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Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by Lillydale
Well how about all the people who saw the plane hit the Pentagon. Do witnesses count for you?
Richard Benedetto was in his car on his way to work, stuck in traffic just outside the Pentagon. He was listening -- in horror -- to an account of what had just happened at the World Trade Center in New York. "Then the plane flew right over my head. I said to myself, boy, that plane is going awfully fast," Benedetto said. "That plane is going to crash."
Again, did he see this happen or are they just stating it is what happened according to them during the time he would have been this witness?
The jet knocked over several light posts before it smashed into the Pentagon.
OK! That makes sense. Basically this says that Benedetto was a witness, here is his witness statement - other people saw......huh? What does anything "other observers" saw have to do with his witness statement?
Other observers said it seemed to come in full throttle with no attempt to slow down. "The noise was like an artillery shell, not an explosion like a bomb," Benedetto said.
Then he saw a giant billow of smoke followed by a huge fireball, presumably the exploding fuel from the crashed plane. "You couldn't even see the building because there was so much smoke," said Benedetto. The sight was shocking and chilling, even for a veteran reporter. "You don't hand in your humanity when you get a press pass," he said.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by SPreston
I believe that all of CIT's videos and interviews are biased and that the perpetrators are either disinformation agents, profiteers, or starved for attention. The overwhelming number of wblah blah blah.
I see that now you now demand serial numbers of the parts of the plane in question.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by Lillydale
When did you answer me lillydale? There are many exclamation points at the ends of your sentences. You should calm yourself.
I see that now you now demand serial numbers of the parts of the plane in question. Of course, they could be faked, so we will need some assurance that they are really the serial numbers. How will we do that?
Now as to the passengers, what might they have? DNA. Of course, that could be faked, so we will need some assurance that the passenger DNA is real. How will we do that?
What did happen to the passengers, anyway? The map of the remains could be faked, too.
It looks as though you will continue to be disappointed, Lilly. No one can absolutely prove anything. CIT can't prove a flyover and Tezza can't even prove Melbourne exists. This is a sad state of affairs, isn't it? Why don't we postulate a few scenarios and see what fits best based on the evidence at hand?
Based on the information you have at this point, what do you think the most likely scenario is?
Originally posted by talisman
reply to post by pteridine
But weren't a lot of the witnesses who claimed to have seen a plane fly into the Pentagon, not in a very good position to see such a thing? I believe CIT demonstrates this well, and the fact that they studied the land surrounding the Pentagon and went to great lengths to investigate this.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by Lillydale
Lets look at another from
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39 [66 FR 21855 5/2/2001]
Docket No. 99-NM-124-AD; Amendment 39-12206; AD 2001-09-01
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 757-200 and -300 Series Airplanes
PDF Copy (If Available):
SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Boeing Model 757-200 and -300 series airplanes, that requires repetitive clearing of the drain passage at the aft end of the main landing gear (MLG) truck beam to ensure moisture and contaminants within the truck beam can properly drain; and, for certain airplanes, an internal inspection of the truck beam to detect discrepancies, and follow-on actions. This amendment is prompted by reports of fracture of MLG truck beams. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent stress corrosion cracking, leading to fracture of a MLG truck beam during ground operations, which could result in either reduced controllability of the airplane or a fire.
DATES: Effective June 6, 2001.
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the
Director of the Federal Register as of June 6, 2001.
ADDRESSES: The service information referenced in this AD may be obtained from Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207. This information may be examined at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport Airplane Directorate, Rules Docket, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC.
Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate in the making of this amendment. Due consideration has been given to the comments received.
Change Certain Wording in Paragraphs (a) and (b)
Two commenters ask that the wording in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the proposed rule, which specifies ". . .since the date of manufacture of the MLG. . .," be changed to read ". . .since the date of delivery of the airplane or since date of installation for new replacement truck beams installed after airplane delivery. . . ." The commenters state that exposure to a typical service environment does not occur until after the airplane is delivered. This is because the airplane is maintained in a controlled environment and the landing gear is not exposed to the harsh conditions of in-service landing gear, so no degradation of protective finishes would be expected prior to delivery.
