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More Cracks in the Obamacare Facade: No Insurance? Can't Pay Fee? Go To Jail!

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Does just over 47 hours of reading and researching the bills qualify as research?

Better than the NOTHING the right has done to research this.

Why are you trying to remove blame from Obama?

Because unlike most on this board, I don't bother to place blame on a figurehead that hasn't done anything except propose policy.

It really doesn't matter one way or the other now anyway.

He is literally spent fuel at this point, the left have rode him about as far as they can.

Congress is making the legislation, the president is pushing it... Is that to simple to understand?

They are all guilty of attempting to do this, but few have been so vocal in pushing this as President Obama has.

Ultimately he is a puppet, he knows his place in the real chain of command, and when the congress turns on him you will know a new blame game... Because even they will blame him to save their own political lives.

Watch the rats jump ship just before the 2010 elections.

You can blame who you want, it really makes no difference at this point.

Perhaps in 2010 people will realize that fear isn't a political talking point and stop voting for candidates that use irrational fear to try and win elections.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Because unlike most on this board, I don't bother to place blame on a figurehead that hasn't done anything except propose policy.

That is a wonderful thing, because using that line of thought I can now absolve George W. Bush from any blame for the Iraq war, and for everything else he was blamed for... After all he was just a figurehead that hasn't done anything except propose policy.

Also, we can't really blame him now for all of the lies he told us, right?

Perhaps in 2010 people will realize that fear isn't a political talking point and stop voting for candidates that use irrational fear to try and win elections.

Political talking points aside, lets just see what the facts can do in 2010.

The American people are not as ignorant as you assume.

No matter what it should be interesting.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Wow... I guess the LEFTWING sources which have posted about what is really happening with the healthcare reform are all "RIGHTWING PUNDITS".....

For crying out loud... keep cl;aiming that you are "denying ignorance" yet you keep embracing it every day...

[edit on 27-9-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Because unlike most on this board, I don't bother to place blame on a figurehead that hasn't done anything except propose policy.

Obviously you don't even know that President Obama SIGNS such policies....he not only pushes this agenda...he signs them into law too....

What were you implying about "most of you are not denying ignorance"?....

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:33 PM

More Cracks in the Obamacare Facade: No Insurance? Can't Pay Fee? Go To Jail!

I suggest members read the following and post accordingly.

Mod Note: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

Mod Note: Please Stay on Topic

Thank you

[edit on 27-9-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:09 PM
The extreme passions that the healthcare reform debate is generating
is exactly why the Senate won't put the final bill up on the web for
people to see. The message boards and call-in radio shows are
going bonkers over this reform issue.

No wonder Nancy Pelosi (and now other leaders) are becoming more
fearful of real violence occuring. They have every reason to be
concerned because the anger level is increasing geometrically out here
in the real world.

I learned last week that gun sales are off the chart this year and there's
a severe shortage of bullets... the manufacturers are running extra
shifts to keep up with the U.S. demand. Healthcare/insurance reform
appears to morphing into something that a great many people are
preparing stop from passing by using any means necessary. Hopefully,
the individual mandate will be taken out of the final bill. That seems to
be the most controversial issue right now. -cwm

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by whatukno
"Sense of Congress" bills and resolutions are NOT laws. They are for show only. They have no effect whatsoever on anything except the feelings and beliefs of the fools who take them at their word.

And why is it that Obama is somehow lying when it is Congress that is drafting all of the legislation? Did I read the constitution wrong and now the President has to draft all legislation going through both chambers?

First, Obama has referred, and continues to refer, to the pending legislation (HR3200) as "my plan."

Second, it IS his plan!

Hillary Clinton and others warned Obama NOT to draft the specific legislation himself as the Clintons did in 1992. Instead, Obama provided a specific list of measures (1st on the list - a 'public option') he "must have" in "health care reform" and let his Democrat supporters in Congresss take the lead and, ultimately, the heat for the final product.

If it passes, it's HIS plan. If it fails, Congress failed. Brilliant tactically.

Fools almost everybody. Didn't it?

How else can he take credit? He KNOWS what's in it, or will be, because he told the dems what he wanted. He may have to accept some initial compromises given the public reaction, but only with assurances and "outs" to get the entire "package" he proposed.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Even Obama himself has stated on interviews that elder Americans will not be covered for treatments, and or operations because "it might be better if they stay on prescription drugs since they are going to die anyway and the treatments or operations might not work"....

