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U.N. Agency Calls for Teaching Children 5-to-8 Years of Age about Masturbation

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posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:17 AM
How about they just feed these kids and get them healthy before we teach them to reproduce more mouths to feed at an earlier age. Maybe even teach them to plant friggin food so we don't keep getting asked for more money so these morons in the UN can steal the money to improve their liquor and caviar fund in NYC??


posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Yossarian

This is a dumbing down procedure which the UN is trying to impose on every nation.

Children at 5 years old are like sponges, and this sort of indoctrination will only give children the impression that "masturbating, and having such pleasures is more important than learning anything of value".

The UN should be disbanded and most of it's officials put in jail.

The UN has been in scandal, after scandal and nothing has been done about them. Even Kofi Annan's son was found to be part of the Food For Oil Scandal, yet has this man, and many other powerful men and women in the UN who were part of this scam been sent to jail? Only some of them have.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
This is a dumbing down procedure which the UN is trying to impose on every nation.
Considering that the UN cannot impose anything on any nation, I find that a little strange.

Children at 5 years old are like sponges, and this sort of indoctrination will only give children the impression that "masturbating, and having such pleasures is more important than learning anything of value".
Did you read the UN report? If you did, was that the general feeling that you got from it?

If you did not read it I suggest you do, it's better to really know what we are talking about.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:38 PM
Remember, this is the U.N, who has been implicated in several *supposed* scandals regarding the sex trade, both child and adult.
It is just MHO that this is only an attempt to train another generation of victims. I have no belief that anything they try has altruistic motives.

Just my personal opinion.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Wow, talk about overreaction. See my sig.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by gotrox

Is your opinion based on the real report?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 06:06 PM
What happend to the days of finger painting or eating glue and glitter

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Northernwolf

They dissapeared when 12 year old boys started molesting 4 year old girls in parks, metres away from parents and other children.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:10 AM
Don’t think all this is necessary really. I was about 11 or 12 when I first looked at a girl and thought something different other than chasing her with a water pistol (Because girls had the lurgy of course).

I think 10 + is adequate.

I think the grey suite in the UN are a little dettached from reality.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by kilas

YOU may have been 10... I myself started 'looking' at girls as early 7-8 and certainly knew very roughly how sex worked at 8...I'm pretty confident at 8 I COULD have had sex. So, 10 may have been old enough for you...but not for everyone... and thats where the issue comes.

Do we give some the education before they need it...or do we give some the education AFTER they need it...

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Yossarian

In the UK, we start sex ed at 10 and I was more than ready myself, having had "peep shows" and the like before then. Also, kids, especially boys, will have already discovered that touching themselves is pleasurable by that age.

I think you are perhaps looking at this out of context. This is a report by the UN Population people, meaning that they see sex ed as a vital step in curbing the spread of AID's, STD's and the huge amount of children sired in the thrid world due to ignorance about protection and other sex matters.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Sorry, TMI. But yeah, this has no place in school. I know it's not the best way for kids to learn, but TV/movies and the internet will "educate" the young, regardless of how you hard you try to not expose your kids to them.

I have a foul mouth filter on my tv.My grandchildrens' computers have
blocks on them.
At 5-8 years old,they should be playing with dolls and toys and eatting
grandma's homebaked cookies.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

SHOULD thats the operative word...maybe you think they should be doing those things....but the fact is that's not all they're doing. People need to stop living in a dream world where little Johnny is a good boy and will never even look at a girl until he has reached the age of consent...

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by StevenDye

Ok, granted some people start a little earlier than some. But I guess its more of a discussion point. Do we educate the very young , or do we support a little innocence in the world. I think young people, especially in the UK, are exposed to sex a lot earlier. Its a perplexing thing really. In one hand , people need to have awareness, in the other hand you almost want to protect children from being too aware too early.

I think there is a need for Emotional training in schools more so than sex. Like how to be positive, think good thoughts and develop self esteem, and so on. I think if children have an understanding of how to form good relations with people and themselves then sex is one of those things that would come as a natural part of that education.

