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ET Disclosure, Predictions Webbots..

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by alienesque

Worst music ever...right next to Kerry Cassidy's. Is it me or does the whole Project Camelot crowd reek of Intelligence Disinformation Project Gone Wild.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:04 PM
Even though this would be great, i dont see our government ever disclosing knowledge of aliens. If they did that they would have a lot more questions to answer that im sure they dont want to answer. Of course no one can be positive, but I bet he is just trying to sell some books or something along those lines. Do you think the government would admit to lying to all of us for all these years? If they admit to that that then people will question what else they were lying about. (some people think the government doesnt lie). I can maybe see China or something coming clean about it but not the United States. Im not trying to be negative but I can almost positively say It will NEVER happen.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by DjSharperimage
statistics report that 80 to 90 percent of the population believes that Aliens and UFOs are real;

so that leaves only 20 to 10 percent of the population that would be proven wrong

so i highly doubt that anyone would be losing their minds over it;

i think the population would act the same way they act when they hear about some celebrity scandal;
like the oj simpson murder trials, or britney spears going nuts

My sentiments exactly.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by ualredyknow

Come on now, do you really think this is obamas idea? He didn't plan this mission. NASA wouldn't even be able to plan, develop, test, and finally launch this mission to the moon in the 10 months obama has been in office.

NASA will send robotic spacecraft to the moon to prepare for humankind's return to Earth's nearest neighbor. The Ames-led Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, also known as LCROSS, is scheduled to launch in fall 2008. Three months later, the mission will send a spent rocket stage to hit near the moon's south pole while the satellite studies the impact plume for evidence of water and other materials that astronauts could use at a future lunar outpost. LCROSS will ride to space alongside NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which will map the surface of the moon in unprecedented detail.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by InvisibleObserver]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by InvisibleObserver]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

Believeing Aliens are real is one thing but then Knowing they are real and then learning the truths of our reality before we are ready could easily shatter Humanity.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Ok I posted this in the other thread but for those new to Wilcock I want to repost here:

As an appreciator of David Wilcock's aggregation and interpretation of fringe science concerning consciousness units, zpe energy, DNA wave theory, sacred geometry, hyper-dimensional physics and electro-magnetism , etc., I wonder...

Those that are trashing David Wilcock or impuning his motives, I would ask the following of you:

Have you read/studied his (FREELY available online) books?

1) Shift Of The Ages
2) Science of Oneness
3) The Divine Cosmos

Have you read the Law Of One channeled material of RA from 1981 (all 4 books also free online) that David considers the best channeled material in existence and has written much commentary of?

Because just to listen to this prediction audio or watch one video does not give you a very in-depth understanding of his knowledge, or value of his contributions to the evolving science of consciousness. His body of work deserves more than cavailer bashing imho.

I also wonder why he risked his rep on coming out with this now, but it does not devalue the books he has written and the scientists and research and ideas his books are introducing to many. I hope he gets his TV show and movie made because I find his message of recent-science-based spiritual optimism for our future quite refreshing amongst all the doom and gloomers around here and elsewhere these days.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by drexciyancruiser

So the govt are going to keep saying UFO's dont exist forever? Im sure ET isnt going to wait, they are here now, they want to be disclosed.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:15 PM
I had a vision about the human looking alien. He looked just like Charlie Sheen! Whouda thunk it? Ok seriously, I think most people woud not believe it. Most any television show has special effects that look just like reality. I would like to believe, but I would be a hard person to convince. Now take me up in a ship (minus the anal probe) and I will be a true believer. I would just hope that if it is visitors with advanced science that a cancer cure would be forthcoming.


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:22 PM
Or if you're someone in the government that's trying to figure out who's leaking information - you put some dates out there and wait for that information to trickle down to those that are "going public": viola! You've just tracked down your mole, according to which dates surfaced.

Chances are, if he were to give a date then the source of his information could be filtered and eventually discovered by the higher ups.

As for whether I believe there will be disclosure ... I doubt it. I can only hope so. Because if there is, humankind is about to make a great leap forward in technology and purpose. That is, of course, if we're not lead to believe that these extraterrestrials are a threat. If they said, "Well, here are the aliens. Yes, they look like we do. But, the reason we're telling you is because we're about to be attack by a different race of aliens" - then I know we're in for some major crapstorm and BS from the elites in power. It'll be their launchpad into the NWO.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by drexciyancruiser

Oh I think it will happen... I just don't think the manner of "disclosure" is going to be the traditionally accepted view of the concept. Next week, next month, next century, IMO I think that the presence of extra-terrestrial life will be done by the extra-terrestrials, not the government in collusion with the Grays or anything even resembling that.

Just think about it for a second; if you are an advanced species that is so far beyond our comprehension that you've mastered interstellar travel and all the cultural and technological advances that would invariably lead up to that, and for whatever reason you think our eternally brink-of-collapse civilization is worth making your presence known to, would you really go through say, the Obama administration?

A species that advanced on so many levels would probably find the concept of going through the "red tape" of our beurocratic leadership and their "disclosure" timeline insulting to their intelligence. I don't care if you're American, African, Russian or Chinese... you would've figured out a long time ago that the best way to reveal your presence, IMO, would be to either go the Jody Foster Contact route (without the crappy ending, God that movie made me mad) or, if you're here to show us just how small and insignificant we are, you go the Independence Day route and just blanket the globe with ships... just my opinion.

In either case, religious hysteria and fundamentalist fears from Islam to Southern Baptists would be hard to quell... then again, if I'm an advanced species that thinks we need to know we're not alone, not entirely sure if I'd care. It'd be time for the Earthlings to grow up and put on their big boy pants!