You will be "called out" for saying such things, you know.

Luckily, his NYT Magazine interview in May, 2009 covers EXACTLY this issue. Of course, we also have his Science Czar and his Healthcare Czar advocating the productive life agenda, even if it calls for denial of care to the elderly/disabled and forced abortions.

Obama's NYT "Great Recession" interview has been linked and quoted many times on ATS. I even remeber the relevant pages of the interview: 4 thru 6.


posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Instead of going to some third party source for information and taking them at their word. I would suggest that you go to the library of congress and read the proposed legislation yourselves.

The op is talking about a hand written note, a note that in and of itself talks about tax evasion laws. Why people are taking a note about a tax evasion law and putting it as part of the Obama Health Care Plan is beyond me

When people don't research what they are talking about it is not denying ignorance. When people don't fact check what some website is talking about and use fear to project an agenda, that is not denying ignorance.

Instead of looking through the bill itself and posting specifically what parts aren't in the best interests of America, people are letting pundits tell them what to think. This again is not denying ignorance.

In the OP and what this subject is about is that if you are unable to pay for insurance, you will be fined or go to jail, however for a source for this information we are referred to a hand written note that is actually about tax laws.

But where in the actual bill is this provision? Has anyone stated this? Or is this more fear mongering and conjecture without facts?

[edit on 9/27/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by whatukno
It's so sad that people on ATS try to disparage well founded statements, inarguable facts and credible sources just because they disagree or are disappointed in the truth.

But the bills are accessible and people are free to go online and read the full text of each and every bill. Whether they do or not isn't anyone's problem but the person that shuts their eyes tight and then complains that they are passing these bills without people being able to read them first.

EXCEPT when Obama violates his own executive order to post the bills for review 5 days before signing. From the very beginning, he's done this over and again with the W.H. claiming it is 'working on implementation' of his PROMISE.

HR3200 has been analyzed on ATS in depth. Baucus has yet to post his bill.

But go ahead, blame Obama for right wing pundits not bothering to go online and read the bill themselves, instead they just claim that the text is hidden and that no one knows anything about it.

Then why are the DEMOCRATS opposed to the "72-hour" rule proposed by Congressional Republicans requiring ALL legislation to be posted for 72 hours before Congress can take any action on it?

Except it's the truth. Tellingly, even the dems who voted for HR3200 DIDN'T READ IT before they APPROVED it!

Can't blame Obama for people not bothering to look for themselves.

Yes, you can when he signs a bill BEFORE it's even posted!

Instead of believing that a hand written note was the doomsday scenario that was portrayed in the OP I decided to go look for myself. What did I find? That it's a penalty for tax evasion, not health care reform.

If you'd read HR3200 you'd know that the fees and penalties for non-compliance are assessed through your tax return. Even if you previously didn't have to file, you will to declare your complaince and establish your right to subsidy or liability for penalty.

They want to tell everyone that this plan will jail them

We've established that.

and kill their grandmothers.

See section 1233 of HR3200, Obama's statements to the NYT in his May, 2009 interview, and the statements of Holdren and Emmanuel.
(all of these have been reported in ATS threads and posts)

They want to tell you that this plan will raise your taxes to the point that you will be an indentured servant to the government.

You mean the 35% excise tax? The 10% tax increase for employers? The 5.4% "Pelosi tax?" Not to mention the fees and penalties assessed against the insurers and taxpayers themselves. THEY ( i.e., Congress) are telling us some of what they are planning.

Anyone who actually is awake and bothers to read and think for themselves can see through this and see that there is really no concrete plan on the table and that specifics are all in committee.

WRONG! HR3200 was reported out of the House last summer. We've seen it and dissected it right here.

Now, if you'd "read and think" for yourself, you'd avoid the embarassment of pointless posts.

No one here wants to spoonfeed you. If you want to "research" the truth, you will find it.


[edit on 27-9-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by jdub297

The last major action on HR 3200 is

7/31/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 31 - 28.

So how is that there is no time to review it?

I don't expect anyone to spoon feed me. But I don't want to have people try and feed me tripe and call it good either.

