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Very Scary End Of The World Article

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posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:27 PM
Im a new user but I joined specifically to post this article. Ive been a lurker for a year or so but this article scared me so much after 4 hours of research on the internet verifying what is said here, that I wanted to get other opinions on it. Its a L O N G article but its worth the full reading.

I would really appreciate others opinions or knowledge on this guy Aussie Bloke and these claims. Honestly Im real nervous about this. Thanks in advance.


According to recent information posted by an ATS user operating under the name, Satariel, the information about a giant cloud with comets headed toward the earth was an elaborate hoax played upon several websites in the conspiracy community.

Discuss the hoax in this thread:

E-Mail from Grant Gartrell, the supposed "Aussie Bloke" whistle blower

More infromation about Dr. Grant Gartrell, the supposed "Aussie Bloke" and is denial of involvement

[edit on 7-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:33 PM
i skim through it, looks like one of those astroid on earth colision paranioa. i am going to say the same thing i said before about "end of the world", if it comes, it comes. theres not a damn thing you can do to stop it. just live your life and enjoy it.

welcome to the board

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:55 PM
Okay, I read the whole thing (more or less). He repeats the same thing over and over without giving anymore information, and he wants to 'have fun' with everyone saying he'll only reveal more at a certain time, which is usually a good sign of a hoaxer. Never the less it would be good to have someone (CommanderKeenKid, Kano?) who can interpret or check these numbers to have a look at them:


MDC:-DIA=1.43..AU VEL as follows:-0.000234 LS
:-0.000138 LS
:-0.000319 LS

PTOI 1.9558.56 WE 10098.56 SE TTI+ETA(^&.99)
ETS SH=27/6/04? Tracking VEL US at this time.

T-199.80..:-5-004.1.887 INBOUND AT ( NAV 335.78+09.456(EMP=.0045) PSM.0012.

These are the impact ETA's and (I think) the coordinates
of the objects he says will impact earth at these dates:

18th-20th June Impact 1

24-25th June Impact 2

26th-27th June "anomaly"

Anyone shed any light on this?

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:14 PM
Haha, Aussie Blokes topics were covered in some threads in the SPace Exploration, and the Science and Tehcnology forums, but they both got closed.

I beleive Aussie is telling the truth.

Oh well, I am immortal so.... I won't be dieing anytime soon... RAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAWWW!


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:34 PM
Quiet Storm, what was the general vibe on the other 2 boards on this guy and his claims?

I thought he seemed to be on a power trip which implies hes just an attention seeker, but every search I did backed up everything he said.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:41 PM
Here's a major question folks:
If this was true, how many amatuer and 'pro' astronomers do you think would be screaming to high heaven that the world was coming to an end (ie: a world castastrophic event).
Again, if this was true, there would be NO stopping of this news getting out and being heard, and it surely wouldn't be confined to 'e-mails', blogs, and internet site's. This would be mainstream headline news.

Btw, found any reputable science or astronomy sites hailing or broadcasting this news?


posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:28 AM
good post

i love stuff like this (as weird as that seems) and i find it highly entertaining. I dont know if its true or not, and am not qualified to speculate, but it would be intresting if someone had a link to the original forums.

Whenever I watched those astrioid movies like deep impact or the other one that came out in the 90's I always wondered if they (the government) would tell everyone. Why would they though? i guess it would make a bad situation worse for them.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by TheRepublic]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:32 AM
I don't see how they couldn't keep the news silenced.
This is not a Hollywood movie. This is real life.

No matter if the world governments would want to keep this silenced for the sake of it making matters worse....with this day and age of instantaneous communications, there simply would be no way of preventing this type news from getting out and getting out on a large scale basis, not a small scale basis.


posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:35 AM
That I know of there is only one asteroid which is possible to hit us, I think in 2014, that has been recently lost, well recently as in 1999, and its the 1998 OX4.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:41 AM
You make a good point Seekerof.

I was hoping SOMEONE on this site wouldve seen some of his original posts on a board somewhere.

This is a pretty savy bunch and I get the impression by reading the boards that theres alot of people with alot of time on their hands rummaging through this website. I was just hoping one of them had either heard of this guy before or can verify some of his information.

He says you can only see it if youre basically located in the southern hemisphere looking due south at the coordinates given.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Here's a major question folks:
If this was true, how many amatuer and 'pro' astronomers do you think would be screaming to high heaven that the world was coming to an end (ie: a world castastrophic event).
Again, if this was true, there would be NO stopping of this news getting out and being heard, and it surely wouldn't be confined to 'e-mails', blogs, and internet site's. This would be mainstream headline news.

