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UFO FLEET OF 43 ORBS LargestFleetFootage in USA

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Cmdraleon

When we stop thinking logic and start looking from the perspective of those in the skies then the possibilities are expanded .

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.

Cmdraleon just recommended that we stop thinking logically (i.e. Just accept without question or the intervention of reason or doubt), and believe.

What does that make his statement? A call for blind faith, that's what; don't doubt it, don't question it, just let it in.

Some things beamish you will never realize unless you open your mind.

Whos being entraped you use the word insidious approach .

Nothing insidious at all with how I am presently this.

Beamish how Spiritual are you?

When I ask this I mean it in a non traditional way.

Churches do not come close to the approach I am in this discussion.

the Valitcan even realizes Life elsewhere exists and that in itself is another interesting topic for another day.

That kind of insidious approach is the same methodology utilised by any other evangelical church on this planet. You'd think that advanced beings would have developed a better way of convincing us that they're here, wouldn't you?

Like supplying incontrovertible evidence as opposed to indistinct blobs.

Cmdraleon, would you please answer the points I put forward in my previous post? Cherry picking who you reply to makes you look bad and suggests that you’re not here to discuss the more awkward issues you have raised, just to proselytize.

And, as a self-appointed public representative of your faith – The Ashtar Galactic Command - you are continuing to misrepresent it and place it in an even worse light if that behaviour continues.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Did you notice the date stamped on the "1952" video? July 12th. Whoever ripped it off from the TV show blew it, they put the wrong date on it. There were no sightings reported in Washington DC on July 12, 1952. None of the eyewitness reports bear any resemblance to the video. The video is not real. It is fake and stolen from a TV show.

[edit on 8/31/2009 by Phage]

Greetings Phage ,

Can you share what tv show you are speaking about ?

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

He doesn't really think he is...does he?

Either way Video is garbage.

My 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Since the 1952 mass sightings are also being discussed here .
I have added two video's one done by the History channel pertaining to July 1952 and the other a documentary with newspaper reports on these events at the time.

This one was from the History Channel program UFOs Then and Now this part of the program talked about the UFO Sightings over the National Capital at that time period .

The"History Channel"highlights formerly classified details about a UFO fleet that invaded forbidden military air-space in 1952.The incident was kept secret by U.S.Air Force authorities until surrendered through pressure from proponents for"The Freedom Of Information Act"decades later.This landmark event which spanned 4 days,involved the on-and-off deployment of military jets against UFOs detected over sensitive military installations and the White House.This former Top-Secret fiasco came to be known as"The Washington Merry-Go-Round".

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Cmdraleon

Originally posted by flice
Blind faith for the loss...
along with trying to argument that it's not something logical by showing other clips of something we don't know what is, but could be something benign.

I've had the pleasure to see laterns in the sky and they looked very similar to this little clip. Too bad it's in black and white... why is that anyways?

Greetings flice,

I have also seen many of the Lantern videos here from Youtube that have been posted .

Not all are Lanterns .

These video's are not nor if you view the three others I posted you will see what I am expanding on within the context of this discussion.

Not sure why its in black and white .

The greatest possibilities here are that from my perspective all these Craft are benign Intelligence .

If they were not .

The Planet would have been taken over already and that is not the intent of those above in these UFO videos.

Thanks You for sharing your insights and I hope that those who blindly accept logical conclusions will start to question those who continue on that path to nowhere .

Blessings and Peace,

Ok Commander rAleon,

Since you are the Ashtar whateveryoumaycallit on earth, I am sure you must have some exceptional info and a ton of footage of your spacesh1ts and crafts and what nots. How about sharing posting some pics or videos of your fleet?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by bskivss3

He's got nothing.

He's just a ratbag hoaxer.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I’m going to let you dig yourself into a corner by replying to your response to my post. I’ll let you know when you are trapped in that corner.

When I asked you for some form of corroboration as to how you know the objects are spaceships, you said:

It right in front of you.

and in answer to my reluctance to accept such a biased homily you said that that response was my opinion. Which it is. Your answer, however, still does not answer the original question. I do not doubt you when you say that you’ve seen UFOs, but that does not mean that everything that you see that looks like your original sighting are UFOs, does it?

