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Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Actually whote tail bites do not necessairly cause amputation of limbs. In fact the amputatuion of limbs from a white tail spider is extremely rare.
Its rare for anyone to get anything more than a painful red spot on their skin
The white-tailed spider has a bad reputation, but there is no proof that its bite causes long-term tissue damage.
Most victims suffer only localised pain, redness and swelling which may last from a few hours to a few days, although in some cases the symptoms are more severe
And zazz, I would be more afarid of funnel webs rather than the white tail
Originally posted by daptodave
Im not sure if this is 100% true, but the antivenom can only be taken 1x in a lifetime for a funnel web bite?
Had a friend bitten by one a few weeks back on a farm near goulburn and they wanted to wait and see whether the bite was going to do him damage before giving him the shot.... ("Yep he's dead.... quick give him the shot!")
In the illawarra we are pretty clear of animals and nasties unless u live in a really uncleared property... thank jeebus.
Originally posted by daptodave
Im not sure if this is 100% true, but the antivenom can only be taken 1x in a lifetime for a funnel web bite?
Had a friend bitten by one a few weeks back on a farm near goulburn and they wanted to wait and see whether the bite was going to do him damage before giving him the shot.... ("Yep he's dead.... quick give him the shot!")
If there is either a sudden fall in blood pressure or bronchospasm, after starting the antivenom infusion, then temporarily stop the antivenom and give adrenaline by subcutaneous injection(1:1000 solution), give 100% O2 and IV fluids (such as Haemaccel®, but be cautious of fluid overload). Once the untoward antivenom reaction is thus controlled, cautiously recommence antivenom infusion. Adrenaline dose; for adults give 0.5mL (0.5mg) initially; for children give 0.01mg/kg initially. Repeat as necessary and try IM injection if no response to SC injection. If bronchospasm is the major problem, try nebulised adrenaline, 2mL of 1:1000 solution.
reply to post by JackWestJr
Of course our fruit bats (as my mum calls them) if you get bitten by one of them your in trouble as they carry rabbies. Wild life volunteers have to get a shot first for that.
ABL is unique to Australia and currently it is only found in Australian bat species. If a human case of ABL is diagnosed in Victoria or ABL is found in another animal species such as a dog or cat, investigation and control measures similar to those for a rabies case, should be instigated.
Originally posted by gemineye
I was always under the impression that rabies is nonexistent in Australia. Is that just a myth?
Originally posted by JustMike
Originally posted by daptodave
Hi Dave,
I'd never heard or read that the funnel web anti-venom can only be given once in a lifetime so I did some digging. The CSL (Commonwealth Serum Laboratories) is the best reference as they make the stuff so I checked one of their references and it doesn't mention this once-only thing so that could be a an urban myth.
Anyway here's a link to CSL's Antivenom Handbook for Funnelwebs.
The main things they note are that only the Sydney funnelweb has been proved to cause fatalities (can kill in an hour! Sheesh!), and also that as people can have bad reactions to the antivenom, then it's best to observe the patient first.
Although Goulburn isn't real close to Sydney I'd say it's still close enough, so that one with your friend was a good case for using antivenom. After all, spiders can travel, specially these days when they can get free rides on farm trucks etc.
Originally posted by InfaRedMan
Wolf Spider
The Huntsman
Originally posted by Selahobed
My missus seems to think that queenslanders are more auzzie than anyone else, and after various business trips to Melbourne I dont see her way of thinking,