A Chronicle Account of The First Book of Moses Called Genesis.
Part 1 of 2.
In this very controversial writing I will deal with Chapter One only at this stage.
It is not my wish or intention, to get into a debate of the authenticity
of the writing, but to merely look at the structure of the text Chronologically,
to establish what is really being described behind the writing.
In most cases we as human beings, tend to see or expect to see only
what we want to see, not as it actually describes.
I am also just as guilty of this, as any one else, so accepting this,
I have chosen for the sake of interest, to break down the writing,
into a step by step account of the story being told.
This is not, I repeat, NOT an attempt to justify the writing, or even rubbish
the content, but rather it is an attempt, to read and understand it
for what it describes, rather than try and match it to any preconceived theory,
according to any indoctrinated beliefs, whether scientific or of religious.
I have come to the conclusion, that the story being told in this book,
“The Genesis”, especially in Chapter One, the content or understanding
of our universe and earth, is much different than what we have been led
to believe it is by others regarding the Book of Genesis.
So here in this thread, I am going to portray a totally different structure
of existence than most would perceive, or believe it to be.
To grasp the Information or Understanding in “The Book of The Genesis”,
it is important to realise that through history, the text has become somewhat
vague to say the very least.
Things have become mixed due to both human interpretation and translations,
especially when the translator, may have had no understanding whatsoever,
of the original description.
The interpretation of the writings has been influenced by the politics
of the Education System, peer pressure, and from religious groups,
not forgetting the influence of the Translators or readers own beliefs.
So this is why I have decided to explore this story, in Chronological form,
with a couple of Drawings, in an attempt to find a truer understanding
of the writing.
It is not my intension to prove or disprove the validity of the writings.
Perhaps, some have turned these writings into a religion,
by ether misrepresenting, unintentionally, or adding other bits and pieces,
that transform the true meaning of the writings, into what is read and taught
The First Book of Moses Called Genesis.
From “The King James Version”
(published in the Late 1800’s Oxford printed at the University Press.)
Chapter 01 Verse 01
“In the beginning God Created “The Heaven” and “The Earth.”
Comments: Note. First “The Heaven”, and then “The Earth”.
Verse 02
“And the Earth was without form and void;”
Comments: Why was the Earth without Form and Void?
First, the word “Form”:-
Definition of the Word, “Form”.
1. The outward or visible shape of a body (in this case the Earth)
as distinguished from its substance or colour.
2. A body or figure of a living being.
3. A mould or frame for shaping.
4. A specific structure. (in this case the Earth)
In the story, I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Form”
to relate to the Earth, and not humankind, as humankind
had not been mentioned yet, at this stage in the writing,
so we can’t assume that the word “Form” refers to Humankind
can we?
Second the Word “Void”.
Again the word “Void” refers to the Earth.
1. Void Containing Nothing.
2. Without content.
3. Empty.
4. An empty space.
5. Vacuum.
I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Void”
to relate to the Earth, in the sense of Containing Nothing,
Not even Form i.e. the Earth neither having shape nor size.
Continuation of Verse 02
“and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”
First the word; “Darkness”.
I understand that “darkness” is the Lack of “Contrast”, or not being able
to detect anything. The Word Darkness can also refer to Obscurity.
It is said by others darkness lacking Light, but I have found and can prove that Light is of Black & White Not just White.
Darkness is Not Blackness, but instead is Greyness.
Notice the “darkness” is “upon the face of the deep”.
Two things involved...
1. A Face, Plane, or Flat surface.
2, Deep, that which has Depth known or unknown i.e. beyond a face,
there may or may Not be depth, The word Deep was used, as it was unknown
what was beyond the Face, if in fact anything.
Note also the Deep can in No way refer to the sea, seas,
or any water on Earth!
As at this stage in the Writing, the Earth did Not exist!
Even the Heaven had Not been Created at this stage!
First the Creation of “The Heaven”, then “The Earth”.
When we look at a Face, Surface or Plane, we can’t see what is beyond it, especially if it is Dark, hence the possible Deep, or depth,
Continuation of Verse 02
“And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters”.
Now it would appear that the face referred to, is a face
having the appearance of waters.
Remember though; “The Earth” does Not exist at this stage in the Writing,
nor does “The Heaven”, which is/was to be Created First!
So what are these “waters” that existed before The Heaven or the Earth?
Let’s take a look at the Word; “Water”.
As the Earth did Not exist at this stage in the Writing, it is safe
or preferable, to look at other meanings of the Word; “Water”,
other than the seas, lakes or rivers or any other liquid of the Earth!
One meaning of the Word “Water” is;
An undulating sheen given to certain fabrics, as silk linen etc?
So as the Earth did Not exist.
The meaning behind the word “Water” can Not possibly be anything
of the Earth like sea water!
That which is being described, may be much different, and there
may Not have been a word in English, that was truly appropriate
in the translation, but unfortunately only the closest possible.
Some words are impossible to translate correctly!
So I personally, can only suggest, that the word “Water”, relates
to the adjective sense, rather than used as a noun.
“An undulating sheen”
“Undulating”; A wave like disturbance or Movement..
“Sheen” A Glistening brightness, as if from reflection.
The other explanation my be, that the word “waters” was used as
a result, of either the Scribes, or Translators attempt, to “join the dots”
as to say, based on their interpretation or beliefs, or even of religious their
Never the less this phenomena, i.e. the Face of the Deep,
existed before the Creation of The Heaven !
The Word Face implies 2D., rather than 3D.
The description of;
“The Spirit of God moved upon the Face of the waters”.
Implies in my understanding, that the nature of the Face was modified
by movement, of an influence, in some way or other involving Movement.
This is debatable, but this is my personal understanding?
Verse 03
“And God said “Let there be Light:
And there was Light”.
It is obvious to me, that this movement, was said to Created Light,
from out of the Darkness.
For me to explain this, requires another thread.
Which I have already started called.
Did you know this, about the Theory of Light? >
And on this thread one person placed a cartoon movie,
relating to Scientists discovering that Light appears to be Aware?
This was discovered while investigating the theory of Light,
in the famous Slit experiments.
Verse 04
And God saw the Light, that it was good:
and God divided the Light from the darkness.
If we read this statement, word for word;
1. God was Aware of the Light i.e. to see Light.
2. And that Light came from the Darkness.
In other words the Light, was the two components
that were in the make-up of darkness.