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Very Scary End Of The World Article

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posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:34 AM
Well HarrisJons let me tell you what I think will happen. For a while after the impacts people will be able to caost on the leftover tech and food from before the impacts. But as you said, those things will either break or get lost or something will happen to make them useless after a while. I do know how to build a generator that could be powerd by an animal walking in circles or a person. But anyway, we won't go back all the way to the stoneage, most likely somewhere around feudalistic europe type of techs. Me and 1 of my freinds specialize in medieval technologies so when all our modern stuff breaks we will still be able to kill food and other people if need be. We will be able to build our own shelters, harvest our crops, and expand our population, all with things we ourselves have made.

Oh, and I did not say what you quoted. Someone else said that. And I think it's unlikely that people would NOT want to move forward technologically. Because technology didn't cause the disaster. Now if it was something like nuclear war than yes, I could see certain groups prohibiting the advancment of technology. Kind of like Amish (sp?).

That's another worry. If someone gets their hands on a ICBM or something like that then life will get interesting.....

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:43 AM
Sure life would be a day to day struggle, but it just seems that the aftermath of such an event would be more natural than working 9 to 5 in an office. More animalistic, and more, well right really.

Perhaps weve outgrown ourselves and need shunting back to the life of the hunter gatherer.

I say so long as i have a field for growing crops, and and a nice hut i'll be grand.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:53 AM
Thank you Smokersroom

In past times of mankind's history leisure time was a rarity. Why? Because everyone had to work to survive. Now, in modern times, You don't have to work to survive. You work to live better than the Joneses next door or to get "stuff". So what we have is humanity vegitating. We have more leisyre time htan ever before and what do we do? NOTHING!! We are lazy and shiftless. With out liesure time we should be experimenting to make humanity better and to develop new things. But we don't. We simply sit, and let the TV do all our thinking for us. The TV was probably the best invention for the NWO. The result is sickening. Humanity needs to be jarred back to reality, even if it means killing 1/3 or 50% of the pop in the process.

Like I said, this could be kind of fun if it happens right.....

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 06:57 AM
Ok, again I think the entire article is BS...but anyways...

In regard to humanity being backpeddled to a previous era, it just won't happen.

While some think bow hunting or building a trebuchet will be high tech post world disaster that just not the case.

The people best equipped to survive also carry much technical knowledge with them. THe government personel in the bunkers aren't just military soldiers, they are scientist, engineers, and so on. Those are the people with protection from the elements, protection from other people, and stock piles of food.

People don't forget thing like mining, so even if it takes rebuilding we already know how.

The reason technology would survive is because there are so many people with so much technical knowledge out there.

Look at the fall of rome. Just because civilization and the government collapsed didn't mean the workers on the fringes of the empire forgot how to mae concrete, they just didn't have the mass shipments of limestone any more.

Tech would slow, and maybe back peddle a little, i mean no one would want to build a supercollider if they were starving, but the knowledge would still be there.

Infrastructure would suffer, not human knowledge or drive.

Me and 1 of my freinds specialize in medieval technologies so when all our modern stuff breaks we will still be able to kill food and other people if need be.

I know how to make gun powder out of natural chemical deposits. I know how to mine and forge steel. I know how to mine and purify copper. I know how to build an electrical motor/generator.

All from scratch. It takes time, but i know how. Why spend time making a sword when you could use that same steel to make a gun?

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by Quest]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 07:25 AM
Quest youre right, there will be scientists who have very high technical skills and blah blah, but the world will suddenly be a very big place again, and the knowledge will be concentrated in small pockets (government bunkers?) How do these people co-ordinate the collation, dissemination and teaching of this knowledge (if they want to share it!)?

The majority of people will be left wondering where the next mcdonalds is coming from.

This is a result of the dumbing down of the western world, especially the states and britain. i mean seriously, there are so few people who could actually survive if they had to find their own food.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Smokersroom
This is a result of the dumbing down of the western world, especially the states and britain. i mean seriously, there are so few people who could actually survive if they had to find their own food.

Point sadly taken.

Technological city states could even rise. But the fact that the world would be a big place again means there would be even more pockets of low tech.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:35 AM

The people best equipped to survive also carry much technical knowledge with them. THe government personel in the bunkers aren't just military soldiers, they are scientist, engineers, and so on. Those are the people with protection from the elements, protection from other people, and stock piles of food.

