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9/11 Truth in 9 Minutes

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by johnmhinds
If you believe the theory that OmegaPoint presented that it is just a shadow then it should be very simple for you to tell me what you think is causing it.

There is no need to start throwing around insults at people who are asking you questions, just answer them.

As much as I do agree with you, John, I have to say you're wasting your time. It'd be one thing if this guy was posting here lookign to learn more about the 9/11 attack and had honest questions, but when he posts things like, "he doesn't waste his time talking to people who disagree with him" and "people who disagree with him aren't human beings" then it's clear he's so madly in love with these conspiracy web sites that his mind is not only closed, but bolted shut, and there won't be anything that you, I, or the ghost of Elvis Presley could ever tell him that would ever sway him from these conspiracy stories. The damage has already been done.

I'm just hoping that he's just some internet nerd who boasts big on the internet but clams up when he actually has to talk to real live people, like 99% of the people on these boards are. It's that 1% who AREN'T boasting which really worries me.

John, dave, you both sound like govt disinformationists... i agree with the other guy, lately i have had trouble finding people who believe the OS.... sorry guys your covers blown... go home.

(BTW we don't have to explain to you where the shadows are, if you dont see them, idk...)

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

your right i do like these websites thats why im here(duh) dont you ike them???? if you dont then go away stop trying to ram BS down peoples throat.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:57 PM
The Clinton wall that Jamie Gorlick put up between the FBI and CIA is why we could not thwart 9/11. Bin-Laden declared WAR on the USA and this person made it impossible for one alphabet agency to share information with another!
Wall of Separation
This same person is involved with Fannie May and Freddie Mac debacle!
Gorlick , Mistress of Disaster

This is the person that should be investigated to see why 911 happened to start with. Then if you don't find that any information leading to Bin laden then go from there but the main reason for not knowing what was going on was this one person and her policies that were installed under her tenure in the Clinton administration! Remember one thing. ALL the plans made for 911 were undertaken under the Clinton administration and NOT under the Bush administration!

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:12 PM

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:17 PM

So you readily admit you haven't come to this "forum" to have a discussion?
You really are here to just insult people.

I'll kindly ask you to go away and find someone else to annoy then, because you're not going to get a rise out of me or anyone else here because we're behaving like adults instead of like kids.

Can someone else please answer any of the questions i've asked instead of trying misdirect the conversation.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by juggalo77
your right i do like these websites thats why im here(duh) dont you ike them???? if you dont then go away stop trying to ram BS down peoples throat.

Since you like internet web sites so much, what say you go to your sites and look up, "Pierre Salinger syndrome".

Pierre Salinger syndrome

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
(BTW we don't have to explain to you where the shadows are, if you dont see them, idk...)

Do you not know what the theory part of conspiracy theory means?

It's not a theory if there is nothing to back it up.
It's not a theory if you don't even want to talk to people about it.

Surely if you are really looking for the truth you'd be wanting to discuss these points with as many people as you can until you finally find out exactly what happened.

I'm not a government agent, I don't even live in the USA.
I just want to hear what your theory is and why you feel the need to misdirect every question that i'm asking.

If you're theory was as water tight as you claim then you'd have no problem with telling me what you think is causing what you claim isn't a damage to WTC7 but in fact a "shadow".

If you can't back it up with facts, then why would you continue to say you believe things that you aren't even sure are true?

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

I see the shadows, others see the shadows, you dont see the shadows, why to to explain something to somebody if they dont even want to hear it?

its like talking to a wall, you say a lot of things to it, but you get no intelligent response.

have good day.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:55 PM
I want to hear what you think is making the "shadows".
How clear do I need to be?

Please stop with the stupid misdirection and tell me what you think is making them.

I'll repeat it again in case you didn't see it.
I want to hear what you think is making the shadows.

I want to hear what you have to say on the subject.

Please tell me.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
I want to hear what you think is making the shadows.
How clear do I need to be?

Stop with the stupid misdirection and tell me what is making them.

The smoke from the debris are causing the shadows, also the picture quality is horrible... the shadows are caused by the smoke blocking the view and distorting it making it look damaged the whole way up.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028

Originally posted by johnmhinds
I want to hear what you think is making the shadows.
How clear do I need to be?

Stop with the stupid misdirection and tell me what is making them.

The smoke from the debris are causing the shadows, also the picture quality is horrible... the shadows are caused by the smoke blocking the view and distorting it making it look damaged the whole way up.

Smoke, really?
That was your answer? Jeez, why did I even bother asking...

