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Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
PID & truth suppression
Yeah, sorry, that guy doesn't have the talent, looks or charisma that Paul had.
Some of us can tell the difference between the real deal & the imposter.
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Oh, too bad I can't read what Dakudo posted... The more the PIA'ers post, the more attention PID gets. That suits me just fine.
Here's something you should know. Some of us will never, ever stop trying to get the Truth out about what happened to Paul.
Originally posted by Dakudo
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
PID & truth suppression
Great, yet another advert for your dusty little blog.
Yeah, sorry, that guy doesn't have the talent, looks or charisma that Paul had.
You also claimed Paul had brown eyes, that Paul never had freckles, that Paul never stuck his tongue out etc - ALL PROVEN FALSE.
"Sorry" - your claims have no credibility outside other closed-minded PID fanatics - especially since you have never provided one shred of substansive evidence.
Some of us can tell the difference between the real deal & the imposter.
Since you couldn't even tell that Paul had freckles, I have little faith in your observational skills.
Compare with 'Faul':
LOL! Paul never had freckles, eh?
Just one example of how your false, ridiculous claims masquerade as 'fact' in the irrational and delusional world of PID.
[edit on 22-11-2009 by Dakudo]
putting someone on ignore because they don't agree with you is just another form of truth suppression,
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Oh, too bad I can't read what Dakudo posted... The more the PIA'ers post, the more attention PID gets. That suits me just fine.
Here's something you should know. Some of us will never, ever stop trying to get the Truth out about what happened to Paul.
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Perhaps another reminder is in order that this thread is for discussing theories about what happened to Paul & why - NOT about discussing whether he was replaced. That has already been established.
Originally posted by aorAki
For the sake of this thread, it has been established and that is what should be discussed here. I understand that. sorry if i stepped on your's so hard to keep track of it all :/
have you seen the admission by trj of doctoring pics?
Not very good form.
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
putting someone on ignore because they don't agree with you is just another form of truth suppression,
Dakudo is not on ignore b/c he disagrees w/ me. He is on ignore b/c he only makes abusive, ignorant posts
I'm familiar w/ all of his theories & arguments. I do not find them believable or compelling.
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Obviously, he believes a person can experience a Kafka-esque metamorphosis in a short space of time & I don't.
Dakudo has never contributed anything to figuring out what happened to Paul.
His posts are not only useless, they're counter-productive to finding the Truth.
Anyway, here are some links that establish Paul was replaced
TRJ has done many, many comparisons showing the differences between Paul & Faul. He has "tampered" w/ some photos to prove a point.
For example, he removed Faul's mustache on the right to better illustrate the difference between the 2 men. The mustache was only there as a distraction, anyway.
TRJ has certainly NOT gone around doctoring photos & presenting them as real.
They're flooding the internet now w/ tampered photos... I guess they're feeling threatened. lol
Aiwass is the name of the being who dictated The Book of the Law, the central sacred text of Thelema, to Aleister Crowley on April 8, 9, and 10th in 1904...
The first appearance of Aiwass was during the Three Days of the writing of Liber Legis...
Crowley went to great pains to argue that Aiwass was an objectively separate being from himself, possessing far more knowledge than he or any other human could possibly have. As Crowley writes in his Confessions: "I was bound to admit that Aiwass had shown a knowledge of the Cabbala immeasurably superior to my own"[3] and "We are forced to conclude that the author of The Book of the Law is an intelligence both alien and superior to myself, yet acquainted with my inmost secrets; and, most important point of all, that this intelligence is discarnate."[4] ...
In The Law is for All,[5] he goes on at length in comparison to various other deities and spiritual concepts, but most especially to The Fool. For example, he writes of Aiwass: "In his absolute innocence and ignorance he is The Fool; he is the Saviour, being the Son who shall trample on the crocodiles and tigers, and avenge his father Osiris. Thus we see him as the Great Fool of Celtic legend, the Pure Fool of Act I of Parsifal, and, generally speaking, the insane person whose words have always been taken for oracles." ...
... Fleming was a British intelligence operative during (and after) World War II, when he worked closely with Nazi 'defector' Rudolph Hess and a rather notorious character named Aleister Crowley – a flamboyant occultist, British and probable U.S. intelligence operative, and avid German and Nazi propagandist during World Wars I and II...
Celluloid Heroes: Part I
or: You Can See All the Blood as You Walk Down Hollywood Boulevard
David McGowan
Aleister Crowley is best today as a founding father of modern occultism. His wide, hypnotic eyes peer at us on the cover of The Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and his influence can be found everywhere in popular culture.
"The Great Beast" has been the subject of several biographies, some painting him as a misunderstood genius, others as a manipulative charlatan. None of them have looked seriously at his career as an agent of British Intelligence...
Secret Agent 666 - Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence
(4) Occultists At War
...There is some evidence to suggest that Crowley was working for MI5 during this time, spying on his fellow OTO initiate Karl Germer, a German intelligence agent, so perhaps his excuse for working for The Fatherland is sound. Whatever the case, he was definitely hired by MI5 during WWII...
"Crowley was an adept amateur psychologist, had an uncanny ability to influence people and probably utilized hypnotic suggestion in his undercover work," Spence added. "The other thing he made good use of was drugs. In New York, he carried out very detailed studies on the effects of mescaline (peyote). He would invite various friends over for dinner, fix them curry and dose the food with mescaline. Then he observed and took notes on their behavior."
