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9/11 Truth in 9 Minutes

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:34 PM

The video explains itself...

The truth shall set you free.

Free your mind from the OS lies.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:50 PM
I really have to wonder if most of these videos are made by people who are trying to make truthers look like idiots.

What other reason could the person who made the above video have for ignoring 2 plane crashes and damage to WTC7 caused by by a collapsing 110 floor 400m+ skyscraper.

Nobody has ever said that only the fire brought down any of the WTC towers.

The collapses were all caused by a very complex chain of events, and you can't just ignore 2 plane crashes and a 110 floor skyscraper collapsing as somehow insignificant events like the person who made the video has done.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
I really have to wonder if most of these videos are made by people who are trying to make truthers look like idiots.

What other reason could the person who made the above video have for ignoring 2 plane crashes and damage to WTC7 caused by by a collapsing 110 floor 400m+ skyscraper.

Nobody has ever said that only the fire brought down any of the WTC towers.

The collapses were all caused by a very complex chain of events, and you can't just ignore 2 plane crashes and a 110 floor skyscraper collapsing as somehow insignificant events like the person who made the video has done.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by johnmhinds]

this is just one aspect of what happened that day. the buildings looked similar to controlled demolitions, and showed other buildings suffering from larger fires then WTC7 went through, but still stayed in tact..

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
and showed other buildings suffering from larger fires then WTC7 went through, but still stayed in tact..

And you're just doing the same thing as the video maker, why are you ignoring everything else that happened to WTC7 apart from the fire and indirectly implying that only the fire brought down the tower.

We all know it wasn't just the fire that brought down WTC 7, a massive scoop was taken out of the front face of the building by debris falling from one of the Twin Towers, that same debris from the twin towers that caused the damage was found underneath the debris of the collapsed WTC 7.

To willfully ignore important facts about an event is a very odd way to go about finding the truth about anything.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds

Originally posted by ugie1028
and showed other buildings suffering from larger fires then WTC7 went through, but still stayed in tact..

And you're just doing the same thing as the video maker, why are you ignoring everything else that happened to WTC7 apart from the fire and indirectly implying that only the fire brought down the tower.

We all know it wasn't just the fire that brought down WTC 7, a massive scoop was taken out of the front face of the building by debris falling from one of the Twin Towers, that same debris from the twin towers that caused the damage was found underneath the debris of the collapsed WTC 7.

To willfully ignore important facts about an event is a very odd way to go about finding the truth about anything.

Wait...did they say "blow up"? Yes they did!

Wow pretty insightful genius.........can you please explain why WTC 3, 4, 5, and 6 did not collapse as well, seeing they were closer to WTC 1 and 2.




Wait let me guess the laws of physics went on vacation that day.

Let's not also forget that some very interesting tenants housed their offices in building 7, including some very important Enron files that reportedly showed direct ties to GWB.

46-47 Mechanical floors
28-45 Salomon Smith Barney (SSB)
26-27 Standard Chartered Bank
25 Inland Revenue Service (IRS)
25 Department of Defense (DOD)
25 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
24 Inland Revenue Service (IRS)
23 Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
22 Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
21 First State Management Group
19-21 ITT Hartford Insurance Group
19 National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
18 Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
14-17 Vacant
13 Provident Financial Management
11-13 Securities and Exchange Commission
9-10 US Secret Service
7-8 American Express Bank International
7 OEM generators and day tank
6 Switchgear, storage
5 Switchgear, generators, transformers
4 Upper level of 3rd floor, switchgear
3 Lobby, SSB Conference Center, rentable space, manage
2 Open to first floor lobby, transformer vault upper level, upper level switchgear
1 Lobby, loading docks, existing Con Ed transformer vaults, fuel storage, lower level switchgear

I know, I know all coincidental.

Go back to sleep, sheep.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

Thanks for posting that video. Haven't seen till now, great stuff!!!! I will be forwarding to everyone I know!

Also, don't waste your time with the other poster he's obviously a reincarnate dis info chump who recently got banned.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Nvm, i changed my mind not to reply to that...

But anyways, thanks for the support guys. saw my reply wasn't needed.

[edit on 9/15/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Ok, so now you're also saying that if WTC 3-4-5-6 didn't fully collapse then no other building could have.

I'm not even going to bother arguing with the amount of failed logic there because it's already been discussed a billion times.

And I never said it was only the Twin Tower debris that caused the collapse, I said the was the combination of both the damage and the fire that brought it down.

