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Time to call EPIC FAIL on forced swine flu mass population vaccination

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posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by YouAreDreaming
Forced Vaccination so far proves to be reality, at least to military and health care professions.

Hey, Homeslice. The US military has had mandatory vaccinations for flu for years, plus Hep A thru Z, Yellow Fever, Tetnus, Typhoid, you name it.

I have yet to see them say, "Now the civilians will be forced to get their shots!!!"

True, the military is forced to get just about every vaccine imaginable. Did you read about the German military getting swine flu vaccinations without the toxic adjuvants? Interesting.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Orion65

Fallacy. There is nothing in that thread or link that indicates toxic levels of mercury in the vaccine being given to civilians. Mercury and other heavy metals can only be toxic based on high doses. Just like any substance known to man. Too much can be poison. That includes air, water etc.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by forlorn23
reply to post by Orion65

Fallacy. There is nothing in that thread or link that indicates toxic levels of mercury in the vaccine being given to civilians. Mercury and other heavy metals can only be toxic based on high doses. Just like any substance known to man. Too much can be poison. That includes air, water etc.

Really? Then what do you think about this?

I think the Dana-Farber Institute, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital, is a bit more informed than you and your personal opinion.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Under Bill C-6 (info below), which was recently in 2nd reading in the Senate and could soon become the law, no Canadian will be allowed to refuse innoculations for the swine flu, despite the fact that it is relatively benign and mild, and has killed only people who are already immune-compromised.

Indeed, it is astounding that such coercion and dictatorial laws are being employed to deal with what the chief Canadian Health Officer has called a "mild seasonal flu". Clearly, another agenda is at work; but the time to ascertain and challenge that agenda has all but run out. This coming month (or very soon), forced innoculations and imprisonment of those who refuse them may be a reality across Canada. And for what reason? Clearly, not for public health, considering the sickness and death caused by previous swine flu vaccines.

I believe that the real pandemic is about to be unleashed through the very vaccines being pushed by governments and pharmaceutical giants like Novartis and Glaxo Smith Kline. The shots will be the cause, not the cure, of the pandemic. Of course, those in power can disprove this by simply being the first people to take the swine flu shot: an event about as likely as these companies forgoing the multi-billion dollar profits they will reap from the mass vaccinations.

It's indeed ironic that, very soon, many "white" Canadians may be suffering the same fate that aboriginal people have for centuries. Perhaps it's fitting. For if we are indeed being targeted for extermination, or at the least martial law and dictatorship, we finally can have the chance to shed our complicity in the genocide of other people, and get on the right side of humanity - simply by having to fight the system that is causing mass murder.

Rev. Kevin D. Annett
260 Kennedy St. Nanaimo,
BC Canada V9R 2H8

LINK to full text, about the body bags and tamiflu sickening natives (a creepy read)

Kevin Annett is a community minister, educator and award-winning film maker who lives and works with aboriginal and low income people in Vancouver and Nanaimo, BC.

Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: Film Trailer to Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT:

[edit on 13-10-2009 by seataka]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

That's not "In stages" that's it. Very few number of health care workers are being mandated to take it.

I know several people in the health care industry, NOT ONE of them is being forced to vaccinate. Schools here are not being forced to vaccinate.

Military? How much do you know about the military? Ever watch a boot camp documentary? They line the recruits up and then quickly do a round of injections. My friend goes to military doctors and he told me that if you aren't up to date on a flu shot, they always pretty much make you.

As for the schools. I don't know where you are from, but in the public school system, my parents had to provide documentation that I had received the standard vaccination routine (MMR, Tetanis).

People are over re-acting. Until check points pop up over the country, there is no "Happening in stages"

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Orion65

It doesn't matter. You can just request a nasal vaccine without preservatives. This removes that danger.

I also think it's a bad idea to inject heavy metals into ones system, but obviously it's not causing mass death.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Rush to judgement!!!!! WHOAAAAA ....slow down....

1. We haven't even gotten to the injected shots yet....

2. They will innoculate all of the sheeple, military & health care workers first....

3. Possible reason why no RFID bracelets right off the bat...??? Maybe all those who get the vaccine first won't be alive when they make it mandatory for everyone...Time will tell....

Way to soon to declare EPIC FAIL...tells me you didn't do all your homework on the BIG picture!

I do hope you're right and I'm wrong....

I'm definitely NOT throwing in the towel by a long shot...

The OP is pretty quick to cry 'uncle'....

At least some of us ATS'ers have kahoonas and are continuing to do our research and prepare...WHY you ask???? Because my loved ones depend on my preparations and research...THEIR lives are at stake...Because of them I will NOT put my guard down for even one second!!!!