You are looking at the video and the UFOs in it from how you believe these things should move . Why do they have to move the way you want them to in order for you to believe?

I do not know how an alien fleet would fly. No one does, apart from them. The white blobs in the video may well be spaceships – and let’s not forget that I have not said they aren’t – but they may also be birds or balloons etc. The thing is, very few people are going to believe your explanation because the video is completely ambiguous.

It is not possible to say for sure that they are “ships”. Not possible unless, as you have exhibited quite openly, all you have to do is just accept that they are because you have seen a UFO before therefore they must be. Sorry, but the two cannot logically be connected.

From my perspective you have Blind Faith in what is safe to believe and accept from what you have stated in your message here.

Yet, whilst you still refuse to answer the original question, you accuse me of blind faith? You realise that throwing the argument back in my face is no argument at all, don’t you? Maybe you are realizing that you have no answer to my question other than your own “blind faith” telling dictating that every light in the sky is an Ashtar ship.

I said:

When it comes to UFOs, I am open to any rational, unbiased interpretation, accepting (and even expecting) that that interpretation may well be uncomfortable and challenging. To do otherwise is arrogant.

and you replied:

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly above.Which also means and expanded awareness cosmically and spiritually should be included to understand this aswell. Unless you add Spiritual to this how can you make the connections ?

“Cosmically”? “Spiritual?” Those are no more than buzzwords, Cmdraleon, sourced from – and that direct others towards - a man-made (your) belief system. The Ashtar Galactic Command is tenuously founded on the contactee movement of the 1950’s and ‘60’s, channeling, that and the infamous TV broadcast of 1977. The rest is solely an amalgamation of New Age spiritualism, Christianity, and Cargo Cult mentality.

Show me something solid – something academic or original and thought provoking - that disproves this. I’m not asking for photos, just something that will make me think otherwise. I’ve said from day one on this site that I am willing to change my mind on any standpoint I have if the evidence – or even if my intellectual curiosity is roused – is sufficiently convincing. Here’s your chance.

When I observe the video just from that point I do not see Balloons in the air.

Because of your religion.

Again not all these recorded sighting's in Mexico and elsewhere are Balloons

Maybe. I won’t go asking the question again, but you know what I’m thinking…

When I said:

So let me simplify it: I believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. What I will not do is accept everything as proof, as you seem to do.

you replied:

You can look at these video's and any other real video's of these Craft and I understand you will still follow the belief system of needing the proof.

I have accepted a priori that we are not alone. Evidence is sparse, but some of an extremely persuasive nature is available. You seem – because of the strength of your conviction - to have this evidence; all I’m asking is what is it?

Faith is not a bad thing and having blind faith most people I know do not .

Unless you can show where your faith has a foundation in fact, it is blind.

The first thing you observe with a UFO Sighting in a field or on a video as this is the case here.

Go with the first impressions of what you are seeing .

Many times that first impression is a good one .

Why go with the first impression? That is patently foolhardy. Many times the first impression is a wrong one. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and make the wrong decision.

When you over think what it is many times you lose sight of what you were seeing in the first place.

I ask you again to read you own words and see the highly controlling terminology you are using. Suggesting that we don’t “over think” a sighting is simply you saying we shouldn’t question how you are evaluating UFO sightings, as as far as you are concerned, your approach is correct.

How about showing those that understand and believe what is happening in the skies above a video a good one to disprove every UFO Event that has been recorded over the years if you can do that .

You’re asking a pointless question. I have not said that UFOs don’t exist, I’m simply questioning the video you have presented and the way you are insistingthat it is real.

How do you define a good UFO Video who decides what is good and what is not.
How many years have these increased events like the one in the video been happening.
Why would people all over the world start taping Balloons ?
Do you think all th footage on the Internet of these Sightings are Ballooons?

Simple response: are you saying that every video of high altitude blobs are definitely not balloons? Why?

Who are the UFO experts ? What makes one an expert?

An expert by definition is someone who is an authority in their field. Are you an authority, or is it that your religion gives you authority.

