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What is The Book of Genesis Really Describing?

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:30 PM
A Chronicle Account of The First Book of Moses Called Genesis.

Part 1 of 2.

In this very controversial writing I will deal with Chapter One only at this stage.

It is not my wish or intention, to get into a debate of the authenticity
of the writing, but to merely look at the structure of the text Chronologically,
to establish what is really being described behind the writing.
In most cases we as human beings, tend to see or expect to see only
what we want to see, not as it actually describes.
I am also just as guilty of this, as any one else, so accepting this,
I have chosen for the sake of interest, to break down the writing,
into a step by step account of the story being told.
This is not, I repeat, NOT an attempt to justify the writing, or even rubbish
the content, but rather it is an attempt, to read and understand it
for what it describes, rather than try and match it to any preconceived theory,
according to any indoctrinated beliefs, whether scientific or of religious.
I have come to the conclusion, that the story being told in this book,
“The Genesis”, especially in Chapter One, the content or understanding
of our universe and earth, is much different than what we have been led
to believe it is by others regarding the Book of Genesis.
So here in this thread, I am going to portray a totally different structure
of existence than most would perceive, or believe it to be.
To grasp the Information or Understanding in “The Book of The Genesis”,
it is important to realise that through history, the text has become somewhat
vague to say the very least.
Things have become mixed due to both human interpretation and translations,
especially when the translator, may have had no understanding whatsoever,
of the original description.
The interpretation of the writings has been influenced by the politics
of the Education System, peer pressure, and from religious groups,
not forgetting the influence of the Translators or readers own beliefs.

So this is why I have decided to explore this story, in Chronological form,
with a couple of Drawings, in an attempt to find a truer understanding
of the writing.
It is not my intension to prove or disprove the validity of the writings.

Perhaps, some have turned these writings into a religion,
by ether misrepresenting, unintentionally, or adding other bits and pieces,
that transform the true meaning of the writings, into what is read and taught

The First Book of Moses Called Genesis.

From “The King James Version”
(published in the Late 1800’s Oxford printed at the University Press.)

Chapter 01 Verse 01

“In the beginning God Created “The Heaven” and “The Earth.”

Comments: Note. First “The Heaven”, and then “The Earth”.

Verse 02

“And the Earth was without form and void;”
Comments: Why was the Earth without Form and Void?

First, the word “Form”:-

Definition of the Word, “Form”.

1. The outward or visible shape of a body (in this case the Earth)
as distinguished from its substance or colour.

2. A body or figure of a living being.

3. A mould or frame for shaping.

4. A specific structure. (in this case the Earth)

In the story, I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Form”
to relate to the Earth, and not humankind, as humankind
had not been mentioned yet, at this stage in the writing,
so we can’t assume that the word “Form” refers to Humankind
can we?

Second the Word “Void”.

Again the word “Void” refers to the Earth.

1. Void Containing Nothing.
2. Without content.
3. Empty.
4. An empty space.
5. Vacuum.

I have chosen the meaning of the word, “Void”
to relate to the Earth, in the sense of Containing Nothing,
Not even Form i.e. the Earth neither having shape nor size.

Continuation of Verse 02

“and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”


First the word; “Darkness”.

I understand that “darkness” is the Lack of “Contrast”, or not being able
to detect anything. The Word Darkness can also refer to Obscurity.
It is said by others darkness lacking Light, but I have found and can prove that Light is of Black & White Not just White.
Darkness is Not Blackness, but instead is Greyness.

Notice the “darkness” is “upon the face of the deep”.
Two things involved...

1. A Face, Plane, or Flat surface.

2, Deep, that which has Depth known or unknown i.e. beyond a face,
there may or may Not be depth, The word Deep was used, as it was unknown
what was beyond the Face, if in fact anything.

Note also the Deep can in No way refer to the sea, seas,
or any water on Earth!

As at this stage in the Writing, the Earth did Not exist!

