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Obamaland : Cotton Candy, Gumdrops, and Rainbow Dreams, This is the Land of Collusion

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posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Ah yes...The Wizard of Oz...

There are pots of gold tarp money at the end of the rainbows for the
banking cartel, the complicit congress, and the corporate welfare recipients! The rest of us must make our way to see behind the curtain and realize that the circus, smiles, and soda pop are only a show, indeed. only passing through town...

Only I am afaid that the town is The U.S., and the next stop is a global governance freak show.

We must fight the efforts to supplant the U.S. Sovereignty...
We do not all agree on exactly how to resist, but if we all resist, I cannot imagine it will be in vain.

Great OP, Starred, Flagged and Dugg!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Great post - Ah-RUU .

After watching VMA show tonight (with its Chase Bank ads) I can see there are still a lot of kool-aid drinkers out there.

Keep spreading the work until the MSM can no longer deny the obvious.

We cannot wait for the next election because it will be too late to fight the cancer that has invaded our country and the world.

We cannot hide away any longer and deny the tyrrany that faces us now.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:35 PM

Lehman collapse: President Barack Obama to push banking overhaul
President Barack Obama is to call for a series of sweeping regulatory changes to the framework governing the world's largest banks in a bid to prevent a collapse like that of Lehman Brothers.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:17 AM
Very well written sir! Star and Flag!
It is funny how people continue to think that this recession aka depression aka rape of our world by elitists is just a bump in the game of life,or death.People need to understand it is a game,and we are the Pawns!Forget about Charlie Sheen,this is what makes ATS so great,posts like yours!!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:12 AM
This should be read out loud in front of a large crowd at the washinton mall and broadcast coast to coast. Every word rings true of real passion and frustration.

S&F all the way.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I agree with you 100%.

The World Trade Organization is yet another group that just makes sure it screws America.

When Clinton passed N.A.F.T.A., the North American Freed Trade Agreement, I was pissed as Hell, because it's just another excuse to export our jobs and bypass paying American citizens real wages, as well as redirecting our companies down to Mexico.

I have nothing against Mexican's whatsoever, I understand they need jobs, just like us, but America needs to guarantee our citizens jobs, first.

As well as this N.A.F.T.A. opens the door for the North American Union which is an "alleged" plan
, meaning they only have half of it planned and implemented, and will initiate the rest once they do away with problems along the way, an example would be be the M.I.A.C. Report which gives Law Enforcement false propaganda, telling them that we as citizens are "idiots", "nutcases", and "lone nuts" because we believe something is up.

Of course something is up, and they are using the pretext that anyone who has caught on to the events unfolding, are in the wrong.

Great reply and thanks for posting on here.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Yes, yes, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, he does not concern you.

That sure sounds like a great many politicians in D.C.

One has to wonder if these politicians really think we as citizens are really that damn stupid.

I have to assume so here, not assuming in error of course, but by them acting the way they do and doing what they do they presume to know we are blind and ignorant fools to their foul play, and again that we can do nothing about it, and that they are untouchable.

It has been long and fun, politicians of Washington, but Mr. Toads Wild Ride is over. (note the sarcasm)

[edit on 14-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by seabisquit
Great post - Ah-RUU .

After watching VMA show tonight (with its Chase Bank ads) I can see there are still a lot of kool-aid drinkers out there.

Keep spreading the work until the MSM can no longer deny the obvious.

We cannot wait for the next election because it will be too late to fight the cancer that has invaded our country and the world.

We cannot hide away any longer and deny the tyrrany that faces us now.

Thank you.

Oh yes, Chase Bank, the infamous Chase Manhattan, Chase What Matters..., they throw our freedom our there assuming we will chase after it without knowing it is only an illusion of a carrot on a stick only to realize it is only running right into the slaughter pens of the sheeple and hattle (human cattle).

I love Kool-Aid but only if I have made it, you really never know what poisons some other person like Jim Jones might toss into it.

I cannot speak about anyone else other than myself but I have never hidden who I am.

I have never been an ostrich with my head in the sand and butt in the air.

I have known many people who have the glazed over and glassy-eyed look when you try to talk politics of any kind and they seem lost in the haze of stupidity in the politicians game of smoke and mirrors and double-speak mixed with duplicitous actions and double-standards as well as dual-use technology.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by redhead57

He did one good thing, he is running people out of the two party system. I am now a registered Independent and I never, EVER would have believed I would get soured on the two party system. Thanks Barack for opening up my eyes and the eyes of millions of others.