I have seen craft up close no video many years ago does that make me an expert?

No. It makes you a witness.

You mention 100's of fake ones yes some are faked and people who have no idea what they are viewing might not know the difference .

How do you know the difference?

You also need to understand that 100's of video out on the Internet that are being posted via youtube etc are not faked and real aswell.

See response above.

You just have to know what your viewing closely .

See response above.

My understanding come from having direct encounters with Space Craft for many years including fireball UFOs that were greenish in color flying very low in the middle of the night looking out the window… I can figure out what is real…

“Figure out”, CmdrAleon? Remember that corner I spoke of? You’re in it.

I thought you had previously said that you are an alien Commander; someone who is surely privy to indisputable knowledge?

You have stated that on ATS before.

But now you are quite categorically saying that your expertise is from seeing UFOs.

Which is it?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Some things beamish you will never realize unless you open your mind.

I am open minded, but I’m not a sucker.

Whos being entraped you use the word insidious approach .
Nothing insidious at all with how I am presently this.

Yes there is. All your talk of spirituality, blessings and peace springs from whatever passes for doctrine spouted by the Ashtar Galactic Command and that, for some undemanding people, will suggest you have knowledge and authority when clearly you don’t. Point out where I’m incorrect in this conclusion.

Beamish how Spiritual are you?

Most people who bandy around the word spiritual really do not know what it means.

If you balance it against what you and I respectively believe, then in comparison you would say I am not spiritual at all. And by my measure, and in my opinion, you are not really spiritually aware either. Where’s the dividing line? You think you are spiritual, yet can happily contradict yourself as to just what you are – alien or witness.

Real spirituality should help to define, not confuse.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by 7redorbs

Originally posted by Cmdraleon

When you see me post video it will be ones that I have examined closely as one can using the Internet.

Thanks again for your viewpoint .

Blessings and Peace,

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Cmdraleon]

CmdrAleon, since nobody else is going to ask you, please if you could quickly post these things:

:person who filmed the event and can vouch for its authenticity as either ufo or 'advanced' air/spacecraft.

Until you do so the human race isn't going to take you seriously, and if, just if - you are that dyslexic Alien commander we spoke of, then you aren't applying your primary directive, that is to convince us, not point us towards thinking it's ALL a hoax,

believe it or not some people have something useful to say.. and that rule applies to aliens too :-P


CmdrAleon I can only assume that you were above answering my questions, since other peoples you have answered .


posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Some things beamish you will never realize unless you open your mind.

I am open minded, but I’m not a sucker.

No one is asking you to be .

What i am suggesting to you when i say have an open mind is to go beyond your belief systems which you have .

Whos being entraped you use the word insidious approach .
Nothing insidious at all with how I am presently this.

Yes there is. All your talk of spirituality, blessings and peace springs from whatever passes for doctrine spouted by the Ashtar Galactic Command and that, for some undemanding people, will suggest you have knowledge and authority when clearly you don’t. Point out where I’m incorrect in this conclusion.

Having a spiritual context to this is not at all insidious your not being entraped into a belief or understand here .

So that word realy is missed used from my perspective.

Beamish how Spiritual are you?

Most people who bandy around the word spiritual really do not know what it means.

How would you know this Beamish ?

Many kinds of Spiritual people which Spiritual people are you using for discussion Traditional or Non Traditional ?

For example my Spiituality is what I call Cosmic meaning I speak on the subject from a purely cosmic view and understanding of this subject.

If you balance it against what you and I respectively believe, then in comparison you would say I am not spiritual at all. And by my measure, and in my opinion, you are not really spiritually aware either. Where’s the dividing line? You think you are spiritual, yet can happily contradict yourself as to just what you are – alien or witness.

Beamish I have not said you are not Spiritual have I .

We are also given Spirit within Beamish you have that aswell .
Sometimes people do not listen to the Spiritual Self and perfer listening to the Mind .

When you cross the Bridge and connect your Spirit with your thinking on this subject regarding the Orbs it will make perfect sense .

Real spirituality should help to define, not confuse.

If you are confused the suggestion I can put fourth is to first findout what you mean by Spirituality .

