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Is Phillip Garrido a Serial Killer?

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posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Is Phillip Garrido a Serial Killer?

Police in Pittsburg, CA are investigating alleged Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapper Phillip Garrido in connection with a series of prostitute murders. According to the Sacramento Bee, Garrido is being looked at as a person of interest in murders that occurred in the Bay Area in the early 90s. Many of the victims from that spree were found in an industrial area where Garrido worked at the time.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if Garrido is a viable suspect in these murder cases. He has the requisite history of sexualized violence as well as an apparent psychotic, religious mania often present in th
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Jaycee Lee Dugard girls were like 'brainwashed zombies'

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[edit on 8/31/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:22 PM
The more I look at this story, the more I wonder.

This guy is obviously a psycho, a much darker version of what Mel Gibson played in the movie. Why would police ever let him out of prison considering how he raped the girl, for which he got 50 years. How could anyone think that this guy wouldn't be a threat to society. You know, having been addicted to '___', he was a total nut job when the let him out of prison over twenty years ago.

Then he winds up living on this isolated, large chunk of land, that looks like a compound. How convenient. He has a neighbor that knows he is a convicted sex offender, but doesn't think anything about him having children living in his backyard. I wonder what this guy does for a living? Retired CIA black ops, watching over the the nutjob assassin?

Someone reports to the police that a convicted sex offender has children living in the back yard, and all the police officer does is talk to the guy? Come on, by all reports this guy comes off as completely nuts within a few minutes, and yet no background check is done, no search warrant issued.

This really makes me wonder if there wasn't some authority up above telling the police to leave him alone.

At one time they search this guys house, but not his backyard. Considering how big his backyard is, that just does not make sense.

Here you have this guy with no sense of morality, completely psycho, out of his mind, thinks he has super powers and all that, and he is getting by with this stuff. Gee, maybe the PTB decided this guy would be the perfect assassin in special circumstance when the most cold blooded murders needed to be committed.

They over look him snatching this girl because they figure that will keep him under control.

Do we have people in power that inhuman?

When you look at what is going on in parts of the world, yeah, it could be very possible.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Mod Edit: Review This Link: Instructions for the Breaking News Forums: Copy The Exact Headline

[edit on 8/31/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by poet1b

This is the reason why we should have an immediate firing squad for pedophiles and violent rapists when they are convicted.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

its a nice idea, but barbarism is still justified barbarism, just a different flavor [reference to firing squad]


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

For this kind of stuff, I agree.

We should have two trials, using completely different people, to make sure they got the right person, and forget all the psycho babble. If the person is guilty, death penalty. It might be the most humane thing to do.

This guy did have some serious brain injury, and a lot of criminals have this in common, so a humane death would be in order. I recently read "In Cold Blood", and both of those guys had also been in very serious accidents, after which they began their crime sprees.

Could you imagine what the sane person who they might have been before the accident would want done.

Still this whole situation seems way out of line. I see a conspiracy.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by poet1b

still though, it feels somewhat counterproductive to resort to violence towards violent people; equally we cannot solve our problems outside by executing our ethical standards inside anymore than murderous rapists can solve their clear derrangement inside, outside.

So you see? although your logic is impeccable in matching circumstance, you would be sacrificing your humanity in the absence of his, which seems 'justified' in a kind of sick way, but in doing so the murderer and the executioner become two barbarians of which the difference becomes insignificant, both are killers, just one doesn't have a sane excuse - which one is the question, is it not?


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

alot of innocent men are being brought up on charges these days because the legal system is hypersensitive to these topics. many of those charged are never conclusively proven to be guilty. they are told they have a choice:

1) confess you did it and if this is the first offense, you'll have to attend classes, write letters of apology to the victim (who never actually receives the's just for therapy), and be put on probation for the rest of your life, where you are instructed what you can and cannot watch and where you can and cannot go and where you can and cannot live. house arrest with no chance of parole.

