That really is an amazing structure, I have to say.
Although there is no reason to believe it is anything more than a piece of art.
1) Its HUGE
-Indeed it is. But unfortunately it doesn't say anything about it other than it's big.
2) It is almost inaccessible
-Indeed it is. It won't be open to the public until 2010. This is partly because it is basically a construction zone, which is not really public
friendly due to the number of things going on (mainly heavy equipment). Another part, and being an artist I fully understand the intention, is that
the artist Michael Heizer doesn't want it to be open till it's finished. All completely understandable.
3) It cannot be seen from any highway
This information is not important in the least bit.
4) Its near Rachael, Nevada mecca of UFO buffs
Which would mean if it was somehow really a top secret base affiliated with extra terrestrials then they chose a terrible spot. "Hey lets put a
secret base close to a place where thousands of ufo hungry tourist go, oh and remember to make it known and allow people to visit it"
5) NO ONE is allowed to visit it
Again, this is due to it being a construction site and unfinished. Construction sites and tourist is just asking for that "Person crushed by 30
foot dump truck" lawsuit. It only makes sense to not let people visit it while it's being built with heavy machinery. Also, hes a stereotypical
artist who doesn't like his painting to be seen until it is completed. Wait until next year and go visit it when it's opened, should be amazing to
So with that being said, if were to make a secret something then why tell people about it in the first place? Why cover it up by using an artist who
publically announces it's existence, which would of been "more secret" if they just built it without the artist part. I would agree with you if
Michael Heizer was a random guy that just popped up, but simple research will show that he has done projects very similar before this. I have to say
that since it's an artist creating it, saying "it's too big to be art" or "it's too odd to be art" doesn't work seeing that it is
My opinion is that it is in the desert because it's the perfect place to do a piece of art like this, and it's by Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon
which are major tourist attractions. Seems like the perfect spot for what it says it is to me.
Some more information just because you can never have enough.
-His family has lived in Nevada since the 1880s.
-One grandfather, Ott F. Heizer, was a mining engineer, the other, Olaf P. Jenkins, was the chief geologist for California, and his father, Mr.
Heizer's was an archaeologist from Lovelock, Nev., who taught at the University of California, Berkeley. (Explains the motive behind the art
Seems everything adds up and nothing is suspicious about this.
"Oh damn, it's just a super amazing piece of art" (sarcasm)
[edit on 31-8-2009 by Raumcole]