Good for you.

I used to vote who ever was in office out unless I had a very very good reason to do otherwise. Now I will not vote for either of the two major parties. People tell me I am "wasting" my vote. I figure even if the third party does not win, if they grab a good portion of the vote it sends a warning message to the politicos that they can be replace, so watch you step

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Ah yes, Lehman and their collapse, it amazes me that these banks collapse, and we are supposed to just give up our money to them, like offering up our first-born children to the serpent which is worshiped by the heathens who only wear loincloths.

No offense directed towards you Stormdancer777, nor to Native Americans.

I have loved the Native American people as they were my own, I just know how Government perceived them in the past, and it carries on into the present, and will do so far into the future.

I felt such a loss and sadness for the different Indian tribes who were slaughtered because of the white man's ignorance and needless violence towards "the savages".

I think that our ancestors had a better way of dealing with things in not owning possessions.

I was told by a self-proclaimed "psychic" that my spirit guide is named Bull Run and he is as powerful if not more so than Sitting Bull.

Well, if I am to believe her, because I have my doubts about "psychics", then Bull Run is just as pissed off as I am and he stirs my spirit to destroy these people who would enslave us because no one deserves to be a slave to another.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Thank you.

Have you seen the thread below?

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Yes, according to the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" a "bailout" is nothing more than preplanned theft on the parts of the banking community.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by 317258186
This should be read out loud in front of a large crowd at the washinton mall and broadcast coast to coast. Every word rings true of real passion and frustration.

S&F all the way.

I appreciate the sentiment, although I am not sure of the reception it would get.

Someone suggested printing it out and sending it to Obama, which made me laugh.

The man could not care less about this I bet nor would he react to it.

He's a bought and paid for lapdog of the Bilderberg Group.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by redhead57

He did one good thing, he is running people out of the two party system. I am now a registered Independent and I never, EVER would have believed I would get soured on the two party system. Thanks Barack for opening up my eyes and the eyes of millions of others.

Good for you.

I used to vote who ever was in office out unless I had a very very good reason to do otherwise. Now I will not vote for either of the two major parties. People tell me I am "wasting" my vote. I figure even if the third party does not win, if they grab a good portion of the vote it sends a warning message to the politicos that they can be replace, so watch you step

Oh yes, I love hearing people telling me I am wasting my vote, because I answer back the same.

Wasting your vote, really now, if you have only two choices, you are being limited to two bad choices if you ask me, so why would throwing away the vote be a waste?

If you are given the choice between being shot in front of a firing squad, or your other choice is to be killed in the electric chair, are not both choices still bad?

HHHmmm...bullets or being fried?

Tough decision there.


I choose to choose and not be told what I can choose, that is what a leader does, and I am a leader.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by 317258186

You would like the thread below it is a part of what inspired the writing of this one.

Cotton Candy Words, Gumdrop Dreams, and Rainbow Smiles : Mr Obama's Sugar High

On phone conversations with a friend I have been referring to Obama's speeches in such a manner.

My friend laughs every time.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

have loved the Native American people as they were my own, I just know how Government perceived them in the past, and it carries on into the present, and will do so far into the future.

I felt such a loss and sadness for the different Indian tribes who were slaughtered because of the white man's ignorance and needless violence towards "the savages".

When you do some digging you find the same "Robber Barons" and The Bank of England (surprise!) were behind the intentional genocide of the Native American people and are also behind the fleecing of the US people. They are indeed MONSTERS.

Unknown to many this intentional genocide continued into the 1970's when Indian women were intentionally sterilized without permission by the US government (and probably it still continues) "The two prong attack (on the Indians, themselves, and on their means of subsistance) worked extraordinarily well. By 1889, only 835 bison remained. By the end of the century, few non-reservation Indians remained."


...With time, the pioneers learned what the American Indian had known for countless generations: the buffalo were the link to continued life.

In the years following the Civil War, financial and government interests sought to sever that relationship. The belief was that wherever the buffalo roamed, so too did the American Indian, whose very presence threatened the success of westward expansion. By the 1870s, the U.S. Army was losing one soldier for every three Indians it killed. Railroad barons, whose interests the Army was in large part working to protect, needed to indemnify their transcontinental investments against native intrusion. Texas cattlemen, meanwhile, had already begun driving their longhorns north, looking for new forage, links to the Union Pacific, and access to eastern markets. All parties saw the buffalo, which fed and clothed the Indian, as the key obstacle to dominance. “When we get rid of the Indians and buffalo,” enthused General Nelson Miles, commander of a garrison near Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1876, “the cattle . . . will fill this country.”