This plan has a lot to do with people like me. So I am quite interested in what it does and what it does not do. I don't want to be left out of yet another plan supposedly to help people. (like just about every other thing out there that is designed to help people, for some reason I never seem to qualify for.)

It's just funny when I read something like in the OP where it's claimed that this bill if enacted will jail people that aren't able to get insurance. (Which is self defeating because people in jail have free universal health care coverage.)

So, after reading the bill and the amendments myself and not finding the proposed jail sentence penalty I question. But instead of facts, I get a bunch of hyperbole.

The legislation has been up for a while now, (longer than 5 days, longer than 30 days.)

I linked to it on the previous page.

WRONG! HR3200 was reported out of the House last summer. We've seen it and dissected it right here.

Now, if you'd "read and think" for yourself, you'd avoid the embarassment of pointless posts.

No one here wants to spoonfeed you. If you want to "research" the truth, you will find it.

If you actually bothered to go to and look up health care reform, you would find all the amendments to this legislation. Most of which are in committee. Who is being spoon fed again?

Believe what you want, I really don't care. There is no point in debating someone who has their mind made up that one man is the absolute core of all that is evil and wrong with the world.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by jdub297

The last major action on HR 3200 is

7/31/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 31 - 28.

So how is that there is no time to review it?

Apparently, you're about the last one to do so.
Spoonfeed: read the ATS thread from mikerussellus that dissects HR3200.

It's just funny when I read something like in the OP where it's claimed that this bill if enacted will jail people that aren't able to get insurance.

That's NOT what the OP says. You really just don't read, or can't understand what you read, can you?

Spoonfeed:If you have no insurance AND don't pay the fee (or report such to the IRS) THEN you can be subject to the penalties of the Tax Code.

So, after reading the bill and the amendments myself and not finding the proposed jail sentence penalty I question. But instead of facts, I get a bunch of hyperbole.

Spoonfeed: see above. You didn't read AND understand anything.

The legislation has been up for a while now, (longer than 5 days, longer than 30 days.)
I linked to it on the previous page.

You linked mostly to a bunch of trash "sense of Congress" meaningless blather. That is NOT legislation. It has no effect of law. Obama isn't going to sign any of those because there is nothing for him to sign.
(Hell, I'm in the Congressional Record more than once, and I'm not 'legislation.')

There is no point in debating someone who has their mind made up that one man is the absolute core of all that is evil and wrong with the world.

No one here believes that you are "the the absolute core of all that is evil and wrong with the world. "

But your messiah is.


posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by jdub297

There is no point in debating someone who has their mind made up that one man is the absolute core of all that is evil and wrong with the world.

No one here believes that you are "the the absolute core of all that is evil and wrong with the world. "

But your messiah is.


You were saying what exactly about understanding what you read?

[edit on 9/28/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by whatukno
Many people on ATS are willing to post sarcasm without an understanding that facetiousness works both ways. (Except for the "your messiah is" part.)

But the bills are accessible and people are free to go online and read the full text of each and every bill. Whether they do or not isn't anyone's problem but the person that shuts their eyes tight and then complains that they are passing these bills without people being able to read them first.

Oh, great!

Please give me the link to Sen. Reid's 235-page "reconciliation bill" to bring HR3200 and the unpublished "Baucus bill" into alignment.

(HINT: You can't.)

This "bill" can be introduced without debate or amendment and voted 'up or down' with only a 51-vote majority (Biden can vote to break a tie.).

The reconciliation will affect 1/6 of the entire U.S. economy, create $1.6 trillion in unfunded mandates, and NOT be subject to public review or comment.

Explain again, please, how this is open and transparent.

Deny Ignorance!


[edit on 28-9-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by jdub297

On the previous page I have listed all of the bills and amendments to health care reform. Much of the amendments to the bill as of this post are in committee.

It's kind of unfair to bitch about a bill if it hasn't been drafted yet. If the library of Congress does not have a copy of the bill, it means it does not exist. Otherwise it would state the fact that the wording of this particular bill has not been drafted yet.

I think much of this debate has more to do with the sentiments brought up in this thread than it being a bad bill.

