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Email to Every Woman on ATS: Through a Rapists Eyes - BEWARE - *The Crying Baby*

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by silo13

In a self defense class that i used to teach one of the strategies was to go with the attacker like you're playing along out of fear. This puts them completely off guard. The thought was that they would seek oral sex with a willing victim. You can then bite off the idiots penis or you can grab his testicles and using a grabbing, twisting action completely mess the guy up.

This was actually used by one woman, not someone in my class but by someone who taught the same techniques. The woman used the grabbing, ripping motion on his testicles. He cried, vomited and couldn't get off of the floor until the police arrived.

Ladies if a rapist confronts you then just go wild, they're usually cowards. I hope no one here ever faces such a situation but if you do i hope you kill the scumbag.


Oh and never forget your nails! With a nice nail swipe you can cause serious damage and deter an opponent, at the very least you grab his DNA for the police. Remember also biting is very effective! Anything you can bite he's going to lose. Try for the face, anywhere is fine but biting off the nose is a good idea. If you can't get the face or neck then go for anything you can get at.

The only drawback with biting is the risk of getting an infection, HIV or similar things aren't great but if faced with such a situation the risk is worth it.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

yeah that would be my advice too, thats what my dads always told me to do and if you have back seats in your car then you should look through the windows when your travelling alone to ensure you actually are travelling alone and not got a psycho laid out on your back seat!!!

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

The only drawback with biting is the risk of getting an infection, HIV or similar things aren't great but if faced with such a situation the risk is worth it.

I'd thought of that, but, life over limb makes more sense, at least at the moment.

Bite, and scratch and kick and twist, like you were saying.

Anything else you'd like to add from the classes you taught would be so much appreciated!

Thank you for your post!

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:04 AM
Please be advised that the "crying baby" portion of the opening post has been shown, according to, to be an urban legend.

This in no way diminishes the importance of the opening post and the detailed and thoughtful advice given, however the crying baby aspect has proven to be false.

That said, if you ever hear a crying baby outside your door, you should still take the myth into consideration and exercise caution and good judgment.

Thanks to silo13 and other ATS members for the great information provided here. I'm sure you have helped many fellow members with this thread.

[edit on 1/10/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:15 AM
We must prepare our daughters especially (and sons) for violence, give the females we love the knowledge of it, how to face it, fight it, and not avoid it. Being mean and vicious will save you when you are confronted by an attacker. I give this advice to my daughter that a cop once said: Never, ever let anyone take you somewhere else, you fight, fight, fight like hell to get away and make as much commotion as possible while doing it. You might suffer some injury, but it's a tad better than the alternative. If you are in a situation or place that seems unsafe, find a weapon to carry until you can get out of there as well. We've signed her up for karate and she wasn't sure she wanted to learn it, but I told her "it's self-defense, you'll learn how to beat somebody up if you have to". Well...she thought that sounded cool, so she decided to learn and build her confidence.('

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:18 AM
The classes were quite involved and a little difficult to explain defenses in words. I can't really explain a throw when attacked from behind

However i always told the ladies in the class that at the very worst they have to collect evidence. It sounds like a slightly cold thing to say but it is the truth. Biting and scratching get you evidence immediately via scars and DNA trapped in your mouth and nails. Keys ARE a VERY effective defense. There are three ways to use them really, well there is a fourth way but it requires a lot of training to do with pressure points.

1. If the keys have a keyring then grab that and use them in a flailing motion at arms length. Aim for the face and hopefully catch the eyes.

2. If range is reduced because he charges you then press the keys into his flesh and drag them over his skin. This will cut up his flesh and you'll have DNA evidence on your keys.

3. Push the keys inbetween your fingers and use them as a makeshift knuckleduster. Punch to start with, if he closes the distance then resosrt to dragging them over his skin. Always aim for the face with keys and then onto secondary targets like the neck.

Biting is vital! As stated earlier, aim for the face to start with, if you can't get the face then aim for the neck. You can kill someone by biting their tracia (windpipe). The pressure from biting will crush it.

Pens are also a great defense tool. They can be used to stab someone and are very strong. Your handbag if you have one is also a great tool. Just swing it wildly and scream and shout.


Your attitude is the important part. I used to teach the girls to just go absolutely nuts. Just to lose themselves in an utter rage. If you can do that he just won't want to be near you, he won't be able to hold you down and he'll panic. It is rare a rapist will put up with that kind of behavior and they'll run.


If the rapist has a weapon you have two choices. The first hoice is to fight, you should only do that if you have extensive training. If you don't and you fight or make noise then he'll probably use that weapon.

The second choice as i stated earlier is to act like you're complying out of fear. Put on a good show, drop to your knees and he'll probably attempt oral sex. As soon as he presents the target then grab his testicles in your palm and squeeze and twist at the same time with a DOWNWARDS motion. The woman i mentioned did this and the guy had to have one of his testicles removed, a shame it wasn't both.

If you can't grab his testicles then simply bite his penis off. Not the nicest prospect as you may catch something, but it's unlikely you will.

If you can get a good hit in then remember, hit him again! If you can get a good few hits in and get loose then RUN! Give him a good few hits to slow him down and then run as fast as possible whilst screaming with every decibel you can muster. Rapists don't like attention.

The OP covered not making yourself a target really well but i want to add in a couple of things.

Don't walk anywhere that is dark. If you are walking along a street and spot a dark patch then try to avoid it. If you are going out with friends to get drunk and party then make SURE you order a reputable taxi to get home, do NOT walk home alone. Dont' get into taxis that are simply parked by the curb as rapists do pose as taxi drivers.

It all seems like common sense but so many people get it wrong.


