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Too much anti U.S sentiment and "anti" period

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by chiron613

The reason so many people speak badly about the US is that the US has many flaws that need fixing. Yes, some people just hate the US and will badmouth it no matter what it does. Anyone can find fault with anything, even if the fault isn't there. But such folks are in the minority, in my opinion. There is so much negative talk about the US, mainly because there are so many serious, pathological faults with the government and indeed the culture.

It's late here in Pathologicalville so... bed time shortly. But there may some Faulty Americans here that could use your expert mechanical abilities.

Please... and I do mean this sincerely... why not offer some detail of those things you so dislike about us before labeling us and our nation as faulty and pathological.

Other than that, tomorrow morning will arrive just too soon.

Good night to all...


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by chiron613

It takes little more time to clairify ones point to make clear a direction, sometimes perception is based not off of what is intended but rather what is said.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

I'm with you on this. There has been way too many snide remarks and generalization for me lately. It's past the point of being ridiculous in some areas, and I'm not just talking about anti-Americanism here. Although, I was reading a thread earlier that was so anti-American in its' generalizations that I wanted to slap somebody. I even sat there and tried to type a reply for over twenty minutes, but in the end I decided not to reply to the thread because I knew it would probably result in an argument that would get me banned. It's not even like I think that America is that grand or anything. Yes, I love my country, but I'm also very willing to admit its' faults also.

The political baiting is insane, too. I thought that that was supposed to stop, that the Mods would be all over it. I guess they got tired of trying to read everything, so they just let it slide for the most part now.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I'm not attacking pride here, in country or otherwise.

No, of course you're not; rightly or wrongly, it's America's number one export. You don't actually seem that bothered if the sentiment is directed at other countries - the '"anti" period' in the title and the OP just seems like an afterthought. As I said before, much of the Western World has had to put up with this for years. Britain hasn't had an Empire as such for a 100 years and we're still getting criticism for it now. Yesterday an American poster expressed the view that Britain was thought to have been America's only true adversary. The War of Independence was over 225 years ago(!), and yet World War I, where the US and Britain fought together was almost a 100 years ago and since then the US and Britain have fought along side each other numerous times. It seems when mud sticks, it really sticks.

The backlash against America has only just started and it's an issue? Come back in a hundred years time!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

[edit on 11-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by riddle6

I agree, and as far as the mods go, we all know they have their own lives but this is crazy:acorn237, aeroslag, afoolbyanyothername, Al Bino, Alethea, ALLis0NE, alyosha1981, AnAbsoluteCreation, aNdReSk, ANNED, Annoyed, AnonymousMoose, apacheman, atlasastro, Azador, believer81, Big Oil, bios, BlackViolet, bodes, borogoves, brianxfahey, bsbray11, budro, burntheships, C0bzz, Cadbury, capob, cazzy2211, Centurionx, Chadwickus, chaoticwolf88, chips, chiron613, Chovy, constantwonder, Copernicus, Core90, CosmicEgg, Creeping Death, Cygnific, dainoyfb, daniel_g, DarkStormCrow, davey_downer, De La Valletta, deessell, digger2381, dino1989, dizziedame, Djdoubt03, DJMSN, dodadoom, Dolby_X, donttaserme, Doomsday 2029, DreamingsFree, dredz, Drexon, DrLovan, drwizardphd, DrZERO, eaglehawk, Eevee, elcapitano75, ElectricUniverse, enjoies05, EsSeeEye, esteay812, Etanya, ET_MAN, EvilBat, Exemplar, Exuberant1, Exv8densez, faceofcydonia, Feverindafunkhousenow, fidor33, floppynoodleson666, FlySolo, fooffstarr, foremanator, forlorn23, FreeSpeaker, funny_pom, gandhi, gazerstar, Geladinhu, generaldisarray, Genfinity, ghr54321, gluue, gnosis111, grayhawkz1, groingrinder, GunzCoty, guyonthecouch, hautmess, Historical-Mozart, Horus12, Humberto, Huntor, iamcamouflage, ignorancewasbliss, iiinvision, ineverknew, infolurker, ITSALLGOOD, ItsTheQuestion, jawsismyfish, jdub297, jeasahtheseer, Jewels2007, John Q, jra, Just Cause, Kikider, king9072, krater, Kryties, laddg, LadySkadi, latinlover, ldyserenity, lernmore, LeTan, LightFantastic, LiquidMirage, ListenD, Longchenpa, LordBucket, lordtez, LostEmpire, LostNemesis, Luppakorva, Madmaxb, Mark_Frost, marsorbust, Max_TO, mcrom901, Melissa101, memee16, Merriman Weir, metal1992, mike dangerously, MikeboydUS, Millions, Miraj, Mirthful Me, Morbo the Annihilator, MOTT the HOOPLE, Mr Poopra, MREALE, msdesertrat, mulberryblueshimmer, muse7, Navieko, nenothtu, Nichiren, NickT916, nightmare_david, Nightofday, NIGHTRID3R, numb99, Oblivion_Zer0, ocker, OmegaLogos, operation mindcrime, Oreyeon, Orion65, outlander6436, OzWeatherman, ozzraven, Pauligirl, paxnatus, platipus, PlausibleDeniability, primal, Prove_It_NOW, pseudo Jesus, punkinworks, quackers, Quickfix, Qwenn, rainfall, randyvs, RavenX, really, Redge, redoubt, redwoodjedi, relapz, Republican08, riddle6, Ridhya, Rigel Kent, riley, Rogue Shadows, S1LV3R4D0, saabster5, sadchild01, Scarcer, schrodingers dog, scubagravy, secret space, Shadoefax, shadowblade, ShadowScholar, Shirakawa, sisgood, SkurkNilsen, SLAYER69, sligtlyskeptical, Smurfwicked, socrates271, soultorent, Southern Guardian, SpacePunk, SpartanKingLeonidas, Spectre0o0, Stargate2012, Starsburnfyre, stereotype, StevesResearch, Symbiote, Synthesist, tempest501, The Legacy, The Matrix Traveller, The Utopian Penguin, TheAssociate, theBLESSINGofVISION, themove1904, tim1989, tk1967, Traffic, Tryptych, Twilights-passing, twitchy, unknown known, Unmask The Deception, vdawg628, VitalOverdose, VneZonyDostupa, Watcher-In-The-Shadows, watcher73, Wertdagf, Whine Flu, whoshotJR, Worldmind, WorldObserver, wx4caster, Xabora, Xeven, zazzafrazz, ziggyproductions05,

