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What is The Book of Genesis Really Describing?

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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Which way were the Faces divided to produce the Heaven?
i.e. in which orientation?

1st way of separating the Faces.

2nd way of separating the Faces.

In this there is a separation from the Centre outward
(or Radial) yet produces a 3D effect on a 2D Face.

3rd way of separating the Faces.


And which does this refer to, I mean where is this Phenomena?

a. The outer Program i.e. The Space what we refer to as the Universe?

b. Or only in our field of Vision?

Does the real world exist as a total universe that we can look around in i.e as a true 3D world (Physical)?

Or is our real world only in our field of Vision and Awareness.

In other words Does our real world only consist of a portion
of what may be the Main Program (Universe)?

Similar to a computer game, where we view only part of the story
at any one time, while the rest is in memory.

If we each have our own world that we experience, as part
of a community type computer game, then this reduces
the information required to experience what we refer to as a Universe.

The only information required at any time, would be what is in our Vision
and interactive area, of our own individual world instead of a whole Universe.

We may in fact, each have our own world or experience that is just part
of a huge network.

Working similar to, but more sophisticated, than a Community on Line
video game, but in our case fully interactive?

Just stop and think about it for a second, and realise how much Less programming
would be involved, to produce our experience, if it only involves
what is being manifested in our field of vision at any time?
(note; also referring to Interactive programs.)

Look at it like the mechanics of an on Line "Community Computer Game"???

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 09:26 AM
Here is something that is on the Dutch news at the moment that seems to tie into this subject.

God 'separated' heaven and earth: professor

The opening section of the Bible which states God created heaven and earth is a mistranslation, according to a professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

God did not create heaven and earth but rather he separated them, says Ellen van Wolde in Thursday's Trouw


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

The opening section of the Bible which states God created heaven and earth is a mistranslation, according to a professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

God did not create heaven and earth but rather he separated them, says Ellen van Wolde in Thursday's Trouw. Van Wolde, an expert on the Old Testament, defends her doctoral thesis on Friday.

With all due respect to professor Ellen van Wolde....

Note in the first stage of my Thread (Subject) Read carefully

From “The King James Version”
(published in the Late 1800’s Oxford printed at the University Press.)

Chapter 01 Verse 01

“In the beginning God Created “The Heaven” and “The Earth.”

Comments: Note. First “The Heaven”, and then “The Earth”.

Verse 02

“And the Earth was without form and void;”
Comments: Why was the Earth without Form and Void?

First, the word “Form”:-

Definition of the Word, “Form”.

1. The outward or visible shape of a body (in this case the Earth)
as distinguished from its substance or colour.

2. A body or figure of a living being.

3. A mould or frame for shaping.

4. A specific structure. (in this case the Earth)

In the story, I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Form”
to relate to the Earth, and not humankind, as humankind
had not been mentioned yet, at this stage in the writing,
so we can’t assume that the word “Form” refers to Humankind
can we?

Second the Word “Void”.

Again the word “Void” refers to the Earth.

1. Void Containing Nothing.
2. Without content.
3. Empty.
4. An empty space.
5. Vacuum.

I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Void”
to relate to the Earth, in the sense of Containing Nothing,
Not even Form i.e. the Earth neither having shape nor size.

Continuation of Verse 02

“and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”


First the word; “Darkness”.

I understand that “darkness” is the Lack of “Contrast”, or not being able
to detect anything. The Word Darkness can also refer to Obscurity.
It is said by others darkness lacking Light, but I have found and can prove that Light is of Black & White Not just White.
Darkness is Not Blackness, but instead is Greyness.

Notice the “darkness” is “upon the face of the deep”.
Two things involved...

1. A Face, Plane, or Flat surface.

2, Deep, that which has Depth known or unknown i.e. beyond a face,
there may or may Not be depth, The word Deep was used, as it was unknown
what was beyond the Face, if in fact anything.

Note also the Deep can in No way refer to the sea, seas,
or any water on Earth!
As at this stage in the Writing, the Earth did Not exist!
Even the Heaven had Not been Created at this stage!

First the Creation of “The Heaven”, then “The Earth”.

When we look at a Face, Surface or Plane, we can’t see what is beyond it, especially if it is Dark, hence the possible Deep, or depth,

Continuation of Verse 02

“And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters”.