It is still unnecessary to start before the age of 10 in my opinion. I would rather see the focus on developing the mind and spirit first. Sex is a big thing for a lot of people and has many emotional and psychological implications. Mind first, body later. In fact why is no one talking about developing the person? That is something that is hugley lacking in this world.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Any problems anyone has with the UN are down to the way it is designed to function and those who lead it, namely the Big 5 on the SC and those that designed the current system, namely the US and allies.

Treating it as a standalone organisation serves National Governments (especially the US as it is their citizens espcially that seem to most agaiost it, even though it is a US idea) well as it distances them from something that they are actually responsible for.

[edit on 28/8/09 by stumason]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by StevenDye

My grandkids', don't watch anything on the tv,we don't approve of first.
The same goes for the computers in our house.I do bake cookies for
them.In my house,they play with toys,dolls and coloring books.You ask
why? Because ,it's my house and my rules!

That is what is really wrong in todays society.Parents don't take control
of their children.They are too eager to let the school raise their children.
When they should be teaching their children about sex and morals at home.How many parents claim they sleep better at night,knowing their teen daughter is on the pill?

At 11:00p.m.,you should know where your kid's are! If you don't,it's
your fault! In my house,the adults make the rules,not the children!

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Wrapping kids up in cotton wool and pretending the outside world doesn't exist is not really doing them any favours either.

I remember when Freddi Mercury died, I was only 8 or 9, and I asked my mum what a "Gay" was. She was a bit flustered by told me what and how etc. She also filled me in at the time on STD's, namely AIDS as that is what killed Freddie.

At an earlier age, probably when I was 7, I asked where babies came from, and I was told. This caused her much amusement as one of my mums friends was rather "rotund" and I couldn't understand the mechanics of "fat sex" (I thought their bellies would be in the way)

None of this ever harmed me, in fact, I waited until I was 16 before I lost my virginity and I was prepared too.

Those whom I knew who had "sheltered" upbringings and not so open parents seemed to be the ones shagging around and not taking precautions..

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:29 AM
I saw this thread pop up in the recent posts page yesterday. It really disturbed me so I didn't post a reply right away, knowing it would have been something sarcastic and ugly if I had. So I let it go after reading just few of the responses.

But it stayed in the back of my mind until this morning when I woke up. Suddenly I had the idea that the reason for the UN decision to make masturbation part of elementary school education had everything to do with the sexual energy that would expended exponentially if the number of children masturbating added to the sexual (psychic) energy that some dark orders use to increase their own personal powers.

One would have to have some knowledge of the esoteric agenda to understand what I'm getting at.

I read that sexual energy can be used to increase the power of "workings". I'm not sure how or if this is pertinent, but thought I would throw the idea out there for some of you to consider.

If this is the behind the scenes reasoning, then its even worse than originally thought. Besides being completely inappropriate for children to be taught about their sexual abilities by schools, the reason to do so could be what I've suggested.

Sex Magic

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
That is what is really wrong in todays society.Parents don't take control
of their children.They are too eager to let the school raise their children.
When they should be teaching their children about sex and morals at home.How many parents claim they sleep better at night,knowing their teen daughter is on the pill?
It looks like the people who wrote that UNESCO report have the same opinion.

As parents are overlooking their children's education in those areas the next best option is the school, so they created those guidelines for teaching those things to the children.

I don't know if you read the report, but if you did you probably noticed that this is not about "teaching kids about masturbation", it's much more than that.

PS: what is a "foul mouth filter"?

PPS: how many people really read the report?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by StevenDye

My grandkids', don't watch anything on the tv,we don't approve of first.
The same goes for the computers in our house.I do bake cookies for
them.In my house,they play with toys,dolls and coloring books.You ask
why? Because ,it's my house and my rules!


Do you control their hormones and emotions too? I didn't look at girls when I was young because I had seen it on television....not unless fireman sam looked at all the girls too
I did it because I 'wanted' to... 'mummy and daddy' were a boy and girl, and they kissed eachother and hugged eachother and were together all the time....THAT must have been my only influence. Controlling what they watch will not stop them having 'the urge'...and it wont stop them finding out how to satisfy it.

I had to educate myself, because nobody else was doing so...thank god my internet wasn't full of blocks or I wouldn't have been able to. I am now 17 and not met the right person yet...I got my education early and it's payed off.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by StevenDye]

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