There's no guarantee that they would survive ... the deepest bunker probably won't protect them if a 2km+ asteroid hits their continent directly.

Even if they do survive, their foodstocks won't last forever, and neither will their water or generators.

Anyone in a protective bubble like this will just stave off the inevitable for a short while longer - perhaps a generation at the most.

All very modern techonology requires lots of other technology to make it work as well as transport, distribution, communications, etc. This won't be in existence and it will be near impossible to resurrect it without plenty of manpower, skilled expertise and communications.

Most modern societies could be brought to the brink of chaos by a widespread, lengthy powercut, let alone a major asteroid-hit.

You are right to say that scientists and government officials will retain the knowledge, but how long would they seriously last after emerging from their bunkers?

With no way to actually utilise or implement their knowledge, I can't see them lasting long in a hand-to-mouth society where the only thing that really matters to most people is that they can kill enough food and find enough clean water to prevent death.

If you were in a small post-survival group on the brink of starvation, who would you welcome to your fireside - someone who could kill enough to keep himself fed with a bit left over for the rest of the group or someone who was a real whizz at quantum physics but not really that hot on finding and killing his own dinner (meaning that you had to support him)?

The only people with even a slim chance of surviving this sort of armageddon are those with very practical skills. Technology would therefore fade and it would take a period of stablility for generations for it to be re-found.

I maintain that most people (probably excluding large numbers of this forum who may exist in a state of emergency preparedness) would have difficulty in lighting a fire without matches, let alone anything else.


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:46 AM
If civilisation were to collapse i think i'd prefer to be in a rural area.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Smokersroom...I say so long as i have a field for growing crops, and and a nice hut i'll be grand.

Hi SR!!

Please forgive me butting in here but to grow crops you'll need sunshine, as well as water, right?

Now, if I've understood this correctly, we're talking about a cataclysmic event - an asteroid/ comet strike?? (The discussion might well have moved on but I'm going back to the start of the discussion regarding "Aussie Blokes" claims).

Now, if the Earth suffered a hit from such a body, what would be the chances of the debris contaminating the atmosphere and "blocking out" the sunlight? (Please see here for some discussion)

Therefore, would crops growing prove viable?

Just a thought...

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:49 AM
Ok I have a couple of new goals for the next month.

1. Purchase a magnifying glass.

2. Build a fire using the bow method.

3. Make an atlatl.

(who knew what an atlatl was before you plugged it into google??)

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by ab2tw]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:58 AM
Well, it sure is sensational and attention-getting. There ain't a whole lot you can do about something from outter space smashing into the earth. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. I'm not gonna waste time wringing my hands over the possibility. I could get hit walking down the street to get coffee. I could eaten by junkyard dogs. I could get shot. I could get in an airplane crash. I could be disappeared. Too many possibilities to worry about. I'll just have another beer instead.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Most of the people who posted on this page, I agree with your opinions. Sure people in the government bunkers will be more likely to survive the initial impacts, but those people will be reliant on gasoline and other things that are modern to survive. A donkey walking in circles all day can generate a fair amount of electricity. This electricity can power sun lamps for crops. Certainly for some time after the impacts the light shining thru from the sun will be minimal, probably like a very cloudy day. During this time it will be the hardest to survive due to crops failing unless artificailly lit and animals dying from lack of food. But keep in mind people, most things in our environment are edible. Leaves, bark, whole plants....and then you have canned food. Yes, it will be uncomfortable. Yes, you will be constantly hungry. Yes, some people may die. But some will survive.

After the dust cloud starts to thin life will get a fair amount easier because now crops can be grown much more easily. Now the focus can shift from simply surviving to rebuilding mankind. The technology will come back quicker because, as someone said, the knowledge will be there but not the means.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:26 AM
Sorry for the double post but I thought of something else about this...

On the other side of town there is an oil refinery or something where they have a lot of gas or crude oil not sure which. But anyway, that might be vital later.....

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:57 AM

A donkey walking in circles all day can generate a fair amount of electricity. This electricity can power sun lamps for crops.