I think the (to quote Bill Clinton) "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" doesn't want to loose money in the insurance game and so is using fear and ignorance to make everyone believe that health care reform is a bad idea.

Big Pharma is paying millions to kill this legislation

Insurance Companies are paying millions to kill this legislation


Because it eats into their bottom line. It makes it possible for people like me who don't get health care coverage from our employers, to get health care coverage without relying on emergency room visits as our primary care.

People like me can't get quality health care. Why? I can't afford it. I can't afford to get sick. I can't afford to get routine checkups. I can't afford to fill a prescription if I do get sick.

There are millions like me.

I work, I pay taxes, and I don't get squat. Someone comes along and wants to cut people like me a break, and the right doesn't go for it? Bankers that run their companies into the ground get huge bailouts from the federal government then turn around and hand out multi million dollar bonuses to the same people that screwed the world's economy up and when someone comes along and says "Hey let's give the little guy a break" the right wants to deny it?

Of course the right won't use the truth about why they have launched this campaign of fear and ignorance. They instead are using the tried and true method of disinformation and deflection to ensure that this doesn't pass.

I wonder, how many of our legislative branch has stock in Big Pharma and Health Insurance companies? I wonder how many got nifty donations from these same companies to their re election funds?

Yea you want me to look up some non existent bill. All the while playing into the fear and disinformation puked up by the right.

Yea you want to argue about a tax evasion note given to a senator and leaked out on the internet when there are people like me that actually need this reform. The right wants to hold tea party protests sponsored by Fox news when there are families struggling because one of the breadwinners has been laid off and can't find a job because there are at least 30 other qualified applicants going for the same position.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Instead of going to some third party source for information and taking them at their word. I would suggest that you go to the library of congress and read the proposed legislation yourselves.

The op is talking about a hand written note, a note that in and of itself talks about tax evasion laws. Why people are taking a note about a tax evasion law and putting it as part of the Obama Health Care Plan is beyond me


You have been shown time and again that the note was not about taxes... Even LEFTWING sources have been shown to you, and people like you still don't want to believe this information?....

Instead of believing everything that is being shown is "rightwing propaganda," which is nothing more than another red herring, apart form the "racist card" which is being played time, and again by the Obama fans as an excuse, perhaps you should be looking at the information which even LEFTWING SOURCES have been giving...

Perhaps you should LISTEN to what President Obama himself has been videotaped saying about the Obama healthare reform, which IS NOT GOING TO HELP PEOPLE....

Hell even the HUFFINGTON POST, apart from other LEFTWING sources have shown videos of president Obama telling elder Americans they might be better to continue taking their pills instead of getting treatments or operatiosn that doctors think could help the patients...


Then Obama was CAUGHT red handed making deals with BIG PHARMA to not allow Congress to lower the cost of drugs among other things....

Even when information like this comes from LEFTWING SOURCES, people like you continue to believe all this is just rightwing propaganda.....

[edit on 28-9-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
It's kind of unfair to bitch about a bill if it hasn't been drafted yet. If the library of Congress does not have a copy of the bill, it means it does not exist. Otherwise it would state the fact that the wording of this particular bill has not been drafted yet.

Oh, I see.... So you want people only to start protesting AFTER such legislation is passed, and made into law and not before?....

If we wait for it to pass it would be TOO LATE.... But hey, it is obvious that for some reason you don't seem to understand this.

Originally posted by whatukno
I think much of this debate has more to do with the sentiments brought up in this thread than it being a bad bill.

Ah, I see... so because SO had a talk with ONE MAN you want to dismiss all the FACTS?....

BTW, I was a member in the forums years ago when SO responded in a thread agreeing with another member that "Republicans were taking over the website, and something had to be done about it"..... When all we were doing was posting our own opinions, and not just nodding and agreeing to anything and everything being said.

SO has his OPINIONS, and everyone is entitled to them, but SO has his own agenda which SEEMS to be very Liberal/Progressive, which is what President Obama is.

SO might disagree with some things President Obama has done, although I personally haven't seen SO say anything negative about what the Obama administration is doing. So far I haven't seen SO make any statements about this even when he is asked a direct question such as "Are we to dismiss all the evidence presented by different sources, including LEFTWING SOURCES, just because SO had a conversation with one man?