At time of this post 1 mod on for all the boards egads!!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I assure you the "anti period" was not just an afterthought I included it with as much "oomph" as I could, short, sweet and to the point but I can see how some could misinterpret the title.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Am I correct in assuming those are just the people on right now? Or are they Mods? Because I'm listed, and I'm not Mod.

That's why I'm guessing those are the people on now.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by riddle6

At the time of that post th list was all members logged onto ATS including (1) mod.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
Lately I've noticed quite a bit of anti United States ideology around the boards, as well as other anti's. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's getting a bit fed up with this, There's plenty of political baiting as well as bashing going on, completly going aginst the no more hate speech portion of the Tand C added. Now I realize that not all people's opinions on the governments of countries that they don't reside in will always "mesh" but not all government actions represent the people's desires in all cases. But in our community here, there should be no annomosity directed to any nationality period.

I hope I'm not alone in just plain being fed up with misleading thread titles baiting members into arguing pointlessly. We can do better.

This is hypocrisy at its finest.

For so long - I log onto ATS to see another >> Bomb North Korea! Or Bomb Iran thread.

The North Koreans are all crazy, and worship KJI - the NK is a dangerous menace and should be attacked.

Iran should be invaded and attacked - they are crazy muslim terrorists.

The Muslims are terrorists. The Arabs are crazy - blah blah fkn blah.

Bomb this, kill that, attack there, shoot to kill - crush them, kill them.

If that kind of rhetoric is ever directed on these forums against the US - there is backlash of monumental proportions.

Toughen up - harden up - stop looking for your mummy's hand to hold, or running to the moderators.

If people generalize by labeling a nation - they are referring to the actions sanctioned by its governments, and if that country is a democracy - then that government rules by the popular support of the people. If it does not follow the will of the people, then the people of that nation should kick it out - if they fail to do anything, then they are supporting the actions of that government and are just as culpable.

If a dictator does something bad - at least the citizens of that country can rightfully claim that those actions don't necessarily reflect their wishes.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:29 AM
The trouble is that yes, while there is some obvious USA hatred going on, it seems that when ANYONE posts a post or thread that is CRITICAL of the USA it is immediately jumped on by the Americans who brand it as hatred - like a bunch of ants protecting their nest.

I personally have posted many times critical of America and the attitudes of many of it's inhabitants, being careful to stick to the topic and not display hatred, and I have been immediately crowded by Americans shouting me down and calling me a USA-hater. This is total and complete ignorance and blind patriotism. The propaganda your media and government spews out makes many Americans almost incapable of seeing the bad in your country.