Now it would appear that the face referred to, is a face
having the appearance of waters.

Remember though; “The Earth” does Not exist at this stage in the Writing,
nor does “The Heaven”, which is/was to be Created First!
So what are these “waters” that existed before The Heaven or the Earth?
Let’s take a look at the Word; “Water”.

As the Earth did Not exist at this stage in the Writing, it is safe
or preferable, to look at other meanings of the Word; “Water”,
other than the seas, lakes or rivers or any other liquid of the Earth!

One meaning of the Word “Water” is;

An undulating sheen given to certain fabrics, as silk linen etc?

So as the Earth did Not exist.
The meaning behind the word “Water” can Not possibly be anything
of the Earth like sea water!

That which is being described, may be much different, and there
may Not have been a word in English, that was truly appropriate
in the translation, but unfortunately only the closest possible.

Some words are impossible to translate correctly!

So I personally, can only suggest, that the word “Water”, relates
to the adjective sense, rather than used as a noun.

“An undulating sheen”

“Undulating”; A wave like disturbance or Movement.

“Sheen” A Glistening brightness, as if from reflection.

The other explanation my be, that the word “waters” was used as
a result, of either the Scribes, or Translators attempt, to “join the dots”
as to say, based on their interpretation or beliefs, or even of religious their
Never the less this phenomena, i.e. the Face of the Deep,
existed before the Creation of The Heaven !

The Word Face implies 2D.

The description of;

“The Spirit of God moved upon the Face of the waters”.

Implies in my understanding, that the nature of the Face was modified
by movement, of an influence, in some way or other involving Movement.

It is interesting to note that this writing (Genesis), is describing where the Heaven came from.
Both the Heaven and Earth came out of the Face of God, i.e. the Face of God being a Plane or Surface.

Technically speaking the Heaven and the Earth are indeed separated, but the Fact remains that The Heaven, was the result of manipulating the nature of the First Face
or Surface (2D).

Any plane or surface always has Two Faces. It is Impossible to change this Fact.

If looking at a plan view of the Face or Plane it has both a Near Face and a Rear Face.

If looking side on a Plane or Face has an upper Face and an Underside Face.

This is a Fact of Geometry!

The Firmament was given the title of Heaven.

This was the result of Separating of the two faces or Stretching apart of the Faces giving the manifestation of the 3rd Dimension whether it is Conceptual or actual.

But the Earth came out of one of the Faces.

Also Note; when these two faces were pulled apart then Four (4) faces come into existence.

We have...

a. Two outer Faces.

b. Two Inner Faces...

And between the Two Inner Faces we have the Heaven.

But the Earth is Not in the Heaven but rises out of the Lower Face.

That is from one Face from the original Face or Plane or Surface.

She bases her conclusions on a new interpretation of the Hebrew version of Genesis, 'placing it in the context of the rest of the Bible and creation stories from Mesopotamia'. Van Wolde concludes the Hebrew word 'bara' does not mean 'create' but 'spacial separation', the paper says.

The Hebrew that is known today was NOT the original Language that Genesis was written in. But this written version of Hebrew came into existence at the time the Temple was raised to the ground by the angels and the Jews were taken into Exile.

The professor says this implies heaven and earth existed before they were separated, a direct contradiction of the accepted biblical intepretation.

But this is where her Interpretation falls down...

a. She has failed to understand the Importance of the Order of the events in the Story!

b. She has no knowledge of how the All was Created in the first place.

She can only try and struggle with the written text that is no older than a little over 2,500
years where the Book of Genesis came from the time of Moses.
Between the birth of A’Dam and the birth of Moses was about 2,500 years?

So how was the beginning recorded as E’Noch was the 7th from A’Dam and was known as The most righteous Scribe ?
Did E’Noch recorded the beginning and if so what did he write?
The birth of Enoch was 2,000 years before Moses.

But all this is still subject to whether Genesis is talking about humankind (A’Dam and his descendants).

Or are the writings a Parable about the History of the Matrix which involves Geometry, The Soul, the Metamorphoses of the Soul and the Various Constructs called Cities (Geometric Constructs)...

Remember the other Enoch son of the first child of Eve, Cain...
This Enoch built a City?
For perhaps 5 People ?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

So why would Enoch the son of Cain build a City for only perhaps 5 people and where did Cain’s wife come from???

