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Time to call EPIC FAIL on forced swine flu mass population vaccination

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posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by forlorn23

Hah coming from a guy who has only ever posted on 3 different threads 2 of which from this afool character... if i didnt know better id say you and him are the same person ... just a thought

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by conspiracyrus

Actually if you cared to check I have posted on FOUR different threads.
Just because afool and myself are Australian does not mean we are the same person. We are simply both pragmatic, intelligent people. Amazing coincidence? I think not.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by forlorn23
Ahem, just a question. How do you know afool is Australian? None of your profile is containing this data at all. Strange coincidence.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

There is plenty of proof otherwise if you chose to see it ...

Then why don't YOU finally post the irrefutable evidence and sources to validate and vindicate your mass swine flu lunacy hypothesis, if it's so easy to come by.

Do it NOW .... don't just rant on about how it's going to happen eventually ... just DO it - provide substantiated and corroborating proof/evidence that the governments/militaries of the world are in fact ready to pounce on their unwitting, unwilling and unknowing citizens and turn them all into mindless zombies of the state apparatus. Here's your chance to provide definitive evidence of a global mass swine flu vaccination conspiracy and prove conclusively that I'm talking out of my backside.

In case you still don't get where I'm coming from ... this is the proverbial gauntlet slap across your face challenging you to either put up or shut up.

But we all know that such proof doesn't exist and that you'll merely respond with yet another "generic" rant.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
I'm still waiting an answer for my question from both of you. So? Until you can't answer a single question, a very simple one, who dare you to demand anything from others to prove anything to you?

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Sharrow
reply to post by forlorn23
Ahem, just a question. How do you know afool is Australian? None of your profile is containing this data at all. Strange coincidence.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Sharrow]

I have posted numerous times where I've made reference to either being Australian, the State/city I live in or the fact that I live in Oz.

So no mystery how forlorn23 picked up on it.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
See? It wasn't hard to answer one question. Now let's go to the first one, what was on the previous page.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Sharrow
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
See? It wasn't hard to answer one question. Now let's go to the first one, what was on the previous page.

Ok, Sharrow ... I think that forlorn23 and I have humoured you quite enough for now.
If you can't provide substantiated and corroborating evidence clearly demonstrating the validity of your belief in the mass population vaccination scenario, then you and I have nothing further to discuss.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
It's not humor. Why don't you answer to one simple question? What from you afraid? What are you hiding?

It's connecting well to the H1N1 conspiracy and YOU know that. Otherwise you would answer the question without any hesitation. Yet, after one page you still not answered anything, just evading. Both of you.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

Just click on the Ignore button, it worked for me.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by NotAgain
But I never take my head into the sand. Honestly, I enjoy the fight. Also, this little discussion gave additional and valuable information to me thanks to these two gentleman. People like them always falling into this sort of games, while they're playing onto my hand.
Their reaction, their attitude presented everything clearly. So I rather say thanks to them for their help, what they did without their very own knowledge.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:38 PM
for one

really guy just take your double thread and use one of them to apologize

just to let you know i mean it took me 10 seceonds to get that for you ... so i mean its out there if you want to see it

[edit on 15-10-2009 by conspiracyrus]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
for one

really guy just take your double thread and use one of them to apologize

just to let you know i mean it took me 10 seceonds to get that for you ... so i mean its out there if you want to see it

[edit on 15-10-2009 by conspiracyrus]

Is that the best evidence/proof/argument that you can come up with to support the global mass population vaccination conspiracy lunacy ? Just one SINGLE state out of the entire 50 US states ? You, like so many of your ilk have been for weeks using Massachusets as your ONLY example of "potential" mass population vaccination. You all seem so incapable of finding any other corroborating sources to support this ridiculous conspiracy.
So, tell me, when do the remaining 49 states ALSO legislate mandatory vaccination of their respective populations ? When do ALL the remaining global governments pass legislation to forcibly vaccinate their own citizens ? Except for one, single, isolated state (Massachusets), there is ZERO evidence that any other US state, let alone any other foreign government is even remotely considering forcible mass vaccination legislation.
And further more, just WHEN will the entire Massachusets population be forcibly vaccinated, many against their will ? Will it be happening tomorrow ? next week ? next month ? in fact, will this legislation EVER be put into actual real use ?

So, using a single state out of 50 and extrapolating that to conclude that the global mass forced vaccination scenario is real and genuine is an extremely weak and desperate gambit.

In fact, your use of Massachusets is actually working against you because it clearly indicates that the entire USofA is not in collusion ... otherwise all 50 state legislatures would have voted in an identical law and at the same time. The fact that they haven't, speaks volumes against any so-called collusion between not only the individual state governments of the USofA, but also between the individual governments of the world.

By the way, gone past the 2 week mark of swine flu vaccination availability here in Oz and all is well ... and it's citizenry still enjoys absolute freedom from any hair brained secret scheme to impose governmental tyranny and oppression upon them.

So yet again, not a single shred of definitive and supportive evidence has been presented to validate and vindicate the illogical and ridiculous conspiracy of mass forced vaccination of the entire global population.

Let me repeat for those of you hard of hearing or sight impaired .... the swine flu mass population vaccination conspiracy is illogical, ridiculous, extremely flawed and definitely fallacious.


