I have 2 children, a boy aged 11 and a girl aged 8. Hubby and I have told both of them, upon noticing certain behavior when they were toddlers, that
it's OK to touch yourself there and lots of people do it, just not in public, kind of like using the toilet as someone posted previously. I
mentioned they could use either the bathroom or their bedroom for this activity. Since we're an "open door" family, I also told them to close the
door and we would know they were having a private moment.
This may be serious TMI, feel free to scroll to the next paragraph, but I personally started masturbating with objects when I was about four. I grew
up in a strict Roman Catholic home and was told that to touch myself there was "dirty". My mom even referred to female parts as "icky-doo", how
lovely, no? When I got my period early at age 9, I was in school and afraid to tell my mom because I thought surely it was due to my private
activities and I would be punished for it. I made a wad of toilet paper and stuck it in my panties. When I got home, I told my mom I thought I had a
cut or something from wiping too hard. She was surprised, but had just the day before received one of those feminine-product sponsored "Mom and
Daughter" packages which included a booklet and samples of pads. No tampons because "good girls" didn't stick things up there. O_O *eye
If parents the world over were teaching their children sufficiently about sex, I would be adamant that the U.N. butt out, HOWEVER, I know this is not
the case. Many parents do not want to, or are not comfortable teaching their children about sex matters and would RATHER have the school do it. I
have seen this in 2 parent families as well as in single parent families where the child is the opposite sex of the single parent.
I think a certain basic knowledge, based on a child's maturity (not age) would be appropriate. I am a former elementary teacher, and I'd say from
experience that many 5 year olds are curious and want to know where babies come from and how the baby got inside the mommy's tummy to begin with.
Those children who lived on farms, or had pets of different sexes usually figured it out on their own.
I know this is probably opening a gigantic can of worms, but in addition to the "harmful traditional practice" of female genital mutilation, I
believe male genital mutilation should also be addressed.
Originally posted by mikerussellus
Great. Forget math, forget english, forget history.
As if our schools aren't dumbing down enough already.
Class? Can you say, "home school?"
I agree that American schools are getting worse and worse over the years. Our students are NOT in any way prepared to compete on the global level in
ANY subject. This is one of many reasons I have chosen to homeschool our children through a public cyber charter school. Financially, it's very
difficult, VERY difficult, but I'm pleased with the curriculum, the children are doing well (both are reading above level, and son is in advanced
science courses), and the flexibility can't be beat.
==stepping off soapbox now==
Next? :-)
[edit on 8/27/2009 by MaatiHemet]