I thought a City was for many people Not just 5 people?

And was Cain's Wife Cain's Sister???

Cain was the first son of Eve remember... ???

This is why I ask what is the Genesis really about.

I do NOT believe it is about humankind but about a subject that is Not understood at all.

Yes A'Dam is mentioned and is a primate but the title given as Man I do Not believe was another name for A'Dam.

But Rather A'Dam is the Primate and the Title given as Man was the Soul.

The Descendants of A'Dam ie the human primates stole the title MAN and adopted this name to the Descendants of A'Dam.

As JC said No Man hath ascended into Heaven save He who came down from Heaven...


Because Man is already in Heaven and therefore can Not ascend!

It is A'Dam that is in the Program Earth! Not Man...

So the writings are about something else....

See The Book of Ezekiel and the Revelation of JC

Note The Revelation is Not about the future of the human primate, or race but is the Revealing of The Man Child... The Inner Matrix born from the Outer Matrix!

The Matrix being a Geometric processing Map of The Soul.....Called MAN Not A'Dam!

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:07 PM
There are two creation accounts. One of the distinct differences is that Adam was created with ruach (breath of life), whereas there is no mention of the people in the first account having this extraordinary gift, which is given in the garden, which is an extraordinary place.

Nod only exists outside the parameters of Eden. Unless we create something out of thin air, the only precedent we have for it's location would be to go back to the beginning or the first account of creation.

Logically, Cain took a wife from the people, that God created first, that are found in Gen 1:27 and it was Cain who mixed something of extraordinary value with something that could only be described as being mediocre.

I believe Nod means "wandering" and even though God tried to alleviate Cains fears in this new dreaded land - Cain had enough smarts about him, to build the city of Enoch in an attempt to tame his new contemporaries.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

Thank you for your responce...
I enjoy your comments.

Logically, Cain took a wife from the people, that God created first, that are found in Gen 1:27 and it was Cain who mixed something of extraordinary value with something that could only be described as being mediocre.

Yes you sort of understand, but MAN was Not a Primate, nor was his Life the breath of Air.

Man's Life is the Light. The Light that Lighteth every Man who comes into the World.

Which World?

The Earth or the World of Souls???

On the other hand the breath of Air was in A'Dam, Not Man!

You can't cross breed the Soul with a primate!

Cain was the First Born of Eve....

No mention of any other peoples as in Primates...

Man is the only other one mentioned...

Man was made in the Image of God.

A'Dam was Not made in the Image of God.

It does Not say anywhere, A'Dam was Made in the Image of God..

It does Not enen Mention when A'Dam was given a soul, apart from mentioning "MAN".

As we are of two bodies, A'Dam is the primate so Man has to be the Soul...

Or are you saying the Soul does Not exist?

So as the Whole bible is about the "Metamophoses of the Soul" or "Man", I guess "Man" is the "Soul" and Not A'Dam!

What do you think???

The writings are about "Man", "The Son of Man" or "The Man Child" Not A'Dam.

So You see the Writings are All about MAN, and Not A'Dam...

“John’s Preaching of the Gospel”
The Acts of John 87-105


40. What I am you Shall See When you come yourself.

41. If you knew How to Suffer you would be able not to Suffer.

42. Learn how to Suffer And you Shall be able not to Suffer.

43. What you do not know I Myself will teach you.

44. I am your God, not the God of the traitor

45. I will that there be prepared Holy SOULS for Me.

46. Understand The Word of Wisdom!

47. As for Me, if you would understand What I was::

48. By The Word I mocked at all things And was not mocked at all,

49. I Exulted: But do you Understand The Whole,

Note...45. I will that there be prepared Holy SOULS for Me.

It does Not say A'Dam or descendants of A'Dam but instead "Souls"

So If A'Dam is the Primate that breaths Air, who then is Man ?

What is the Soul.

The New Testament is about the Son of Man or "The Man Child" as described in The Revelation of JC.

Note; "The Man Child" Not A'Dam Child.

It never talks about the return of A'Dam or his Descendants, Not even JC, but instead "The Son of Man" or "The Man Child".

Jesus said he was three different entities.

a. The Son of God

b. The Light of the World (that lights every Man (Not every A'Dam) that cometh into the World)

c. "The Son of Man" or "The Man Child"

The Return of "The Son of Man" is what was being preached!