Smoke can't make detailed shadows like that.
Give me another example of smoke making a well defined shadow that will back up your theory.

If you take a look at the image again:

You can see there isn't even any thick smoke in the area where the "shadow" is.

You are willfully ignoring things because they don't fit in with your version of the events. And that's what separates most truthers from real conspiracy theorists.

There are so many other dodgy things about 9/11 that you could concentrate your efforts on, but you continue to spread lies about things that you know aren't true.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

Id also like to note that the smoke in that image was coming from the collapse of the towers and not coming from the building. smoke can block or distort based on the light being blocked by it... hence distortions.

this is an image of people running from the collapse of the towers.

this one is the actual fire that was in WTC7.

and here

you see, the images you took, were from the collapse, and not the images afterwords.

Explain that. please.

So were on the same page, i was refering to this pic you posted on page 2

[edit on 9/17/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:20 PM
That corner of the World Financial Center 3 and its Wintergarden were not damaged until the second tower collapsed.

The photo can't have been taken while the second tower was collapsing because the damage wouldn't have already been there.

Stop making up stuff as you go along.

I'll refer you back to this image again.

You believe the "shadow" that is near as makes no difference a vertical unbroken dark area was created by light distorting though smoke?

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
Can someone else please answer any of the questions i've asked instead of trying misdirect the conversation.

Certainly. We know full flipping well from aerial photos that WTC 7 was severely whacked by falling wreckage from the north tower. This one was taken by NOAA, of WTC 6. WTC 7 would have been on the right, and the north tower would have been on the left.

WTC 6 and WTC 7 smack down

If you click the photo and blow it up, you can see right away that the distictivly shaped waffle patterned wreckage from the north tower had been dumped all over, and beyond, WTC 6. All you need to do is look at the direction all the wreckage is lying on the ground to see which way the wreckage had fallen- directly toward WTC 7. It's even got piles of bits and pieces lying on top of the far wall of WTC 6 pointing directly across the street at WTC 7. How could wreckage *not* have fallen on WTC 7?

WTC 7 was undeniably within the range of the falling debris of WTC 1, fallign wreckage undeniably crushed WTC 6, and it undeniably inflicted severe damage to the WTC 7 building behind it. The problem is, these damned fool conspiracy web sites are intentionally withholding material exactly like this from these truthers, in order to get them to believe these ridiculous internet conspiracy stories, so of course they're going to think it was bombs, UFO death rays, or whatever it is these conspiracy web sites are putting out.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
That corner of the World Financial Center 3 and its Wintergarden were not damaged until the second tower collapsed.

The photo can't have been taken while the second tower was collapsing because the damage wouldn't have already been there.

Stop making up stuff as you go along.

And this is what i meant about talking to a wall...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028

And this is what i meant about talking to a wall...

You're not talking to a wall, I am completely open to finding out the facts of what happened, but your theory doesn't stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.

If this is the reaction you have become used to getting, then maybe you should change your theory to something more credible.

We aren't going to progress anywhere if we keep saying "you work for the government" every time someone points out an error in our theories.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

I made a thread about this a while back...

To make it easier for you I'll re-post it here...

I know some of you have probably seen these pics before, but for those that haven't I thought I'd post them.

A series of high quality pics showing the towers central core still standing, which is interesting in itself as it turns to dust right in front of your eyes.

But the one I want you to focus on is the last one, the famous pic that de-bunkers claim is smoke from the WTC7 fires.
This series of pics shows you that the 'smoke' is in fact obviously the dust from the second towers collapse.

*Warning large pics.

Now for the one showing building 7. Note the same smoke/dust as the other pics, clearly showing this was not smoke from WTC7.

Source for images

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by ANOK

thanks for the post.

yea, these pics explain a lot, im looking through your thread now. if i was able to applause for a single post, you'd get one.

Star is the best i could do.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Thanks, this is a photo from the same set of images that shows the dust from the collapsing tower clearing away from around the World Financial Towers while remaining just as thick around the south side of WTC7.

I'll have a look at all those highres images as see what else I can find.

Thank you for responding.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

ok so now your profiling me when you know nothing about me,you think because i like conspiracy sites that i believe eveything thats put on the internet???? well i tell you that i dont believe in everyone of them far from it.I do come across conspiracys and research them myself and make my OWN mind up through my own observations.As for 9/11 i was sat on the fence at first, being in the building trade myself having many freinds working in CDs and witnessing a few CDs myself when i seen them towers come down i could tell myself their was somthing not as i said i did my own research and came to my own conclusion and found out like many others i was right it was a how you get that i have pierre salinger syndrome from this i do not know

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