One commenter notes that the landing gear manufacturing date will normally precede airplane delivery by several months (and could be much longer for replacement truck beams), and the manufacturer does not typically provide the landing gear date of manufacture to the operators. If the date of manufacture is used as the basis for determining the inspection threshold, the manufacturer will be required to research and compile the data for distribution to operators. Operators could be required to comply months earlier than intended, as the service bulletins referenced in the proposed rule specify airplane age, which is normally based on delivery date. Specifying the airplane delivery date, or date of installation of new replacement truck beams as the basis for determining the compliance threshold will simplify determination of the threshold for each affected airplane. The operators will already have delivery or installation dates in their records, and will not have to rely on the manufacturer to provide additional information.
We concur with the commenters' requests. We agree that exposure to a typical service environment does not occur until after the airplane is delivered to the original operator, because the airplane is maintained in a controlled environment and the landing gear is not exposed to the harsh conditions of in-service landing gear, as the commenter states. Additionally, specifying a compliance time of within a certain number of years since the date of airplane delivery or since the date of installation of new replacement truck beams will allow operators easy access to the data necessary for determining when the clearing procedure should be done. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of the final rule have been changed accordingly.
....We concur. The term "MLG" has been changed throughout the final rule to the term, "MLG truck beam." Specifying the component instead of the entire MLG assembly allows additional time for compliance when the existing MLG truck beam is replaced with a new or overhauled truck beam, apart from the MLG assembly.
2. Replace the phrase "Overhaul of the MLG truck beam prior to the effective date of this AD. . . , " as specified in Note 3 of the proposed rule, with "Overhaul of the MLG truck beam prior to the compliance time of this AD. . . ." This is to allow credit to be taken for MLG assemblies overhauled and installed within the AD compliance time.
We partially concur with the commenter. We do not concur that the phrase "Overhaul of the MLG truck beam prior to the effective date of this AD," as specified in Note 3 of the final rule, be replaced with "Overhaul of the MLG truck beam prior to the compliance time of this AD." Note 3 gives operators credit for overhaul of the MLG truck beam prior to the effective date of the AD, in accordance with the original service bulletin. However, we do concur that the commenter be given credit for MLG assemblies overhauled and installed within the AD compliance time. However, the FAA notes that operators are always given credit for work accomplished previously if the work is performed in accordance with the existing AD by means of the phrase in the compliance section of the AD that states, "Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously."
Another commenter asks that Note 3 of the proposed rule be removed or clarified to state that previously overhauled truck beams comply with the rule based on prior accomplishment of the applicable service bulletins. The commenter states that Note 3 could be interpreted as being applicable to all truck beams that were overhauled per Boeing Model 757 Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) 32-11-56, which is specified in the service bulletins referenced in the proposed rule.
Originally posted by Lillydale
Let's not and examine your logic. I tear one eyewitness account apart to show that both the eyewitness account and webpage are hardly credible.
Your next move is to then offer other evidence and try that?
Do you think you can just keep offering things you call "evidence" and just hope eventually you will get one that is not BS and it will stick? I just proved to you that eyewitness accounts and webpages full of them are hardly a reliable source of evidence. Showing me another one does what to change that again? You are disappointing me. Good job in moving the goal posts though.
Originally posted by pteridine
Originally posted by Lillydale
Let's not and examine your logic. I tear one eyewitness account apart to show that both the eyewitness account and webpage are hardly credible.
Your next move is to then offer other evidence and try that?
Do you think you can just keep offering things you call "evidence" and just hope eventually you will get one that is not BS and it will stick? I just proved to you that eyewitness accounts and webpages full of them are hardly a reliable source of evidence. Showing me another one does what to change that again? You are disappointing me. Good job in moving the goal posts though.
I see that when you are confronted with a witness seeing the event from start to finish and describing it in detail, you wish to discuss logic, a nice goal post move on your part.
You then say that eyewitness accounts are hardly a reliable source of evidence [goodbye, CIT] and need real physical evidence.
Patients and proof, you?
What are you lacking?
There was a hole in the Pentagon, carefully photographed. There was a large, hydrocarbon fueled fire, carefully photographed. There were airplane parts, carefully photographed. There were incinerated human bodies, carefully photographed. Which of these are unacceptable as evidence?
He said a missile hit the.....oh whoops.
Originally posted by weedwhacker
an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile...