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Census worker hanged with 'Fed" on his body

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posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
Someone is finally taken a stand. Good for them.
Sad for the loss of his family,but that is the way war

goes, and we are at war....just because bullets are not flying dosen't mean we are not fighting.
I feel that this is just what it looks plant just people that are done with the Federal

I have read all the post and what I see is a bunch of whimps.
Thread after thread on this site saying how we need to remove the scum from our gov, or how our rights are being tossed aside and we need to get thme back or "KIll

THe FEd", quote from Ron or our best leaders. Yet one Fed gets whacked and most of

the posts are defending the dead guy and his job of GPS locating marker of US citizens.

Just an innocent guy trying to make a buck huh?

All I see is a advance recon agent.

3000 on 9/11 died just doing there job
100,000 plus died in Iraq just doing their job and going to school
Hundreds in Afaganistan died just because PTB want an oil line threw the country
Swinne Flu forced vaccanitaions comming. How many are going to die or be phisically ruined for life ?

All those mass grave and bodybags/plastic coffins and Fema camps like at BeachGrove Indiana with massive

gas furnance's are not just for looks.

Im not saying that Im happy about someone getting killed, but if we want our country back , that is what is going to have to happen. Im christian and I see this comming and it weighs heavy on my heart...but we must fight back at the evil.

As for playing into the hands of the PTB....we know who they are and they will not be here to see how it all turns out.

Just hope that we have some 5 star generals on our side to keep our defenses up against foreing invasion while we clean our house.

This is a great thread by the way and all points need to be considered. Were in a mess folks, probably won't be fixed till Jesus shows up....but there is allways hope we can fix it.

I'm pretty sure that Ron Paul was talking about disbanding the Federal Reserve Bank, not killing federal employees.

Now please explain how a part time teacher trying to make some cash over the summer by applying to his local census bureau needs to die so we can 'take our country back'.

Every time there is a census, the bureau holds a little job fair where people come & fill out their application to be a census taker. Most of the applicants are students, or older folks who need an easy way to supplement their income. Just because this census uses GPS technology to record information does not make these people 'advance recon agents'.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:40 AM
I live in Kentucky, and as some of you have already mentioned it is around harvest time for major cash crops. The most logical explanation would be this census worker stumbled upon something nobody was supposed to see. End of story. Undertaker mentioned taking someone's life isn't worth saving your crop, maybe not legal crop. However, the crop on the other end of the spectrum can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to a single "farmer". Definitely worth taking someone's life to a backwoods doped up hick.

Case closed.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009

Originally posted by Lurch
What are the odds of the murderer(s) being members of this site?

It honestly wouldn't surprise me. Some dangerous people post here, as can be seen by some of the comments in this very thread. It's worrying.

At the very least, I'd say it's quite possible that one of those "teabagger" morons could have been behind this.

[edit on 24-9-2009 by Lurch]

I doubt it . He was just in the wrong place waving the wrong flag. I have been theatend with being shot just for asking permission to go on private land just for rock collecting.

I would agree with you were it not for the fact he was hanged with 'FED' written across his body.

If he'd stumbled across a "pot farm" or whatever, you'd think he'd have "just" been shot and buried in a shallow grave somewhere or fed to the pigs.

But no, the killer was sending a message. The same message that has been spouted and supported by many people on this website. That is worrying.

[edit on 24-9-2009 by Lurch]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:44 AM
I understand the hole "tree of liberty must be watered idea" but not like this. Not some innocent man doing his job to support his family. You think he wanted to be a census worker his hole life? No he had bills to pay and mouths to feed. My heart goes out to his loved ones. and may the person/persons who did this be dammed.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:46 AM
It's important to remember that this is the south, and if you think the federal gov is unpopular on ATS, you should go talk to some people down where families have owned land for hundreds of years. The federal government is hated in places in the south. That being said taking out a census worker is pretty extreme, it's not like they're law enforcement, and from some of the news clips I saw he looked like a pretty good guy who was popular in the community for his kindness. Strange thing, but it is marijuana harvest time and Kentucky is probably as good country as any to grow the stuff.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by hartgrove
I live in Kentucky, and as some of you have already mentioned it is around harvest time for major cash crops. The most logical explanation would be this census worker stumbled upon something nobody was supposed to see. End of story. Undertaker mentioned taking someone's life isn't worth saving your crop, maybe not legal crop. However, the crop on the other end of the spectrum can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to a single "farmer". Definitely worth taking someone's life to a backwoods doped up hick.

Case closed.