Originally posted by whatukno
I think the (to quote Bill Clinton) "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" doesn't want to loose money in the insurance game and so is using fear and ignorance to make everyone believe that health care reform is a bad idea.

Big Pharma is paying millions to kill this legislation

Insurance Companies are paying millions to kill this legislation

Wrong....President Obama was caught making deals with BIG PHARMA....

For what reason would Obama tell an elderly woman that she might be better taking more prescription drugs, which come from none other than BIG PHARMA, than having treatments or an operation which DOCTORS think will help her?.... Is President Obama thinking about this elderly woman, and others like her?... NO... he is thinking about his deal with BIG PHARMA....

Originally posted by whatukno
People like me can't get quality health care. Why? I can't afford it. I can't afford to get sick. I can't afford to get routine checkups. I can't afford to fill a prescription if I do get sick.

There are millions like me.

I don't have healthcare insurance either.... but i have lived in a country where there is Socialized healthcare, and it isn't that great...

But anyway, what President Obama wants to pass has been shown time and agan to be of no help AT ALL to the people.

Originally posted by whatukno
I work, I pay taxes, and I don't get squat. Someone comes along and wants to cut people like me a break, and the right doesn't go for it?

Stop blaming the right when many Americans from the LEFT also agree with the big scam that is the Obama healthcare reform, among other things....

Yes healthcare has problems, but why not make it AFFORDABLE instead of giving all the power to the STATE?....

Since when is consolidation of power by the STATE going to help the people?....

Since when allowing the government, instead of the DOCTORS to decide whether or not a patient should have treatments, or an operation, or whether he/she should continue to take prescription drugs is going to help Americans?...

I am sure it is obvious by now who is brainwashed, and believes anything and everything he is being told by the Obama administration, instead of researching for himself/herself...

Originally posted by whatukno
Of course the right won't use the truth about why they have launched this campaign of fear and ignorance. They instead are using the tried and true method of disinformation and deflection to ensure that this doesn't pass.

And you keep with the political baiting... I thought the last changes in the forum's policies wouldn't allow ANY type of political baiting?...

The only fear, and ignorance is being protrayed by those who don't want to admit the FACT that the Obama healthcare, among other policies, are nothing more than a SCAM against the American people...

But hey, keep embracing ignorance, and keep claiming all this information which comes from different sources, INCLUDING LEFTWING SOURCES, is just disinformation.....

[edit on 28-9-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
It's kind of unfair to bitch about a bill if it hasn't been drafted yet. If the library of Congress does not have a copy of the bill, it means it does not exist. Otherwise it would state the fact that the wording of this particular bill has not been drafted yet.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Oh, I see.... So you want people only to start protesting AFTER such legislation is passed, and made into law and not before?....

If we wait for it to pass it would be TOO LATE.... But hey, it is obvious that for some reason you don't seem to understand this.

And people claim that I don't understand what I read. Try again. This time read where I said drafted. Not passed into law. I was talking about a bill not a law.

As it is now, the USA is ranked 37th in the world, just better than Slovenia, and worse than Costa Rica. 37th.

I could drive to Canada right now and get free health care. No waiting, no insurance. Paid for by the taxpayers of Canada. (Canada ranks 30) Or I could fly over to England and get free health care. (UK ranks 18)

But no, thanks to big pharma, thanks to HMO organizations here in the US we don't have that sort of thing, Why? Because it hurts their bottom line. Yes Hillary Clinton got money while she was in Congress from these groups, Yes Obama got money from these groups. It's standard practice to try and buy off our politicians. They don't want universal health care in this country because it would cost them too much money.

(because yall love giving me that emoticon.)

Yes here in the US it's a bad thing to make it so that everyone has access to health care. God forbid people actually receive quality health care. Just tell that to the people this year that are going to die in the US because they can't afford to go to the doctor.

[edit on 9/29/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Jim Scott

Health care may be reduced by the sheer availability of doctors. Supply and demand. Are we causing our own problem? If Congress can't manage the doctor population, do you think we need them managing the economy? That's why we created the Federal Reserve.

The Doctor and Vet shortage is intentional. A local University tried to open a medical department the government told them they would not "certify" doctors graduating from that University.