In an 1875 speech to the Texas legislature, General Philip Sheridan summed up the feelings of the day: “[the buffalo hunters] have done . . . more to settle the vexed Indian question than the entire regular army has done in the last thirty years. They are destroying the Indians’ commissary. . . . Send them powder and lead, if you will; but for the sake of a lasting peace let them kill, skin and sell until the buffalo are exterminated. Then your prairies can be covered with speckled cattle and the festive cowboy, who follows the hunter as a second forerunner of an advanced civilization.”...

The rail and cattle tycoons were abetted in their efforts by an unlikely nexus of interests. Chief among them were British banks and investment companies, which, along with eastern banks looking to leverage British capital, conspired to corner the trade in beef (beloved of the British aristocracy) and grab land and resources in a largely unregulated part of the United States. British-owned investment firms such as the Anglo-American Cattle Company, the Colorado Mortgage and Investment Company of London, and the Scottish American Investment Company secured hundreds of thousands of acres of the American West, often through fraud and “stockmen’s associations,” which were really thinly disguised fronts for their interests. At the same time, other foreign financial organizations invested millions of dollars in U.S. railroads, most notably the Union Pacific. “With the help of eastern and British capital,” wrote one observer in the 1880s, “[the stockmen’s associations] have expanded all of a sudden into confederacies dangerous alike to private enterprise and to public liberty.”

Please tell me how liberal political activists still support these people who have so much blood on their hands. Clinton and Gore with the push for WTO and Bio-fuel have caused the starvation of MILLIONS!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

This surprises me not at all with all the investigating I have done about history.

These monsters who cause genocide through their planned atrocities are idiotic.

It must be their inbreeding, these rich fat-cats, Robber-Barron's, and social elite.

I wonder if Obama was truly put into power by the Kennedy family like the rumors say, because the family is not the same as when Jack was President.

Even though I know a President is only as good as his word, Jack's word somehow seemed better than most.

Maybe this is why they had to shut him up with the firing squad and blame a patsy?

Obama is no John F Kennedy, that is for sure, because Jack actually meant what he said in his speeches and actually gave facts to back up his statements.

As I have said before when President's, Kings, and dictators begin speaking in circular logic, pretty words with hollow meaning, and empty gestures through false policy, we as a nation must watch out very closely because we are about to be betrayed by the very people who are supposed to protect and serve us, not enslave us.

The more I think about President Barack Obama the more it gets to me that anyone actually bought into his false campaign promises, illusions, and lies.

I understand and live by policy, procedure, and protocol, and logic dictates that you must keep your word or you are as meaningless as the blowing wind because you are full of hot air, you are only as good as your word, and Obama's words mean nothing so to me he is an insignificant nothing of a man.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Well, I can agree to a small extent, but only so far.

When I talk about politics, in real life, people get this glazed over look like deer caught in the headlights, and some people are scared to death of it when I talk about it because they have been so dormant, or like ostriches with their heads in the sand, they have no clue.

The key is to NOT talk about politics but to hook them so they want to look into things themselves. (that's how I woke up)

Given the economic situation this is the hook I use.

The Department of Homeland Security says 80% of our ports are operated by Foreigners and they are buying and running US bridges, toll roads and water authorities.

Statistics showed in 1990 ,before WTO was ratified, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002 this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP.

An analysis of the 2007 financial markets of 48 countries shows the world's finances are in the hands of a few mutual funds, banks, and corporations. This is the first report of global concentration of financial power

Those three statements are a real shocker to most people and they are factual so no one can argue about them. Most people just want more information so I hand them the business card with the info about the Fed.

There is no politics involved so it works like a charm on liberals, conservatives and independents.
After all at this point everyone hates the BANKERS!!!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I have learned to do that because talking to people who are clueless only pisses me off.

I instead have learned like you suggested to educate them by introducing a concept into their vocabulary most are unfamiliar with, learning for themselves.

I figure out what they are into and suggest a good book like the one below.

War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier

Now, someone like Smedley Butler, he was a war-horse, and people get a kick out of his name.

It sounds like Dudley Do-Right so they are often amused.

