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Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of The Masses

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:27 PM
When we went as a group of tradesmen to work,help and examine the debris it was to help our fellow workers,friends(several in the NYCFD,NYCPD,PAPD).
It was not several months or years later that the suggestion was made that the WTC towers had collapsed too fast,it was the next day.
So the local trade unions put out a call for pipefitters,ironworkers,electricans and HVAC workers to go and help at the site,and we were told if we though anything was not right about the debris to notify our union local asap.
To my knowledge no one who was in that trade group ever said anything looked wrong with the debris,and the debris was examined again in Staten Island for possible body parts and anything wrong with the appearance of the debris.
The people who claim the debris showed explosive or thermic damage were not in that stinking hole picking out stuff like I was for 15days,hoping I did not pick up a piece of one of my friends whom I lost on 9-11.
A demolition like it would take even if someone could do it without anyone knowing would still leave enormous amounts of residue in the debris.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 09:05 PM
Believe it or not, there are still people who believe the unofficial story of 9/11 even after 8 years of evidence and proof that has come out.

Believe it or not, there are still people who having taken the Swine Flu vaccine, actually recovered.

Believe it or not, there are still people who believe that the Middle East's doesn't have more than one plan....

Believe it or not, there are people who believe that Israel doesn't need defending because they already have wipped everyone around them in short time frames.

Believe it or not, there are still people that believe the UK with its arsenal of nukes is of no threat to anyone.

Believe it or not, there are still people who believe Middle Eastern countries can do no wrong.

(well, there are...!)

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 09:08 PM
Believe it or not there are still [people who post stuff based on their personal beliefs, biases and predjudices. (really...??? I'd never have believed it)

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Believe it or not, the person who started this post doesn't belong to any country he'd admit to being part of.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:16 AM
I can hardly believe the amount of stars and flags you have gotten for this bit of doggerel.

A man made vaccine is natures way of killing off stupid people? OK. NEXT!

I'm very dissapointed with ATS here lately. This used to be a site about finding truth, about fighting outrageous claims with factual skepticism while at the same time offering a forum for intelligent individuals to make us question what we have always believed as "fact". You used to have to actually have something to back up your ideas with, but now apparntly, ATS is that snobby kid who thinks he is better than everyone else. Why would anyone believe anything we say here people?? Imagine you are just recently coming to believe that what you have known all your life may not actually be reality, and you want to explore the idea that there really are "enlightened" folks that can help one another and yourself come to a better understanding, now imagine that this is the first post you read on ATS; a post calling you an idiot and telling you that if you got your family a vaccine that your family doctor reccomended or whatever the case, then you deserve to die, THAT IT WAS EVEN NATUR'S WAY OF DEALING WITH YOUR DUMB SELF.

REALLY FOLKS? is that what you want to represent here? What is the deal with this trend that some of you think you are so special when compared to your neighbors here on earth? I hate to burst your bubble, but your life is not more valuable that the "stupid" man that loves his country that he lives in, and wants his family to be safe from a very scary flu strain. Am i getting a vaccine? HECK NO! But if i never visited a site like ATS or any other "conspiracy" site then i probably would.

I know it's a different subject but it ties in, it's like the announcement that there was water covering the moon surface in a very small amount. 95% of people that heard that were stunned because even though Nasa did not keep the idea a "secret" it was also not widely reported years ago. Only those of us who study these things alreday knew that, the mass public had no idea that the moon had ANY water, no matter how small the amount.

Big discovery right? NOT HERE. no i saw post after post of some of you saying things like "this is no big deal we knew the moon had water years ago, don't get so excited". Are you that into yourself that you must act like nothing can surpries you? NEWSFLASH: not everyone comes to ATS, not everyone is as "ready" for an awakening as you are, some people will have to have their hand held during the initial step, some will never make that step. You sir, with this post are encouraging people to never make that leap, and i feel that there just shouldn't be any encouragement of this kind of "who gives a crap" attitude about anyone that isn't as "smart" as you.

There used to be rules here that are now long forgotten it seems. Don't be so ugly, name calling and what have you, it does nothing to further any cause except your own fragile inflated ego. It's not uncommon to see this post now:
you are wrong. Second line.

Is that what you represent? Is thaat how you will show people how much further you have taken your consciousness? By resorting to bullying and childish taunts? I love my fellow humans, i have to share this world with all kinds, not just my fellow "truthers", and i will always be there to help someone make their "baby-steps". If you have just recently come to ATS and this was the first thread you looked at, don't give up. There are folks here who genuinely care for our little rock third from the sun and our vision on it includes EVERYONE. This guy making this thresad does not represent the whole our site, he does not speak for all of us, and you are not "stupid", you have been mislead your whole life perhaps, but you are not to blame for your conditioning. If you are new and reading this you have already made a big step, you are open to new ideas, the world is open to you. I only hope that your experience here will not leave you hopelessly cynical and un-sympathetic as the OP has become.

When i see posts like this it makes me glad that we have not colonized other planets or made contact with intelligent life other than here, because we as a species have not yet earned the right to start our mess somewhere else as well. We have to learn to come together as a people before we can move forward. At this stage, us colonizing ANOTHER planet would be the worst idea possible.

Why can't we have more scrutinizing of the posts here again? It's like everything a truth site should be has been forgotten.

YOU CANNOT BRING CHANGE WITH THE SAME OLD ATTITUDE, the OP reminds me of the joke where a man tapes a football game, his team loses, so he rewinds it thinking "well surely they won't lose twice!!"