2) plead innocent, in which case you will be tried, however, your choice of witnesses will be limited. the defense for these types of offenses is currently under heavy scrutiny and the clamps are tightened down. the prosecutor, however, has a great deal more freedom for proving the case, including choice of witnesses.

that's fueled by public opinion that the problem needs to be stopped, even at the expense of the innocent

as a result, people often admit to it even though they aren't guilty because the option is to have very little chance of proving your innocence and being sent to prison.

it's a witch hunt on steroids.
so i'm thinking shooting people is not a good idea.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:05 PM
I am beginning to suspect he meant to get caught, you know with handing out flyers at a school with children... i mean if he really is a serial killer, hes unbelievably smart. And his voicesrevealed blog spot is pretty provocative. Also the girl just turned herself in... even though she was still under the brainwash influence of garrido... i think he released her to do so.... But i could be 100% wrong

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Couldn't find the thread I was referring to so I'll just ask the question myself.

Was this Ted Kennedy's assassin if need be? Ted dies then they lock this nutcase up.

I know it's way out there.

Edit for change

[edit on 30-8-2009 by Strictsum]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by undo

Yeah, and because guys like this are being let out of prison, where there was no question of guilt, these types of witch hunts are allowed to be taking place.

Men accused of rape are being given less and less opportunity to defend themselves, because rapists like this who were obviously guilty, were set free to rape again.

This works well for those who seek to take our liberties away.

This is another reason why I see a conspiracy here.

Normally, I stay away from these types of stories, but the facts in this case screams out to me that something is wrong here.

Considering how many people on this sight talk about the black ops projects to create assassins, I figured others would see what I see.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by poet1b

i don't believe in the death penalty to begin with, doubly so when there's a chance mob mentality is driving the legal system. when and if the mob becomes omniscient, then maybe, but till we are all knowing and all seeing, too many chances for mistake.

it's a matter of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. and clearly, i would not wish to be executed, especially for a crime i didn't commit but was railroaded into admitting to just to escape the alternative. doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that's going to work out.

being conscientious of my fellows. i'm female, btw.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by poet1b

i don't believe in the death penalty to begin with, doubly so when there's a chance mob mentality is driving the legal system. when and if the mob becomes omniscient, then maybe, but till we are all knowing and all seeing, too many chances for mistake.

of course as I mentioned, killing anyone is a mistake, hence the punishment of death? still, very counter-rotational and a little fallaciously naive, no?


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by 7redorbs

could you rephrase that? not sure i understood it. your vocabulary exceeds my brain capacity.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by undo

I understand your position, even if I disagree with the principle about the death penalty. Yeah, too many innocent people are getting convicted on little or no evidence.

My point is that I think guys like this are set free to keep the witch hunt going.

This is the legal system making sure it has plenty of business.

Anyone paying attention should be aware of how badly this situation has gotten out of hand. There are some horror stories out there of people getting convicted with no real evidence.

I think there is a real possibility this guy might be one of these programmed nutcases. Everything points in that direction.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:47 AM
It sounds a bit like the Dutroux affair in France. that was another case that involved what appeared to be incredibly inept "search" by police that lead to deaths. I've only read a bit of this case. It is really grisly and appears to have involved coverup by police and higher-ups.

