I can hardly believe the amount of stars and flags you have gotten for this bit of doggerel.
A man made vaccine is natures way of killing off stupid people? OK. NEXT!
I'm very dissapointed with ATS here lately. This used to be a site about finding truth, about fighting outrageous claims with factual skepticism
while at the same time offering a forum for intelligent individuals to make us question what we have always believed as "fact". You used to have to
actually have something to back up your ideas with, but now apparntly, ATS is that snobby kid who thinks he is better than everyone else. Why would
anyone believe anything we say here people?? Imagine you are just recently coming to believe that what you have known all your life may not actually
be reality, and you want to explore the idea that there really are "enlightened" folks that can help one another and yourself come to a better
understanding, now imagine that this is the first post you read on ATS; a post calling you an idiot and telling you that if you got your family a
vaccine that your family doctor reccomended or whatever the case, then you deserve to die, THAT IT WAS EVEN NATUR'S WAY OF DEALING WITH YOUR DUMB
REALLY FOLKS? is that what you want to represent here? What is the deal with this trend that some of you think you are so special when compared to
your neighbors here on earth? I hate to burst your bubble, but your life is not more valuable that the "stupid" man that loves his country that he
lives in, and wants his family to be safe from a very scary flu strain. Am i getting a vaccine? HECK NO! But if i never visited a site like ATS or
any other "conspiracy" site then i probably would.
I know it's a different subject but it ties in, it's like the announcement that there was water covering the moon surface in a very small amount.
95% of people that heard that were stunned because even though Nasa did not keep the idea a "secret" it was also not widely reported years ago.
Only those of us who study these things alreday knew that, the mass public had no idea that the moon had ANY water, no matter how small the amount.
Big discovery right? NOT HERE. no i saw post after post of some of you saying things like "this is no big deal we knew the moon had water years
ago, don't get so excited". Are you that into yourself that you must act like nothing can surpries you? NEWSFLASH: not everyone comes to ATS, not
everyone is as "ready" for an awakening as you are, some people will have to have their hand held during the initial step, some will never make that
step. You sir, with this post are encouraging people to never make that leap, and i feel that there just shouldn't be any encouragement of this kind
of "who gives a crap" attitude about anyone that isn't as "smart" as you.
There used to be rules here that are now long forgotten it seems. Don't be so ugly, name calling and what have you, it does nothing to further any
cause except your own fragile inflated ego. It's not uncommon to see this post now:
you are wrong. Second line.
Is that what you represent? Is thaat how you will show people how much further you have taken your consciousness? By resorting to bullying and
childish taunts? I love my fellow humans, i have to share this world with all kinds, not just my fellow "truthers", and i will always be there to
help someone make their "baby-steps". If you have just recently come to ATS and this was the first thread you looked at, don't give up. There are
folks here who genuinely care for our little rock third from the sun and our vision on it includes EVERYONE. This guy making this thresad does not
represent the whole our site, he does not speak for all of us, and you are not "stupid", you have been mislead your whole life perhaps, but you are
not to blame for your conditioning. If you are new and reading this you have already made a big step, you are open to new ideas, the world is open to
you. I only hope that your experience here will not leave you hopelessly cynical and un-sympathetic as the OP has become.
When i see posts like this it makes me glad that we have not colonized other planets or made contact with intelligent life other than here, because we
as a species have not yet earned the right to start our mess somewhere else as well. We have to learn to come together as a people before we can move
forward. At this stage, us colonizing ANOTHER planet would be the worst idea possible.
Why can't we have more scrutinizing of the posts here again? It's like everything a truth site should be has been forgotten.
YOU CANNOT BRING CHANGE WITH THE SAME OLD ATTITUDE, the OP reminds me of the joke where a man tapes a football game, his team loses, so he rewinds it
thinking "well surely they won't lose twice!!"