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Very Scary End Of The World Article

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posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:23 AM
I thought he was going to tell us who he was...that post is not as serious as he has made out every single one of his other posts to be. If this is real and he knew they were going to hit the south pole and truly no one knows what will happen that what was with the big OMG WE'RE DEAD posts from him...

This June 4th date is new, i have not seen it mentioned before. Can anyone confirm that something will miss us on June 4th?

This is just strange now...

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by d1k]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by teslacoil
Here's Aussie's most recent post on GLP:

I am only going to post his one more time. So you yanks better listen up....OR # IT don�t listen to me, it will be your #ing problem in the end.

I would like to start off by saying that I truly hoped this was not the truth but I now have come to relize that all is real and it is time for all of you to understand what is in store for this world. on June 4th an asteriod 2.4 kilometers wide will pass by the earth coming from the south. This Meteor will not be the issue and will only pass by. It is what is following it that will cause the problems. There will be as many as 100 impacts from what was trailing this meteor. They will range from .5 kilometers down to football sized rocks. These impacts will all be concentrated at the South Pole causing major Earth Changes. It is not known just how bad this will effect our earth but I am sure most of you can imagine. I just want to sign out by saying good luck to all of you and prepare for the worst.

To add......The actual pelting will begin on June 6th. I must make my run to geenland, catch all you #ers on the other side.


Right, so his story has completely changed then, from two confirmed major impacts and a possible third impact from the 'anomaly' to this totally different scenario.

This doesn't add up, it's rubbish, and I'm no longer even slightly worried.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:49 AM
His tempermant is totally different I don't think this is the real AB even if he has the same scrren name. Like d1k said, his story is totally different, which is why I think this is not him. I am still worried, this sounds like someone trying to spread confusion and dissent.

One question that is vital to our survival: how much mass will these things lose whiel re-entering. Anybody have any numbers or like a ratio (1/3, 3/4, etc)?

And he makes no reference to his earlier impact points. I will ask agin, are those pics from AB concerning the impact points in the Atlantic, australia, and siberia? This is vital!!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Firepoker
Now, what if, the makers of the movie is taking a new perspective with movie promotions. Now it has been documented that there is a dust cloud entering our solar system and we are to expect to see some visual effects from it. And during this time that the "sky show" is to happen this movie will be in the theaters. What greater way to provide a greater impact to movie goers and scare them more, or make them ponder life in a different view when right before them is something "just like" they just watched. This writer might be promoting a movie hype.

And that is all that happens, a beautiful rock shower.

Just trying to optimistic.


Hey FP - I was wondering the same thing. Remember the Blair Witch Project? Remember how they launched that with a website containing tons of fake accounts of sightings and faked news releases? Remember they even had a fake documentary on Discovery channel? Very clever marketing, they started that a full year before the movie launched. How very convenient that this Aussie Bloke appeared out of nowhere and get the entire web all abuzz over the possibility of meteors destroying the earth just in time for the release of "The Day After Tomorrow". And how economical - talk about ROI with your marketing budget!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Hey FP - I was wondering the same thing. Remember the Blair Witch Project? Remember how they launched that with a website containing tons of fake accounts of sightings and faked news releases? Remember they even had a fake documentary on Discovery channel? Very clever marketing, they started that a full year before the movie launched. How very convenient that this Aussie Bloke appeared out of nowhere and get the entire web all abuzz over the possibility of meteors destroying the earth just in time for the release of "The Day After Tomorrow". And how economical - talk about ROI with your marketing budget!

If this is the case I will kill whoever is responsible. There should be laws against this type of thing because the spreading of false information helps no one.

On a different note there was something similar done with a game called Halo. Massive prologue-like storyline, lots of literature, random postings all over the net to generate interest. Kind of like the ring game here at ATS. But in this case PEOPLE KNEW IT WAS A GAME NOT REAL LIFE.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense

If this is the case I will kill whoever is responsible. There should be laws against this type of thing because the spreading of false information helps no one.

NMS - I couldn't agree more. I was so infuriated with the whole Blair Witch thing - especially because I am a marketer and didn't think of such a creative tactic first! But this one - if it is just hype is way beyond acceptable and should be subject to some sort of prosecution. This isn't just about some legandary witch - this is about the possibility of mass destruction and the end of life as we know it. But I'm very undecided on this thing. On one hand there have been so many Chicken Littles running around telling us the sky is falling trhoughout history, so why should we get worked up over another looney. On the other hand - I have been watching the NASA SOHO comet tracker maps and it sure looks like there is something really big out there headed this way. What to do???

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:27 PM
TeslaCoil, what is the exact URL of that post?

If that was the "real" Bloke, this is definately looking hoax-like.