For so many people to willfully ignore either event while making their theories about WTC7 is bizarre.

None of you are truly looking for the truth.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by johnmhinds
Ok, so now you're also saying that if WTC 3-4-5-6 didn't fully collapse then no other building could have.

I'm not even going to bother arguing with the amount of failed logic there because it's already been discussed a billion times.

And I never said it was only the Twin Tower debris that caused the collapse, I said the was the combination of both the damage and the fire that brought it down.

For so many people to willfully ignore either event while making their theories about WTC7 is bizarre.

None of you are truly looking for the truth.

its you, the one with failed logic.

read your BS. THE OS has been proven wrong over and over again on these forums, why bring up OLD debates... its already known that WTC7 didn't fall because of fire or weakened points... other parts of the building were not effected.

stop trying to back up the OS, it will only make you look stupid.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Here's 9/11 truth in 30 SECONDS-

a) a bunch of Islamic fanatics all screwed up after years of "I hate the US" rhetoris gets the idea to use hijacked aircraft in suicide attacks

b) Becuase the US is so smug and self rightious with "it can't happen here" and "we're the most technological advanced in the world" mindsets, all we're able to do is stumble into walls and slip on banana peels when the attack actually occurs, so the attack is successful.

c) Hordes of paranoid anti-establishment "alternatives" who see naturally think everything bad in the world just has to be the fault of the US, and who see secret plots behind everything from the JFK assassination to the moon landing, naturally believe the 9/11 attack is a secret plot as well. They will come up with a wide range of conspiracy claims from controlled demolitions to laser from outer space, as well as a wide range of culprits from Bush to Israel to even secret satan worshipping cults (and I'm NOT making the last one up, either).

There. I just saved you eight minutes and 30 seconds.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

your supporting lies, and propaganda, a majority of the victims families want a new investigation, so do 6/10 of the commission report. stop stalking my threads and repeating the same hogwash day in and day out, you will lose this fight.

BTW can i ask you HOW much their paying you to post this BS?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:48 PM

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
your supporting lies, and propaganda, a majority of the victims families want a new investigation, so do 6/10 of the commission report. stop stalking my threads and repeating the same hogwash day in and day out, you will lose this fight.

Oh, rubbish. They don't want a new investigation becuase they think there's some conspiracy to use aircraft crashes to cover up bombs planted in a heavily occupied building to frame Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, or whatever goofball conspirary it is you're foisting onto people. They want a new investigation because they want to know just how badly the gov't [censored] up in preventing the attack and responding to the attack, and guess what- I'm one of them. If the gov't can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels, then I absolutely positively know there had to have been more gross negligence than the gov't admitted to. This is exactly how I do know your conspiracies are rubbish- it would have reqired such sheer perfection of coordination that no human organization has been able to accomplish in all of recorded history, let alone the gov't.

You conspiracy people do NOT represent us people who want the gov't to be more forthcoming about its failures, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pretending that you do, thank you very much.

BTW can i ask you HOW much their paying you to post this BS?

So when I say the truther movement is rife with absurdly unrealistic paranoia, how does this statement of yours disprove it, exactly?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by ugie1028
your supporting lies, and propaganda, a majority of the victims families want a new investigation, so do 6/10 of the commission report. stop stalking my threads and repeating the same hogwash day in and day out, you will lose this fight.

Oh, rubbish. They don't want a new investigation becuase they think there's some conspiracy to use aircraft crashes to cover up bombs planted in a heavily occupied building to frame Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, or whatever goofball conspirary it is you're foisting onto people. They want a new investigation because they want to know just how badly the gov't [censored] up in preventing the attack and responding to the attack, and guess what- I'm one of them. If the gov't can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels, then I absolutely positively know there had to have been more gross negligence than the gov't admitted to. This is exactly how I do know your conspiracies are rubbish- it would have reqired such sheer perfection of coordination that no human organization has been able to accomplish in all of recorded history, let alone the gov't.

You conspiracy people do NOT represent us people who want the gov't to be more forthcoming about its failures, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pretending that you do, thank you very much.

BTW can i ask you HOW much their paying you to post this BS?

So when I say the truther movement is rife with absurdly unrealistic paranoia, how does this statement of yours disprove it, exactly?

Are you so sure they dont want a new investigation?

I asked them myself!!!

Here is a pic to remind you of one of the victims families who WANTS a new investigation.


STOP trying to say that the victims families dont want a new investigation.