Even the Heaven had Not been Created at this stage!


First the Creation of “The Heaven”, then “The Earth”.

When we look at a Face, Surface or Plane, we can’t see what is beyond it, especially if it is Dark, hence the possible Deep, or depth,

Continuation of Verse 02

“And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters”.

Now it would appear that the face referred to, is a face
having the appearance of waters.

Remember though; “The Earth” does Not exist at this stage in the Writing,
nor does “The Heaven”, which is/was to be Created First!

So what are these “waters” that existed before The Heaven or the Earth?

Let’s take a look at the Word; “Water”.

As the Earth did Not exist at this stage in the Writing, it is safe
or preferable, to look at other meanings of the Word; “Water”,
other than the seas, lakes or rivers or any other liquid of the Earth!

One meaning of the Word “Water” is;

An undulating sheen given to certain fabrics, as silk linen etc?

So as the Earth did Not exist.
The meaning behind the word “Water” can Not possibly be anything
of the Earth like sea water!

That which is being described, may be much different, and there
may Not have been a word in English, that was truly appropriate
in the translation, but unfortunately only the closest possible.

Some words are impossible to translate correctly!

So I personally, can only suggest, that the word “Water”, relates
to the adjective sense, rather than used as a noun.

“An undulating sheen”

“Undulating”; A wave like disturbance or Movement..

“Sheen” A Glistening brightness, as if from reflection.

The other explanation my be, that the word “waters” was used as
a result, of either the Scribes, or Translators attempt, to “join the dots”
as to say, based on their interpretation or beliefs, or even of religious their

Never the less this phenomena, i.e. the Face of the Deep,
existed before the Creation of The Heaven !

The Word Face implies 2D., rather than 3D.

The description of;

“The Spirit of God moved upon the Face of the waters”.

Implies in my understanding, that the nature of the Face was modified
by movement, of an influence, in some way or other involving Movement.

This is debatable, but this is my personal understanding?

Verse 03

“And God said “Let there be Light:
And there was Light”.

It is obvious to me, that this movement, was said to Created Light,
from out of the Darkness.

For me to explain this, requires another thread.

Which I have already started called.

< Did you know this, about the Theory of Light? >

And on this thread one person placed a cartoon movie,
relating to Scientists discovering that Light appears to be Aware?

This was discovered while investigating the theory of Light,
in the famous Slit experiments.

Verse 04

And God saw the Light, that it was good:
and God divided the Light from the darkness.

If we read this statement, word for word;

1. God was Aware of the Light i.e. to see Light.

2. And that Light came from the Darkness.

In other words the Light, was the two components
that were in the make-up of darkness.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Interesting, very interesting. I never really thought of it as a statement of light, darkness, etc though I always found it interesting that God creates light before the sun and other stars.

The idea that at one time all was ONE and that from this obscurity came specialization, from this sameness came difference, from the Yin-Yang God has separated out both Yin and Yang and made them dual. This I think is a similar tale to that of Adam and Eve. At first Adam and Eve are ignorant to good AND evil and the fruit creates a sort of duality in their minds forming right and wrong. Without the fruit they would be unable to perceive the opposites as opposites, they would remain indeterminate pieces of the whole.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:44 PM
This is a very interesting idea and could make a great thread.

I think we need to recognize that the texts we are most likely using are translations or translations of translations. Therefore we must be careful in our word-parsing. Unless anyone here is a scholar in ancient Aramaic, we are dissecting the word choices of Elizabethan English translators of dubious knowledge of either Greek or Aramaic (or else their modern counterparts).

For example, the story of The Fall contains the phrases "the serpent beguiled Eve" and the term "she ate of the fruit" (NOWHERE is "an apple" mentioned, baroque painting conventions to the contrary). Apparantely in the original these have VERY strong sexual euphamistic connotations that would have been immediately apparent to contemporary readers, but are lost in the modern translations. Make of that what you will...

