posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 12:23 PM
Here is a little bit more on the doings of Dr. Peterson, et al.
I did a bit of research on my own. I do believe the Dr. Peterson associated with MediaG3 is probably the same one in the PC interview. I found a
patent on a related website bearing the name Peterson and was for a type of microwave transceiver. The Dr. Peterson of PC fame tells us he is a
physics doctorate. The patent could very well be within the scope of a Ph this area. The company is closely associated with a number of industry
folks each of whom has decades of experience in the communications industry, The company, MediaG3 (symbol MDGC) has been market testing their services
in Idaho over the last year. They are nicely solvent according to their Q3 report, with sales of only a 1/2 million dollars, but they're on their
way. They are entering licensing agreements for their technologies, they have just received a $10 mill loan, and it looks like they are getting very
nicely set up to start building market share. Don't be fooled by the low price of stock. Many a company starts out just this way. This is a company
built upon very, very smart people with industry connections, very bright ideas, and working capital. In my own opinion, they should be looked at
seriously if you are investment -minded. Don't go out to dinner this weekend. Instead, treat yourself to 100,000 shares of common...then sit tight.