How many donkeys would it take to power enough sun lamps to cover a wide enough area to grow crops and how are you going to feed the donkeys? What are you going to use to harness the power released by the donkey and then transform it into usable electricity.

Cut out the middle man and eat the donkey, if you are lucky enough to find one.

But keep in mind people, most things in our environment are edible. Leaves, bark, whole plants ...

Much of which will have been destroyed. A bit of good old bark would be like gold dust.

I'm not trying to demolish your argument, I'm just trying to illustrate the near impossibility of any sort of civilised society surviving this sort of catastrophe.

To have even a slim chance would require massive amounts of co-operation between those who are left.

This is unlikely to happen - mankind is aggressive and unpleasant enough when he is fully fed.

The starving, half-crazed remnants of society will be too busy clubbing each other to death for that last delicious bit of bark to have time to collaborate on a sun lamp.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:24 AM
This whole story and thread are absolutely fascinating, so many for, so many against. Also it has over 11,000 views. Quite impressive anyway. I'm trying to remain "on the fence" on this subject. Like many before me have said, if it happens, it happens.

I live very close to the North-west coast of the UK and just up the road from me is an RAF training base, for university squadrons etc. I would assume that if there was going to be a series of meteor hits then the see and tidal waves would be the death of me. I'd also assume that the people from this RAF base would be among the first to flee to higher ground.

So if all of a sudden hundreds of trucks show up then i'll be the first to let you guys know, then head for the Pennines with a crate of beer,something to enhance the light show and my SAS Survival Guide...

Out of interest, has anyone in the North-West noticed a lot more military traffic in the air over recent weeks? Especially a couple of Eurofighters and a Chinook, related maybe?

[Edit] Just realised it's comin up to my 2nd Birthday here! If we are still here that is...


[Edited on 25-5-2004 by tandino]


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:31 AM
I just read the about Yellowstones super volcano that is more then 40,000 years over due to go off. If/when this goes off it will kill hundreds of thousands and put our earth in a nuclear winter for many years from the ash.

Gee, isn't that great. I didnt even know there WAS such thing as a super volcano let alone we have one in north america and its over 40,000 years late of going off and could go off at any time

Our freakin world is just one big time bomb.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Our freakin world is just one big time bomb.

Which is why I make my argument that humanity should make it a goal to create "super-spacestations" that can be moved from solar system to solar system as needed and will have no hidden ways to kill humanity off. It's the only way to survive more than one "planet evolutionary" cycle, if you will....


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Anymore info on the actual asteroids?

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:40 PM
I thought you would find this very interesting.....................

"Here's an interesting consideration - as far as Symbology is concerned:
The first impact is due to be on [24/06/2004] ... Interesting... since it equals: [6/6/6]

Now, that aside, and without knowledge of that, it came to to my attention today, and through the intuition of someone with some pretty 'connected' consciousness, that the 'large anomaly' may in fact be an alien mother ship. It is interesting the way this whole thing is approaching us and, as A.B says, the large object is an 'anomaly' since it's course is 'not constant'...
This is a High Probability, and we are talking about 'Fallen Angelic' - Anti-Christos - E.T. beings... This is a big opportunity for them - since the first two racks will hit us and then 'they' will conveniently arrive and 'save the day', 'helping' us, and setting up a One World Government along with the current Illuminati, etc."


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by IJustWannaBeMe
I thought you would find this very interesting.....................

"Here's an interesting consideration - as far as Symbology is concerned:
The first impact is due to be on [24/06/2004] ... Interesting... since it equals: [6/6/6]

Now, that aside, and without knowledge of that, it came to to my attention today, and through the intuition of someone with some pretty 'connected' consciousness, that the 'large anomaly' may in fact be an alien mother ship. It is interesting the way this whole thing is approaching us and, as A.B says, the large object is an 'anomaly' since it's course is 'not constant'...
This is a High Probability, and we are talking about 'Fallen Angelic' - Anti-Christos - E.T. beings... This is a big opportunity for them - since the first two racks will hit us and then 'they' will conveniently arrive and 'save the day', 'helping' us, and setting up a One World Government along with the current Illuminati, etc."

A little ambitious dont you think, life is rarely that complicated when looking a big pictures.

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