Shame on all you wusses! THIS IS NOT OVER!!!!

[edit on 13-10-2009 by smilinggrandma]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername

Absolutely ! There's no denying that they should have the right to refuse the vaccination.

If certain groups cant refuse the vaccine then it is forced. Epic fail to you, your thread, and what youre trying to pass off as logic.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by watcher73

dont pass logic on this guy... he has already posted this before and he got low outcome on responses... hes really just reposting... plus hes not in america ... look at his post record "Aussie only posts" he has no idea what hes talking about

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
Until check points pop up over the country, there is no "Happening in stages"

If checkpoints pop up all over then it's not in stages at all is it? Unless one (stage) is now plural.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Under Bill C-6 (info below), which was recently in 2nd reading in the Senate and could soon become the law

The above highlights yet again, the main drawback to this illogical mass vaccination conspiracy that just stubbornly refuses to actually eventuate.

The two operative words that we keep reading over and over and over again in so many posts are ... "could" and "soon".

Vaccine administration "could" be made mandatory ... but somehow never seems to actually become a bona fide law. So many alleged reports of governments threatening to enact such a law but has ANY government ANYWHERE actually passed such a legislation into a law that you could poke with a stick ?

Mandatory mass vaccination will "soon" take place ... but somehow this event continuously finds itself pushed further and further into a hazy and and ill-define future period. It's going to happen folks, say the proponents of mass population vaccination ... yes, it will ... very soon ... not exactly sure when but it will happen ... here it comes ... if not this week, then most likely the following week or definitely the week after

I asked the following question at the start of my thread, and so far no one has come up with the goods and instead we continue to be brow beaten about how "deadly" the swine flu vaccine is and how it's designed to be the "agent of global cataclysm" ... yadda, yadda, yadda.
So once again, I pose this very simple question to all those that believe in this "mass population vaccination" conspiracy:

"Can anyone provide substantiated and corroborating proof/evidence that the governments/militaries of the world are in fact ready to pounce on their unwitting, unwilling and unknowing citizens and enforce a mandatory vaccination program on their entire population ?"

[edit on 14-10-2009 by afoolbyanyothername]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

can you provide SUBSTANTIATED claims that this isnt going to happen? And now that your finally answering your second thread How about commenting on the fact that you decided to make two threads about this particular issue. Past that You Live in Australia do you not? Do you understand American Law? Do you understand whats going on in American culture when it comes to the law and individuals? If so please tell me why you believe, first, that your qualified to make such assertions and second, That you have read each piece if legislation that makes clear that under "emergency powers" that certain states can force quarantine and vaccination upon its citizens? Im not providing facts here like you claim to be doing so i dont need sources ... why dont you provide some of your own for a change

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

I agree, it is an Epic Fail, I've known that since the hype started, because it was the media fanning the flames. Reports about the disease were constant and fear is a tool of TPTB, they like to spook the sheeple and give us something new to panic about and so the standard conspiracy theory paranoia about swine flu being the be all end all disease started. Forced vaccinations, Fema Death Camps and global Endgame were supposedly imminent.

To me though, this is proof of Endgame, the fact that they have so much control over you that some silly flu can get us all worked up. They ALREADY own the world. We've spent so long waiting for SHTF event, every day since 911 has brought more and more predictions as though us conspiracy theorists await the arrival of a dark messiah heralding the end of freedom (which would mean the start of rebellion for many of us). But TPTB already have a New World Order, they are already the ones that run the world and I for one think they want to rule by consent and they don't want to kill us all because they need obedient apathetic people who don't even realize they are slaves... The idea of OVERT rule by dictator world government is disinfo.

So yeah, Swine Flu will likely be no more serious than the regular flu, the media hyped it and we fell for it hook line and sinker. Still, it is best to be prepared, we just must be sure not to confuse panic with preparedness.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

cite fact rather than opinion ... once again your battling against "emergency powers" in several states legislation... rather than some ridiculous assertion from someone who obviously does not know what they are talking about. If you ask me for sources im going to laugh at you

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Orion65

It doesn't matter. You can just request a nasal vaccine without preservatives. This removes that danger.

I also think it's a bad idea to inject heavy metals into ones system, but obviously it's not causing mass death.

Mercury isn't the only toxic adjuvant, take a look at the complete list of flu ingredients. Most vaccines are full of stuff you don't want in your body, mercury just happens to be the most controversial that they're more recently willing to remove from various vaccines.

