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ET Disclosure, Predictions Webbots..

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:41 AM
talk about the average joe ... you are not much away from him

you just cannot create a thread about a prediction that is based on what people is saying ... that is just SICK!

webot predicts based on what it finds online, it doesnt have a power to know the future ...

yes, it can be effective in some areas, but, UFOs? aliens? really? try to understand how webbot works before creating a thread based on it

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:48 AM
I am thinking we better get ready because whether is a god or not someone wrote the revalation it might have even been the aliens.

Remember this if something disasterous happens before the ET's are disclosed then it will be the antichrist, and they will be our savior for peace and they will make peace for 3 1/2 yrs then they will turn into ***holes
and kill us and try to control us.

Are retarded goverments will probaly give 1 of them full power of the planet and this will be our 1 world leader and then he will claim to be our god and say he created us and were his and it will be satan.

Sorry but the revalation looks like its going down the way it says no changing it god or the aliens foretold the end, I believe it won't be the end it will be a new world of peace when the antichrist is dead. with very few left to rebuild and start a world of peace until time repeats it self it has happened over the centurys. One more time, but if it aint the end then what about the bible no more end times or do we just restart time?

Hey we have to remember the goverment said they were going to play the ET card back in the 40's before Rosewell, and these ET's are just humans and this could be thier way of actually taking control of us with the nwo.

they do have haarp it can do some crazy stuff to make us believe.
and they have ufo look at this video they have ufos.PROOF

[edit on 8-10-2009 by slipknotrules2009]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Faiol

Originally posted by Faiol
talk about the average joe ... you are not much away from him

you just cannot create a thread about a prediction that is based on what people is saying ... that is just SICK!

webot predicts based on what it finds online, it doesnt have a power to know the future ...

yes, it can be effective in some areas, but, UFOs? aliens? really? try to understand how webbot works before creating a thread based on it

I don't believe this...
You where just on the other thread- David Wilcock: Full Disclosure and INTRODUCTION to ET by years end?

This thread is the same topic, about David Wilcocks radio show.
You were rude there and you are rude here too.
You should try and base an arguement in well mannerd way.

Saying people are sick for trying to get to the bottom of something really isn't going to get you anywhere.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:07 AM
This reminds me of the supposed May/June 2009 disclosures that never happened, and the October 2008 BS.

I know it will happen eventually, but I ain't really interested anymore in specific dates of when.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by john124]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
Are you directing that to all 'believers' or the followers of these types of people?

I think I was very specific of the type of people I was talking about, those who don't employ any critical thinking.

Originally posted by jinx880101
Does that mean that we should dismiss such things immediately without discussion?

Not necessarily. But thus far, those making such predictions are batting .000.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Faiol

you just cannot create a thread about a prediction that is based on what people is saying ... that is just SICK! webot predicts based on what it finds online, it doesnt have a power to know the future ... yes, it can be effective in some areas, but, UFOs? aliens? really? try to understand how webbot works before creating a thread based on it

Read the link from the site that runs the program

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleObserver
reply to post by Faiol

you just cannot create a thread about a prediction that is based on what people is saying ... that is just SICK! webot predicts based on what it finds online, it doesnt have a power to know the future ... yes, it can be effective in some areas, but, UFOs? aliens? really? try to understand how webbot works before creating a thread based on it

Read the link from the site that runs the program

its a computer search engine

since internet is a place where crazy people find other crazy people, its kind of logical that there will be a lot of crazy websites ... thats the tecnology behind it ... if you really believe a software that uses programmed functions could predict the future, sorry but, it doesnt work like that ... pre-programmed functions

What about 2012 (Read my article on 2012) and the Web Bots? As I said, I’m not seeing how a computer can figure out what’s going to happen in 2012 simply by visiting websites published by real people. The more data Web Bots get pointing towards 2012 just means more and more people are publishing stuff about 2012 and the end of the world. Remember, the only thing they can crawl is the internet and what you find on the internet was created by real persons, not God. They will surely get a strong correlation between 2012 and the end of the world; there’s ton of websites talking about it.

again! before creating a post based on webbot, please research, the first or second link in google explains everything ...

2012 stuff and alien stuff is $$$$$$$$$$$$$, thats why there are a lot of people talking about it!

so dont try to say that I am rude or whatever, I am just pointing what is wrong in your theory and that you say that the average joe doesnt research or cares about anything, but it looks like you are no different

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Faiol]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Faiol]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:44 AM
Interesting discussion here.

Just to clarify, Cliff High aka Web bot has stated that the coming disclosure of ETs I think is being a little misinterpreted.

From the linguistic programming the forecast for this stated that the government would come out publicly and state that there are certain individuals on the planet that have different DNA from the rest.

In addition, the reason for this was so that there could be a rallying point of those identified as having the different DNA, so that they could be called upon as a rallying cry to wage war and dissent against government dissenters or those that are deemed a threat.

Also to note, the Web bot did forecast for ET Wars, but that was not till the end of 2010.