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

ahh please get over yourself you fool.

think whatever you want, and believe the government is good and always thinking of the single mans best interest.

just because their isn't proof of something, doesn't it make fake or untrue.

have an open mind, and realize whats going on in this world.

than again you could just be a paid poster, so whatever.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

If it is a secret conspiracy then how is there going to be overt proof to satisfy you??? I'll type real slow so you can understand this.....okay???? If it is something underhanded chances are it will be well hidden with maybe a little leak of info there or a loose tounge there. That's how this stuff gets out. Little at a time. If it all got exposed at once that would stop everything right there eh? Remember the Pentagon Papers? Watergate? It all came out piecemeal. Do you understand how this works now? Conspiracies are done in secret. If we knew all the particulars and knew the dates etc, etc. Then it wouldn't be a conspiracy......You will now have to get through life without anymore of my help. Good luck.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by guardstarr

Have you even bothered to read the thread? I'll leave this one to you afool. You must feel like you're repeating yourself a lot now. Its as if people in this thread are afraid of logical deduction and common sense.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by guardstarr
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

If it is a secret conspiracy then how is there going to be overt proof to satisfy you??? I'll type real slow so you can understand this.....okay???? If it is something underhanded chances are it will be well hidden with maybe a little leak of info there or a loose tounge there. That's how this stuff gets out. Little at a time. If it all got exposed at once that would stop everything right there eh? Remember the Pentagon Papers? Watergate? It all came out piecemeal. Do you understand how this works now? Conspiracies are done in secret. If we knew all the particulars and knew the dates etc, etc. Then it wouldn't be a conspiracy......You will now have to get through life without anymore of my help. Good luck.

forlorn23: You're absolutely right regarding logical deduction and commonsense ... apparently lacking in both appears to be an ingrained trait in certain conspirators who no matter how often they're presented with reasoning and logic that strongly refutes their stand and/or belief, doggedly (or should that be, mindlessly
) continue to cling to a ridiculous, untenable and illogical hypothesis.

Firstly, let me issue an apology to you regarding the remainder of my post ... I'm using quite a lot of multisyllabic words ... hope that doesn't confuse you too much !

Ahhhh ... give me a break !!!
Either there IS a global conspiracy or there isn't.

If there is and it's so secretive and hush-hush that no overt proof has been allowed to leak out, as you state ... then just what the hell have all those ATS'ers being raving on about for months on end about obvious, irrefutable and damning EVIDENCE that incredibly seems to be widely available and easily accessible - evidence according to them of "tailored vaccines", FEMA detention camps, body bags, governmental collusion on a global scale and mass population vaccination ... all pointing to the obvious conclusion (according to them) of a worldwide governmental collusion/conspiracy with the sole purpose of gaining control of the worlds population via a specially concocted swine flu vaccine.

On the other hand, if there is NO such global conspiracy in operation, then all those ATS'ers who've subscribed to such a conspiracy will be proven to be nothing short of delusional.

So, which is it going to be ?

(A) Some kind of "real conspiracy" actually does exist but because it is so secretive and secure that NO substantial supporting evidence/proof has been allowed to leak out ... in which case those ATS devotees have no idea whatsoever as to the makeup of the "real conspiracy" and are simply guessing and fabricating their so-called "evidence" in order to support a conspiracy that exists only in their imaginations and has no resemblence to any possible "real" conspiracy.

(B) The conspiracy does NOT exist in which case those same ATS devotees are plainly delusional.

Can't have it both ways ... just (A) or (B)

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
Well, I'm going to claim the honour right here on ATS as being the first to categorically and without hesitation state that this particular conspiracy theory joins the long list of similar theories and is hereby awarded the ignominious label of EPIC FAIL !!

Well,you go right ahead,and and bask in the fame until you too "CRASH AND BURN"

Was there another purpose to this thread other than to listen to your claim of 'I'm right and you are wrong?"


Many theories here at ATS are close to reality.Many more are really good reading material,and some extremely intelligent people take the time to post some very interesting and exciting thoughts.

Condensending remarks are easy to make-we can post that way all day.

So what's your point?

[edit on 16-10-2009 by RobinB022]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by RobinB022
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
Well, I'm going to claim the honour right here on ATS as being the first to categorically and without hesitation state that this particular conspiracy theory joins the long list of similar theories and is hereby awarded the ignominious label of EPIC FAIL !!


Well,you go right ahead,and and bask in the fame until you too "CRASH AND BURN"

Well, based on the complete and total lack of definitive, substantiated and corroborated evidence regarding this conspiracy that I have requested time and time again from those ATS'ers who have a vested interest in this particular conspiracy ... somehow I don't think I have anything to worry about.
Unless of course, YOU have such evidence and wish to present it right now for review ? No ? didn't think so !

Was there another purpose to this thread other than to listen to your claim of 'I'm right and you are wrong?"

Duhhh ... yes ....
The purpose was to label this conspiracy as illogical, unproveable and completely lacking in merit.
I offered the proponents every opportunity to validate their beliefs by supplying irrefutable, convincing and documentable evidence that this conspiracy that they're claiming exists, is not simply a product of a mass delusion and wishful thinking.
As of this moment, no such solid proof/evidence has been presented.

Many theories here at ATS are close to reality.

Since when does close to reality mean the same thing as actual reality ? Not in my book, it doesn't !

And since you touched on the subject ... can you point your finger at just one major ATS contemplated conspiracy that has actually eventuated as opposed to in the final analysis becoming nothing more than a "vapour" conspiracy ?

So what's your point?

See above ...

C'mon, people ... if you have solid evidence supporting your conspiracy views ... stop beating about the bush and PROVIDE THEM !!!!

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

OK so you have proven yourself to be a pretty good copy/paster.

I'm not here to prove anything to you.I think it's pretty clear that a fool by any other name is still a fool..........

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