How can The Son of Man Return, if he is already here?

The Son of Man therefore can Not be the human primate!

As the human Primate has Not left! He still runs around on the Earth doesn't he.

Also in "The Gospel of Thomas"


51. His disciple said to Him,

“When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the New World come?”

He said to them,

“What you look forward to has already come, but you do Not recognise it.”

And Quote;

15. Jesus said,

“When you see one
who was not born of woman,
Prostrate yourselves
on your faces and worship him.

That one is your Father.”

Is Jesus talking about the Father of Adam or The Father of Man... (The Soul)

And in "The Gospel of Thomas"

Part of Verse 3.


When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty.”

and in verse 50.


50. Jesus said,

“If they say to you,

“Where did you come from?”

say to them,

“We came from The Light, the place where The Light
came into being on Its own accord
and established Itself and became manifest
through their Image.”

If they say to you,

“Is it you?”


“We are its children, and we are the elect of The Living Father.”

If they ask you,

“What is the sign of your Father in you?”

say to them,

“It is Movement and Repose.”

Still No mention of A'Dam or his descendants..???

Why ????

and in Verse 84.


84. Jesus said,

“When you See your likeness, you rejoice.
But when you See Your Images,
which came into being Before You,
and which Neither Die Nor Become Manifest,
How Much You Will Have To Bear!”

What are these Images of You???

Pehaps the Soul ????

[edit on 9-10-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

On a lighter note...

Back to the nature of the Creation and where it actually is and what actually it is ???

Nod only exists outside the parameters of Eden. Unless we create something out of thin air, the only precedent we have for it's location would be to go back to the beginning or the first account of creation.

But where is Eden, the land of Nod, the Earth, The Universe?

You see humankind does Not know where they are.

Where is the Creation ???

Most of Humankind does not even know what the Soul looks like, its Processing System, its workings, how it was Constructed, or by what.

Truth is far stranger than Fiction....

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 01:29 AM
Thank you for your answers again Matrix Traveller.
I need some time to digest this information because this subject goes a little over my head, my knowledge of the bible stories is not so large.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

On a lighter note...

Back to the nature of the Creation and where it actually is and what actually it is ???

Nod only exists outside the parameters of Eden. Unless we create something out of thin air, the only precedent we have for it's location would be to go back to the beginning or the first account of creation.

But where is Eden, the land of Nod, the Earth, The Universe?

You see humankind does Not know where they are.

Where is the Creation ???

Most of Humankind does not even know what the Soul looks like, its Processing System, its workings, how it was Constructed, or by what.

Truth is far stranger than Fiction....

Does one really need to know all these terms and fine inner workings of the soul in order to grow in the Light and Love of the creator and add knowledge, wisdom, and Life to our souls?

Doesn't God reveal himself in simple ways that confound the wise, yet children understand?

Don't get me wrong. I am still captivated and intrigued by what you are conveying, but it does seem a bit complicated to this child's mind.

Can you tell us where this is going? What will we gain from this knowledge?
A program to talk directly with God?
A program that allows us to change our past, present, and future?

God knows I have some things to change when time travel into the past becomes possible, but then again....there is the "butterfly effect" that's out of the question.

But changing the here and now by making evil disappear would be nice.

[edit on 11/10/09 by John Matrix]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

Does one really need to know all these terms and fine inner workings of the soul in order to grow in the Light and Love of the creator and add knowledge, wisdom, and Life to our souls?

How can you communicate with something if you don't know what it is, that is to be communicated with ??? LOL

For example; if I go and talk to a person in the street, presuming them to be johnmatrix and ask questions as though talking to you, especially things relating to you, they won't understand me, and perhaps think I have lost the Plot as they are not johnmatrix... LOL

Humankind believe they know their Creator, but really only know their own imagination. Every human primate has a different god according to their imagination, based on their own principals.... LOL

So if we pray to something according to our own beliefs, we pray only to ourselves... LOL

Belief can't Change Truth!

But You can Trust (To have Faith in...) Truth, once found!

What humankind believe or in some cases Fear god to be or Not to be, and what God actually is, are two entirely different matters.

So to be able to communicate first, you require to both know, what you are communicating with, and how.