What is the real Spirituality that you are speaking of .

Confusion on this comes from within the Mind or the Brain itself.

The Spirit you have will understand without any confusion .

If you view these Orbs ort Lightships for example from a Skeptical Mindset then you will not see what they truly are .

You said they could be something other then what I have proposed here.

Do you think some of these well know cases those who have recorded them have no idea what they are looking at?

Do you also feel that many if not all of these videos are Baloons ,ours or birds flying in the skies.

When do you accept one of these video's of Orbs or Lightships as that alone ?

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I’m going to let you dig yourself into a corner by replying to your response to my post. I’ll let you know when you are trapped in that corner.

When I asked you for some form of corroboration as to how you know the objects are spaceships, you said:

It right in front of you.

and in answer to my reluctance to accept such a biased homily you said that that response was my opinion. Which it is. Your answer, however, still does not answer the original question. I do not doubt you when you say that you’ve seen UFOs, but that does not mean that everything that you see that looks like your original sighting are UFOs, does it?

From seeing them high in the night skies and a few as big as a 2 football fields many years back I can say without question from my own experiences Beamish these are Spaceships you want to call them UFOs Unknowns etc but they are Spaceships . Not all look alike but I know from these past experiences what I am viewing and have been online able to weedout the ones that are CGI created over real Spacecraft video.

Believe me alot of kids and some Adults have taken time to created fake UFO Video on many video sites Youtube being one of them.

That said not all are Faked or CGI created or Baloons,Birds etc from here.

I will answer each question since there is a max of 8000 characters.

Next reply to you.

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Beamish
"I do not know how an alien fleet would fly. No one does, apart from them. The white blobs in the video may well be spaceships – and let’s not forget that I have not said they aren’t – but they may also be birds or balloons etc. The thing is, very few people are going to believe your explanation because the video is completely ambiguous.

Beamish you cannot speak for People as cannot aswell we can only speak from our own perspectives. Ambiguous from your view of things not the World View.

You keep coming back to in may be birds or balloons .

Those are always the two most used explanations for something that one cannot understand .

So the Logical thing to conclude its a Balloon or just Birds in the skies hanging out for a while.

I am saying from again my view of this cosmic they are Lightships UFO or UFS Ships.

I am not a Skeptic but I can certainly know what I am seeing in the day or night skies and on these video's.

It is not possible to say for sure that they are “ships”. Not possible unless, as you have exhibited quite openly, all you have to do is just accept that they are because you have seen a UFO before therefore they must be. Sorry, but the two cannot logically be connected."

Its not possible for your Mind to grasp the concept that they are indeed Ships.

When you let go of its not possible which is a belief coming from the Mind .

You will see how possible it really is.

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Beamish

Yet, whilst you still refuse to answer the original question, you accuse me of blind faith? You realise that throwing the argument back in my face is no argument at all, don’t you? Maybe you are realizing that you have no answer to my question other than your own “blind faith” telling dictating that every light in the sky is an Ashtar ship.

When i used that word Blind Faith you have faith in your skeptism and less in the cosmic realities that exist above you.

I said:

When it comes to UFOs, I am open to any rational, unbiased interpretation, accepting (and even expecting) that that interpretation may well be uncomfortable and challenging. To do otherwise is arrogant.

and you replied:

I agree with that statement wholeheartedly above.Which also means and expanded awareness cosmically and spiritually should be included to understand this aswell. Unless you add Spiritual to this how can you make the connections ?

“Cosmically”? “Spiritual?” Those are no more than buzzwords, Cmdraleon, sourced from – and that direct others towards - a man-made (your) belief system. The Ashtar Galactic Command is tenuously founded on the contactee movement of the 1950’s and ‘60’s, channeling, that and the infamous TV broadcast of 1977. The rest is solely an amalgamation of New Age spiritualism, Christianity, and Cargo Cult mentality.

You have no understanding of the Origin of what you just stated .
You really believe that it all was created by the Contactee Movement of the 50's and 60's .

It was not created at all on Earth .

The SpaceBrothers ,The Ashtar Command all came from and do come from off Planet .

