posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:50 PM
That is wonderful, and helps you enormously. There are many in families can cause so much worries. But when there is unity its by far easier to
explore your purpose in this lifetime, so much faster.
There are so many agendas, and the ones I know are really eager to see changes, and they would see us rise up as freedom fighters, even if we would
die, it would be free. Of course, should this movement begin, this is something that must be thought out, for I won't be complying with their NWO
agenda if it gets going in earnest, but the earth changes that may be coming are also something we all need to demand answers to.
I am fully willing to, in numbers, go to their offices and stay night after night if the crowds would grow, and demand their full complicent
cooperation with humanity and am willing to join any crowds intending to do citizens arrests.
Its hard to know what way is the most real to do something to help this world, and to not feel like you let everyone down, should it really turn bad
for many. These are questions we all need to ask, why we're here. I think we need to stand up and get in their faces in large numbers, and so its
an aggressive political non-compliance such as Max Igan inspires with his videos, another thing I feel is the need for us to become more aware, and
awake and start to practice in groups, our metaphysical abilities to envision, to command, state, affirm, large numbers waking up and growing aware,
disclosure, the podium filled with wonderful messages to relieved crowds being healed of diseases and told they will be moved to safety. These are
wonderful images.
One thing I do, while doing the chakra meditations, is to envision as I'm connected to the Universal Energy, plugged in, that as I state and command
that the chakras are unblocked, that anything I see interfering with complete healing and even super consciousness, is being dealt with miraculously
as I am connected by the energy. And, once I do all 12 chakras, and see the connection of the Universal Energy as my kundalini, then I envision,
white/gold and pink energy surrounding earth, waking everyone up, surrounding everyone, the pink love energy is healing our separation as we all,
everyone, here, in the middle east, in africa, native americans, asians, all people become aware that they are ONE. That they can live and live let
live on their differences, knowing that in one mind there are many variants and shades of happiness, joy, freedom, there are many feelings that
coexist, and we have to unite, and be one in our differences, with respect, and I see this extending throughout majestic forrests, nature, the animal
kingdom, the oceans.
But we have to practice other mediations together as well. Max Igan has, at 2 pm on Saturdays Pacific Time, an hour set aside for universal peace
visualizations, and to just hold that peace vibration, ongoing. This is an incredible event, and we should participate, he is on task doing what he
came to do, I feel.
I was told with the Merkaba meditation that one on each power point of earth, and the exact locations are secrets that the mystery schools and even
nazis kept, would create a merkaba as large as earth to shield and heal her. Now my friend who is andromedan in source said that all of the grid
lines are connected so that these groups may only need to be on several of them to achieve the same results. This is something that would really be
wonderful to start, and I'm going to find the website that was posted on my other thread that looked really interesting. Its like we need a project,
world wide, in unity with many in other countries, we need to show our mother earth that we are unified, we don't want to kill each other again, and
mean it, perhaps form peace groups, and say no to the leaders, and really project this project as an earth watch, earth healing event. This is what I
So, I'm currently exploring the sacred geometry and wish to attempt to draw, create some in the 3D, as I'm not really mechanical and can't see
patterns in 3D easily. But it did occur to me that some ppl's techniques were too difficult and that I didn't need all the math. The one video I
included on this was an easy one, involving the flower of life at the heart center, so I simply told myself that my soul knew all the math, and was
much smarter than myself in this aspect, so of course, all I had to do was affirm and command that I could this, and to visualize the merkaba, and
immediatley felt this incredible, wonderful energy and knew that this is part of what we can do. In other words, we all need shortcuts, and to see
this as perfect and done.
[edit on 22-10-2009 by Unity_99]