here's just a bit from the account

n the following months and years details came out about the failure of the police and BOB to catch Dutroux in an earlier stage. Although usually not presented in such a way, most of these rather odd failures can be ascribed to BOB officer Rene Michaux. As head of Operation Othello, a surveillance operation against Dutroux from August 10, 1995 to January 1996, he practically knew everything there was to know about this already convicted, violent pedophile. From all sides evidence was presented to him that Dutroux not only had kidnapped Julie and Melissa, but also An and Eefje. However, Michaux ignored evidence presented by such informants as Claude Thirault, to whom Dutroux had mentioned how to kidnap young girls and how much you could get for them; Dutroux's mother, who had gathered evidence from her son's neighbors that he was likely involved in the kidnappings; and police officer Christian Dubois, who early on was on the trail of the gang of Nihoul, which would immediately have led to Dutroux. In between all these reports, the video cameras aimed at Dutroux's Marcinelle home as part of Operation Othello failed to register Dutroux bringing in An and Eefje on August 22, nor would Michaux's team notice Eefje's failed escape attempt on August 25, in which she briefly climbed out the bathroom window to shout for help. An and Eefje were taken out of the house in September and murdered. When finally forced to search Dutroux's Marcinelle home for reasons not related to the kidnappings, Michaux decided to ignore the voices of two young girls, seemingly not even trying to get a response from them. He also didn't think that Dutroux's odd L-shaped basement, with one wall much newer than all the others, was reason enough to tear it down, nor did he recognize the significance of such items as vaginal cream, a speculum, chains, and a videotape with the name of a program on it dealing with missing children. Two other videos which would have shown Dutroux working on his basement and him raping a 14 year old girl were returned to Dutroux's wife, apparently without having been reviewed by his team. This failure of properly searching Dutroux's home apparently led to the death of Julie and Melissa, who are believed to have died from starvation in Dutroux's basement. It also led to the kidnapping of Sabine and Laetitia after Dutroux got out of jail in March 1996.

read much much more on the website. hard to believe these things go on, but they did. they do.
Beyond the Dutroux Affair

are we going to discover that this case too is vastly worse than we currently know?

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by earlywatcher

Glad to see someone else is paying attention.

Lack in participation in this situation is worthy of noting.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by earlywatcher

While I doubt there was police involvement or cover up in this case I believe we will find out that at the beginning it was much worse. What I mean is that I do believe that Jaycee is his last victim (aside from her daughters) I believe there were others.

I think we will find out further down the road that he was a killer and that he had brought others to his sex slave compound only to kill them. Some he might have killed outside of his compound prior to his completing it.

This story has parts that remind me of the father in Austria that kept his daughter locked away for 24 years and fathered children with her.
It also has parts that remind me of and I suspect will have more similarities to David Parker Ray.

In both of these there was a deranged sex fiend that decided to keep slaves. Ray though decided it was best to torture and kill his victims. Though the bodies of those he claims to have killed have never been found.

Either way if this individual and his partner are not responsible for anything more than we currently know of, they are truly sick people. Despite what others might say people like this deserve the worst of punishments. This man is proven guilty even without a trial as the evidence was right there in his hands. Sort of like being caught “red handed”. People that are caught “red handed” in cases such as this deserve torture for the remainder of their life. Even if his wife was not there during the rapes and did not participate she is just as guilty be allowing it to happen.

If some are too shy, cowardly, scared, or touchy feely to be the ones to do the punishments for people like this I and others would be more than happy to do it. What it says about me I do not care(that is for me to deal with and no one else), justice will come to light for those who were victims of these people.


posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 03:02 PM
I'll bet if you could get this guy's prison psych eval, if would show he was considered to be a psycho at the time if his early release from prison.

Why would anyone release this psycho out of prison when he clearly has no understanding of the difference between right and wrong, and had proven this by the nature of his first attack and sexual assault.

Look at some of this guys ramblings, he make Charles Manson sound reasonable.

There was no way this guy should have ever been let out of prison, so why was he let out?

Why didn't the police do anything after it was reported that a registered sex offender had children in his backyard. Why would the neighbors ignore this?

What does it take to get people to open their eyes?

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 03:12 PM
scary thing is I sorta knew the guy,

He also had a blog, course it may get shut down at any moment, he was wacky, and also visited this site and was into the "conspiracy" scene.

But people thought he was just a conspiracy nut, and didn't realize how sick he really was.

Here is his blog before it disappears.

reading his own words is a bit creepy

people are spamming it already so it may get taken down at any time.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Address the idea that innocents end up on sex-offender registries:

This does happen. There are also cases that should not be on there, due to over zealous application of the laws and policies.

This is probably intentional. If one was a person who hated the sex offender registry, and wanted to make it useless and hated, you would promote putting innocent or inappropriate people on the list.

Since we all know that perverts and pedophiles and sadists seem to often "float to the top" in anything, some of them will have the ability to promote things that make sex offender registries hated and useless. To defend their fellow mis-understood and victimized pervs. (how they often see themselves).

Think about it.

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