in July incidentally...

Ha Ha same here. My dad is pushing me to get a job and I'm inclined to tell him it might not matter in about 4 weeks.

See here's the problem: if I assume that its going to hit and prepare for it by buying all sorts of crap and spending all this money and it doesn't hit then were am I? Stuck in the debt hole with a bunch of unneeded crap. But if I don't prepare until I know it's going to hit I might not have enough time to prepare adequately. So I don't know when to make a fairly final decision. What a paradox!

I used to think the real problem was surviving after the impacts but now I have heard the meteors/asteroids/comet tails might come down in the Western OR southern hemisphere. If they land in the southern hemisphere I'm probably OK but if they land in the western I'll probably have a hell of a time surviving. So now my major concern is surviving the impacts.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by jlc163Genya
A note of warning....

Fair comment jlc163 - and thank you for your very detail analysis and comments.

Perhaps I was not clear enough in my previous post - I wasn't trying to be specific with my quotes - I simply used those from the article I quoted (here ) to try to illustrate that "End of the World" themes are recurrent through history - and not necessarily referenced to the Bible/ Torah/ Quran or any other holy or religious book. For example, from the same site:

"1861-1865 America is torn by the Civil War, a conflict so great it taps into apocalyptic fears and expectations. For example, the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" written by Julia Ward Howe, clearly is drenched in apocalyptic imagery: "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord ... He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword ..." "

I aplogise if my reasoning here was too simplistic - sorry

In my endeavour to find other articles that relate to the "End of the World", and using this as a search string in Google, I came across 12 500 000 hits. I found this which talks about "Paul Maier's latest theological thriller, "More Than a Skeleton" (Thomas Nelson, 2003)" as follows:


"Maier, a Bible-believer himself and an ordained clergyman in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, where they don't come much more conservative, is the son of the late Walter Maier, famed "Lutheran Hour" radio speaker. Maier believes the Jenkins-LaHaye followers are taking things too far. He refers to the movement as the "excessive prophecy fixation in Christendom today."

"I fear," he says, "that overliteralizing of what is obviously symbolic material in the Bible sends some people into a panic, disillusions others when prophecies fail and antagonizes still others with the image of a strange, quixotic God."

He adds, "The heart of the gospel is replaced by amateur forecasting which turns away serious seekers." Maier hopes that his current book, "More Than a Skeleton," will leave a truer impression of what Christianity has always believed about the last days �"without the beasts, horrors, tribulation and doomsday scenarios.""

I leave others to search through the remaining 12 499 999 Google returns if I may?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense

I used to think the real problem was surviving after the impacts but now I have heard the meteors/asteroids/comet tails might come down in the Western OR southern hemisphere. If they land in the southern hemisphere I'm probably OK but if they land in the western I'll probably have a hell of a time surviving. So now my major concern is surviving the impacts.

From what I've read, chances of survival would be pretty slim anywhere on the planet.

Personally, I'd be prefer to be vapourised in the initial impact than suffer a slow death due to radiation, toxic chemicals, starvation, or freezing.

For some reason, I'm particularly unnerved by the thought of a tidal wave several miles high and travelling at several times the speed of sound.

Just imagine how horrible those few pre-death seconds would be as you became aware of this watery wall of death tearing towards you from the horizon, dominating half the sky.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 11:05 AM

The 3 links you posted linking to the articles dont work: (which looks identical...theyre being abreviated somehow)
and this one:

Im really interested in seeing the originals with the other forums moderator talking about his emails.

Can you repost the correct links for us?

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 11:23 AM
i am not sure about the times this Aussie talks about, but i agree that there are some interesting things that seem to coincide to some of the things he says. I have posted the information in other threads in the past.

In the link below i post some info and other links in this topic.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 01:15 PM
Ok guys, I have been reading this thread with great interest. So, I got to searching other boards that I frequent...and found this. Make of it what you will, but I think it pretty well clears up this mystery.

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for having me on your radio show May 6, and giving me the best
opportunity to disassociate myself from the article:

"Is Earth In Imminent Danger From Inbound Meteors?" found at

Unfortunately, the writer has obviously been reading what I have been
posting at under the "forum user" name of

I have already posted almost every bit of information listed in the article,
and tied the various bits and pieces together. Then the plagiarist not only
takes my work, effort, thoughts and data collation, he also steals my Red
Flag thread word for word and claims it as his own.

I found all the information that I have spent months digging up curious, and
alarming, and certainly worth keeping an eye on. However, in all of my
threads, the two referenced here, and the others he/she has taken
information from, I have been careful to state that nothing is proven, only
that there are a lot of "signs" that something MIGHT be up.

Being ripped off like this is flattering, but it is creating problems.

Even at, the forum where I usually post, I have been
accused of writing this article, and making unfounded claims that the "world
will end" in a number of weeks.