Now what the Contactees were involved in was direct positive spiritual encounters with those from other Planetary Worlds.

Your last staement regarding coming from Earth based Religions or the New Age is not true .

Thats not at all where those things came from.

Again all came and comes from Space beyond Earth .

The use of Cult from my perspective can be used for everything that someone does not agree with . Some think that Ufology Beamish is a Cult.

Do you think or feel Ufology is a Cult?

Show me something solid – something academic or original and thought provoking - that disproves this. I’m not asking for photos, just something that will make me think otherwise. I’ve said from day one on this site that I am willing to change my mind on any standpoint I have if the evidence – or even if my intellectual curiosity is roused – is sufficiently convincing. Here’s your chance.

If you see the answers from academic area's you will not find the answers you are seeking .

Because its not in those area's.

Its within you and also in the skies above you if you should stop blocking this from happening.

I would suggest going outside for a few hours on a clear night fine a good open field and watch the skies above .

You will get your experience but you won't get it on the computer.

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

To me these look clearly like lanterns just floating around in the sky... i don't believe you have posted this video without the knowledge to know 99% that these are Lanterns....

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Beamish

"When I observe the video just from that point I do not see Balloons in the air.

Because of your religion.

What religion I have no religion and my experience is purely from a cosmic standpoint which has nothing to do with Religion.

That word Beamish is out of context here .

Again not all these recorded sighting's in Mexico and elsewhere are Balloons

Maybe. I won’t go asking the question again, but you know what I’m thinking…

When I said:

So let me simplify it: I believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. What I will not do is accept everything as proof, as you seem to do.

you replied:

You can look at these video's and any other real video's of these Craft and I understand you will still follow the belief system of needing the proof.

How can you truly believe in extreterrestrials and not make the connection that Orbs Light Ships etc are able to travel here and appear as was the case with this video taken?

I have accepted a priori that we are not alone. Evidence is sparse, but some of an extremely persuasive nature is available. You seem – because of the strength of your conviction - to have this evidence; all I’m asking is what is it?

My experiences of these Craft that as good as it gets my friend .
My expanded cosmic awarenesss on the subject comes from an understand that I am Et Consciousness as are many born on Earth .

If Beamish you can even accept that my experience gives me great conviction .

Thats part of it .

Faith is not a bad thing and having blind faith most people I know do not .

Unless you can show where your faith has a foundation in fact, it is blind.

The first thing you observe with a UFO Sighting in a field or on a video as this is the case here.

Go with the first impressions of what you are seeing .

Many times that first impression is a good one .

Why go with the first impression? That is patently foolhardy. Many times the first impression is a wrong one. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and make the wrong decision.

No many times the last impression is not accurate .
Your spirit has an inner knowing when you listen to your spirit its alway right on.

When you over think what it is many times you lose sight of what you were seeing in the first place.

I ask you again to read you own words and see the highly controlling terminology you are using. Suggesting that we don’t “over think” a sighting is simply you saying we shouldn’t question how you are evaluating UFO sightings, as as far as you are concerned, your approach is correct.

How about showing those that understand and believe what is happening in the skies above a video a good one to disprove every UFO Event that has been recorded over the years if you can do that .

You’re asking a pointless question. I have not said that UFOs don’t exist, I’m simply questioning the video you have presented and the way you are insistingthat it is real.

Its not pointless its a very good question .
Have you seen at least one video that you believe is UFOs?
I am looking at this video with my vision sight to see not think what it looks like.

i do not see 43 Balloons in the skies above.

Orbs or Lightships yes .

Forget what you think they should act like or move in the skies above you.
Its not about the way you wish them to act etc.

You and I do not control this.

How do you define a good UFO Video who decides what is good and what is not.
How many years have these increased events like the one in the video been happening.
Why would people all over the world start taping Balloons ?
Do you think all th footage on the Internet of these Sightings are Ballooons?

Simple response: are you saying that every video of high altitude blobs are definitely not balloons? Why?

Because thats like saying all Planets have the same atmosphere they do not.

You are trying very hard to stick with the Balloons and they are not blobs as you just used .

Again you already believe they are not Spacecraft but Blobs or Balloons.