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:45 PM
Part 2.

What we call Night and Day on earth, was named After this phenomena!

But note that Day and Night existed before the Creation of Heaven
or for that matter Earth!

Continuation of Verse 05

“And the Evening and the Morning,
were the First Day.”


Note that the “Evening”, is the transition from the “Day” (Light)
to “Night” (Darkness”)

The “Morning” is the transition from “Night” (Darkness)
to “Day” (Light)!

So the Day in the Verse, “Evening to Morning” is in Fact our Night on Earth?

The Day (mentioned in the verse) can in No way, be a Day of the Earth
or Universe, as at this stage, in the Writing, neither “The Heaven” (First)
nor “The Earth” (Second) had been Created!

My Question here is, the statement;

“And the Evening (First) and the Morning (Second)
were the First Day.”

To be understood as the period, between Evening and Morning?

Why repeat it 7 times, i.e. the order of the words as;

1st “Evening”, and then 2nd “Morning”?

What I am suggesting, is that the Day mentioned here,
is Not a period of time at all, but rather a description,
regarding “Contrast” itself.

Verse 06

“And God said,
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the Waters from the Waters.”


What does the Word “Firmament” mean?

Today our understanding according to a dictionary is;

The expanse of the Heaven or Sky

But in Latin is.... Firmamentum; “A Support”

So it appears that the definition of the word is very loose indeed,
in English!

The mere fact of dividing the waters, implies a phenomena
of separation, thus Creating a Face in 2D Between The Upper
and Lower Faces or a Volume if in 3D.

as portrayed in Verse 07

Verse 07

“And God made the Firmament, and divided
the waters which were under the Firmament
from the waters which were above the Firmament
and it was so.”



Remember the story is talking about The Creation
of “The Heaven” at this stage of the Writing !

And Not the Earth, Sky or Universe!

Verse 08

“And God called The Firmament “Heaven.”


Now here at this stage in the writing is finally the Description
of “The Heaven”!

Or Creation of “The Heaven”!

And at this stage of the Writing, “The Heaven” has now been Created!

So what is “The Heaven”?

It is a Gap or space, between two “Faces” which have the appearance,
similar to that of water i.e. “An undulating sheen”.

Remember I gave my reasons, for believing that
the Word “Water” was used in the Adjective sense,
and Not as a Noun!

What follows is a description of The Earth etc being created
from the Lower Face of “The Heaven”.

Continuation of Verse 08

“And the Evening (first) and the Morning (second)
were the Second Day”.


Again this description is repeated, 7 times.
See my comments earlier, regarding the First Day.

Verse 09

“And God said,
Let the Waters under the Heaven,
be gathered unto one place,
and let the dry land appear:
and it was so.”


As only “The Heaven” had been created at this stage
in the writing and was as “The Heaven” was Created
in/from the [Waters) from “Face of the Deep”
that wasn’t of the Earth, we need to look at other phenomena
or explanation, to gain understanding of this writing !

It is my understanding that dry land, was formed from
the Lower Face, Not of Earth but of The Heaven, as it is written.

But remember the writings do not define the word “Waters”,
and appears to be only used as a description sense of the word.

It is also important Not to assume anything, about the definition
of the waters, or for that matter even guess !

We can only see it, as what I have shown in the second Drawing!

Referring to:-

“Let the Waters under the Heaven
be gathered unto one place,
and let the dry land appear:”

It is my understanding, that both the Land & the Sea
were created from this Lower Face, or Waters As described,
and we must Not interpret the description of the deep, as being
of water such as sea water or fresh waters of the Earth.

But rather our Land and areas of water, have been formed
out of the waters of The Face which is the source
and Not the result.

In other words, there are two types of water, that must Not,
be confused as one!
But in saying this the Earth and the waters of the Earth is a form
that has come from the Face of the Deep or that of the Face described,
as looking like waters or “An undulating sheen”.

Waters as we know them today, are formed from the Face of the Deep
and are Not to be confused as same.

Verse 10

“And God called the dry land Earth;
and the gathering of the waters called seas:”

Note also, the word Seas, is used and Not Sea, Singular...

So here Now, at this stage of the writing, is mentioned
the creation of “The Earth”!

Note that The Earth (Dry Land) is formed from
the Waters of The Face or Face of The Deep,
in the Lower part, under the Firmament called Heaven.

Continuation of Verse 10

“and God saw it was good.”


This also implies, that , Awareness existed, before the creation
of “The Heaven”, Earth, sky, and universe, in order for God to see!

Verses 11 to 13

No need to explain...

Verse 14

“And God said, Let there be Lights in the Firmament
of the Heaven”


Note:- These are Lights, and exist in the Gap or Firmament,
called Heaven!

Continuation of Verse 14

“to divide the Day from the Night;”


So we are back to this definition of the “Day” (Light)
and Night (Darkness, which is a mixture of Black & White
having No Contrast and Not Black)

So here we have....

1. Lights,

2. Day (Black & White separated)

3. Darkness (Black & White Mixed)

Continuation of Verse 14

“and let them (the Lights) be for signs,
and for seasons, and for days, and years:”


But I suggest that these Lights are Not in fact Stars,
as many would assume!

I say this because the Stars are mentioned later on
in verse 16 as it is written, that God Created the Stars Also!

Verse 15

“And let them be for Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven
(First Heaven) to give Light upon the Earth: and it was so.”

Yes I know, many would be tempted into saying...
“See these Lights, are Stars”

But what I suggest is, that the Star is the form
while the light/lights shine through the star.

All light comes from the same Source.

All Light, is both from the Mixture of Black & White,
having No Contrast, and from the Separation of Black & White (Opposites)!

The key in the words written...

“to give Light upon the Earth: and it was so.”

The Light is Not the Star, but is that, which comes through
the Star !

So you can see there are Two components involved!

1. Light. (i.e. given through the form of the star)

2. The Form or Star. (i.e. that which Light shines through)

Verse 16

“And God made Two great Lights;
the Greater Light to rule the day,
and the lesser Light to rule the Night:”


Notice that each of these Lights, were to Rule.

It does Not say that the Greater Light Produces the Day!
Nor does it say the Lesser Produces The Night!

But rather these shall Rule Over!

Continuation of Verse 16

“He made the Stars also.”


And here in the writing as I said earlier, that he also made
the Stars (as well as the Lights)!

Note we have stars, that give Light and we have collapsed Stars,
that absorb Light, humankind call Black Holes today”!

So Not All Stars give Light!

Therefore there are “Lights”, and “Stars”?

The Stars are Not the Source of Light, but only
the intermediate stage, the Light comes through !

Verse 17

Self explanatory...

Verse 18

“And to rule over the day and over the night,
and to Divide the Light from the Darkness:
and God saw that it was good”.


So this is referring to Verse 17 that refers to Verse 16
That identifies The Two Great Lights and The Stars.

There appears to be a little confusion here, in that
the Translator, or original Scribe, has Not understood
correctly, trying to suggest that the Lights and Stars
are one and the Same, where clearly Light is Light
and the Stars, are that which Give Light on Earth.
Stars being the Form, and Not Light/Lights.

Verse 19

Already discussed earlier...

Verse 20

“And God said,
Let the Waters bring forth abundantly
the moving creature that hath Life,
and fowl that may fly above
in the open firmament of heaven.”


Notice it says; The Open Firmament of Heaven and Not Heaven…

This is where some confusion originates, if the text
is Not read as it is.

It clearly says let the “Waters” bring forth abundantly
and Not the oceans, rivers or lakes.

I would suggest here the word “Waters” is Referring
to the Face of The Deep and Not the Sea or lakes of the Earth.

More on this, in another thread to come...

The waters of Earth can Not bring forth anything at all.

But as it is written, that all is of “The Waters”
of “The Face of the Deep”, mentioned in Verse 01 & 02

It is from the “Face of The Deep” before the Creation
of The Heaven and then The Earth, that the moving creature
that hath Life, and fowl that may fly above
in the open firmament of heaven,
have come from.

But I will attempt to explain how, in a future Thread.

For the fowl to fly above, in the Open Firmament of heaven,
may require the Creation of Air in the gap between the Faces
of the Deep?

Note also here the Sky, is Not the Firmament
but instead is IN the Firmament!

Just as the Cup is Not the coffee drink,
neither is the coffee the cup.

Verse 21 to 25

Self explanatory...

Verse 26

“And God said,
Let Us make Man in Our image,
After Our Likeness:”


Note two points here...

1. God is shown to be Plural, and Not singular.

a. “Let Us make Man”

b. “ in Our image”

c. “After Our Likeness”


2. Note; God did Not make A’ Dam in their Image!

It is plainly written here that Man, and Not A’ Dam
was Created in (Their), Gods Image!

Continuation of Verse 26

“and let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea”


Note the word “Sea”, and Not the “Waters”
of “The Face of the Deep”.

Continuation of Verse 26

and over the fowl of the Air, and over the cattle,
and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth on the Earth.”

Note it is Man and Not A’ Dam that was given dominion
over the other Creatures of the Earth!

Verse 27

“So God Created Man in His own image,”


God Plural, being “The Word” Logos
and The Life being the Light of Man!

Note Very Carefully That.

Man is also of pairs.

Man has the Life of God in the Form of The Light.

But A’ Dam has Life in the Form of the Breath of Air.

Continuation of Verse 26

“in the image of God Created He him.
male and female Created He them.”


Male is the “Inner”
Female is the “Outer”

Just as a bolt is said to be male, and a nut is said to be female.

There is a Male and Female component of the Soul referred to as Man!
Man and Wo-man.

But in the case of the human Primate A’ Dam and Eve.

Chapter 02 of the Genesis, is another story and requires
a completely different thread to discus this.

The second Chapter involves some very complicated
and controversial discussion, but before anyone can attempt,
to understand the rest of the bible, or the collection
of Hebrew and Greek writings, it is of the utmost Importance,
to Understand Chapter One of Genesis First, before
going any further...

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I think you may be over complicating it. Let me try to run this down for you the way I see it.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Now two things were created and called heaven and earth. No descriptions or time line yet. How much time has gone by after this initial creation? Who knows. It could be a very very long time. Consider meteor impacts, the universe swirling with matter and so on.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Here we see that the earth is without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. The earth could be a very misshapen ball with water at this point. Remember no time line yet.

Remember there could be a lot of time between these two statements. So when scientists say that there is a meteor that proves the universe is sixty billion years old or something, they could very well be right. God is outside our time. Star and flagged for a very good explanation of the musings inside your head and for looking for answers. I hope that my musings have helped a little.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by jackflap

It is important to leave out any assumptions... Whether of Science or Religion...

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Here we see that the earth is without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. The earth could be a very misshapen ball with water at this point. Remember no time line yet.

Note the Earth had NO form and was Void....

ie No Shape & No Dimension....

Read very carefully what I have written.

It may put a whole new meaning on the writing?

It is The order of things that U need to look at.... This is very important!

[edit on 29-9-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I will Matrix Traveller. Thanks for replying. I too have thought long and hard about this as well. I thought I would share my conclusions with you. Thanks!

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by jackflap

I feel that the order of each happening in Genesis has been taken for granted but Look very very closely at the Order of events and secondly the descriptions given... I believe that we (All of us) have misunderstood this book....

Check out Parts 1 & 2

[edit on 29-9-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I try to keep it in the context that I understand. As I believe the words we are reading were meant for us to understand. Again, these are just my ideas on the matter.

