reply to post by ThaLoccster
What ever helps you sleep at night.
But, we will have to agree to disagree,
But you are stretching it ,very thin to explain that dust free asphalt, ,abulance,sidewalk,man hole,every single building in that area, is not covered
in dust. REALLY! Do you really! Honestly,and not just for the sake of argument,Really! think that this spot,after both towers fell!!
was squeaky clean? Like i said, what ever helps you sleep.
But i think you are, just arguing to argue. It would truly be easier to believe,that the easter bunny really hides the eggs, then to believe, that
the photo, YOU, are saying is after , 220 acres of building, fell right there, with enough force to completely demolish,WTC 3,4,5,6,7,
left this area squeaky clean.Remember,220 acres of vertical dust,just went,linear.
I, would truly love to know, what they used, or what mother nature used, on that area, to keep it so clean.We could get rich on that ability.
With all the pollen,paint over spray,sheet rock sanding dust,wood working dust, ect.ect.
I, am just trying, to figure out,how, from the pictures i posted ,If you even! looked closely at them, you can see the area in your picture coverd in
dust !! JUST look man. Goodness.
The Simplest explanation,would be, pre collapse. But I, would love to hear, your complex explanation, of that moment in time, after both towers
collapsed, that this area of the chaos, that day, miraculously, shielded itself , from all the dust. While nothing on that day, that close to the
towers ,that any picture shows, or video shows,had the ability to shield itself from the dust.
This will be good, Because there is not one logical answer , unless, you start spitting stuff out the side of your neck.
Sorry I, am not your huckleberry.
edit to add . and spelling
[edit on 2-10-2009 by lycopersicum]