Of course, my dad used to say that the clearest indication that there's intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us...

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Legion2112]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Legion2112]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by havok

Anti-Christ??? Too many people use that pathetic word without any idea of what it may mean. If we were intelligent enough to land on another planet who had ignorant little religious nuts, would they call us the anti-christ because we came from the sky? If we didn't have martian DNA would that make us evil??? That assertion is absolutely ridiculous and it takes a small mind to equate that situation as such.

Nonetheless, to remain on topic...I don't think we'll be seeing any disclosure. So, don't hold your breath.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:25 PM
The government wants us more into the box, not thinking out of the box. Do you really think they would risk so much by admitting to an alien presence? I really hope they do admit to it, but people are always saying something is going to happen and it doesn't happen. So for all the fans of his out there, If he later changes his mind and says they aren't going to do it, Will you still be a fan of his and believe his reason why? I am not calling him a liar, I don't know much about him yet, And I hope hes truthful, But my better judgment is telling me no way.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by mountain_jim

Hi, y'all. I've been coming here off and on for months, and finally signed up today. This is my first post. I'm with Mountain Jim on this one. I love the fact that David Wilcock uses science to advance his spiritual beliefs. I also appreciate his uplifting take on things...none of the usual doom and gloom.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Echelon117

Well i for one, will be supporting the "Non-human rights"

as long as they prove they are here under peaceful reasons i see no reason why we cannot get along..sure it might take a couple of decades to get used to them fully. But it will be for the better.

If this goes it will be amazingly mind blowing. Sitting watching this press conference as you do, as 100's of craft varying in size appear all over the world and land in large parks and arena's coming out waving holding translators saying the very cliche'd "We come in peace, we are here, there is no need to be afraid" i guarantee at least one large craft will land in Heaton park.. and when it does.. you can count on my tall arse sprinting down the road with a camera!

it's a big IF, but i can hope.. with all the symbolism this year, and hints of events to come. there is a chance this could happen by 2012-2014 earlier the better for me though..

chances are they will introduce themselves first then bring a couple ships at a time for a few months then increase it over and over until large 200-1000 mile wide ships appear worldwide.

I know it will happen soon..if it's this year that's great news!

hopefully be like this video... at 0:16 onwards

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by DjSharperimage
statistics report that 80 to 90 percent of the population believes that Aliens and UFOs are real;

so that leaves only 20 to 10 percent of the population that would be proven wrong

so i highly doubt that anyone would be losing their minds over it;

i think the population would act the same way they act when they hear about some celebrity scandal;
like the oj simpson murder trials, or britney spears going nuts

Hmmm...I really don't know if those statistics are actually correct. However, I think the little Orson Wells test in the 30's was a prime example of how some idiots would react in case something like this were actually disclosed. And keep in mind, we live in a predominantly CHRISTIAN NATION. Those people freak out about abortion and pre-marital sex,...So, just image what it would be like if they actually thought that there was a possibility of an alien presence.

And if I know the majority of the Christian population correctly, they'll be the first to want to wage war against them. Now personally, I have nothing against Christians. There are quite a few good representatives of that religion, however, its the non-representatives who claim to be affiliated with that religion that you need to be worried about.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:50 PM
Like others have said, this charlatan will have an excuse up his sleeve.

He also believes something will happen in 2012. He'll have an excuse for that too no doubt.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Wilcock will have a bunch of excuses, 'cause it's not going to happen. He actually contradicted himself within 2min in that interview. Short attention span for a scientist ...

Also, he will claim that his "sources" were wrong. So he is not to blame ...

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:16 PM
I happen to like David Wilcock very much. I have seen several of his videos and heard his talks and I love the way his mind works. Yes his music is atrocious LOL, but his ideas are, in my opinion, right on the money. And maybe it is just me but from what I have seen and heard from him ETs aren't really his forte. He is all about consciousness and oneness with a small bit of science thrown in there to fortify his thoughts. This is very interesting. I don't buy into it but it is odd coming from David. I never really thought of him as the type to really intentionally lead people astray but then again anything is possible. Except this, I think. Just crazy to make that statement.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:31 PM
LOL well I have to admit that I am a religious type that truly believes these aliens arent going to be our friends. Studying this topic for as many years as I have, doing true research, I have found nothing kind about their presence. Fear generaly follows their appearances, and they always have something to say about issues regarding religion. Interesting that they would take such a keen interest in our spiritual development as well as other things. There are many similar behavors that I have found between UFOs and pagan activitites. Sadly these things will be sold as the norm when these creatures make their presence widely known and the sheeple around the world will accept them as they would a God. Except these "gods" will require nothing from man, no accountability no change in our selves, except that we devote ourselves to their teachings and wisdom and follow the humans they will annoint as our new leaders. And the masses will comply.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by JustJoe
reply to post by alienesque

Worst music ever...right next to Kerry Cassidy's. Is it me or does the whole Project Camelot crowd reek of Intelligence Disinformation Project Gone Wild.

I disagree, I think Kerry Cassidy's music is worse. Either way, both people should not be making music at all.

On topic,

David Wilcock takes himself very seriously, I don't know much about him other than he's a true believer, pretty smart, though I don't think equally articulate. If he's interpreted his science correctly which I cannot speak to one way or another, then his theories are intriguing. I seriously doubt that he would be inclined to make such a statement without having a good reason to do so as his reputation it would seem is very important to him and it makes little sense to me that he would endanger all that he has for no reason. It does seem possible that he might have been told lies and believed them.

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