I look at the video and see bright orbs of light.

These same craft have been video taped all throughout Mexico, Central South America , Russia and elsewhere by many witnesses .

Who are the UFO experts ? What makes one an expert?

An expert by definition is someone who is an authority in their field. Are you an authority, or is it that your religion gives you authority.

I have been in the field many years ago with others .

You keep using Religion which is not at all accurate Beamish.

Again I come from a purely cosmic spiritually understanding not Religious.

So can you at least understand that part as we continue this discussion?

I have seen craft up close no video many years ago does that make me an expert?

No. It makes you a witness.

Why am i not an expert ?

I witnessed the Space Craft above me low .

So from my vantage that would make me more then just a witness.

You mention 100's of fake ones yes some are faked and people who have no idea what they are viewing might not know the difference .

How do you know the difference?

You also need to understand that 100's of video out on the Internet that are being posted via youtube etc are not faked and real aswell.

See response above.

You just have to know what your viewing closely .

See response above.

My understanding come from having direct encounters with Space Craft for many years including fireball UFOs that were greenish in color flying very low in the middle of the night looking out the window… I can figure out what is real…

“Figure out”, CmdrAleon? Remember that corner I spoke of? You’re in it.

I thought you had previously said that you are an alien Commander; someone who is surely privy to indisputable knowledge?

You have stated that on ATS before.

But now you are quite categorically saying that your expertise is from seeing UFOs.

Which is it? "

First I am in no corner as you believe I am from your thinking.

In terms of UFOs when I use that terms it has a very different meaning to me .

I am with the Ashtar Command and I have shared with you ET Conciousness.

I understand you do not believe this .

I believe in this video you are looking at ET Craft.

My defining of UFOs will be more expanded then just little lights in the skies .

I have even used UFO Ships these being both unmanned Et Craft and Ships with many beings within them.

Its all connected from where I stand on this here.

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by Cmdraleon

To me these look clearly like lanterns just floating around in the sky... i don't believe you have posted this video without the knowledge to know 99% that these are Lanterns....

Greetings Truth,

99% then you are saying almost everyone recorded .

How did you come up with 99%? .

If that were true you would still have 1% that are not .

You have to view every video of these on the web to be able to first see what they are before saying that 99% are Balloons.

I do not see that has true .

I added a Balloon video and you have no comparison.

Thank you for your view on this.

Blessings and Peace,

[edit on 6-9-2009 by Cmdraleon]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

First of all, can I ask that you cut and paste my quotes separately from your replies? It makes for confusing reading and hard going for anyone else bothering to follow our conversation if you include your replies within the quote box. Thanks.

When I said:

I am open minded, but I’m not a sucker.

You replied:

No one is asking you to be .What i am suggesting to you when i say have an open mind is to go beyond your belief systems which you have.

Isn’t allowing for something that could possibly be “beyond” your belief system defined as having an open mind? How do you define it? I’m absolutely open minded to any anomalous phenomena. What I’m wary of are self-proclaimed experts.

As to my use of the word “insidious” in relation to your approach and language, you played the spirituality card:

Having a spiritual context to this is not at all insidious your not being entraped into a belief or understand here. So that word realy is missed used from my perspective.

No I am not being “entrapped”, but your effusive use of absolutes regarding the orbs in the video in question will influence the less demanding of readers. There’s your entrapment. You have to be aware that some folks just need to hear the right words for them to believe. Then again, I honestly think that that will not have escaped you, even if you don’t realise it.

When I suggested that many don’t understand the term spiritual, you said:

How would you know this Beamish ? Many kinds of Spiritual people which Spiritual people are you using for discussion Traditional or Non Traditional ? For example my Spiituality is what I call Cosmic meaning I speak on the subject from a purely cosmic view and understanding of this subject.

I know this because it is self evident. And why do you believe there is a difference between spirituality? Truly spiritual people exude an inner calmness and an unspoken authority that is manifest in most things they do. It’s not a form of charisma, but a real inner composure. There’s a difference. They would never wish to enforce their faith on others without those others first exercising a real measure of personal consideration of why they should listen. In my experience spiritual people come from many faiths and backgrounds, both educated and not, and they simply do not care who or what you are, they will treat us all the same.