As far as what I think of vaccines in general, that's another topic entirely.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 01:41 AM

Thanks to heads up ATS members

Time to call EPIC FAIL on forced swine flu mass population vaccination

You almost had you"re heading right this time .You're getting there.
Thinking I might become a heading consultant.:lol
efinetly fowled their
plans for depopulation high five ATS.

Well the only other thing I could say is at least with our friends from Oz being so righteous and all.
I guess we all win.
party at my place.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername


... can you provide SUBSTANTIATED claims that this isnt going to happen? ... Im not providing facts here like you claim to be doing so i dont need sources ... why dont you provide some of your own for a change

You want me to prove that something that HASN'T HAPPENED ... isn't going to happen ??? Surely the burden of proof falls on those making the unsubstantiated claim in the first place. I don't have to disprove this ridiculous and illogical hypothesis ... you and others like you are the ones making the claim so prove away.

Past that You Live in Australia do you not? Do you understand American Law? Do you understand whats going on in American culture when it comes to the law and individuals? If so please tell me why you believe, first, that your qualified to make such assertions and second, That you have read each piece if legislation that makes clear that under "emergency powers" that certain states can force quarantine and vaccination upon its citizens?

It makes no difference whatsoever whether I understand the American legislative process because for this highly illogical theory to make any sense at all, one would presuppose that for the "master plan" to have any hope of succeeding, that it would out of necessity predicate that the ENTIRE global population should be forcibly vaccinated AT THE SAME TIME ... not just some countries and not others.
Also, as I mentioned in an earlier post, don't you think these "evil world and population conquering geniuses" are leaving themselves wide open to simple disclosure by allowing the vaccine to be made available in some countries for many weeks without carrying out their global mass vaccination scheme, and thereby leaving wide open the potential for analysis of the vaccine and the resulting subsequent media and public uproar. That's a huge hole in their plan as far as I'm concerned.

Hey, I'm no evil genius but I'll tell you what ... even I could come up with a better plan for world domination then this slap dash, loony, full of holes, mass population vaccination conspiracy. It's just plain out and out baloney and should be put out of it's lunacy with an EPIC FAIL !

C'mon put the proof of your outlandish conspiracy where your mouth is ... name just ONE country (not State) that has passed a mandatory population swine flu vaccination law covering it's entire population ... and provide an estimate (accurate to within a week or so) of WHEN this mandatory vaccination conspiracy will be launched by the evil doers on the global population.

Shouldn't be hard to do for a LEGITIMATE and PROVEABLE conspiracy ... and shouldn't be too hard for a true believer such as yourself !

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Orion65

You seem hell-bent on the idea that we're injecting poisonous materials into our bodies. How about fish? How about tuna? They contain mercury.

You're skirting the main issue as usual.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by forlorn23
reply to post by Orion65

You seem hell-bent on the idea that we're injecting poisonous materials into our bodies. How about fish? How about tuna? They contain mercury.

You're skirting the main issue as usual.

Excellent point, forlorn23 ... but you realize that you now have planted the seeds for yet another world/population catastrophe conspiracy ... namely that the "evil doers" of the world have infiltrated the John West fish company and are secretly breeding tuna that have been genetically modified to concentrate mercury in their bodies and will eventually turn the entire worlds tuna eating population into mindless zombies in 2012

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by afoolbyanyothername
So, population control through mass civilian swine flu vaccination ... successful prediction (the FIRST one of multitudes) ... or just another epic fail ?

Well, I'm going to claim the honour right here on ATS as being the first to categorically and without hesitation state that this particular conspiracy theory joins the long list of similar theories and is hereby awarded the ignominious label of EPIC FAIL !!

I wouldn't be in such a rush - there is plenty of time to see some results from this.

There are a few mitigating factors as well - you may be aware of someone called Jane Burgermiester (I think thats correct) who accumulated a whole lot of evidence and presented it to the FBI and others regarding the criminal intent of the flu vaccines.

So - it is possible that disclosure has caused them to halt the process. It is also possible that they are waiting for a significant event - I would point my finger at the second crash of the stock markets as a possible trigger.

So - while it hasn't happened yet - I still think a state of reasonable skepticism is appropriate when considering the level 6 pandemic of the swine flu, and the hand over of power to the WHO - what is further in store?

EDIT: There is some claim that there are no 'compulsory vaccination' laws. If the level 6 pandemic is still declared - and I haven't heard otherwise - then the WHO supersedes the sovereignty of nations - and can carry our compulsory vaccinations regardless of local law. I think these statements reflect actual statutes of the WHO - feel free to post from the WHO statutes if you can legitimately dispute this.

Let us not rush to destruction - let us not rush.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Amagnon]

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Amagnon]

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