THEY DO, and your wrong.

Stop spreading lies.

BTW stay on topic, this isn't about Katrina. this is about 9/11.

Rubbish? HA your the one who speaks rubbish.

[edit on 9/16/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Here's 9/11 truth in 30 SECONDS-

a) a bunch of Islamic fanatics all screwed up after years of "I hate the US" rhetoris gets the idea to use hijacked aircraft in suicide attacks

b) Becuase the US is so smug and self rightious with "it can't happen here" and "we're the most technological advanced in the world" mindsets, all we're able to do is stumble into walls and slip on banana peels when the attack actually occurs, so the attack is successful.

c) Hordes of paranoid anti-establishment "alternatives" who see naturally think everything bad in the world just has to be the fault of the US, and who see secret plots behind everything from the JFK assassination to the moon landing, naturally believe the 9/11 attack is a secret plot as well. They will come up with a wide range of conspiracy claims from controlled demolitions to laser from outer space, as well as a wide range of culprits from Bush to Israel to even secret satan worshipping cults (and I'm NOT making the last one up, either).

There. I just saved you eight minutes and 30 seconds.

I really have to pose this question, if this is how you feel about conspiracy theories, what the heck are you doing on ATS?????

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

HAHAHA that's such a good point, STARED!

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:55 PM
As kiwifoot said, what are you trying to pull over Dave?

This is a conspiracy and alt media news and stuff site...

Don't be ignorant as some of us tolerate your point of view and you have to tolerate theirs. Basic democracy.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
STOP trying to say that the victims families dont want a new investigation.

Good grief, you have the attention span of a moth. I never said they didn't want an investigation. Go back and point out where I ever said they didn't want an investigation. I SAID they wanted an investigation into the obvious coverups of gov't bungling so that it won't happen again, and I know full well this is what they want because the Jersey Girls specifically say this is what they want the investigations for. I am quoting Mindy Kleinberg:

"You know, initially it started out that we knew there were failures that happened that day. It was really just let's make things safer. We all have children and they have to grow up in this world. And I didn't want my kids to feel that their father had died in vain, that something good could come from this horrible tragedy. That we would affect a change so that if there was another attack, maybe the effect could be minimized and there wouldn't be as much devastation."

...and here's what Kristen Breitwesier says"

"I would say that after the next terrorist attack, Director Mueller, Director Tenent, National Security Advisor Rice, Vice President Cheney, and President Bush, will you be able to put your heads on your own pillow that evening and sleep soundly, knowing that you did everything in your power to prevent the damage of the next attack? And really, really honestly, within your own self, be able to find rest and peace that evening? "

...and if you don't know who Mindy Kleinberg and Kristen Breitwesier are then you have no business commenting here. SO, the question is, just why are you trying to hijack a legitimate and honest desire to find out where the breakdowns are and to make sure this never happens again, and pervert it into a bizarre witchhunt and force people to accept your stories of controlled demolitions, energy beams from outer space, no planes, UFOs, or whatever the heck it is you're pushing out?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

you missed my point... you said

They don't want a new investigation becuase they think there's some conspiracy to use aircraft crashes to cover up bombs planted in a heavily occupied building to frame Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, or whatever goofball conspirary it is you're foisting onto people.

I replied with a picture of a guy who said NWO killed his cousin...

(isnt NWO a conspiracy???)

you are the one with a low attention span.

I am placing you on ignore dave, i dont want to read your BS anymore.

[edit on 9/16/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

it would have reqired such sheer perfection of coordination that no human organization has been able to accomplish in all of recorded history, let alone the gov't.

Thank you for answering our question, which shows a bunch of cave dwellers, couldn’t pull of 911 period. The only people capable of pulling of such a defeat without our military intervening would be a small loyal group in our military working with insiders on the highest level of the Bush administration, and the evidences supports it.

This is exactly how I do know your conspiracies are rubbish

So, posting negative opinions about the people who do not believe in YOUR ridiculous conspiracies theories’ makes you right.

You conspiracy people do NOT represent us people who want the gov't to be more forthcoming about its failures, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pretending that you do, thank you very much.

Who do you represent? What facts have you documented and what government representative have you contacted to ask for a new investigation in to 911.

So when I say the truther movement is rife with absurdly unrealistic paranoia, how does this statement of yours disprove it, exactly?

We can say the same to you. The absurdly, unrealistic, paranoia OS that you desperately support proves who is unrealistic.

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