I just don't see the book as having to be that complicated. Rather I see it as trying to explain a very complicated process simply. If we read it and apply what we do know (I.E. what the Bible tells us about God) about things, I believe its secrets are revealed.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

Yes I agree with you... What I am considdering is what we see writen today....

Was it Eve or the Woman that consumed the Fruit...

The Man & Woman are The Soul (Body made from Light) but the Primate is
A' Dam and Eve.

God was said to have Created Man in His (Their) Image... According to the writings, He did Not Ctreate A' Dam in their Image!

But I will deal with this chapter after Exploring Chapter 1...

[edit on 29-9-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

This too is explained very well. There are two accounts of man being created. I could go into this but like you said, you want to get through the first part. Just remember that the first creation of man a soul wasn't mentioned. The second, when Adam was created a soul was given and he was placed in a garden. A woman was made from him. They both had souls, the rest of mankind did not.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I am pleased you have finally begun to put forth your work on Genesis. I enjoy the unique perspetive you bring forth in describing the two very distinct creations of heaven and the earth.

I believe our physical realm is a weak outbirth of the Spiritual realm. So I look at things such as water, light, darkness, earth, fire, our atmosphere, etc. as having spiritual counterparts in the spiritual realm that are made of properties that we cannot even imagine. Even the light from the Sun and the moon is only a weak outbirth of the true eternal spiritual light.

I can't wait for your next thread.

Such work is deserving of a S&F!

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:41 PM
The whole story of Genesis is allegorical in nature and is not meant to be taken literally. Even though some people do.

And unfortunately if your going to do any serious research on the subject you need to look at the original bible text. Not a king james version.
too many translations by too many people tends to distort things.

Maybe original hebrew text might point us in the right direction.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by grey580

If you read the Books of Ezra, you will find some interesting information regarding the priests and the Scribes and what Ezra did with the keys to the temple...
Why did they burn the bones of the priests and especialy the Scribes on the Altars???

Was there a Change or an introduction of a new written Language ???

Perhaps from the Lost Zionic written language???

You will find the answers in the Books of Ezra....

And again in The Gospel of Thomas, regarding the Scribes, knowledge etc...
Where the Pharisees and Scribes Hid the keys of Knowledge... etc. etc.

Now why would the Scribe/s do this???

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by grey580

If you read the Books of Ezra, you will find some interesting information regarding the priests and the Scribes and what Ezra did with the keys to the temple...
Why did they burn the bones of the priests and especialy the Scribes on the Altars???

Was there a Change or an introduction of a new written Language ???

Perhaps from the Lost Zionic written language???

You will find the answers in the Books of Ezra....

And again in The Gospel of Thomas, regarding the Scribes, knowledge etc...
Where the Pharisees and Scribes Hid the keys of Knowledge... etc. etc.

Now why would the Scribe/s do this???

Where they trying to keep the ancient language pure?

Just a wild this a test?

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

Or perhaps the Babylonians where trying to remove power from the Jews and why would Ezra throw those keys up into the Sun for safe keeping until the last days. Why did Ezra have to do this and not the Angels???

Did Ezra really do this?

Or is there another meaning??

Perhaps these are metaphors involving something humankind is not aware of today?

Remember the angels were reported to raise the temple to the Ground, then Ezra threw the keys up into the Sun for safe keeping.

Was this so the Babylonians couldn't be said to destroy the temple???

Or was something else taking place, that no one understands today?

And what does this verse relate to in Malachi Ch.4 V.1 to 3.... Note the Word Sun not Son...

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by John Matrix

Remember the angels were reported to raise the temple to the Ground, then Ezra threw the keys up into the Sun for safe keeping.

Was this so the Babylonians couldn't be said to destroy the temple???

Or was something else taking place, that no one understands today?

And what does this verse relate to in Malachi Ch.4 V.1 to 3.... Note the Word Sun not Son...

Have you discovered the possible explanations/answers?
I believe there is more secret truths recorded in the bible than anyone is aware of, and those truths would be revealed towards the "end" of human governance.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

Have you discovered the possible explanations/answers?

Yes some....

I believe there is more secret truths recorded in the bible than anyone is aware of, and those truths would be revealed towards the "end" of human governance.

I agree 101% with your statement ... The bible has nothing at all to do with what is understood today or for that matter what is being taught.

If we look at Genesis Chapter 4 V. 16 and 17, Enoch, being the first Son of Cain, (Not E'Noch the Seventh from A'Dam) built a City!

But for who?

I always thought a City was for many people... (a few thousand?)

So how do we understand this correctly?

It is absurd to think that one would build a City for perhaps 4 or 5 people?

Perhaps this City is Not the City we normally think of...
But involves Something much different than people know today or can even imagine...

Perhaps the Word "City" was translated from a word that means something much different, and the word "City" was only the nearest possible translation?

Bearing in Mind that what we know as The Genesis is NOT the original writing but may originate from the era of Ezra when the Temple was torn down and the Jews were taken to Babylon where I believe they were taught a new written language. But this is very controversial...

Perhaps an organised structure of something unknown, or of lost knowledge today?

This City may be referring to a City of a similar nature to what I have shown you in the past.

There are Cities of the Earth, but there are Cities of another world, Not of the Universe people know of... But these Cities so called, referred to in some Ancient writings are Not of Buildings according to humankind but rather lattice works of the Soul.

Often the Lattice work or Map Format of the Soul was called a City...

See The book of Ezekiel and the Revelation of JC.

But where did Cain's Wife come from the writings make No mention of where she came from...

Is this just an oversight or is the story a little different than we understand today?

Is there any mention of Eve having a daughter?

Or was Cain's Wife Seth's Daughter?

Or perhaps Cain's wife came from another source?


[edit on 30-9-2009 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
It is important to leave out any assumptions... Whether of Science or Religion...

I agree, and I applaud your careful efforts. But if you REALLY are going to delve into this to the level you seem to want to, you need to be able to read the LANGUAGE THE ORIGINAL WAS WRITTEN IN. Otherwise all this parsing is for naught because translations in general are a lot more complex than "Word X = Word Y therefore Sentece A = Sentence B." What is lost in this kind of translation is the subtle nuances that surround each word, the contextuality, and a whole host of other issues.

Here's a simple example.
Q: "Do you want to read together for awhile?"
A: "I don't feel up to it."

I saw this snippet of dialogue subtitled in a DVD I was watching as something like:

A: "Is it your wish that we sit crosswise and engage in reading simultaneously?"
B: "No, when I reach my arms upwards, my feeling of touch, when extended upwards, does not receive any sensation in relation thereto. Therefore, there aren't any books up there on the shelf and we can't engage in your suggested activity."

I see this kind of stuff CONSTANTLY in of the more maddening aspects of being multilingual. Sometimes the mistakes are even more bald.

Please remember stuff like that creeps into translations ALL THE TIME, and when you start talking about translations of translations, or words thast have been passed from here to there like a game of Chinese whispers, well..."

Not to take the steam out of your excegetical efforts, which are impressive, but...

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

WoW Great post

I have one question. As you say! its important to understand the beginning before you can move on to understand the rest. I agree totally

My question is:

Why would God say that he created the heaven and the earth first. But then go on to say that Earth was without form and void?

With out form and void means no shape or dimension. That would mean that earth cant exist but still it does?
That doesn't make sense.

To me it sounds like earth is also heaven at this stage? Heaven and earth is one and the same thing. It just hasn't taken shape yet or been separated into heaven and earth. As the text say.

To say that God first created The Heaven and the Earth must be a miss interpretation from Moses. Because later God tells us that earth is without form and void.

Would it be right to assume that God actually first created heaven. And "with" Or "out of" heaven God created the earth?

Question: Do you have an idea of what heaven is?

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

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