posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:04 PM
I watched all three videos.
First, I see only two paths for this: either the guy is a fraud, or, the guy is who he says - a highly-connected government insider, etc.
If the guy is a fraud, I think that PC would have figured that out. They seem to be rather well-informed themselves and not without cross-checking
So, I'm leaning toward the latter. In which he case he has to tread very, very carefully. There are some things he can say without crossing any
lines (probably those things that generally spoken of can still be discredited), and I'm more than certain there are other things he cannot say.
The big clue here is that PC spent 12 hours prior to the video and then video taped an agreed-upon interview. Clever of Kerry to
mention things from the pre-interview he couldn't answer directly but did nonetheless through subliminal signals.
While perhaps there wasn't very much "meat" (as some would have wanted), given his apparent level of comfort with what he could/could not directly
divulge, what was as important was what he didn't say, but alluded to.
Can you imagine if he did divulge the "secrets" of his various devices he discussed? The AMA and ADA would be out of business, permanently. Also,
the various Big Pharma would be gone too. Sorry to say that none of those industries want to be gone - the overall game behind them is an insidious
Now as for the "gloom and doom," well, if you worked inside the government all the time, you'd be prone to that thinking as well. However, note
that he did say if you don't want that scenario, then fend for yourself and those you care about. Return to community, etc. That's not so gloom
and doom.
Overall, I felt the video/interview rather credible - confirming lots of things I've read elsewhere by others unrelated. The fact he knows a great
deal about a great deal isn't so hard to believe - you have only to listen to some of the depth he goes into when describing certain systems to see
that. The acupuncture description with the "fascia" was dead on.
As for the chips, AI, programming, etc., well, those things I'm sure were only reserved for those with a "need to know." Sorry, but if you don't
know about it, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Most are only taught in "school" what the school wants one to learn - not necessarily what one
should learn ("Pete" did most of his own research, by his own admission, especially as a young lad). Isn't that the point of all this
"discovery" by "conspiracy theorists?"
If we all "knew" about these things, what purpose would folx like "Pete Peterson" serve?
The Mayans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc., all knew far more than we give them credit for, and we discover more about them every day. They knew
things we didn't think it possible for them to know, yet they did.
Bear that in mind with all the things that are divulged as time passes.
If "you" can absolutely, beyond a doubt, disprove the existence something, then that's different. Until then, don't disparage, but accept as is,
perhaps with a big grain of salt if you must.
Peace, Love, and Light!