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9/11 Truth in 9 Minutes

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posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

There was no "massive scoop" except rendered in a very misleading photo by NIST. There was some partial damage to a corner which was grazed by flying debris from WTC1, flying debris which ought not have gotten that far except for the explosive nature of the destruction of WTC1.

You try to make it sound like WTC7 fell because it was crushed by WTC1, which is absurd.

It was fully in tact and not structurally damaged by the falling debris.

I do hope you realize what you stand guard for, and on behalf of..?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

Worse than stupid. Heinous, might be a better word for it, since it appears to be done knowingly - by far an altogether different position than those who do not know and simply assume. To knowingly try to back up and guard the OS, in the face of evidence to the contrary, including Barry Jennings tesimony, is well, heinous.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
I really have to wonder if most of these videos are made by people who are trying to make truthers look like idiots.

What other reason could the person who made the above video have for ignoring 2 plane crashes and damage to WTC7 caused by by a collapsing 110 floor 400m+ skyscraper.

Nobody has ever said that only the fire brought down any of the WTC towers.

The collapses were all caused by a very complex chain of events, and you can't just ignore 2 plane crashes and a 110 floor skyscraper collapsing as somehow insignificant events like the person who made the video has done.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

Actually my friend that should be TWO 110 floor skyscrapers.

Collapsing right beside it.

Must have been one heck of a shock wave.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
You try to make it sound like WTC7 fell because it was crushed by WTC1, which is absurd.

That isn't what i'm saying at all.

For the 3rd time in one thread:
I think that WTC 7 was damaged by falling debris (in a similar way to the Deutsche Bank building on the opposite site of the site) and then further weakened by the large fire that broke out.

I think it was a combination of both of these events that brought down WTC7.

If you can provide me with any evidence to the contrary that can disprove this theory i'd be more than willing to hear about it.

I also still believe that the OP's video was being willfully misleading by only giving the "fire alone" or "controlled demolition" as the only possible reasons WTC7 could have fallen, while ignoring everything else that happened to it before it collapsed

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

Please show us this alleged damaged to WTC7 that was similar to the Deutsche Bank damage? In all the years I have researched this tragedy, I have yet to see one clear photo of any damaged such as this gash that you OS believers pretend there was on WTC7.

Anyone watching the News video using logic knows they are witnessing a demolition of WTC7 nothing else can explain what happened to that building. Including NIST who has been caught lying repeataly in their report and have been confronted by experts in building engineering to make the appropriated changes in their reports which NIST refuse to do so, and they have ignored everyone questions.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:00 PM
You know full well I can't show a clear image of the damage because of the smoke that was pouring out of the building was completely blocking the view of the south side.

Please explain to be how such a huge amount of smoke could be pouring out of the south side of the building in this way if as OmegaPoint says there was only:

some partial damage to a corner which was grazed by flying debris from WTC1

You can see in the same image that one of the World Financial Towers has been hit on the corner in the way that OmegaPoint says WTC7 was hit, but the WFC tower doesn't have smoke pouring out of it.
Isn't the answer simply that there is more unseen damage to WTC7 that we just can't see in these images?

The best image anyone has of the south side of WTC7 is this composite image of a video taken from an ABC helicopter that shows very similar damage to what the Deutsche Bank building had.

There was clearly a lot more damage to the tower than just the bottom corner as OmegaPoint has said.

If you could show me an image of an undamaged WTC7 to disprove anything i've said so far then please do so.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

You can’t see anything but a shadow. You want us to believe in something that is not there.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:46 PM
A shadow coming from what?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by johnmhinds

Lets play the stupid game shell we.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Are you not going to answer the question?

What is making what you claim to be a shadow over the south side of WTC7 in this image?

The Twin Towers have already collapsed in both of the photos I posted, there is no building to the south of WTC 7 that could cast a shadow over that side of the building in that way.

If you can't prove it's a shadow then i'm going to continue to believe that the dark line down the side of WTC is damage that was caused by falling debris.

And that damage contributed to the collapse of the building.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by ugie1028
I replied with a picture of a guy who said NWO killed his cousin...

(isnt NWO a conspiracy???)

Good grief, aren't WE grasping at straws! We're not talking about the fringe crackpots standing on street corners carrying signs about secret cults of Jews, freemasons, Satan worshippers, or whatever it is this guy thinks is out there and you know it. We're talking about the actual THEY who are out there publicly testifying and spearheading the push for a legitimate investigation, and that absolutely positively includes people like the Jersey Girls, and absolutely, positively, does NOT include crackpots paranoid of Jews and satan worshipping cults. The last I checked, the majority of the rank and file truthers (including the Jersey Girls) are going all out to distance themselves from the fringe elements becuase they know their credibility is going to suffer from it, a lesson you're finding out the hard way yourself. Let's take a vote- who else reading this here really thinks the 9/11 attack was staged by secret cults of satan worshippers, Jews, or Freemasons? Raise your hands.

No matter how you slice it or dice it, claiming that the attack was staged by a giant cult of Jews, the freemasons, Satan worshippers, or whatever it is this guy subscribes to, is idiotic, even for you truthers, and if that really IS what you're claiming then you're doing more to discredit your movement than anything I ever could do. Thank you.

I am placing you on ignore dave, i dont want to read your BS anymore.

...and you really and truly can't understand why you're having so much difficulty convincing the mainstream public of your conspiracies. Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by impressme

Thank you for answering our question, which shows a bunch of cave dwellers, couldn’t pull of 911 period. The only people capable of pulling of such a defeat without our military intervening would be a small loyal group in our military working with insiders on the highest level of the Bush administration, and the evidences supports it.