But here’s the problem: some people believe they are being spiritual when they are in fact being sanctimonious and that is totally different.

Real spirituality breaks down divides; self-righteous piety builds them up because it is poorly understood yet imparts a sense of justified intellectual superiority.

Beamish I have not said you are not Spiritual have I . We are also given Spirit within Beamish you have that aswell . Sometimes people do not listen to the Spiritual Self and perfer listening to the Mind .

There you go again suggesting that I ignore my reason – my Mind - and give in to what you obviously consider to be my spiritual side. I really don’t want to ignore countless millennia of evolutionary intellectual growth, if that’s all right by you. Some humans still need to be shown the reality behind new concepts before they begin to believe they can accept new paradigms, and that does not necessarily mean solid proof; thought-provoking models of thought can do it. So can the emotive archetype of noble, dignified behaviour.

You’re giving us videos of ambiguous blobs and arguing – with respect – poorly that they are alien ships. Saying that I should:

…connect your Spirit with your thinking on this subject regarding the Orbs…

is just a sound-byte that you’ve learned from theAGC, without fully understanding what it means, if it means anything at all.

If you are confused the suggestion I can put fourth is to first findout what you mean by Spirituality .

See my answer above. Discuss why it is not correct, or at worst even fair and applicable to your concept of spirituality.

What is the real Spirituality that you are speaking of .

See above.

Confusion on this comes from within the Mind or the Brain itself.

Translated: turn off your reason and tune out.

The Spirit you have will understand without any confusion . If you view these Orbs ort Lightships for example from a Skeptical Mindset then you will not see what they truly are .

Are you trying to say that all I have to do is believe that they are alien ships and that’s magically what they become? That’s an interesting concept, using the theory that thought = matter, matter = thought. Have you read Derrida?

You said they could be something other then what I have proposed here. Do you think some of these well know cases those who have recorded them have no idea what they are looking at?

Yes, the objects in the video could be alien space ships, or Canada geese. They’re too high to discern what they are. And yes, I think it’s fair to say that most of the folks who’ve filmed these lights have no idea what they are filming; they are simply capturing what they consider anomalous phenomena.

When do you accept one of these video's of Orbs or Lightships as that alone ?

See above post.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

From seeing them high in the night skies and a few as big as a 2 football fields many years back I can say without question from my own experiences Beamish these are Spaceships you want to call them UFOs Unknowns etc but they are Spaceships . Not all look alike but I know from these past experiences what I am viewing and have been online able to weedout the ones that are CGI created over real Spacecraft video.

I am not doubting you when you say you have seen UFOs. What concerns me is your insistence that you know they are spaceships.

They could well be spaceships.

They could well be projections of your psyche.

They could well be manifestations of unknown, natural phenomenon.

They could well be our own technology.

And the examples go on and on…

It doesn’t matter to this discussion that…

…alot of kids and some Adults have taken time to created fake UFO Video on many video sites Youtube being one of them.

as we all know that to be true. And yes, there may well be real videos out there. But that doesn’t answer the as yet unanswered question as to how you can tell the difference.

Seeing something unusual – even more than once - does not make you an expert on the subject. It gives you an enhanced, but limited, personal opinion. It doesn’t hand to you hitherto unknown knowledge.

Being part of a group – the Ashtar Galactic Command - that professes to be in receipt of that knowledge presents you not only with an environment within which you can try and come to terms with something that you had no understanding of, but also gives you an opportunity to proselytize teachings they insist are real.

I’ll alter the question: how do you know the AGC are not a bunch of well-meaning, but ultimately gullible people following a fake message?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

When I said:

The white blobs in the video may well be spaceships – and let’s not forget that I have not said they aren’t – but they may also be birds or balloons etc. The thing is, very few people are going to believe your explanation because the video is completely ambiguous.

you replied:

Beamish you cannot speak for People as cannot aswell we can only speak from our own perspectives. Ambiguous from your view of things not the World View.