Anyways, carry on.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Faiol

Please provide a link to Ben Tremblay's qualifications, the author of "Daily Commonsense".

Unless he is some super duper govt official or renowned scientist, why is his opinion any more worthy than Cliff High.

You claim to deny ignorance, but yet perpetrate it even more.

Not saying, just saying.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by OnTheFelt
reply to post by Faiol

Please provide a link to Ben Tremblay's qualifications, the author of "Daily Commonsense".

Unless he is some super duper govt official or renowned scientist, why is his opinion any more worthy than Cliff High.

You claim to deny ignorance, but yet perpetrate it even more.

Not saying, just saying.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by OnTheFelt]

MAN, you need serious help.

Please, explain to me how do u think webbot or google works.

He just explains how search engines work. They look for pages. The difference is that webbot look for some key words and dates. If a lot of people create websites about 2012, it will appear more and more in webot. Just like in google.

Read this if you want to learn, otherwise, you can even search this board, for web bot and you will see a lot of people that study computers saying how it works.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Faiol]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Faiol

I was a skeptic for maybe two years, but I kept following the reports that came out of each run just to see if this program really did work. It surprisingly gets more than just a few things right that it predicts and other times its a total miss, sometimes when it misses it still gets certain things in the same ball park. When they dont get it right that is due to the guys running it misinterpreting the data, that is reason after a event they get wrong they will come back and say sorry we misread the data or we thought it was this when it was actually that. Like I said I didn't believe this program worked but after following it for a few years and when they got the China quake mostly right, I was convinced they have something. Even tho they originally called for the quake in the states I believe it was, so many key events leading up to the quake they got right including a wedding that would be disrupted by the quake itself. If you don't want to cough up the $10 to get a report each run, you can find free reports at this link. The guy that runs the site also has a archives section under library going back the last ten years.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Echelon117
I was thinking the same thing. You don't come out and say something like this unless you REALLY know it was coming... You wouldn't just put your reputation on the line would you? I guess we will find out...

Here is my train of thought on the matter:

If he were full of #, he'd say this would happen in 2012 or something, give himself some real time to sell alot of new books before 2012 and take advantage of the mass panic that is building day by day.

But he said by the end of this year. And this is already October.

October, November, December.

So he didn't give himself enough time to even promote a book, much less write and publish one.

And he knows how important credibility is in this field.

If he is lying, he will be ridiculed and his career will be in serious ruins, much like Alex Jones. His credibility has recently become highly tarnished and I will be shocked if he ever regains his former status amongst people seeking truth.

SO, he gave himself 3 months. Under 3 months.

I guess we have no choice but to wait and see.. but...

I think he may mean it, and to me, though I have no graphs or data to back it up, it seems like UFO, alien, disclosure talk has really ramped up this year. many more sightings this year too. I myself have seen 3 questionable objects this year alone.

So maybe he means it. Maybe he is teling the truth.

Between now and Christmas. That is about 2 and a half more months.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:27 PM
I personally think the only people who would go nuts about alien disclosure are the ones who are nuts already.

The "average Joe" of the world has been so inundated with science fiction and a world already turned upside down, I think it could even come as a sort of relief. We as a society (at least in the U.S.) are well beyond the naive mentality of the 1938 Orsen Welles "War of the Worlds" Martian invasion broadcast.

So bring on the aliens already!!

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:27 PM
It sounds like a stringer to me.
The "announcement" will just be another stringer to keep you posted.
They are stalling.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:29 PM
7 human looking aliens

Thats the problem.

Human looking. They look like us. Perhaps they could walk among us without being noticed.

Right now there is a lot of science that laughs that alien life could even be remotely "Human looking". So not only will we have to deal with the religious and social issues of Disclosure (which could shatter our Human ego) many of our fundamental ideas of Science are going to be shred too.

it won't be pretty.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:32 PM
Let me just say something. If benevolent aliens landed here, they sure as hell would not be landing and talking with ANY government in the world because those governments are evil.

Malevolent aliens, well that is a different story. If you've done your alien research, you'd already know that these types are here and in the top control spots already. So what you'd see in the OP's situation is the faked alien invasion to usher in the NWO. Don't fall for the trickery.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

If so why the hell are Obama is bombing the moon? and please don't give me that lame sh** the search for h2o.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:42 PM
PS...didn't the Japanese government just come out and say UFOs are real not too long ago? The Japanese that are supposed to be ultra-conservative, introverted, and intelligent as a society. Perhaps there is something to the OP's statement.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Echelon117

Even if He was right and the prediction was based on good sources, why would disclosure be done that way? we still haven't had the US government publicly acknowledge that they are "looking into UFOs" we have not had anybody come forward saying "we have artifacts" why jump straight to the personal introduction of an alien?

And in his account he also says that more than half the population will be gone. a few months is not enough time to dispose of 3 billion dead bodies. Just the logistics of it all don't make any sense.


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by PenandSword

Right on brother. now that sounds about right

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