Nonsense. I have no information that can define a date or time of anything
happening. I do feel that we are in a time of great danger due to the
instability of the sun and a number of changes taking place on our planet
and a number of other planets in our solar system.

The passage of recent meteors and comets of course holds a certain amount of
danger and always will.

Now, the writer of the article clearly separates himself from the anonymous
information posted on by "noted and warned", who
makes all the dire forecasts and leaves tantalizing clues and timelines.

But then the writer links to to a thread that I started in
February called "Comets of Spring 2004". This has the effect of directing
people to where I post, and links my user name to meteor information.

Then, a little further on in the article, the plagiarist
lifts whole cloth, a thread that I started entitled "Red Flags". He/she
then uses the stolen information "first person" so that people will
naturally assume that "dragonslayer2001" and the anonymous
writer are one and the same, and by implication, that "noted and warned" may
even be the same person.

I have contacted for over a week. They have not responded.
Their article popped up on numerous sites almost immediately, which makes me
suspect it was seeded on purpose.

I am asking here, on your site, that they remove the article immediately and
post a disclaimer that a plagiarist stole information, purposely set links
to implicate someone else, and that the writer "dragonslayer2001" has never
stated that we are going to get bombarded with commentary debris any time

Thank you,

Don Best

Here are my two main threads that this information has been taken from:

Red Flags thread: 8660 reads: Started, 04/22/04

Comets of spring: 15,000 reads: Started 02/15/04

There are others but I won't list them here.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 02:57 PM
Well Sh*T! It seems like a plausible scenario. Who else out there finds that things are happening very quickly in recent times. I find myself, that time just seems to fly by. I know it is a perception from things going on in my real life but one has to wonder at some basic level if we as humans can detect danger on an extra sensory level. Much like animals can "feel" danger near them.

I myself have been having this reaccuring dream for probably the last 15 years that I'm running outside, scavenging for anything I can find. And there are always tons of people around doing the same. Many will use dream interpretation to say it reflects a sense of isolation. Who knows, however in history many visions have come in the form of dreams.

I don't know if it will happen or not, I tend to believe that it will as I have had a feeling that something big and terrible were going to happen. I've had this feeling for a number of years.

One thing I do know, is that I'm going out to get laid as much as possible between now and then.

WATCHOUT ladies of Vancouver

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by GenyaFair comment jlc163 - and thank you for your very detail analysis and comments.

Perhaps I was not clear enough in my previous post - I wasn't trying to be specific with my quotes ... I aplogise if my reasoning here was too simplistic - sorry

I leave others to search through the remaining 12 499 999 Google returns if I may?

The only reason I did that was because I know how easy it is to misunderstand people. I read the other post where you originally had it posted,and you followed what I stated, but I know people. If I came across too strong, that was not my intention...that's why I have the disclaimer in my signature. It's cool to post things that talk about the scriptures, but some are so generalised, you can't refute them withoutpulling out a Strong's Exaustive Concordance--something most people won't ever figure out how to use...sigh. We have people on this site that just don't check it all out, and, I'm sorry, we're not all geniuses--and I've known some REALLY IGNORANT geniuses in my time. In unfamilir fields, simplifying often leaves out steps in logic that confuse and wind up FAILING the audience you are intending to reach. Take math, for instance: teachers, when they are teaching, especially in college, only show how to work a problem once, in only one way, expecting thier students to keep up. Knew a woman who couldn't pass math because she told herself she couldn't. Also, people don't get things in the first stating of it. Scripture is so redundant that it someimes drives me up the wll to study it. Most people here know little to nothing about the bible, and some want to keep it that way...fine, but when we leave out steps, we fail the audience. Really, you had a good post, but it was not a thourough enough source, but timeline, with no real practical way to reference it, that's all...

Oh, and I love that series of books! They are entertaining.

Back to the lab agian:

Do remember,we've been only watching the skies at a good level of clarity within the past 100 years (though we have been watching the skies since we could see it and contemplate it). We've had "close calls" for years, just we never really saw them until they passed by us, never looking like they were going to hit...oftern, because they come at such an angle! Now that we have hubble, and things like it, we're going to "see" a lot more of them, and panic ourselves over them.
Also, the internet is one heck of a way to tell everyone what we've seen. We didn't have that in the past...
Really, we need to get a public record of near misses over the gnerations, taking into account the change in that way we can see how foolish we are or are not being right

[Edited on 20-5-2004 by jlc163]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 01:59 AM
Mkay well I believe it.

Im going out to buy a gun with my next paycheck.

There are way too many verifiable facts out there and everyone on all these boards are freaking out.

I really believe somethings going to happen and Im worried that I wont be prepared. I encourage the rest of you guys to at the very least start preparing yourself mentally for what I think is ahead.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 03:13 AM
Buy barrels of gas and hide em. Then if it doesn't happen, the by that time the gas prices will be higher and it won't feel like a waste of time anymore.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 03:42 AM

I really believe somethings going to happen and Im worried that I wont be prepared. I encourage the rest of you guys to at the very least start preparing yourself mentally for what I think is ahead.