To prey is the end result Not the Cause...

So whatever you prey, has been already Created... LOL

So you need to go to the other end of the Program...

The Cause Not the result, that is if you wish to know Truth or choose other books or programs.... LOL

Doesn't God reveal himself in simple ways that confound the wise, yet children understand?

Jesus said "Businessmen and Mearchants Shall Not enter the Places of My Father..."

But who are the Children and who are the wise ???

A Child Trusts The Life Consciousness, but on the other hand the adult doesn't!
Hence what J.C. said "Become as Little Children." and "If You don't become as a little Child You can Not enter the Kingdom!"

This depends on your Interpretation and beliefs according to your imagination of what you want it to be....

Trust the Life Consciousness in Truth.

And Not make up your own version.... LOL

And Love those who/that Hate You!

Don't get me wrong. I am still captivated and intrigued by what you are conveying, but it does seem a bit complicated to this child's mind.

Not to me it is child's stuff.... Not complicated at all.
If you are double minded, then yes it will be.

Can you tell us where this is going? What will we gain from this knowledge?


A program to talk directly with God?


Even J.C.'s disciples had difficulty with this...

A program that allows us to change our past, present, and future?

Yes you can use it for that if you wish to, but that is Not really its sole purpose but in fact I have No desire to change the past or future, as it is perfect according to the workings of this program and its purpose.

The purpose for your world, is much different than You can ever imagine.... LOL

God knows I have some things to change when time travel into the past becomes possible, but then again....there is the "butterfly effect" that's out of the question.

Perhaps Gods understanding of why you are, what you are, and what your life story is, is completely different than yours.... LOL

Perhaps He knows a little more than you... LOL

Remember it is J.C.'s Design Not yours.... LOL

We should Not desire to tell J.C. what it is all about...

But changing the here and now by making evil disappear would be nice.

As Jesus asked "But do you understand the whole?".... LOL.

Remember the words of Thomas....???

12. The disciples said to Jesus,

“We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?”

Jesus said to them,

“Wherever you are, you are to go to James The Righteous,
for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”

But Why????

And what did He mean by this????

You see, you have been lead to believe what the writings are about, by blind men/women...

But the writings are about something lost to humankind.... LOL

Religion has lead humankind nowhere, except into war and Death....

Knowledge is Not religious or to be found in Religion.

Remember what J.C. said ??? "In these matters I fear you are Too superstitious!"

Religion is about lacking knowledge not having knowledge...

This is why there is always a Mystery in Religions!

A Mystery ??? This is a confession of lacking knowledge....

The Truth is Unknown and humankind is lead by blind teachers!

But on the other hand, Life portrays the Truth and does Not betray us as human nature does.

Your experience is Not about achievement, but rather is about a stage in Creation that involves The Soul and Not humankind at all.

The World is Not an Examination...

Why would that which Creates need to test anything at all????

The Test Idea is a human phenomena....

All is known before you came into being.... LOL

But What is known ????

Remember Thomas ???

83. Jesus said,

“The Images are manifest to man,
but The Light in them remains concealed
in the Images of The Light of The Father.

He will become manifest,
but His Image will remain concealed
by His Light.”


84. Jesus said,

“When you See your likeness, you rejoice.
But when you See Your Images,
which came into being Before You,
and which Neither Die Nor Become Manifest,
How Much You Will Have To Bear!”

If we Don't know where the universe is, we are LOST!

[edit on 11-10-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 11:26 PM
But back to the original Post what can we find out about the beginning.

Any other writings referring to the separation of Faces producing the Heaven?

Let's hear from the readers.

There is Corpus Hermeticum what other writings can people find???

Over to you....

[edit on 11-10-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I'm sorry, but I cannot in any sense have any respect for what you have posted. I did not even read the entire thing nor any of the replies because of your statements, and this is why...

You have chosen to use definitions from current, English dictionaries without taking into the account the context and culture of the original author, language, audience or context.

When giving your definitions for the words, you pick one of them that fits your ideas of what is going on. When the word water comes up in the verse with the Spirit hovering over the waters, you just make up whatever you want to take its place.

The Hebrew word used for water in that verse is the same as almost every other verse in Hebrew using the word water, which was "mayim". If the author had not understood what he was seeing and was trying to describe it, he would have used more than one thing to describe it and would have likely used words to show that what was being said was a metaphor or simile.

