posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by NorEaster
I think insurance and government have a place in healthcare, but only as backstops for catastrophic illness and accident s that would overwhelm
averasge people.
For routine care, basic preventive services, maintenance and minor injuries/illnesses, people should be able to selct from competing providers with
their own tax-free dollars.
A doctor in New York tried this and was attacked by liberal press, organized health care, and the State of New York for unfairly competing. He
offered such services for a small monthly fee, like a subscription, and was CRITICIZED for it!
"NY regulators frown on doctor's flat-fee system"
Dr. John Muney is negotiating with state insurance regulators to maintain the system he arranged with patients who pay $79 a month for
unlimited office visits
THAT'S the problem with American health care.
[edit on 8-10-2009 by jdub297]