I wouldn't want to face a rogue neutron star and the associated debris without a gun, or a big stick at the very least

If 'diamond star' comes anywhere near earth, surely it's ultra-dense gravity will tear apart the planet? No-one will be left to scavenge.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 03:53 AM
I am a skeptic and I normally I would not believe this particular message, but something weird happenned to me and some other people: we saw dreams concerning asteroids falling to earth. Three people, me, a friend of mine, and his girlfriend, saw such a dream about 4 months ago. We haven't talked much to each other back then, but one day I talked to the guy (he is a colleague of mine) and told him the dream I had, and he told me he had a similar dream at about the same time!

...scary stuff. I hope nothing happens.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by ScoFe

Look at this:

Discovered TODAY, er I should say DISCLOSED by NASA today. This sort of proves at the very least, he is some sort of astronimer or has a contact in NASA.

This asteroid passes between the moon and earth just like he said.

Explain that away.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by ScoFe]

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by ScoFe]

also note that it says there that "...the sample capsule will parachute to the ground in Australia"...


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:17 AM
ok....say our planet really does go through some dust cloud and all this stuff happens. if there will be some global panic and resources start to run dry I need to ask you guys what we would need to survive.

First of all, what exactly would we need and how much of it to stay healthy (as healthy as can be) and how long do you think we will need it for.

Right now, batteries, bottled water, duck tape, canned foods, wheat, rice and more then one radio comes to mind. Is there any other absolute must haves that I am missing? And how much of this do you think I/We would need (should go out and buy)?

I'm taking this semi serious.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:01 AM
I belong to Dan Sherman's email list, and he sent the, thread on his website saying it had to do with the things he was told about.
Sorry, I am so freaked out right now.Dan's site

"UPDATE 5-10-04
There are some interesting developments occurring that COULD be culminating with an event (or series of events) that I had mentioned might occur in the future relating to the project I worked on. It has to do with worldwide electromagnetic outages... etc. Click here to read about those POSSIBLE developments"

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:42 AM
d1k> I have given this a lot of thought and here is what I think we MUST HAVE to survive in fairly large groups. First off, I am assuming you live in the US. Note that this is long term survival as well as enough to sustain people in an underground shelter until the impacts are over. bottled water, duct tape, several of those crank-powered radios that u crank and they work, batteries, a large suuply of preferably deisel fuel, at least one deisel generator, as much canned food as you can afford, guns and ammo, shotguns, semi-auto, hi-cal pistols, air guns for shooting game, seeds, Uv lamps, others that have slipped my mind.

If you live near greensboro NC u2u me because me and a couple other guys have this worked out in more detail.

Now, long term survival...By this i mean the ability to function when all modern resources have been depleted, like petrol, ammo, etc. a knowledge of feudalism is vital, as well as a few livestock, preferably more as time goes on. Basically you make your modern resources stockpile last as long as possible.

[Edited on 5/21/04 by NothingMakesSense]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 07:45 AM
Well, i think we need some astronomer to tell us what he thinks about this whole subject and all the terms mentioned in the article.

there is a large data base with emails of lots of astronomers.

please, send e-mails to some with the link to the article, explain them a bit, and ask them what they think. please.

here is a link to the database:

search for articles about meteors, comets, impacts, oort cloud, etc... and send an email to the author who wrote it.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by Transc3ndent]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
If you live near greensboro NC u2u me because me and a couple other guys have this worked out in more detail.

Now, long term survival...By this i mean the ability to function when all modern resources have been depleted, like petrol, ammo, etc. a knowledge of feudalism is vital, as well as a few livestock, preferably more as time goes on. Basically you make your modern resources stockpile last as long as possible.

[Edited on 5/21/04 by NothingMakesSense]

Do you honestly think when the time comes (if it comes at all) that you will really have time to enact a "plan" on this scale? Livestock, guns, generators, fuel, food, water? You got a U-haul sitting packed with this stuff ready to go at a moments notice? You would need atleast a years worth of supplies, and according to "Aussie Bloke", you don't have that kind of time to prepare.

Honestly, the best way to be prepaired is to be at peace with what MAY happen. If it happens, it happens. Nothing you or anyone can do to change it. No need to be afraid.

Your taking "Aussie Bloke" to be the end times prophet. Plagerist is more like it, but whatever floats your boat. You know, I read tons of "scary" things on the internet daily, that doesn't mean I'm hording water, gas, food, and guns. Think logically about this. If it does happen, things will transform so fast, you wont have time to act.

Be at peace with yourself and God. If it's Gods will for you to survive, you will. If it's your time, it's your time. Nothing can change that.

And don't take this as a personal slam to you, it's not. It's that your post is, what I assume, most are feeling (those that have acutally read about this possible event). I address this to everyone who reads it, not just you NMS.

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