I'm almost 100% certain that if this was the case the killer would not have left his victim's body hanging with the word 'FED' written across his body for all to see. That is quite clearly somebody aiming to send a very clear message.

Also what are the odds of some random worker going from door to door "stumbling across" a pot farm? Surely these things are very well hidden?

[edit on 24-9-2009 by Lurch]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by suicydking

Now please explain how a part time teacher trying to make some cash over the summer by applying to his local census bureau needs to die so we can 'take our country back'.

I'll explain.

99.99% of them are great people! And, we have no idea of the case surrounding this guy, so he may be one of the great ones, and this may be a tragic incident of stumbling upon some marijauna crop.

But, there are those certain people that take their job, and their authority way, way to seriously. You have met them as bank tellers, or parking cops, or kids referees!

If someone is already in a hostile area, and then they decide that they have the right to "force" you into answering personal questions that have absolutely nothing to do with taking a Census of the population, and if they think they have a right to violate your private property, and if they do it with a nasty attitude, and condescending tone, and if after all of your righteous objections, they threaten you with the law, or with violence, then I think they need to be removed from the gene pool!

We don't know much about this case, and it was probably a senseless murder, but I don't think we can crucify all the Kentuckians or Revolutionaries for it! It may have been justified, or it may have been a psycho!

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by nunya13

You are right, the more I read the more I realize that civilians will be our biggest enemy in a revolution, not the military or law enforcement. Those who had nothing to begin with and finally see their chance.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:54 AM
And as an aside, it's worth noting that I'm very good friends with a man who lives in rural georgia, and people go missing and get killed all the time in the rural areas of the south. He was telling me how one guy he knew disappeared, he later found out that the guy had rated on some of the local dealers and they chopped his ass up and fed him the pigs, no evidence whatsoever. He's driven along the road, seen a body, got out found he was dead, got back in his truck and kept on going. It's an old school system in some parts down there. Whoever did this may of been trying to send a message because of the nature of the murder.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni
reply to post by nunya13

You are right, the more I read the more I realize that civilians will be our biggest enemy in a revolution, not the military or law enforcement. Those who had nothing to begin with and finally see their chance.

This part is probably exactly correct!

I think there is even a thread about it. Who is the number one enemy when TSHTF...........your neighbors!

That is why all the survivalist types recommend hunkering down for the first week or two, then make probing excursions before you develop your long term survival plan!

The "Civilians" that refused to see this coming, and that refused to prepare, will become violent, dangerous, zombiesque looters and murderers. It won't be entirely their fault, they are just hungry and trying to protect their families, but they better not come across my land!

I have friends that remember the invasion of Panama! Their neighborhood was entirely secured from all parties by their grandfathers! The US troops, the revolutionaries, and the outgoing government all knew to stay away from their area. They were well-armed, and neutral. They set up checkpoints at the entrances and exits, and all of the military presence respected it, because they didn't want to waste resources fighting an unwinable battle against people simply defending their homes!

I hope ours goes down that way as well!

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by suicydking

Now please explain how a part time teacher trying to make some cash over the summer by applying to his local census bureau needs to die so we can 'take our country back'.

I'll explain.

99.99% of them are great people! And, we have no idea of the case surrounding this guy, so he may be one of the great ones, and this may be a tragic incident of stumbling upon some marijauna crop.

I'm pretty sure that most marijuana growers don't grow the crop in their front garden for everybody to see. I can't see how some guy going from door to door could just "stumble upon" some marijuana crop. I've heard people from Kentucky are pretty "backward" in some ways but I'm sure they're not complete idiots.

No, I'm pretty certain this guy was killed because of the job he was doing and who he represented. This killing was a message.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by nunya13
reply to post by Grayelf2009

I bet you'd be singing an entirely different tune if this happened to someone you know and love. People like you scare the crap out of me.

People like you are the reason I pulled a complete 180 on my support for a revolution. People like you don't value human life and think the ends justify the means.

All your points about all the other people who have died during these times as just "doing their job" are completely hypocritical. They didn't deserve to die and neither did this guy.

I'm so angry with the tone of your post I really can't express it adequately. If these are the kinds of people that I am now associated with on ATS, I have a sound mind to rethink my association.

If you really knew me , you would like me. I am a really nice guy, ask anyone in the town I live in ( Im sure I cant put that info up because of TC violation) I hate violence, no one deserves to die...thought I made that clear with my christian beliefs. I spend most of my time helping folks when most others turn a blind eye...
example>>> I come up on an accident on interstate early one morning , car hit a deer....blood everywhere on the pavement , car on the side , two women standing there for over half an hour as drivers just passed them by. I was the only one to help them.