Btw, found any reputable science or astronomy sites hailing or broadcasting this news?


Well, there are reasons for why this is not making the news, so as to not cause panic, and also keep us under control.

I did read almost all of his posts, I think he is very legit. Really his posts don't include alot of info, more like clues, and then he tells others to find out for themselves, because if he were to tell everything the sites he was posting on would be taken down. But everyone who has done their "homework" and searched fort he clues he gave them, have found Aussie Bloke to be absolutely right and back up by hard science.

Here are some links which lead to his original postings on GLP so that you can SEE for yourself:

PS. To moderators, I think you are being very suggestive in your opinions of sources like these and very "biased" in a way, like you are eager to prove things wrong. I think it'd be best that you take on a non judgemental view of these sources, and not suggest a biased judgement onto other people, because the people here on ATS can think for themselves.

We deny ignorance and spread the idea that the mass media sources don't provide the whole truth, leading to massive ignorance and that is exactly WHY we have the ATS boards, yet you expect that our mass media sources would speak of something like this? I think we are BEGINNING to see the spreading of this, and if more occurs, it is possible that a news site would perhaps speak of it in their shows, IF they were ALLOWED to by their "authorities".

I have made my decision, I think this guy Aussie Bloke is legit.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 06:30 AM
Read his posts. The 6 week time frame he gives for this apocalypse add alarm sure ,but this guy rants alot of post which include pretty much no more information than " use your brains.....find out the truth.....I don't care if you dont believe me for the end is coming ...." etc. Maybe if there was more hard information. Surely something as devastating as he describes would be available for all astronomers to see, there would be uproar ..

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:09 AM
Well if you read his article carefully, he states WHY no one sees it coming. I found it rather interesting at least.
If this is an old man who is bitter as he states, then it does make some sense, though, personally, I doubt its valid only because hey, I dont wanna die now...LOL

I have watched so many end of the world things come and go, that as he suggests, I am errr however he put many times people have screamed wolf.

I will say though, that some of the things he does suggest, I have heard before. There was a super nova not all that long ago, and in this article he seems to imply that there is a shockwave from this super nova, which is possible, and that it is blasting thru our solar system and knocking the ort cloud all screwy.

I remember a few years back listening to Art Bell and I think it was Ed Dames who said something very simular to this. I aint gonna research this though, I am just adding my observations.

This guy seems to suggest that the core of a dwarf star is also being dragged along for the ride and the reason we cant see any of this coming is because of the dust from the ort cloud so astronomers wouldnt see it anyways.

So if people wanted to research it, they need to go look up recent observed super nova in the last 100 years near by, and then look up how the shockwave from such an event spreads thru the universe. Then I suppose if there is any validity to this guys story, you should be able to put 2 and 2 together....

There has been a lot of talk lately about the moon not acting right, and the slow of the earths rotation, and the close call of the meteors lately and a lot of comets in the solar system, which is all true (the comets and meteors are true anyways, not so sure about the moon or the slowing rotation of the earth) so either this guy is
totally off his rocker and using all of this information that people have been talking about to feed paranoia, or maybe...he is who he says, like I said, I am not gonna go search out the truth cause its a lot of work and I lack the knowlege of an astronomer or physisist, I just like the pretty pictures...would be one fantastic way to go out though! LOL

I did learn something from this if nothing else....I had no clue that Dwarf stars crystalize into really really big THAT was a very cool thing for me to learn.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:11 AM

megoquest I have read many post by people on this site and others about a comming impact from a comet or astroid. There is nothing you can really do. If for example, parts of comet NEAT, which became loose after a solar flare impact were headed on a path toward Earth, there is policy in the current administration not to report it. If a comet or astroid were to hit Canada, the fireball blast would take a certain amount of time to reach Texas. The time or speed of the fireball blast would depend on the size of the object. It would level and burn almost everything at ground level. Since most people do not have underground shelters like congress, the best defense for a regular Joe would be the new fire shelter tent which you could lay in inside a ditch. At least with this you wont be a piece of toast after you hear the loudest noise you ever heard. This will hold up to direct flames for about 36 seconds.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:49 AM
I have found this link backing him up...I havent read the full article, but read it. Its as powerful as the one from

Also I have a question. This is probably not the right forum for this topic. Whats the usual procedure for moving, or linking things like this to get more opinions or more people to see this?