Was the author there at creation? If not, he would have had to been told by God how creation happened. God would have told him exactly what was made, not used some confusing and vague metaphors left unexplained. What would be the point?

I am sorry, but you are wrong. You can claim what you believe to be fact, just as I can. That is the freedom we have. I simply think you don't have a leg to stand on concerning your arguments.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Mykahel

To understand correctly it is Not humankind that has produced Language...

It is all part of the story you are experiencing and is Not based on human understanding...

It is always the PRESENT (perhaps The GIFT)so the words used NOW are Relevant to you situation Regarding the Metamorphoses of the Soul.

But thank you for your Post, as ALL is made from, or Contains The Opposites....

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:37 AM
Well, I find the OP's take on the book of Genesis interesting but sadly it got lost in translation. Became to complex that it lost its meaning. So to make it simple and understandable - I decided to post what Genesis 1 is all about.
Note: my post was taken from an existing post - a discussion with an evolutionist erronously explaining the Genesis account / creation.

Here's the post if you want to find out how the discussion went:

But before I begin, let me clarify somethings in the bible that led others to the wrong conclusion.
The word 'day' mentioned in Genesis 1 does NOT necessarily mean a 24 hr day as some believe nor a 1000 years each day. No it's longer than that – millenniums and millenniums. Also, the Genesis account was written from the perspective of a human being on earth. So the things that Moses wrote was from his perspective. I'll also show you that the things he wrote are scientific even though he didn't have the instruments like we have today (Q: did he just made up the events he wrote or someone provided it to him, someone with the knowledge of space and time?)

Now let me show you where you got it wrong.

1) The Genesis creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science.

Absolutely NOT, the Genesis creation account DOES NOT conflict with the order of events that are known to science. In fact they are in complete agreement. Lets start:

Genesis 1:1 The earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. From science, we know that the true order of events was just the opposite.

Your explanation of Gen 1:1 is incorrect.
Gen 1:1 simply states that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This simply means that the “heavens and the earth” were created by God. There's no mention of sequence of events, no before or after. This could also mean that the earth was created billions and billions of years ago – in fact according to the latest calculations it's about 4B.

Now v2 - “Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters” → it says that the earth was 'formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep' – thus the earth at this stage (billions and billions of years ago) was an inhospitable and inhabitable place.

But the time came when Jehovah God put into action his plan for the ages. Make the earth into a habitable place – his crowning glory of all his creations. The perfect planet amongst the other planets in the universe. Situated just right amongst the billions of galaxy's – not too close nor too far from the sun with it's moon.
Note: the verses that you've quoted is the starting point of the six “creative 'day'”
Going back to what you said:
...These violates two major facts. Light cannot exist without a sun, and secondly, how can morning be distinguished from evening unless there is a sun and moon? Christians try to claim that god is the light he is referring to yet, considering the context it is quite obvious that the light god is speaking of is the light emitted by the sun. Just another feeble attempt at trying to rationalize such a MAJOR blunder.

- I agree it's a “ MAJOR blunder” because your sequence of events are somewhat scrambled or unclear.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:42 AM
Remember in V2 the “earth was 'formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep” - the earth (Terra-firma – solid ground) was dark because it was enveloped in “watery deep” but “God’s active force (holy spirit) was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters”. Thus God's power became operative. What happens next?

(1st creative 'day') “And God said, Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) and “. . .And the evening and the morning were the first day” (Genesis 1 :5) --> the statement “Let there be light” does not mean that light was created at this stage. No, but it simply means that “light” (Hebrew 'ohr) in general sense was now present on earth.

To make this more clearer note how other bibles render v3:
“And God proceeded to say: “Let light come to be.” Then there came to be light” NWT
““And gradually light came into existence.” (A Distinctive Translation of Genesis)
This light was from the sun, but the sun itself could not be seen through the overcast. Hence, the light that reached earth was “light diffused,” as indicated by a comment about verse 3 in Rotherham’s Emphasised Bible. Next event-

(2nd creative day: v6-8) “‘Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters.’ Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And it came to be so. And God began to call the expanse Heaven.”
→ this simply means that a separation of waters occurred as some of the waters was push up the earth like a 'canopy' and the rest remained on earth; the division between these two bodies of water was called “heaven”. Gen 1:20 calls it “the expanse of the heavens” where later birds could fly in.