No, I cannot speak for all folks. I don’t profess to know what everyone is thinking when they look at the video, and I still stand by my assertion that the blobs could be alien craft, as I believe we are being visited. But the blobs in the video are ambiguous. They don’t show structured craft, or composed plasma spheres, or self-illuminating globular probes. They are blobs. Nothing suggests they are what you say they are other than your insistence that they’re alien ships.

You keep coming back to in may be birds or balloons . Those are always the two most used explanations for something that one cannot understand .

But, I can understand. Until someone films one of these blob-formations up close, they will not be identified. But they can be explained successfully in the meantime.

So the Logical thing to conclude its a Balloon or just Birds in the skies hanging out for a while.
I am saying from again my view of this cosmic they are Lightships UFO or UFS Ships.

“Your view”. Hmmm. What about your insider knowledge as an alien Commander? You keep skipping that little revelation. In fact, you never mention it at all.

Its not possible for your Mind to grasp the concept that they are indeed Ships.

No, you’re wrong. Are you actually reading my posts or skimming them?

I have said countless times that they may be ships. In a universe we still don’t fully comprehend, how can I say they definitely are not? Remember that open mind?

When you let go of its not possible which is a belief coming from the Mind .

You will see how possible it really is.

Is that printed on a leaflet you can send me?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

This is turning into a feckin’ book…

When i used that word Blind Faith you have faith in your skeptism and less in the cosmic realities that exist above you.

Your realities, Cmdraleon, your realities.

I seem to have rattled you with my description of the AGC being: “…tenuously founded on the contactee movement of the 1950’s and ‘60’s, channeling, that and the infamous TV broadcast of 1977. The rest is solely an amalgamation of New Age spiritualism, Christianity, and Cargo Cult mentality.”

You have no understanding of the Origin of what you just stated .
You really believe that it all was created by the Contactee Movement of the 50's and 60's .

Yes I do.

It was not created at all on Earth .

Yes it was (my emphasis):

The Ashtar Galactic Command (or Ashtar Command) is believed to be an extraterrestrial organization according to certain contactees, New Age believers and channellers, including American Ufologist George Van Tassel…In 1977, UHF audio broadcasts from the Hannington transmitter of the regional ITV station, Southern Television, were interrupted by a voice speaking over the nightly edition of Independent Television News (ITN) for approximately 6 minutes. The voice announced itself as Vrillon, a representative of Ashtar Galactic Command
On August 19, 2004, Henry David Stites reported that he had channelled Ashtar Sheran, stating that several starships from the Ashtar Command entered their final resting positions in preparation for a forthcoming Declaration of Cosmic Freedom.

Originally, the singular Ashtar transitioned to the collective Ashtar Command by channeller Robert Short, friend of Van Tassel and editor of a 1950s UFO magazine called Interplanetary News Two of the most prolific channellers publish the messages they receive under the adopted names Tuella and Tuieta

Ashtar Sheran is the name given to the leader of Ashtar Command, purported to be a benevolent being who spreads messages of peace amongst mankind to prepare it to enter the Aquarian Age. The figure of Ashtar was most notably promoted by George Van Tassel and European contactee, Herbert Victor Speer

Your last staement regarding coming from Earth based Religions or the New Age is not true .

Thats not at all where those things came from.

Yes it is.

THE ASHTAR COMMAND is a Brotherhood of Light under the spiritual leadership of Prince Sananda, Jesus the Christ.

Christian language is rife on all AGC sites. It’s a religion.

Again all came and comes from Space beyond Earth .

No they weren’t. They were “channeled” by men.

The use of Cult from my perspective can be used for everything that someone does not agree with . Some think that Ufology Beamish is a Cult.

Do you think or feel Ufology is a Cult?

No, ufology is an area of study. The AGC is a cult:

Cult: a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies…a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

All religions are cults.

If you see the answers from academic area's you will not find the answers you are seeking .
Because its not in those area's.
Its within you and also in the skies above you if you should stop blocking this from happening.

Academia eschews any contact with your type of belief as it is solely based on trust and prejudiced perception. You are trusting that all you have read and been taught in the AGC is correct, or, more importantly, honest.

Ask yourself what if it isn’t?

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