Sheesh, and you actually deny you're getting 100% of your information from these damned fool conspiracy web sites. There wasn't a single person involved in the attack who were cave men. Mohammed Atta studied in a university in Germany and could speak a number of languages. Hani Hanjour came from a family of successful food sellers, and came to the US to study English. Osama Bin Laden himself came from a mega-wealthy family, and has a degree in civil engineering. Khalid Sheik Mohammed has a degree in mechanical engineering.

So who exactly are these "cave dwellers" you're referring to? The only "evidence" you've managed to show is that everything you're getting from those conspiracy web sites you frequent is outright rubbish.

So, posting negative opinions about the people who do not believe in YOUR ridiculous conspiracies theories’ makes you right.

(sigh) you simply just don't get it. I am NOT here to "post negative opinions about people I disagree with". I'm here to post negative opinions about these conspiracy theories floating around the internet becuase they are a) hogwash and b) horribly irresponsible becuase they incite false public unrest. It is YOU who are so emotionally attached to these conspiracy stories that you percieve an attack on them as being an attack on you personally, in which case, all I can say is that you're going to feel personally insulted by pretty much everyone who disagrees with you, not just me.

We can say the same to you. The absurdly, unrealistic, paranoia OS that you desperately support proves who is unrealistic.

Hey, who knows, maybe the material I'm posting here IS absurd and unrealistic. Time will tell. The problem for you is, my claims are a far sight more realistic than these conspiracy stories floating around the internet. Controlled demolitions in an occupied building? Lasers from outer space? The planes were all holograms? The attack was staged by a secret cult of Satan worshippers? Give me a break.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:14 AM
OMG is this real???? are there still people out thier who beleive in OS????? i cant even be botherd with these people anymore,i used to feel sorry for them thinkin they just need to be shown the truth and then they will wake up and most did!!!!! and now i believe we are just left with the ignorant idiots or people that want the New Wankers Order to come in(shakes head in disgust at these so called human-beings:dn
or are they human-beings :puz

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by juggalo77
OMG is this real???? are there still people out thier who beleive in OS????? i cant even be botherd with these people anymore,i used to feel sorry for them thinkin they just need to be shown the truth and then they will wake up and most did!!!!! and now i believe we are just left with the ignorant idiots or people that want the New Wankers Order to come in(shakes head in disgust at these so called human-beings:dn
or are they human-beings :puz

Good grief, with such hard core, single minded zealots like this guy out there, it's a miracle that innocent people haven't been killed over these stupid internet conspiracies, yet. History has shown time and time again that it's only a hop, skip, and jump from a "they're not even human beings" mentality to a "they don't deserve to live" mentality.

If someone can murder John Lennon becuase he was seeing secret messages in "Catcher in the Rye" then someone can certainly commit murder to stop secret Satan worshipping cults from taking over the world. These damned fool internet conspiracies are horribly irresponsible and there's no way you can refine it. This poster proves that better than I ever could.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by juggalo77
OMG is this real???? are there still people out thier who beleive in OS????? i cant even be botherd with these people anymore,i used to feel sorry for them thinkin they just need to be shown the truth and then they will wake up and most did!!!!! and now i believe we are just left with the ignorant idiots or people that want the New Wankers Order to come in(shakes head in disgust at these so called human-beings:dn
or are they human-beings :puz

Are you going to answer my questions, or just throw around personal insults?

I was asked to show damage to the south side of WTC7.
And I did that.

And in return I get a rather puzzling "you're wrong, it's just shadow" comment.

If you believe the theory that OmegaPoint presented that it is just a shadow then it should be very simple for you to tell me what you think is causing it.

There is no need to start throwing around insults at people who are asking you questions, just answer them.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

im not in here to ansewer your question ive had my fill off debunking your OS i just couldent believe their are still some of you zombies trolling around!!!! as for the human-being part it was a joke as you can see i have put that in brackets next to it!!!! i even had to point that out to you lol

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by juggalo77
reply to post by johnmhinds

im not in here to ansewer your question ive had my fill off debunking your OS i just couldent believe their are still some of you zombies trolling around!!!! as for the human-being part it was a joke as you can see i have put that in brackets next to it!!!! i even had to point that out to you lol

I'll take that as a no then. You can't prove that it's a shadow, and you probably don't even think it is a shadow.

Heck you don't even care, you're just here to throw names about.

Thank you.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

and as for throwing around insults how insulting is it for the people that lost so many family members,freinds etc in those buildings for ignorant people like you to argue the fact that you believe a bunch of cave dwellers orchestrated a terrorist event like that!!

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
If you believe the theory that OmegaPoint presented that it is just a shadow then it should be very simple for you to tell me what you think is causing it.

There is no need to start throwing around insults at people who are asking you questions, just answer them.

As much as I do agree with you, John, I have to say you're wasting your time. It'd be one thing if this guy was posting here lookign to learn more about the 9/11 attack and had honest questions, but when he posts things like, "he doesn't waste his time talking to people who disagree with him" and "people who disagree with him aren't human beings" then it's clear he's so madly in love with these conspiracy web sites that his mind is not only closed, but bolted shut, and there won't be anythign that you, I, or the ghost of Elvis Presley could ever tell him that would ever sway him from these conspiracy stories. The damage has already been done.

I'm just hoping that he's just some internet nerd who boasts big on the internet but clams up when he actually has to talk to real live people, like 99% of the people on these boards are. It's that 1% who AREN'T boasting which really worries me.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by johnmhinds

lol you people are still trying to bait people with your stupid ass tactics nowts changed at all,like i said read back on my post see if it sinks in!!!!??? i aint come in here to ansewer your question let me know when you understand,thanks.

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