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PID - Motivations for the Murder of Paul McCartney

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:51 AM
More background on the Baconian Society's "Shakespeare Code" theory at this link...

I've ordered the book.

Amazon description...

"The true story revealed through encrypted messages within the whole works of Shakespeare far exceeds the drama, comedy, tragedy, intrigue, betrayal, false identity and heroism of the actual plays! A real cipher wheel exists today and the author has painstakingly decoded the works of Shakespeare and compared them to known historic events to create a poignant and tragic tale that ends on a note of triumphant. Illustrations and code wheels included so the reader can do it themselves."

What I'm thinking is that the entire catalog of Beatles' lyrics contains key words and phrases jumbled in with benign words and phrases.

I've read in Geoff Emerick's book and I've heard in interviews with Sir George Martin that the organ and calliope sound effects in Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite were made by cutting up tape (of the original organ and calliope tracks) into small bits, tossing them in the air to mix them up randomly, and then splicing them back together again to form a new, mystical track.

What if that story is a clue in and of itself? Maybe it's like a parallel to the cryptology they embedded into lyrics. Perhaps instead of key words and phrases being embedded in the Beatles' lyrics in sequence, maybe they are jumbled and completely out of sequence.

I've begun painstaking work on my lyrics analysis, but it is somewhat slow going. Will report back when something significant begins to emerge.

Based on my own intuition (not sure if it is psychic, but it may be), I am working under the assumption that a secret message or messages were encrypted into Shakespeare's works by Sir Francis Bacon and the same or similar cryptology was used in the production of Beatles' lyrics from the time they changed their act from girlfriend/boyfriend themes and began to delve into more psychedelia.

Will report on further findings as becomes more clear. I would not doubt it in the least if someone could show a connection between John Lennon and The Bacon Society.

"Here's another clue for you all... the walrus was Paul."

That's extremely significant. It gives away the absolute fact that clues were planted by Lennon and his inner circle of cohorts, whomever they were.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by switching yard]

[edit on 2-11-2009 by switching yard]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Maybe the code is like the Bible Code - a skip code. I know Newton suspected a code in the Bible, but he didn't crack it. It was the Israeli mathematicians who did. Anyway, there may be a code in each song even. Maybe if all the letters in the song are laid out on a grid...? Here's more info:

Oh, & I agree O'Dell could be like Cathy O'Brien.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by faulconandsnowjob
Maybe the code is like the Bible Code - a skip code.

There is no Bible Code.

Scholars Debunk "Bible Code"

NEW YORK Sep 10 -- An international team of statisticians is debunking the controversial "Bible code," which claims the Old Testament has hidden references to 20th century events that can be revealed by a computer.

Proponents of the code claim that names and events were hidden in the Bible as written thousands of years ago and can be found through computer searches of the Hebrew text. Television documentaries, fast-selling books and numerous articles have popularized the theory, first published in the academic journal Statistical Science.

Now the same journal, published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics based in Hayward, Calif., is offering an article challenging the technique it reported in 1994. The article will be published in the quarterly next week.

Believers in the "Bible code" theory treat the Hebrew Bible as a string of letters without spaces, looking for words formed by equidistant letter sequences. For instance, computers might select every ninth Hebrew letter and register a "hit" when a "coded word" intersects with a Bible verse containing related words.

Five years ago, three Israeli scholars published the results of their search in the journal. As they explained, they took names of famous rabbis from a reference dictionary, applied letter sequences and found the names near the rabbis' dates of birth or death.

Using the same technique, others have claimed the Bible contains secret predictions, including everything from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 to a Los Angeles earthquake in 2010.

Major Bible scholars ignore the code because, they note, no one has a letter-by-letter version of the Bible as originally written. The oldest surviving manuscripts include slight variations, any of which would throw off computer test results.

In the upcoming edition of Statistical Science, the new study's authors -- Dror Bar-Natan, Maya Bar-Hillel and Gil Kalai, professors at Jerusalem's Hebrew University, and Brendan McKay of the Australian National University -- combine expertise in mathematics and computer science to debunk the theory.

Using other spellings and assumptions, they ran hundreds of tests that repeated the experiment with different variations and applied it to more biblical books.

"Despite a considerable amount of effort," they write, "we have been unable to detect the codes."

This is significant, Bar-Natan said in a Thursday interview, because "truth in science is never based on the results of a single experiment. A significant requirement is repeatability."