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by Wifiwupding

Evidence on 9/11 is pretty easy really.. find a video clip of a las vegas casino being demolished and then watch the WTC come down.. its quite evident.. not to mention, Hitler had the Reichstag burnt down to get the German people behind him, calling it an attack..that isnt a conspiracy these days, it is known history.. and as the saying goes, History does repeat itself..

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Full_Vision
reply to post by Wifiwupding

Evidence on 9/11 is pretty easy really.. find a video clip of a las vegas casino being demolished and then watch the WTC come down.. its quite evident.. not to mention, Hitler had the Reichstag burnt down to get the German people behind him, calling it an attack..that isnt a conspiracy these days, it is known history.. and as the saying goes, History does repeat itself..

No offense but that isn't evidence but merely supposition based on your observation. Just because something looks a certain way doesn't automatically mean it's "that way".

In fact the entire, ironically named TRUTH MOVEMENT can't produce ANY real evidence of their accusations but merely opinion as to what MAY have really happened based on their observation and understanding or lack there of, of the events.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by jfj123

Unfortunately thats all the truth movement has, its a matter of sorting through misinformation and possible truths being put out there.. its all a lot of us have to go on because -thankfully- most of us dont work for the government in order to dig for absolute proof...not to mention if the government is actually to blame in this all evidence would have been removed, destroyed and or white washed..

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

You didn't just say this did you??

"Want to end the war? WIN IT! Want to stop being poor? WORK! Want to live in a crime-free environment? MOVE! "

I have NEVER in my 47 years ever pulled unemployment or social services....

and for the record still haven't, and I'm unemployed, but for those who do I don't blame them, people with your attitude and the corporate whores are who I blame for the American demise. Ohhhhh yeh its going to be painful. I wonder if the great roman empire or others in history could see there demise?

Makes ya think doesn't it? well not people who think everything will be ok, it will work out.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:50 AM
Look I think it's pretty crass for calling Americans stupid, dumb and all these other insults.
Americans have been through a lot the last 10 years and are just confused and need to regroup and when they do, the old American ingenuity will come to the fore and blow us all away as it always has.
Its not good to kick a friend when they are down.
They need a hand to get back up again.
And the least we can do is show our support not our boot during trying times.

America might be temporarily down but they aren't out.
Never underestimate an American.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Frankly this thread should be closed.
It serves no purpose here on ATS other then to give someone a venue to insult an entire population of a country for no other reason but to inflame and degrade.

EVERYONE including the op knows that what he says is false. He must know that every country has a population of people that are good, bad and indifferent yet he chooses to say that isn't the case.

ATS doesn't allow personal attacks yet this whole thread is a personal attack at EVERY American. If the thread even stated that SOME Americans were like this, it would fall into a general, more anonymous category but since the op made a blanket statement, it then becomes A PERSONAL ATTACK on ALL American ATS members.

This kind of bigotry and ignorance should not be allowed to prosper here on ATS as this site is too good for this.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by jfj123

It's a statement of fact pointing out the stupidity of the masses that just happen to be living in America.

And if you read the PS section of my thread, then you know it's not an insult, so stop making up your own words, and read what I wrote.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

Anyone who calls someone else stupid... stupid.

I believe that 9/11 indeed was instigated by terrorist.

I believe in God.

Which "war" do you speak of?

If the scientist can prove that what happened in the 70s (look it up) won't happen again and that the vaccine won't make us sick... I will take it. My husband has chronic asthma. Am I "stupid" for wanting to protect him?

I have a sense of pride for this country. I know that it has screwed up like any other country. I acknowledge that. Do you acknowledge the good or are you planning on calling us the "great snake" and becoming a suicide bomber?

[edit on 10-10-2009 by sisgood]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Funny, that those same people are using pretty similar adjectives to describe us!!!!!!...

I've posted on amazon for a while and it's mind numbing the PC zombies over there don't have a clue.

They're more obsessed with PC than anything.

There's a huge split in ideology and general's along the lines of collectivism/communism.

I can almost see the day when we're in the streets fighting it out with people!

Hopefully not too soon.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 05:40 PM
So going along with the typical sheepminded liberal banter of the left sets you apart from the stupidity of the masses? Someone hasn't woken up yet....

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 06:07 PM
The masses have learned how to survive and that means among
many things how to survive wars and other ripoffs beset on them
by the government and those in control of world events.

The masses are being told official 911 rhetoric, organization and
ceremonies at every occasion for years to come.
Memorials and all appropriate help.

Core Beams have disappeared on 911+1 and will never be
known to school children and thus they will never doubt the
official story especially with having to deal with the war on
terror which at least gave them home security jobs.

This operation was think tanked by the best, one reason to
doubt the Osama connection.
Science suppression and dissemination since WWII is controlled
very well.
Economic and other factors and all the like does not go on at
All is planed.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by jfj123

It's a statement of fact pointing out the stupidity of the masses that just happen to be living in America.

Interesting ....your claim of fact and all....yet no evidence that every....let me repeat...EVERY American is stupid.

Again, this is nothing more then a childish, ignorant rant without any basis in fact.

I challenge your ignorant statement by demanding proof that EVERY American is stupid. I can't wait to see all the IQ tests....any idea how you're going to get the cooperation of approx. 320,000,000 stupid Americans ?

And if you read the PS section of my thread, then you know it's not an insult, so stop making up your own words, and read what I wrote.

If I call you stupid and say it's not an insult, the only thing I'd be proving is how stupid I was.

What a waste of bandwidth

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:12 PM


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:12 PM


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:12 PM


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