This inner journey/outer journey never fails to disappoint, and the road changes, concepts give way to clearer understandings all the time, we never
stop growing, learning, and progressing, through each change.
For in the past, I was asleep, and lost in the daily trauma's of life, and failing many tests I'm sure, not reaching for my dreams, and hurting
others by an inability to cope. Though kept persisting and seeking, could see through the world and its leadership, and felt strongly for all the
suffering in it, including my own and family's. And prayed, meditated somewhat, wrote in my journal, sought ongoing, but would forget as well. I
didn't know many tools, and only affirmations, meditation and journal writing really alongside my prayers.
In retrospect, looking at the path and directions I've been led to, I see the nudges, the recognition within as words or someone's energy was felt,
and began my journey anew, my cup emptying to be refilled each time. Though we should always strive to empty our cups, but know indeed when truth is
activated in our hearts. I had always, wondered why. Why me, and my family? Why did we suddenly, out of the blue, spring of 08, experience wake up
calls, and witnessed crafts, and there was no mistaking what they were both in their height, behavior, and the contact that came from these
experiences, contact that my son and I shared with various levels of awareness, and then more aware could look back and see lifelong contact.
But this isn't ufology. That is only a part. And who is it that comes to us, in those crafts? What are those crafts? There is of course a Vrill
type/black op type, cooperative program, and some of us experience this program directly in our lives. Even that area of contact, for me, was
different, for though I can sense some fear buried in my memories, for some reason that I couldn't explain, there was always protection, gentleness,
encouragement displayed. And, I was also given to know, that even in the circumstances where cooperative activites occur, the real ETs, who are a
part of this, are not on the same agendas as the worldly leaders and powers behind the scenes.
Earth is a school, in a sense one could a prison or reform school, though I prefer positive terms for everyone is Family, infinite Family, and the
journey towards the Light, LOVE, progression and maturity is an Infinite journey, so who are we, if not Family, and though children, struggling to
reach through our daily lessons and lives, progression, maturity, and unconditional effective Love, kindness, charity, non-reativeness to hurt. For
who would hurt a child, should we start to wake up and try to mature? If your child developed a mental disorder and attacked your family with a
weapon, would overcome that child with brutal force? NO? Look at the world around you, and the wars, and the starvation.
We're Family!. And to wake up to become the mature, loving adult is the real purpose of Life! Whats under the matrix in this world, the power
plays, the earthquakes and loss of lives in leylines, and the Luciferian Gnostic religion the bloodlines follow from pre-Egytptian times, the
underground bases, the S group that rules this world and the enities and negative ETS that influence them. Is this waking up to whats under the
Perhaps, a part of it, but is it the most important part really? For we're all in rough times, and there are groups of unloving beings, humans, and
more, that conspire against others, for they don't have awareness and Love in their heart themselves. They're lost too. And they're also our
brothers and sisters.
So if we wake up, and see under the matrix, what are we really waking up to? Ourselves!!! Our Infinite Selves, and the Infnite Family of Light, the
true Higher Ups. It doesnt matter if you call this God, but do note, that if you follow a traditional religion, that the "God" depicted in there
is not the same God, that is true LOVE.
Though the words and examples of Jesus, are the true way, to love others and when we find that channel of Love, the connection to Infinite
Self/potential/capabilities to overcome the world occurs.
And guess what?? That is the pearl!!!!! For that pearl we can overcome and ignore the entire world and its traps of wealth, status, divisions,
materialism, ownership, poverty, entertainment, all the traps. We can learn to not be distracted by the woman in the red dress!
So what are the positive crafts? In this winterland, seemingly real, solid, matrix astral plane that we're in, lost in our past dreams, and law of
consequence, there is a duality, choices, the "dark" side, who we should see and believe in the light underneath their masks and shower with
kindness and invitations to rejoin their family, is here, that means an equal presence of LIGHT/LOVE.
Some of those crafts are from other channels, such as Sleeper discusses in the abundant, worlds, and societies right under our noses, in this solar
system, including Pluto. How can that be?
This Universe is a Hologram, with our minds as the players playing the Infinite DVDs and channels, both space-time, relation to "orbit" which is a
program we see, for its all energy, in Infinity, and what is movement anyway? What is up/down, bigger/smaller, past/present/future? There can be no
such things. It is endlessness, boundless unending Infinity, in every direction, spiralling inwards/outwards in unending fractals, with each
portion,or fractal equal to all other portions and fratals, equal to the same endlessness. The endlessness, within a grain of sand is equal in
"size"/"volume" where there is no such thing, to the endlessness inside an enormous star. And in this Holographic school, there are endless
channels, space-time orbit, and densities.
And ETs do visit us.
Also Family from outside, our Higher Selves as well, and its very very real.
We wake up here, to who we really Infinite selves, who are truly Love, and our Infinite potentials and possibilities within. How can we be lacking or
not up for the tasks, or feel we can't make a difference in or families, relationships, and this world? We have connection, via, the LOVE channel,
yearning for unconditional love and forgiveness of all and self and yearning for true peace and sharing and equality, to our Infinite progressed
Selves, the Future clips of our unending journey, and we can so go that extra mile.
Love & Light!