(3rd creative 'day': v9,10) "Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear.’ And it came to be so. And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he called Seas.”
→ the account does not describe how this was done of course. But no doubt, tremendous earth movements would have been involved in the formation of land areas. Geologists would explain such major upheavals as catastrophism. But Genesis indicates direction and control by a Creator. Whatever means were used to accomplish the raising up of dry land, the important point is: Both the Bible and science recognize it as one of the stages in the forming of the earth. Thus on the 3rd 'day' dry land appeared and water basins formed as “seas”. What's the next obvious event to occur?

Here on the 3rd creative 'day' plant life appeared (v11): “‘Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kinds, the seed of which is in it, upon the earth.’ And it came to be so.”
→ Thus by the close of this third creative period, three broad categories of land plants had been created. The diffused light would have become quite strong by then, ample for the process of photosynthesis so vital to green plants. Incidentally, the account here does not mention every “kind” of plant that came on the scene. Microscopic organisms, water plants and others are not specifically named, but likely were created on this “day.”

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:46 AM
(4th creative 'day': v14-16) “‘Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years. And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.’ And it came to be so. And God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.”
→ Previously, on the first “day,” the expression “Let light come to be” was used. The Hebrew word there used for “light” is ’ohr, meaning light in a general sense. But on the fourth “day,” the Hebrew word changes to ma·’ohr′, which means the source of the light. So had there been an earthly observer, he would be able to discern the sun, moon and stars, which would “serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.”
Note also v15, the moon would indicate the passing of lunar months, and the sun the passing of solar years. The seasons that now “came to be” on this fourth “day” would no doubt have been much milder than they became later on.

(5th creative 'day': v20,21) “‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.’ And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind.”
→ Animals of every sort was created - flying creatures, fish including the "great sea monster" and possible dinosaurs appeared at this stage of the creation sequence.

(6th creative 'day':v24) “‘Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.’ And it came to be so.”
→ Land animals characterized as wild and domestic appeared. But this final “day” was not over. One last remarkable “kind” was to come:
v26,27: “And God went on to say: ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.’ And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.” → Finally man was created possessing God's 'image' his foremost attributes of love, wisdom, justice and power.
7th “day': God 'rested' or desisted from his creative activities for it was done.

So to summarize the sequence of the creative 'day':
1)Planets, sun moon stars already existed (created) billions and billions of years.
2)Watery earth was formless.
3)Preparation for earth to be inhabited.
Day 1: Light (of some sort) came to be on a formless watery earth.
Day 2: Separation between waters above and waters below, expanse (sky) appeared.
Day 3: Dry land, vegetation, organism appeared and water basins formed (seas).
Day 4: Lights from the luminaries became discernible from earth. Days and seasons.
Day 5: Animals of every sort appeared; fish, flying creatures, sea monsters – dinosours.
Day 6: More animals -wild and domestic and finally man was created.
Day 7: Creation stopped.

Now, here's what science say about the mathematical probability of the Genesis creation account - proof that it must have come from a source with knowledge of the events. The account lists 10 major stages in this order:
(1) A beginning.
(2) A primitive earth in darkness and enshrouded in heavy gases and water.
(3) Light.
(4) An expanse or atmosphere.
(5) Large areas of dry land.
(6) land plants.
(7) sun, moon and stars discernible in the expanse, and seasons beginning.
(8) sea monsters and flying creatures.
(9) wild and tame beasts, mammals.
(10) man.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:56 PM

What is The Book of Genesis Really Describing?

The 3200 year old Creation Account from the Old Testament describes the start up sequence of pictures from a 1995 cd-rom

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by edmc^2

Thank you for your Post...

The Day mentioned in The Genesis has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Earth day or Periods involving the Universe.

Note; the Day Period Involves another world, that the Heaven, Earth and what you believe to be your Universe is Created IN….

This Day was described as being between The Evening and The Morning ???

But the Earth day is the other period between Morning and Evening...

The Other way Round ???

The 7th Day or the Sabbath it talks of, is the Day The Lord God Rested and No further Days regarding the Period from Evening to Morning are Mentioned... No mention of an Eighth Day, Nineth Day or any other Days Between Evening and Morning ???