Sorry just to add, remember the vital points. In a rape situation, with a victim that has no training there are a couple of vital areas that you can easily attack. Eyes, groin, nose and neck. Go for those spots. Eyes are the top of the list here, if he can't see he'll panic and you will have the opportunity to hurt him some more or escape.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

[edit on 1-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by silo13

Each of my sisters and I got a hat pin for our 15th b,days from our mother.
I was only thinking of this the other day and actually checked ebay to see what was available .

edit to add...I guess back then females only got raped over the age of 15 huh

[edit on 1/10/09 by asIam]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Thanks a bunch for this.

Another thing I heard one girl on Oprah (I was home sick from work alright!) said she PEED ON HER ATTACKER who was trying to rape her while out for a walk at night and he got so disgusted that he left her alone and ran away.

Sounds gross, but really, would you rather pee on yourself and someone else or be raped? No brainer...

The eating your booger is a good one too. Kind of funny, I have to admit, but sounds logical.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by silo13

I didnt think of it like that..Thanks
I have always been very aware of who is around me, some say its paranoia but I work in a bar and well with what I do you never know if a customer has followed you home or somewhere else. I have always been taught to know my surroundings and who is around me. Honestly this is the only time in my life where I felt threatened by someone else. I had no idea what he was thinking...He may have just been some perv who likes to watch but you never know. It only took me about 10 mins to realize he was really following me around ESP when I went from one end of the store to the other 3 or 4 times and he was always there pretending like he was looking at something...I wasnt dressed in any overtly way. I had shorts a tank and flip flops on so I have no idea what his deal was. I almost thought about throwing a can of tuna at him or ramming his cart and putting him on the spot infront of everyone but I didnt know his intentions so I just told management...who by the were very friendly which surprised me in a way..Usually they arent too friendly there.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:36 AM
This is an interesting and informative thread that should be read by as many women as possible... however... why is it on ATS?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by crichton13

ATS is a place for information, not only UFO's and NWO discussions but everything, from science to religion we can talk about it all, well almost all

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:41 AM
This one always worked for me, I worked at a casino in Atlantic City and was a swing shifter, so many times I would be working late hours of the night, I didn't have a car and had to ride the bus home, The bus terminal was up about 2 blocks south and two blocks West of the casino,and nobody worked with me that lived close by, I also spent a 40 minute ride home. So walking to the bus and at the terminal and on the bus I would talk to myself loudly and answer myself loudly, Don't know why, But shizophrenia and any mental illness really does deter rapists. Never ever got bothered. lol.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by ldyserenity]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:47 AM
No reported rapes in my neighborhood, but then again all the ladies pack a firearm.

Funny that.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Actually no, ATS is for discussion of conspiracies, conspiracy theories, and top secret information.

You are think of BTS.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

This in no way diminishes the importance of the opening post and the detailed and thoughtful advice given, however the crying baby aspect has proven to be false.

Yes, I realize it has been proven to be false.

The problem is - now that it's gone viral on the Internet, you can bet your boots, it will not be false, for long.

As horrid as it is to say, I am in no doubt, before too long, we'll be hearing rapists have used exactly this ply, to, lure women out of their homes.

Thus, my reason for posting this thread, as posted before.

Thank you for pointing this out, but, it's for this very reason I've made this thread.


posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe


And your post reminds me! While making all that comotion you talked about ->

!!!!!!!!SCREAM FIRE!!!!!!!!

Everyone runs to fire - and (it's said) away from *Help* screams!

Thank you for reminding me!

[edit on 1-10-2009 by silo13]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

So walking to the bus and at the terminal and on the bus I would talk to myself loudly and answer myself loudly, Don't know why, But shizophrenia and any mental illness really does deter rapists. Never ever got bothered. lol.

I just love this one.
It's got to be one of my all time favorites!
I'll start to practice it tomorrow!

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:02 AM
Please ladies be as careful coming home as you are in strange parking lots. Once we're in familiar territory we might let our guard down. Some of these guys make it their job 24/7. I think the BTK killer watched his victims for a while.

Imo the random attacker would probably be easier to deter it's the Dennis Rader's that scare the crap out of me. A person would have to live like they knew someone was watching their every move. Try to keep your home sealed up good. Keep hiding places to a minimum. A dog in the yard would be great. Motion detection lights are another good option.

Remember sometimes other women can be used as a lure. Just because a guy has another woman with him doesn't make him safe look at Phillip Garrido Imo his wife played a role. I think there have been cases where girlfriends/wives helped acquire victims. Good info

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:06 AM
what can men do that are genuinely walking home and a woman is walking in front?

I often find myself walking slower or crossing the road to try and get ahead but I still feel as if I could be seen as a threat, all I want to do is get out of there quick as I feel the woman feels threatened

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Mine is just a little different and its basically for everyone - Keep your eyes open and be aware. Not just for the sake of yourself - but for others as well. Sometimes your simple actions can prevent something horrible from happening to someone else.

Case in point - A few years myself and 2 friends had just finished work and were going to our cars in the parking garage. One of these friends is female and one male.

The other guy and myself were on the same floor of the garage - she was parked 2 floors up. At the floor where the other guy and I were parked we all chatted a min and then she started up the stairs to her car.

As I was walking to my car I noticed a guy wait a few secs and then follow her up the stairs. He just didn't "look right". Maybe nothing, maybe something, but better safe than sorry and he kind of gave me the creeps.

I called to my friend and we started up the stairs. When we got to the level she parked on she was almost to her car - but he was about 20 steps behind her. I cleared my throat, he turned, saw us and just stopped in his tracks. Then he walked past us and back down the stairs while my other friend got in her car and drove off.

Did we prevent something? I will likely never know. But I'm glad I walked up those stairs.

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