I really think more people need to see this.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by ScoFe]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 02:13 PM
i agree with 2009 in part, if it happens the best way to go would be with family and friends, me personally will run for the hills and try to find a small cave [that sounds dreadful]. i have a problem with them keeping such an event secret, relates to nwo though. if they wanted to keep it secret they would, sorry seekerof, but you have to admit these people have been keeping secrets long before any of us have lived and alot longer than that. they have dedicated divisions with thousands of personnel to keep on eye on what�s going on and even if there are lots of private and armature stargazers out there compared to the planets population there a very very small armature community. something is coming and we all know it. that�s why there�s so much interest in it. its their way of telling us. they know the people with sense will see. if they were to let people know to soon there would be global anarchy possibly nuclear bombs going of everywhere as the idiots try to get even just for the sake of it. but again when it does happen so what. what is more horrifying is the idea that they could have done something about it but chose not to because they have nice deep holes to hide in. and then to pop out and start the world all over again. because the world is over populated [convenient for them as there will be some survivors to do the menial stuff and because THIER elitists. could they be so evil.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 02:35 PM
Please note that what I'm about to say is purely a theory amongst many others. Just something to ponder upon.

With the mention of Revelation, I started wondering. If this article is true, then we must have already experienced the years of peace and years of war prior to the end of the world.

How can that be ?

Imagine that the Antichrist is not a person, but an organisation. The US Government. Not the Republicans or Democrats - who runs the Govt is irrelevant - It is the 'entity' of the Government (which still continues irrespective of which party is in control) that concerns me.

During the times of Clinton, there was relative stability. Note I said 'relative' stability - no large scale wars such as in Iraq. Yes, there were US military operations but nowhere as large as the current war on Terrorism/war in Iraq. Nor as large as Operation Desert Storm.

Then we have the 'head wound' suffered by the Antichrist. That may well allude to 911 - when the 'head' of the Adminstration, the HQ and financial 'brain' of the US Govt was attacked.

The Administration then 'healed' after 9-11 and the years of war began.

Now this thing appears. If true, it will appear as if the stars are falling from the sky and a darkness covering the earth.

The times mentioned could be relevant to a particular thread in RATS whereupon Brian LGM mentioned that he has something to do on June 17.

Plus, I note that the Author of this article, Aussieman, is indeed Australian - as is Brian LGM.

Does this confirm Brian's earlier info ? Could he be Aussieman ? Did he read the article beforehand and tailor it to his story ?

Opinions welcome of course. The jury is still out on this one.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:00 PM

as quoted by The Quiet Storm
We deny ignorance and spread the idea that the mass media sources don't provide the whole truth, leading to massive ignorance and that is exactly WHY we have the ATS boards, yet you expect that our mass media sources would speak of something like this?

Please don't twist the "Deny Ignorance" motto to suit your specified needs. "Deny Ignorance" doesn't mean using it to make what you say more compounded or heeded.

There are a system of observation satellites in orbit and by a variety of world nations. As such, is there not a list of NOE's? There is an alert system in place, called The Torino Impact Hazard Scale:

There is also a list of virtually every NEO:
Current Impact Risks

Regardless of this being a NASA/gov site, no one has discredited what was said: News of this type, as presented in this thread/topic, would NOT be able to be kept "hush-hush", its ludicrous to think so.

There are many non-government type sites and none of them are saying anything of the like that is being presented as "Deny Ignorance" within this thread.
Planetary Society
NEO Information Center
Near Earth Objects
The NEO Page
Near Earth Object Map
LONEOS Description
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking
More here:
Near Earth Objects


[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Regardless of this being a NASA/gov site, no one has discredited what was said: News of this type, as presented in this thread/topic, would NOT be able to be kept "hush-hush", its ludicrous to think so.

The problem is that it is already being linked to an 'end of the world' scenario which makes many people just switch off. There have been so many 'armageddon' prophecies disproved as to make them all appear ludicrous.

What if it was discovered. Obviously large scale telescopes are either owned by the relevant governments or by scientific bodies paid for by government grants. Easily bought off if the right pressure is put on them. As for the smaller 'home astronomers' - whose going to believe them ?
Yes, they can put it on the net or report it to the media but at best they will be considered eccentric. At worse they could receive a friendly warning. Who knows.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, Seekerof, just putting forward a possible alternative.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 03:51 PM
Just found this:

According to NASA it will miss us, but this HAS to be related.

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