I more than anyone would love to see this country get fixed without any blood shed, but I live in reality.

Should you be scared of folks like me....maybe,yes/no....but I am also the one that will stand in front of you to protect you . I actually did that not to long ago with some friends walking in the woods when we came up on a rattle snake ,Ijumped in front and killed the snake, with a walking stick....I just wish you and the other ATS'ers were able to speak to people that actually know me.

connection problems...dumb puter

[edit on 9/24/2009 by Grayelf2009]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:56 AM
There was an interview with his friend on TV just a bit ago. He is a deputy on the Sheriffs Department.
He said he warned him to be very careful where he was going and expected there could be trouble because he was working for the Fed. Govt.
He was sad, but not surprised at the result.

So, it sounds like a hate for the Govt. that has been there mostly forever.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 10:59 AM
[edit on 24-9-2009 by hartgrove]

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:03 AM
Didn't see this mentioned yet...Just talked to someone "on the scene," as it were, who has extensive firsthand knowledge of Clay County and the drug manufacturing culture there...and the culture term for DEA work there is apparently "Unite the FED," and such message killings are not uncommon, the only difference this time being that it was a federal worker and a spin opportunity. So...sounds like, in the end, this is a whole lot of nothing, with a heaping helping of Big Government spin.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Lurch

Well... no. While I'm sure most marijuana farmers don't grow in their front lawns.... in a lot of rural parts of the country you get to someones "address" by going down some (apparently) un-named dirt road.. or two... or six. So ending up in that sort of situation is still a real possibility. I'm not saying that's what happened.. I personally think if that were the case the body would probably never been found.. but yeah, I'd still say it's a possibility he wandered into the wrong place.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by tac109
I understand the hole "tree of liberty must be watered idea" but not like this. Not some innocent man doing his job to support his family. You think he wanted to be a census worker his hole life? No he had bills to pay and mouths to feed. My heart goes out to his loved ones. and may the person/persons who did this be dammed.

Totally agree. This was an innocent man just doing his job. They could have just chased him off if they didn't want him around. If he stumbled upon something illegal like a pot farm they would have just killed him and buried him in the woods so he would not be found. They would not want to draw attention to themselves by hanging the guy and writing fed on him. It makes no sense.

I am going to put my tin foil hat on for a moment.
Consider this:
Maybe this is a setup for the federal government to after "domestic terrorist" groups. There are militias in those parts and perhaps the feds were looking for an excuse to go in the area to crack heads. The militia movement has been growing and is getting stronger. Perhaps the feds needed an excuse to go after these groups. Killing an innocent federal worker is reason enough and the public will back them.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Know matter how forceful or intrusive a census worker gets that doesn't mean they deserve to killed for it let alone HANGED AND MAIMED. But then, I'm not a believer in the death penalty either so I have a hard time trying to conjure up a scenario in which a census worker would deserve to be killed. I most certainly can't think of one in which he deserves to be hung.

The only thing I can conjure up is if he violently attacked someone on their property and the person was acting in self defense. But even then, hanging someone isn't an act of defense. That's clearly an offensive act.

I'm hard pressed to see how any one in this thread can justify this man's death.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by badgerprints

I have to agree, I don't believe everything I read. This man could have been anything, Undercover drug enforcement etc. you never know. We may never know the Real truth.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 11:13 AM
Not to be too conspiratorial, but I see a lot of folks jumping to conclusions about this ugly crime. I live 40 minutes from where this guy's body was found, and I am highly suspicious about it, and here's why. I have heard plenty of stories of folks who have "Gone Missin'", in these parts. Usually somebody sticking their noses into things that don't really concern them. They are never heard from again, and their bodies are NEVER found. If there was a vehicle involved, it is usually found in another state, and burned to the ground. Here comes the conspiracy part. This thing smells very strongly of "Chicago". If your administration is encountering massive popular resistance, and your polling numbers are in the septic tank, there's nothing like an act of senseless violence perpetrated by the ignorant and murderous minions of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" to take folk's minds off of your failing presidency, and direct the mistrust of Americans against the voices of dissent. If you just happen to have mob connections to some of Chicago's crime families, so much the easier. I know, what a reach. On the other hand, the way this thing was done, and with such perfect timing to coincide with Pelosi's pathetic speech about her fears of right wing violence, a thinking person would have to wonder. Take it from me, this wasn't the work of these boys around here. If it was, you would never have heard about it.

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