Once something is "regulated" by the government "Capitalism" and supply and demand no longer work. The government with its corporate packed bureaucracies have the power to "break " any company that is not part of the Corporate Power Cartel. That is why they are pushing regulating farming. They want complete control of our food too. History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job Once the corporations have control of our farmland through regulations designed to bankrupt independent farmers and confiscate their land we will never be able to escape tyranny short of civil war. Control the food, control the people" -Kissinger

The US Congress has a long, tragic history of passing legislation that promotes the industrialization of our food supply, effectively implementing the wishes -- both stated and unstated -- of agribusiness, and it's about to do it again.

Using the pretext of food safety, those behind the Food Safety Enhancement Act seek to institute changes the American public would not condone if it understood what is at stake. The country is being duped into believing that the pseudo-scientific measures prescribed by the bill will prevent new outbreaks of food-borne illnesses when in reality FSEA will usher in a number of undesirable outcomes, none of which do a thing to improve food safety. On the contrary, these measures will permit large processors to become an essentially unregulated segment of the industry by privatizing the inspection process, and -- at the same time -- the new regulations will constitute a cost-prohibitive barrier for small players to remain in business, making them easy targets for indiscriminant enforcement and greater market consolidation.

These proposed measures seek to apply “HACCP” (pronounced ‘hassip') -- a food protection approach originally designed to assure the safety of processed foods -- to raw foods, a kind of mistake only a lawyer or lobbyist would see a reason to make. The food safety wrecking crew responsible for applying HACCP erroneously to “raw-in/raw-out” meat and poultry operations in the 90s is back and ready to apply it erroneously to the produce market, the next FDA target in its quest for expanded oversight authority and police powers.

America saw its agricultural system intentionally subjected to political policies that radically transformed it. What was once a decentralized system that provided a means to self sufficiency and independence for tens of millions of farmers was purposefully centralized into a capital-intensive fossil-fuel dependent system that restructured local economies, permitting their wealth to be extracted by what are now transnational cartels dedicated to the so-called free market and globalized trade at all costs.

This transformation was the result of organized plans developed by a group of highly powerful – though unelected – financial and industrial executives who wanted to drastically change agricultural practices in the US to better serve their collective corporate financial agenda. This group, called the Committee for Economic Development, was officially established in 1942 as a sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations. CED has influenced US domestic policies in much the same way that the CFR has influenced the nation's foreign policies.

In a number of reports written over a few decades, CED recommended that farming “resources” – that is, farmers – be reduced. In its 1945 report “Agriculture in an Expanding Economy,” CED complained that “the excess of human resources engaged in agriculture is probably the most important single factor in the ‘farm problem'” and describes how agricultural production can be better organized to fit to business needs.[2] A report published in 1962 entitled “An Adaptive Program for Agriculture”[3] is even more blunt in its objectives, leading Time Magazine to remark that CED had a plan for fixing the identified problem: “The essential fact to be faced, argues CED, is that with present high levels farm productivity, more labor is involved in agriculture production that the market demands – in short, there are too may farmers. To solve that problem, CED offers a program with three main prongs.....

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 07:34 AM
Thousands of Texans attend what is being called the “largest free clinic ever held in the United States” to get health care

Over the weekend, thousands of Texans attended what is being called the “largest free clinic ever held in the United States” to get health care they otherwise could not afford. ABC-13, a local Houston station, reported that the event showed that there is an “epidemic” of people without proper health coverage in Texas:

It’s an epidemic here in Texas and Harris County — people without health insurance. On Saturday, the uninsured lined up to get their needs met.

More than 2,000 people came to Reliant Center to see doctors for free. Many of the people we talked to can’t afford health insurance, especially in the rough economy. Some say it shows the need for health care reform.

Numerous patients described their experience with the broken U.S. health care system to ABC-13:

“My foot was turned upside down,” said patient Lillian Beverly. Beverly has had trouble walking since she took a bad fall three months ago. “I really don’t have the money to keep going to doctors and doctors,” she said.

Kevin Braggs is worried about his diabetes. “I’ve been without insurance for six months,” said Braggs.

And Vicki Robinson wants to keep her son’s asthma under control, but she says it’s difficult. “My husband’s lost his job. We’ve gone through our savings,” said Robinson.

And nine-year-old Kempton knows it. “We can’t afford medicine,” he said.

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