Originally posted by teslacoil
Here's Aussie's most recent post on GLP:

I am only going to post his one more time. So you yanks better listen up....OR # IT don�t listen to me, it will be your #ing problem in the end.

I would like to start off by saying that I truly hoped this was not the truth but I now have come to relize that all is real and it is time for all of you to understand what is in store for this world. on June 4th an asteriod 2.4 kilometers wide will pass by the earth coming from the south. This Meteor will not be the issue and will only pass by. It is what is following it that will cause the problems. There will be as many as 100 impacts from what was trailing this meteor. They will range from .5 kilometers down to football sized rocks. These impacts will all be concentrated at the South Pole causing major Earth Changes. It is not known just how bad this will effect our earth but I am sure most of you can imagine. I just want to sign out by saying good luck to all of you and prepare for the worst.

To add......The actual pelting will begin on June 6th. I must make my run to geenland, catch all you #ers on the other side.


posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Yeah Yeah I have already considered that this could be cheap advertisment for Day after tomorrow......

HOWEVER.....supopse this is real and the govt is trying to contain it. Wouldnt it make sense to eliminate Aussie Bloke if you are wanting to keep it quiet till the last moment.

Also, why is Aussie Bloke going to greenland if one of the roids are going to land in the North Atlantic??

I would say go to Africa for the best protection from roids if thaqt is what you are looking for, of course there are threats more pressing than roidsin Africa but thats another subject.

IF this is spin for Day after... why have the observatories been burned and satillites turned off????

If they are willing to go to those measures, you would think that it would have been "leaked" to the press if it was just publicity.
The fact that NO ONE had picked up on this story in the media is suggestive that it could be THE REAL THING.

Wouldnt you expect detractors if this is being covered up????

There are some interesting things around it all in my mind.

1. Apparently multiple sources giving the same info.

2. The period of time that a few people have spent watching these things coming in.

3. The disclosure of bugs and loss of Cisco source code (THAT HAS HUGE RAMIFICATIONS!!!) that could shut the internet down at a momnets time.

3. US military being spread out many locales.....Iraq, Afgan, Australia, S Korea, etc etc....

4. The "recent" construction of so many secret/underground bases.
Do you remember in the news a while back (pre 911) huge explosions underground in the vicinity of D. Cheny's house??? Neighbors were in a HUGE uproar!!!

5. Other things that I do not recall at the moment, or am hesitant to say on this forum.

It all reminds me of that song...."It's the end of the world as we know it...And I feel fineeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!"

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Ah yes R.E.M.

Has anyone thought that this info being relayed by several websites is the same guy under a different name on different forums. I mean if he is going to go this extent, and try to make people miserble because we only have "6-8 weeks" to live, then why not right?

Also, I remember reading in one of the articles that he thinks it is from the supernova that took place a while back. How could that be? The super nova was tens of thousands of light years away. A typical comet travels at 40,000 km per sec (might be miles), it would take years upon years for anything to reach us from there.

Any thoughts?

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:15 PM
My post on

Let me start by saying I WANT Mr Bloke to be right and I HOPE he is.

I think its a hoax now and heres why:

Put yourself in his position. If everything he says is true, and you were him, would you come to some conspiracy theory website almost nobody knows about (sorry Admin) and post there and ONLY there your truth about "The End Of The World"?

Why wouldnt you just gather all your facts, your proof, your credentials and send it all in letters and emails to [email protected], [email protected], etc?

Would someone who wanted to tell the world about the impending death of millions/billions post on some dark corner of the conspiracy theorist internet that draws the kind of posters we�ve seen since Mr Bloke has come out?

If you were him, would you want your legacy to humanity to be your posts on or would you want to do something so that the population of EARTH could see it, verify it, and react?

Believe me I started off as scared and freaked out as anybody. And all the recent signs that point to him being right still worry me, but thats what makes this hoax so good. There are real and verifiable facts in what he says.

But its just obvious to me now. If this was my last month or 2 on earth, the last thing you would see me doing is wasting a minute on some dark corner of the internet as opposed to real media outlets, like newspapers and TV.

Like several someones have mentioned many times already, if youre going to be dead in a few months anyway, why not go public with it? What he should fear is not death at the hands of people who would "silence" him, but how many may die by his resistance to come forward publicly, clearly and verifiably and LOUDLY for all to see and hear.

Hes toying with us for his own amusement and I fell for it too.


posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by teslacoil
Here's Aussie's most recent post on GLP:

I am only going to post his one more time. So you yanks better listen up....OR # IT don�t listen to me, it will be your #ing problem in the end.

I would like to start off by saying that I truly hoped this was not the truth but I now have come to relize that all is real and it is time for all of you to understand what is in store for this world. on June 4th an asteriod 2.4 kilometers wide will pass by the earth coming from the south. This Meteor will not be the issue and will only pass by. It is what is following it that will cause the problems. There will be as many as 100 impacts from what was trailing this meteor. They will range from .5 kilometers down to football sized rocks. These impacts will all be concentrated at the South Pole causing major Earth Changes. It is not known just how bad this will effect our earth but I am sure most of you can imagine. I just want to sign out by saying good luck to all of you and prepare for the worst.

To add......The actual pelting will begin on June 6th. I must make my run to geenland, catch all you #ers on the other side.


Lol wait a minute how does he mean pass from the south? I cant understand he means south in space? i Didnt know space has East west north and south lol. After all i will beleave when this guy gives some strong proof about what he is saying. Where are the coordinates? Does he know about what asteroid is he talking about? Almost all (that big asteroids) are allready named, so its preety sure that this one hes name also. Or did he just know its "asteroid that is going to hit Earth"? Oh come on please tell me at least where is the angle with the moon, if he knows the size of this things and if he knows the ETA impact coordinates (South pole) he must know something more, Jesus he doesent even state is it the some of NEO asteroids currently we know or something that noone annonced it is near us.
With all do respect, but i seriously think that we are target of some sick child mind playing where he shouldnt.
I'll bleleave i will do only when he spreads some simple BUT TRUE informations like Name, Current Coordinates, speed etc....
And yeah "There will be as many as 100 impacts from what was trailing this meteor. They will range from .5 kilometers down to football sized rocks. " and "on June 4th an asteriod 2.4 kilometers wide will pass by the earth coming from the south." this sounds very unproffesionall statement for some highly important person like him.
Sorry i must laugh again on this "COMING FROM SOUTH" HAHAHAH LOL

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by _ARMac_]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:21 PM
My question is, when all of this passes, when nothing happens, those who are really freaked out by AB's posts, will you have learned from this?

Take away a deeper meaning, cause its your chance to learn something very valuable. I've said it before, and I will say it again, AB is a hoaxer, going on my own intuition, I got the impresion right from the start that he was using a lot of prior information that people had predicted, speculated, adn even a little fact, and put out on the internet, to stir up a hoax that would cause a lot of alarm for some people.

Of course, I could be wrong, but, I don't think I am.

So for what its worth, when this all blows over, take a few moments to think about what all occured and how you reacted to it. Not saying anyone in general, actually, I am saying everyone who is seriously worried, not just here, but everywhere on the net, think about what you can take away from this AB fellow, there is a deeper meaning in it for you if you want to find it.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:23 PM
Yes, of that I have thought.

Let me tell you the ways that I have changed my life since learning about the coming events.......
I haven't changed a thing.

My soul is at peace. My heart knows no fear. Every person will die at one point. Will it be because of a meteor, carr wreck, bee sting, or falling down the stairs and breaking your neck.

If death worries you I would suggest that you check your life and make some immediate drastic changes. If you need help finding someone in your area that can explain how your heart can be right just u2u me.
( I hope that does not violate the TOS!!! sorry if it does )



edited to say that I did not see darkblade's post before I posted!!!

Must be something to what we are saying.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by ab2tw]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Well AB who ever you are, know this: I consider myself as intelligent and serious man. I live my life and I do not judge about other people actions, that�s their life and if you are asking me, they can do pretty much they want with it, as long as their actions doesn�t interfere with me. And yours my dear do. However, if you started this hoax, you failed and you know why? Because you blew it up with story�s and didn�t take out one fact, one true significant information or even some pasted info from the NASA�s web site, give me this and I will believe, as many more are. And you know what? I am truly sorry about all those people are afraid because of you. And yes someone is going to be pretty mad when he finds out you are missing, because people usually want to hang out with other normal humans, to have good conversations, to exchange experiences, to share love, truth and humanity. But unfortunately this is not always the case, if it had been world would be paradise on earth as we can see its far from that BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU!
I rarely have some free time in my life and when I do I try to spend it with my closest family and people I love. I work as a professional Audio producer and digital audio technical support, I know my work and I am sure that people who know astronomy know their work as well. And I honestly do not have idea what kind of work you can possibly have. Try to live your life as much as you think its right. We are all gods children. God forgives, but god also has the Hell to send poor souls that have spreaded evil during their life time. So to summarize:

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by _ARMac_]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 01:47 PM

I couldn't agree more! Why wouldn't go to all the major news sources with this? Why make riddles out of it and keep everyone guessing to the last minute? It's becuase if he did go to a credible source to give his warning they'd ask him for his name and credentials and since he's a hoax he won't give them that. Bottom line it's a LIE and next week when I'm lying on the beach (on the Atlantic) looking at the waves I won't think twice about the tsunami on it's way to wash me out...

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:00 PM
If this is true, then we have two clouds to worry about and neither are sensed by the naked eye, nor ear, nor nose.

The closer of the two "clouds" is with us today. It is Depleted Uranium, DU, 1000 tons of which have been dropped on Afghanistan, and at least 2200 tons dropped on Iraq.

DU is U238, 99.5% of what is left over "waste" when U235, less than .5% of "natural" Uranium, the business end of nuclear weapons, is extracted from "natural" Uranium.

The fact that DU is still a highly toxic material is diluted and disguised by the term "Depleted".

The half life for DU is 4.5 Billion Years, older than our planet.

It is used as armor on tanks, heavy guns, airplane wings, and bullets and bombs of all sizes. It is a heavy metal, twice the weight of lead and is used to harden munitions for better proficiency in penetration power.

The problem arises when DU explodes or ignites. The DU escapes in a cloud with nano-sized (billionth of a meter) particles in gaseous form which, when inhaled, begins the onslaught of radiation poisoning, for which there is no antidote. The DU is carried on the wind with a almost immediate contamination area 1000 miles around Kabul and Baghdad.
The desert winds will eventually carry the DU around the globe. All of us are wearing targets on our backs.

The United States has known since 1942 that DU was a weapon of mass destruction and there was a contingency plan in the Manhattan Project to use DU as a weapon in the event the atomic bomb failed.

When one Alfa or Beta particle is inhaled by any living creature, it enters the cellular structure and acts like a mini nuclear bomb. DU is omnicidal--it kills all living things, penetrating both plant and animal, the food chain and the water supply.

Of all the tonnage dropped so far on Afghanistan and Iraq, it has been calculated by physicists that the DU contamination is the equivalent result of 40,000 Hiroshima Bombs. That bomb was calculated to be equivalent to 15 Kilo Tons, or 15 thousand tons of TNT. So, multiply that by 40K.....

The alternative to DU is Tungsten Steel. But the powers to be decided that was too expensive to use as a munitions hardener, not realizing the true expense of the results of using DU as a weapon of mass destruction.

Thousands of Gulf War 1 veterans who had a relatively short stay in the predominantly rural areas of contamination had tested positive for radiation poisoning. Those spending months and years in Baghdad and surrounding towns during heavy shelling are currently being exposed to DU. On the first day of the war when "shock and awe" was underway in what is now the Green Zone of Baghdad, many tons of DU were targeted at Saddam's palaces, now occupied by the command and control of the war in Iraq.

So, which cloud do you prefer?

John McCarthy
Chairman of The Board of VERPA
Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy
Email: [email protected]

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by John McCarthy]

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by John McCarthy]

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by John McCarthy]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:07 PM
I am a new member and I am totally confused as well. I have read most of whatever I could find about this Aussie Bloke and Project Wormwood, and the guy who claimed he was plagiarized from this AB dude. I am with the other people in that I would like for this person to post on ATS. I don't know if I believe this latest so called memo from him regarding June 4th now. It is very unnerving. I do, however, think it is awful strange for our "screened media" to say there are possible terror threats for this summer. Supposedly there have been terror threats ever since 9/11 (well...actually before) but I do think the government is up to NO GOOD.
I will be major freaked out if and when the alert goes to orange....and then if it does go to red.....then we will all know something is rotten in Denmark.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Atually Denmark should get off scott free. (Unless a TSUNAMI rolls over the country, or clouds block out the sun for months on end lowering to temps to that of Siberia levels...etc etc)

Who knows, until July 1st rolls around and nothing happens. I bet something big is going down soon whether it be an asteroid, NWO takeover, terrorist attack, or maybe just an old fashioned heat wave......

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 03:49 PM
Like I said before, I think this last post WAS NOT THE REAL AUSSIE BLOKE. His demenor and writing style were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than his earlier posts. I think this is someone impersonating him in an effort to spred disinformation and ruin AB's credibility.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Part of me says that this guy is legit, but some things are causing me to question it...

Going to the news / media - Sure, there are some censoring entities in the media world. At the same time, the government probably would have censored the release of the Abu Ghraib prison pics, which didn't happen. Granted, the abuse pics aren't about saving millions of lives, but it did cause us a lot of issues.

Why is he afraid of being silenced? - Why is he so averse to telling us exactly who he is and what he knows? He's only got a month to live anyway? Not to sound insensitive, but he's seen his family, said his goodbyes, now it's time to be the hero. There is nothing to be lost by no telling the free world and everything to gain by doing it.

Just my two cents. I don't want to be a skeptic, but those two things are distressing me about this.

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