Their results were no more successful with the Hebrew translation of Tolstoy's "War and Peace." Such letter configurations can be found in any long text, they say. The trick is to find letters in close proximity that form significant words more often than by chance.

But Eliyahu Rips, an Israeli mathematics professor who was co-author of the 1994 article, said in a statement that evidence for the code is "stronger than ever" and said a detailed reply to the new criticism would appear soon.

His ally Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," said the critics "told a lie."

Robert Kass, head of the statistics department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, edited the journal when it published the first article and said it was reviewed by other experts. He is disturbed that people perceived publication as "a stamp of scientific approval." That first article, he said, merely presented a puzzle -- one that has now been explained.

"The new study shows there were many, many choices, particularly for things like the names of the rabbis, that involved a lot of latitude. It was only for special sources that the results appeared," he said Thursday.

He said such studies must avoid statistical "tuning," just as medical research projects follow strict protocol.

Bar-Natan says that procedures in the 1994 project had "enough wiggle room to produce whatever you want."

So now you want people to believe that the Beatles designed their lyrics around words that would fit some code?

Oh, brother!

This thread just gets more whacky every day...


You're doing a great job for PIA.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:42 PM
Thanks for the interesting link, faulcon. It's too early to tell what method or code is in the lyrics, if any. I just strongly suspect there are whole words that have meaning inside the individual songs, but could have a different meaning if the key words are identified and somehow shown to link with each other in an over arching big picture string. That's what I'm looking into.

Just an example of how I am thinking about this... suppose it was important for the overall secret message to put the name Bacon in as a reference to Sir Francis Bacon. So, Harrison writes Piggies which contains the word "bacon." So, no one notices that it could really be Bacon as in Sir Francis Bacon because it is so obvious to everyone that he means bacon the food that comes from a pig. People say "Oh yeah, it's the bourgeoisie he's singing about, the pigs of established society who are so shallow and thoughtless they would "eat bacon" with their piggy wives. See, it makes a great alternate meaning to snow the public into not understanding the name Bacon is planted in the catalog of lyrics. What I'm getting at is that I think they wrote songs around key words and embedded them in alternate meanings so that people wouldn't consciously pick up on it but possibly at a subliminal or subconscious level, the collective psyche (we're getting into Jungian archetypes and such) would be informed of something sort of like in a hypnotic suggestion.

Maybe society is just now becoming sophisticated enough to unravel the "magical mystery tour" of embedded code words or key words which will reveal a secret message. Perhaps Tavistock wanted to see how long it would take people to "get it." Who knows why it was done or what these social engineering experiments are all about. Maybe we will find out when the code is cracked? For now, it's still a mystery.

Unrelated thought of the day...

Maybe the well known feud between Lennon and "McCartney" (from approx 1970 - 1980) epitomized in songs like Dear Friend (Wings Wildlife album) and How Do You Sleep? (Imagine)... maybe this feud was staged, faked.

For the purpose of pure speculation, let's say that the breakup of the Beatles was not due to any of the problems widely publicized. Suppose they got along with each other just as well in 1970 as they did in 1967. What if there was a set-up of a situational demise of the group that was put out there for public consumption, but in fact there was some other reason (the real reason) that has successfully been kept secret.

So many bio books about the Beatles repeat the same old stories about the friction over Allen Klein versus John Eastman, all kinds of angst and negative emotions about Yoko, Harrison not getting enough album time, all of them wanting to quit the group and do their own thing, "Paul" taking over too much creative direction, Lennon's apathy, blah, blah, blah.

So after they break up, the film Let It Be is released which shows the world 'see here, they are dysfunctional.' People thought, 'Oh, what a mess, no wonder they split up!' Right, that's what TPTB wanted people to think.

We are supposed to believe that Let It Be was shelved, then they went in and produced Abbey Road arguably the greatest album of all time. Then after the stunning success of Abbey Road, quit because of personal animosities, then released Let It Be which may be the worst directed and edited amateurish film ever (except for the garbage that was Magical Mystery Tour). Then we have the peculiar solo albums. Lennon in Janov scream therapy, the big feud between Lennon and "McCartney" that we're all supposed to buy into.

You know, things just don't add up.

I'm beginning to seriously doubt most of the stories told in the popular Beatles bio books. The Anthology book may be chock full of disinformation. The so called authorized bio books are suspect. I haven't read Harrison's yet (I, Me, Mine) but I remember Lennon saying he read it and was insulted because he (Lennon) was only mentioned briefly in passing and was downplayed almost out of existence in that book. I read Many Years From Now and thought it was kind of scatterbrained.