I try so hard to give people a significant look at history but at themselves so that they can decide their own course that way they are free to go and educate others.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

That's the second time you've tried to infer that "wanting to take back your country" implies use of violence/weapons. Get your pole out of the water...

There are many movements, spreading like wildfire across this land. The majority of them are standing up for their Constitutional rights and working towards transformation through information. Many movements call for a complete overhaul of our elected... personally, I like the motto "Go green. Recycle Congress". Do many of us speak up for our right to keep and bears arms as a means to defend ourselves? Absolutely. You need not read anything else into that.

Now, back to the thread... more evidence that begs the question: Is Obama Constitutionally eligible to be President?

Let's see...
1) he will not produce a legitimate BC
2) he refuses to allow any other (potentially supportive) documentation to become public
3) the DNC doc oddities addressed in the thread
4) the MSM won't cover the issue

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck... it's a duck. Many of us would like this dealt with (ie. "take our country back"), so that a legitimate citizen may hold the office. Oh yes... and send the duck to his rightful home, wherever it may be.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

When Clinton passed N.A.F.T.A., the North American Freed Trade Agreement, I was pissed as Hell, because it's just another excuse to export our jobs and bypass paying American citizens real wages, as well as redirecting our companies down to Mexico.

I am some what familiar with the NAU however my knowledge of N.A.F.T.A is from the farming angle. It did not do the Mexican citizens any favors either. 75% of the Mexican farmers lost their land: "According to a study by Jose Romero and Alicia Puyana carried out for the federal government of Mexico, between 1992 and 2002, the number of agricultural households fell an astounding 75% - from 2.3 million to 575, 000" link

Worse is the attack on corn. Mexico is where corn originated and there are thousands of varieties. In April 2007 Monsanto, Cargill and Maseca-ADM sign agreements to establish regional seed banks in the center and south of Mexico. link So the Agri-Cartel can steal and patent Mexico's corn genetics via the Global Diversity Treaty Meanwhile Monsanto is badgering the Mexican government to allow GMO corn into the country. "Monsanto, one of the world's major grain-producing companies, is conducting tests in Mexico on at least 12 GM products. Fields planted with transgenic seeds in this country now cover at least 100,000 hectares." Corn is pollenated by the wind and once in Mexico it easily will contaminate all the Mexican corn with GMO genes. American farmers have learned how aggressive Monsanto is in sueing farmers whose crops have become contaminated with GMO genes through natural pollenation. "2005 report documents Monsanto's lawsuits against American farmers, revealing thousands of investigations, nearly 100 lawsuits and numerous bankruptcies..." link

A more severe case of genetic contamination is taking place in Mexico, where the presence of GM corn has been documented since 2001. It continues to show up in rural farming communities, both peasant and indigenous, sown by small farmers who are not aware of the transgenic threat; and it is proliferating rapidly, across wild and mixed varieties, in spite of the Mexican government’s ban on transgenic crops, in effect since 1998. This contamination deeply concerns environmentalists, scientists and farmers, since Mexico is the cradle of corn and axis of its diversity, rendering the long term consequences on the environment and human health uncertain.

n Mexico, people are distressed by the possibility that biopharmaceutical corn could be introduced in the country. Silvia Ribeiro, of the ETC organization, expresses great annoyance about the California-based company Epicyte, which ostentatiously declared having developed a spermicidal corn to be used as a contraceptive.

Ribeiro stated in La Jornada: “The potential of spermicidal corn as a biological weapon is outrageous, since it easily interbreeds with other varieties, is capable of going undetected and could lodge itself at the very core of indigenous and farming cultures. We have witnessed the execution of repeated sterilization campaigns performed against indigenous communities. This method is certainly much more difficult to trace.”

Feb 2007 GRAIN press release USA: Seed companies want to ban farm-saved seeds
A new report from GRAIN reveals the new lobbying offensive from the global seed industry to make it a crime for farmers to save seeds for the next year's planting. See History at

May 2008 Bio-tech companies lobby to lift ban against terminator gene

FAO is supporting harmonization of seed rules and regulations in Africa and Central Asia in order to stimulate the development of a vibrant seed industry...An effective seed regulation harmonization process involves dialogue amongst all relevant stakeholders from both private and public sectors. Seed quality assurance, variety release, plant variety protection, biosafety, plant quarantine and phytosanitary issues are among the major technical areas of a regional harmonized seed system. The key to a successful seed regulation harmonization is a strong political will of the governments involved

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