Mescaline, Spence noted, was later used by intelligence agencies for experiments in behavior modification and mind control...
Aleister Crowley Was A British Agent
Encouraged Germany To Sink Lusitania
Historian Reveals The Double Life Of 'The Great Beast 666'
The cover of the Sergeant Pepper's album by the Beatles showed a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.
The Beatles apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":
"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono", by David Sheff and G. Barry Golson, p. 61)
Crowley’s photo appeared on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album cover. The Beatles testified that the characters who appeared on the album were their “heroes.” John Lennon explained to Playboy magazine that “the whole Beatle idea was to do what you want … do what thou wilst, as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody” (Lennon, cited by David Sheff, The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, p. 61). This was precisely what Crowley taught.
Aleister Crowley Exposed!
Compiled and commented by David J. Stewart
...It is called Reverse Speech, the phenomenon of hidden backward messages in speech. It initially gained worldwide fame in the early 80s as those strange backward messages in rock and roll. Since that time, research has progressed significantly and it is now known to exist in all forms of human speech.
If human speech is recorded and played backwards, mixed amongst the gibberish at regular intervals can be heard very clear statements. These statements usually appear in short sentence form and are nearly always related to the forward speech. It appears constantly throughout language, so much so in fact, that it is believed to be a natural part of our speech processes.
The pioneer and 20 year veteran of this field, Australian David John Oates, describes Reverse Speech as another form of human communication. He states that language is bi-level, forward and reverse. As the human brain constructs the sounds of speech, it forms those sounds in such a way that two messages are delivered simultaneously. One forwards, which is the conscious mind speaking, and the other in reverse, which is the unconscious mind speaking.
The applications of this discovery are exciting. On the surface level, it can act as a sort of Truth Detector as Reverse Speech will usually correct the inconsistencies of forward speech. If a lie is spoken forwards, the truth may be communicated in reverse. If pertinent facts are left out of forward speech these may also be spoken in reverse. It can reveal hidden motive and agenda and other conscious thought processes...In the state of Oregon, it has been used in criminal investigation and its results independently verified by DNA testing in one case...
(1) Human speech has two disctinctive yet complementary functions and modes. The Overt mode is spoken forwards and is primarily under conscious control. The Covert mode is spoken backward and is not under conscious control. The backward mode of speech occurs simultaneously with the forward mode and is a reversal of the forward speech sounds.
(2) These two modes of speech, forward and backward, are dependent upon each other and form an integral part of human communication. One mode cannot be fully understood without the other mode. In the dynamics of interpersonal communication, both modes of speech combined communicate the total psyche of the person, conscious as well as unconscious.
(3) Covert speech develops before overt speech. Children speak backwards before they do forwards. Then, as forward speech commences, the two modes of speech gradually combine into one, forming an overall bi-level communication process...
Q9 What do you do with Reverse Speech?
In every situation where people are speaking and extra information is required Reverse Speech can be useful. It has been used successfully in police investigation work...
Q15 What is the difference between Backward Masking and Reverse Speech? Backward Masking is a recording technique were words and statements are deliberately inserted backwards into the sound track, whereas Reverse Speech is a naturally occurring part of every day conversation, happening naturally with no technical manipulation...
Q17 What kind of messages do you get with Reverse Speech? Messages come from all areas of the mind. Sometimes the can come from very matter of a fact parts of the mind and discuss normal every day topics. Other times reversala seem to come from the unconscious part of the mind and give us reasons for current behaviours and health issues. It can even predict future out comes of current behaviour. At the deepest levels of Reverse Speech statements can be found that talk about the the soul itself.
Q18 As you are talking can you hear the reversals of other people? The simple answer is yes. The brain is constantly hearing and decoding Reverse Speech and we recognise it as instinct or gut feeling.
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
TRJ has certainly NOT gone around doctoring photos & presenting them as real.
I will clear up this thread.
The original post of this thread is correct.
I am guilty of intentionally stretching images to go with the theory his head is longer after 1966. I am guilty of this overexaggeration.
Originally posted by aorAki
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
TRJ has certainly NOT gone around doctoring photos & presenting them as real.
Unfortunately,by his own words, he has, which is a shame as I liked where he was going.
I will clear up this thread.
The original post of this thread is correct.
I am guilty of intentionally stretching images to go with the theory his head is longer after 1966. I am guilty of this overexaggeration.
Originally posted by aorAki
Unfortunately,by his own words, he has, which is a shame as I liked where he was going.
I will clear up this thread.
The original post of this thread is correct.
I am guilty of intentionally stretching images to go with the theory his head is longer after 1966. I am guilty of this overexaggeration.
It is unfortunate that PID has been infiltrated by people who manipulated and misinformed, such as the once-irrepressible Sun-King, because they have done nothing for the credibility.
Do you think it is possible to attribute this to drug use (such changes were visible with John Lennon and David Bowie after they started riding the 'Horse'?
Originally posted by aorAki
Do you think it is possible to attribute this to drug use (such changes were visible with John Lennon and David Bowie after they started riding the 'Horse'?
Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
MFH's agenda is to prevent the truth about Paul from coming out.
I don't read it much, but I have seen some outright lies told there.
Even if TRJ did say that, he obviously can't be accused of any subterfuge, since he explained what he was doing.
However, there have been others, such as Dakudo, who have attempted to infiltrate PID & spread disinfo.
Even if TRJ did say that, he obviously can't be accused of any subterfuge, since he explained what he was doing.