I don't think anyone has gotten to the true history of the Beatles and made it public. But I do think that a lot of disinfo keeps getting repeated until everyone thinks it's the truth. I spent many years researching the JFK assassination. Many books repeated incorrect stories. Many books today refer to Oswald as "the assassin" instead of correctly referring to him as "the accused assassin." Being an attorney, faulcon, I know you understand what I'm saying here. Oswald was never tried and convicted in court. All of the so-called "evidence" (fabricated) they said tied him to the crime has been shown by researchers to be easily thrown out because of errant and faulty chain of evidence procedures and so on.

Anyway, my point is that everything we know about John, Paul, George, and Ringo from about 1965 to the present day should be looked at with the attitude that the common stories may be wrong and popularized for propaganda purposes or to cover for the real facts.

The feud between John and "Paul"... we've all believed it but maybe we shouldn't be so sure that it was real. If they wanted us to believe there was this pent up tension between John and "Paul" that spilled over into the solo years then that would have been a good cover story, the feud thing. I realize that many of the PID side think the feud was because "Paul" was not Paul and John wasn't that close to the impostor or resented him. Maybe. Or maybe it was all an act to cover something else.

Thought for the day.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by switching yard]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
I'm beginning to seriously doubt most of the stories told in the popular Beatles bio books.

I think that is probably wise. Since they all seemed to have missed the very significant occurrence of Paul's replacement, how reliable can the other information be? Not very. I'm sure there's some truth in them, just to make them seem believable. Remember Jody Powell, Carter's press secretary? I can't find the exact quote at the moment, but paraphrasing, he said that they told the truth sometimes, so that the people would believe them when they were lying. Of course, we all know how disinformation works, right?

Many books today refer to Oswald as "the assassin" instead of correctly referring to him as "the accused assassin." Being an attorney, faulcon, I know you understand what I'm saying here. Oswald was never tried and convicted in court.

Yeah, that really bothers me. My grandfather said he'd never make it to trial. My mother's boyfriend at the time had the same kind of rifle Oswald/Alex Hiddell supposedly had, & said it was impossible to fire it that fast in succession - let alone w/ deadly aim. Yeah, I find it pretty shocking that some people buy into the "official story." Magic bullets? Really? Ok...
You might be interested in this thread on Oswald doubles:

Anyway, my point is that everything we know about John, Paul, George, and Ringo from about 1965 to the present day should be looked at with the attitude that the common stories may be wrong and popularized for propaganda purposes or to cover for the real facts.

I totally agree w/ you here. I have a lot of trouble believing that Paul lived w/ the Ashers from 1964-66. Would a rich & famous rockstar *really* live w/ his girlfriend's parents? Somehow, that just seems a little odd to me. I'm thinking it was a cover story. Maybe it was put out there to trick the fans into thinking he lived somewhere else so he could get some peace & quiet where he really lived?

I realize that many of the PID side think the feud was because "Paul" was not Paul and John wasn't that close to the impostor or resented him. Maybe. Or maybe it was all an act to cover something else.

That is totally possible. I really don't think anything can be taken at face value.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Yes, I'm well aware of the Oswald doubles. My theory on the mysteries in the JFK hit is a whole other topic (I could go on and on about it, but this is not the thread for it). There is absolutely no doubt (according to my research) that several doubles were used in the case of Oswald. The photos of "Oswald in the Soviet Union" are all of doubles.

I totally agree about the legend of "Paul" living at the Asher's house. Not only does it go against sane logic, but when you read about it in the literature, they describe it like he had this little attic room and kept a guitar under the bed --- I mean, just howlingly funny how absurd that is. That legendary story of Pauly-boy in the attic is actually a good example of you know, how can people be so gullible to believe this stuff.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:56 AM
About Paul living in the attic... Some people have brought up the fact that Dr. Asher was a psychiatrist, & have suggested that Paul was perhaps being subjected to some sort of mind control. "The attic" could be a metaphor, or perhaps has some sort of mind control meaning. In "Dollhouse," they use that term when they send a "doll" to "the attic."

Personally, I don't think Paul could be controlled, & that's one reason he was done away w/.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 07:40 AM
Good point about the attic story. I'm not sure if they used that term exactly, but that's the impression they give in some of the books. Yes, I think Dr. Asher was in Tavistock.

I'm beginning to think that Lennon may have been an enthusiastic participant in whatever the agenda was and Paul was initially in it reluctantly then maybe rebelled in some way before being removed and replaced. Just speculation. A secret agenda couldn't have been accomplished without cooperation from Lennon. If my hunch is correct about a secret agenda involving planting clues through many song lyrics, then I can see how that would have appealed to Lennon's creative talents. He may have possibly loved doing that, while Paul may have at some point said "no more of this or I quit the band (like in 1966)." So, too much was at stake at that time for a breakup and they went ahead and made sure all band members (with the new guy) stayed on board with the program until the end of the decade.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
More background on the Baconian Society's "Shakespeare Code" theory at this link...

Hi Switching Yard,

Did you note the following at that link?

Once Bacon's philosophy and its esoteric affiliates are absorbed, the likelihood of Bacon's involvement casts a keen light on the purpose of these dramas. The ancient Greeks saw poetry as akin to magic - the musician Orpheus was said to have made stones move through his song. Drama, in particular tragedy, as Aristotle noted, can cause Catharsis, through the fear and pity evoked, and Catharsis itself is the first stage in the Mysteries.

Drama, combined with the incantatory power of word and music, can enlighten us and stir our psyche to its depths.

Clearly, psychology, The Mysteries and magical drama are all connected

This connects the Rosicrucian Francis Bacon, with the Occultist Aleister Crowley, with the Tavistock Institute's mind control agenda. with The Beatles' "incantatory power of word and music" and with the Manson's Helter Skelter.

Regarding reasons for engineering Faul MacCartney's and Fohn Lennon's separation and enmity, if they were calling for Helter Skelter in their Lyrics it wouldn't be far fetched to stretch it an extra short distance to Faul and Fohn taking on the symbolic representation of Gog and Magog of biblical prophecy, who waged a war right before Armageddon. The ritual assassination of Gog, Fohn Lennon, cannot be ignored. And we cannot deny that there is something of an uncanny resemblance between Magog, Faul McCartney, and Aleister Crowley.

Originally posted by switching yard
What I'm getting at is that I think they wrote songs around key words and embedded them in alternate meanings so that people wouldn't consciously pick up on it but possibly at a subliminal or subconscious level, the collective psyche (we're getting into Jungian archetypes and such) would be informed of something sort of like in a hypnotic suggestion.

This is quite likely, and you may want to verify correspondences to occult words from black magik spells. The incantations and repugnant rituals devised by Crowley may be another clue, as well as libraries of theosophic Grimoires. We may remember that Crowley dedicated his life to Lam, the demonic entity he encountered near the Giza Pyramids in Egypt and who introduced himself as the Devil, going by the name of Lam (drawn at that occasion by Crowley himself).

Lam surrounded by clues to The Beatles Code

[edit on 3-11-2009 by Getsmart]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
I totally agree about the legend of "Paul" living at the Asher's house. Not only does it go against sane logic, but when you read about it in the literature, they describe it like he had this little attic room and kept a guitar under the bed --- I mean, just howlingly funny how absurd that is. That legendary story of Pauly-boy in the attic is actually a good example of you know, how can people be so gullible to believe this stuff.

Hi Switching Yard,

We may be surprised at how people can live double lives. Children of Kings were often raised in servants' quarters in relative squalor and privation, to reinforce their permeability to domination. Paul in a similar fashion may well have been housed in the Attic, this location within a dwelling symbolizing the hidden upper area of one's mind which would be controlled. Once hypnotized you could be led to believe an Attic is a palace, or that you really love being there and are only happy once you get back in your tiny attic bedroom with a guitar under the bed.

If they were going to make up a lie, why this one? Just to throw us off track? We already are. There is also an altogether non remote possibility that he felt more comfortable in the attic because it was the farthest part of the house from the basement, where we can imagine things may have happened, of an oppressive unsavory nature?

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:54 PM
Very fascinating points, Getsmart.

I agree with you that this mind control operation, seemingly quite multifaceted, is a web of connections. Characters in the various layers of the agenda are beginning to emerge and lodge in our increasing awareness of what really went down.

The elegance and sophistication of the poetry and music in the Beatles pschedelic period are on or near the level of Shakespeare's works and the King James Bible. What do all of these have in common? Methinks Sir Francis Bacon and his followers, yes Rosicrucians all. Bacon courted Elizabeth I and James I, some of the most powerful crowned heads in the whole history of England.

What more of the knights of the Rosy Cross, indeed a secret society of mystics? The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (in other words... Illuminati). From these mystery school roots, Alesiter Crowley springs onto the scene.

Illuminati penetrate and mole into the British royalty, nobility, House of Lords, government branches, defense and intelligence agencies, secret government programs (Tavistock mind control research), as well as a variety of commercial enterprises (EMI, perhaps?).

Theories abound of Sir Francis Bacon secretly leading a committee of intellectuals to construct the works of fictional pen name Shakespeare. He openly assisted King James in working with a known committee on interpreting and writing the King James Bible.

Fast Forward to 1964. The pop music group, The Beatles, surprise everyone as they wield unprecedented power over the masses (even Hitler never had so many fanatics).
This power is compelling to Tavistock, the royals, Illuminati, Baconists, and British Intelligence. It is something that is seen as a mystical power to be harnessed. They set about in secret to harness that power.

Deep intrigue followed. We are on the trail to someday unravel the mystery, as much as possible through our research.

I speculate that Edgar Allan Poe was murdered by dark forces of the Illuminati and the same fate befell Original Paul. We have lots to sift through and many more connections to discover.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:00 AM
I also think Mozart was taken out by dark forces after he revealed too much in "The Magic Flute."

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:06 AM
Yes, faulcon, I think so too, about Mozart.

I imagine that secret societies have access to ancient knowledge that the rest of us do not have access to. I think many murders and assassinations throughout history were at the hands of secret societies, including the murder of Stanley Kubrick because he dared put secret rituals and practices on display in EYES WIDE SHUT.

I'm guessing that part of the ancient knowledge available to secret societies (being handed down through generations) is how exceptional talent in poetry, plus music, combined with talent in attracting masses of hypnotic followers, if harnessed for mystical purposes could bring amazing results for the secret cult(s). I think the results secret societies have from time immemorial been trying to gain are a steady march toward their version of utopia (outlined in the Sir Francis Bacon work The New Atlantis). I have a copy of that book and will be reading it with my theories in mind. I'll report back to this thread if I find anything pertinent to our discussion.

Not sure, but I wonder if Theosophy, a la Rudolph Steiner and Madam Blavatsky, might also be connected to PID, as well. Don't know.

A wisp of awkward strangeness is the story that Hitler was in Liverpool at about the same time as Aleister Crowley (pure coincidence that The Beatles came from Liverpool or is there some weird connection?)...

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:30 AM
On one of the Crowley web pages (links above)...

"German pop group Alphaville, noted for mystical references of various sorts, who penned a song about Crowley's wife Rose, entitled "Red Rose", which makes coded reference to a number of Thelemic and otherwise occult ideas."

One might derive a connection here. "McCartney" solo album Red Rose Speedway.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:50 PM
Red Rose Speedway - red rose in his mouth:

Sgt Pepper - drum in mouth (20 seconds in):

It looks to me like a symbol to not speak/keep a secret. Hmm... I wonder what that secret could possibly be. lol

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 07:29 AM
You're right, faulcon! The drum in mouth is similar to the rose in mouth on the cover of Red Rose Speedway.

The old film you posted... looks like it was put together back in the 1960's. Does anyone know more details about when it was made and who made it?

Definitely some disturbing images in it.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:46 PM
That film is called "Cream of the Beatles," & there are def some disturbing images. I think they're clues to what happened to Paul, personally.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by faulconandsnowjob]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Yeah, I think this is the film on this blog...

Braverman's Condensed Cream of Beatles (1973)
"An Oscar-winning history of the Beatles and the 1960's from the flip, exuberant, youthful days to the sober, socially conscious end of the decade is seen in a fast moving collage of still pictures, films clips, works of art, and album covers accompanied by the innovative music of the British quartet. Excerpts from their films are also effectively intercut, presenting the spirit of the Beatles, the spirit of the times and the lasting imprint of life and culture made by this remarkable group of musicians. Awards: Atlanta Film Festival, Academy Award (Oscar).(Charles Braverman, 1973, 17 minutes, color, 16mm)

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 05:57 PM
Latest IAAP PID video:

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Wow, the rotten apple series videos are so elaborate. A lot of work for somebody! They are eerie.

I started reading The Shakespeare Code by Virginia Fellows and I really love the book. I would recommend it to anyone interested in PID.

Strange synchronicity today...

I was thinking about I Am The Walrus, just playing the word "walrus" in my head backwards and I got "Sir Law."

So tonight I did a Yahoo web search for the phrase Sir Law and our old friend Monty popped up...


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