And this has Nothing to do with being Lost in Translation....

J.C. being the Lord of The Sabbath healed on the Sabbath, the Seventh day of the Earth Week.

And the Jews accused Him of breaking the Sabbath, the reason being.... the Sabbath was/is NOT understood even today.

J.C. was showing that the Saturday was the same as any other Earth Day (athough remembered or selabrated on Earth, on the seventh day of the Earth Week.) and the True Sabbith related so another World... i.e. the World that.... First the Heaven then the Earth was Created IN....

If this were NOT True, then J.C. would Not have healed on what humankind think the Sabith day is, Namelly the Saturday...

Every day on Earth, is Sabbath, the Day the Lord Rested...
And He is still resting, that is why the earth is as it is today…

Humankind gets these Two Days mixed with each bother, but in fact these two days are Opposite to each other.

The Day period Mentioned, in the Construction or Creation of.... First the Heaven and then the Earth i.e. from Evening to Morning is Opposite to the Earth Day which is from the Morning to Evening.... no matter what language you choose...

The Human understanding of the world that is the Earth and Universe you see, is NOT the same understanding, as that by The "Outer Mind" (Father) that Created ALL through J.C. not the Carpenter....

Take a look a "The Thunder Perfect Mind" this is an early Christian writing that is supposed to be a Confession by J.C.

You can find this ancient text easily on the Net....

This writing is less than 12 pages long, and is supposedly or reportedly as I said, a Confession by/of J.C. through the Carpenter Jesus, as you call Him today, to who He J.C. actually was/is..

Not exactly what is preached in Roman Doctrine, the Roman church or any other denomination for that matter, today ???

Check it out....

[edit on 19-3-2010 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Hello old friend,

Great brake down. I really like the part about the light. I had never looked at it like that even though it says light must be divided from darkness.

I personally believe what Genesis is describing, in the first chapter at least, is the conception of a Human being, as that is the pentacle of Gods creation, indeed that of his own image.

Somewhat like this.

1st day. Light division=1st cell divides and He saw it...
2nd day. Firmament=Tissues forming
3rd Day Waters Gathered= bone structure organs forming
4th day two lights and stars also=Brain, Heart, EYES
5th day let the waters team with life=Cardio, Pulminary,+Functions
6th day land sprouts from seeds+Living creatures=Immune Systems, Hair, finger and toe nails
7th day....Able to be birthed

Also, Adam rather Adummah (Ruddy, Red=every baby is bright red when born then rapped in white linen, with feet that look like bronze who's eyes are as a flame of fire "all squinted and screaming") means Mankind and is both Male and Female, while Chava/EVE means "lifegiver" who is specifically "woman".

Another thing and please don't misinterpret me, as I'm talking about the normal biological functions of humanity and that function in creation. I know you won't but people think I'm some sort of perv when I mention these things and I don't get it. It's natural and required for life in this world.

When Adam was put "under" it wasn't a "rib" that God took, rather a fleshy organ. Adam had a wet dream and from this woman was conceived. Adam had Nocturnal emissions and God used this bio material to create woman, not females, but woman or wo-man "The lower man" who is the Son of man and a "help meet" for adam) Different from Male which means "remembered" and Female which means "sexual form". Notice when Cain is born Eve says, I have acquired a man-child FROM THE LORD. The same is said of Habel again, "FROM THE LORD".

Did you know that by the end of Genesis 1:31 and starting in 2:1...the entire creation is complete meaning from the beginning of time till the end of time. If you look you will find that Cain and Habel give there offerings at the "end of days"...future, not past, as God tells THE END FROM THE BEGINNING.
Like trying to read Ambulance correctly without a rear view mirror you see ecnalubmA.

I have come to realize through study that the bible is telling one story...over and over and over again and only "the names and places have been changed to protect the innocent." That story is complete at Genesis 1:31 and the rest of the entire bible is a more defined picture of the same. "How can a nation be born at once?"

Like zooming in from space to see your house. The point was always your house, but from space you can't even make it out it is so tiny, yet you are observing it from space. Your home is in your heart so you contain the whole picture, but when showing it to someone else you must zoom in to show them the point of the picture...does that make any sense?

Anyway just some thoughts. Good to see you friend. I hope all is well with you and your family.



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