Now, I expect their will be a few Americans jumping on me for this post too, saying things like "Australia did bad things too - look what you did to the Aborigines blah blah blah" - to that I answer that we don't deny our past, we talk about it and we have apologised for it so arguments like that are not only null and void, but are also an example of deflection off a topic you don't want to deal with.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Australia is just as vile and culpable nation as the US. I was Australian, I guess technically I still am - but I left the country, and refuse to support it in any way. They are just as generally stupid and ignorant and subject to propaganda as America - my family included.

Australia does have easy going and generally tolerant people - but that is changing - and unless they realize what their country is being turned into (another local NWO mini super power) they will lose everything that Australia stood for in the past.

I predict within the next 10 years or so that Australia will begin to seek nuclear weapons. If the NWO survive - then Australia will become a mini USA.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

At least we don't deny that these things are going on, and we aren't terribly happy about it either. But that was just another deflection, wasn't it

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

To clear this up: I did include "anti period" to encompass the whole gambit of hate or hate like threads and posts.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:35 AM
The only reason you could hate the US is because you aren't from here and your jealous or you are from here and your mad because you can't get your piece of the pie. MMMMMM, American Pie!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by StinkyFeet

Please tell me you are joking, if not then I thank you for proving my point

I have heard that statement used - "The only reason you hate America is because you're jealous" - on many occasions by posters just like you when faced with criticism of America. This statement is laughable at best - I most certainly am not jealous of Americans. In fact I cannot stand the blind patriotism and "America is Number 1" attitude that you seem to like forcing down foreigners throats.

I have some news for you - when us foreigners hear or see American's doing that - we roll our eyes in disgust.

[edit on 11/10/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by StinkyFeet
The only reason you could hate the US is because you aren't from here and your jealous or you are from here and your mad because you can't get your piece of the pie. MMMMMM, American Pie!

A good example of pride in nation and culture however, condesending and not conducive to the topic in the OP.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:18 AM
The board list of members online is relevant to the browser calling the server at that particular moment in time, and is accurate to about 5 minutes, and no more than that, and more often than not people who have just logged in, or logged out are not shown until after they have been online for a longer period.

The number of mods on the board is, and should be, irrelevant if all the members are posting responsibly and within the T&C.

There is an alert button at the bottom of each post, and by pressing it the post gets alerted to the staff who will take action as need be. If you see something you think breaks the T&C, hit the button.

Heres the beauty of that method - you avoid an argument, the poster in question has their ignorance and stupidity on full display until the post is actioned, and the moderators get to do their job.


As for "hating" - its a sad fact of the internet. Put some people behind a keyboard and grant them relative anonymity and they become Jekyl and Hyde. You can be anyone you want online, because no one can see you. Sadly some folks get rampant egos and become keyboard warriors. Thats why ATS has a T&C, in order to set our stall out about how we expect people who post here to behave.

However, there is a difference between "hating" and having a differing opinion. The internet is no place for people with thin skins and - frankly - every country in the world has skeletons in its cupboard that someone is not going to like.

As a Brit, I've had more than one stereotype thrown at me during my extensive time online - and its usually come from American posters because US users are more prominent on the net due to the size and development of the systems in the country. My response is to try and educate them about how misguided they are - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

But if you really want a challenge - and to experience "hate" try going on any other English speaking forum that doesn't have a T&C like ATS and telling someone you are Chinese, French, Russian or British and expressing a strong opinion about the world. The replies you recieve will not be pleasant.

Conversely - if you feel like getting depressed about the state of society in general - pick a sample of popular Youtube clips and read the comments section.

Then come back and tell me how much hate their really is on ATS.

[edit on 11/10/09 by neformore]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:24 AM
Though I am anti American global politics, I am not against America.

The fact that I am now wearing a Don't tread on me T-shirt that I got a few weeks back shipped from the US says enough.

I would like to see America in the state it was meant to be written down in the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution.

I am pro American Liberty and Liberty in general.

And I am noticing a shift, against the government and FOR the people.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Grey Magic]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by neformore

I was not aware that the members online list was that lagged, however it's not the first time I've seen it short of mods. I do understand how the alert button works and I've used it. I'm foccusing more on the general state of some of the threads and posts as it relates to being hateful and anti and I've noticed more of it as of late.

I've ben to some other forum sites and I know very well the riff raff that goes on there, that being said, that's why I choose ATS. I like the fact that this community has rules. I do sometimes feel as though some of the mods are and can be affected by their own personal opinions thus resulting in a slight "overlook" of what they believe minor sways from the T and C.

This thread is not about moderators and I hope that's not the perception taken by anyone. Just my 0.2 as it pertains to mods in this facet. Other forums may thrive on the chaos that ensues when you have no rules, youtube? well it's youtube.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by alyosha1981]

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