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God Commands You To Kill Gays

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Confused and Dazed!
God says; I command you to put your fist up your rear end, and then pull yourself inside out!

Then grab your brain and pop it like a bag of air! Ahh, wait; I didn't say, God Says!

Gods says; I command you to hate all homosexual haters...

As your ATS name reads, so are you. Care to speak a few words on topic that make sense?

When the adulterous woman (at the well) was saved by Jesus by stating to her captors, "he who is without sin cast the first stone" I was able to understand the new covenant of mercy, grace, love, kindness, forgiveness etc. The message is that even the thought of sinning is sin and we all do it, therefore we are all in need of forgiveness, mercy, and grace from God....which he offers through His son, the Christ.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:45 AM
Since I can't see HunkaHunka's OP because he's deservedly ignored for good reasons... Well, I digress.

Let's put it like this... I'll type slowly for the morons that can't get a clue...

When a 'Christian' decries things that are patently against Biblical or Christian teachings ... Get this... They aren't Christians... GET IT?

Reread that line over and over and over until you Christian haters get it through your thick heads. Don't I repeat do not lump all Christians in with these opportunist muny grubbing mutha fuggers that claim to be Christians.

Now, this will piss off even more people but LOL@U for blindness.

Obama says he's a democrat? Looks like Marxism. Looks like he used the democratic party to further his agenda and that of many of his marxist buds.

Chavez said something along the lines of "Obama taking over banks and car companies, he's going to make us dictators look like right wingers!"
I'm paraphrasing and I don't have a link sorry, I don't keep links for sh!theads like Chavez handy. Remember, he recently pulled the plug on dozens of radio stations. Nice media/damage control.

Obama isn't a democrat. What democrat would vote for him had they known he'd appoint former criminals and avowed socialist's & communist's to many high level positions?

I'm curious how many democrats actually look at Fidel Castro and and admire his ruling style? Would you have voted for Chavez or Castro for President IF they could have been eligible to run for President of the US?

Here's the bottom line : If a person claims to have some affiliation and they behave out of line with said affiliation... THEY AREN'T!!!

You know what you do at that point... You say ... "They are a fraud!!! They aren't Christian/Democrat/Republican/Smurf/Hero"

Don't lump the rest of us in with some lunatic. If I were a democrat, I wouldn't want to be associated with Obama because he's not a democrat, he's proved it by his actions. Same with McCain, he was my deciding factor to leave the Republican party... He's not a Republican and from what I've seen the Republicans are as shameful as Democrats.

Done ranting... Since God doesn't see fit to acknowledge some people's existence because they ignore God... Sometimes 'people' need to intercede. Else, asses would be kicked up around some peoples neck if God had a mind to punish on the spot. =) Another reason to give thanks.

Edit to add: How many SuperPreachers do you know personally? How many SuperPoliticians do you know personally? Very likely none. Sperpreachers like TV Evangelicals, I would suspect, don't meet and get to know regular folks at all, because if they did they'd realize just how much of a fraud they really are... same thing with SuperPoliticians to a lesser degree. They likely have a very tight inner circle of friends that know exectly how much fraud they are ... absolute phonies.

[edit on 9·1·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by oneclickaway

What are you talking about? You are saying (if anyone can fathom what you are saying) that AIDS was created by scientistsworking on malaria vaccine using dirty needles. Then you say that it is spread by anal sex. Then you say that this is only by homosexuals, whilst totally denying that heterosexuals too have anal sex…man with woman…same way.

Then just to suit your perverted world view, somehow all the paedophile statistics are misconstrued (by heterosexuals probably as they are in the majority) in order to show that more heterosexuals are paedophiles. Now why would that happen with the hatred in the world of homosexuals?

This is to address click and scars posts:

No it was I that was attempting to draw a distinction between the two and their IS a difference. Or do you actually believe Gay men aren't attracted to same sex children as straight men child predators for young girls? They are defined differen't because THAT is the best way to gather statistics and if Gays happen to break the law as ped's more often than straights do, SO WHAT! As long as YOU aren't doing it (breaking the law) it really doesn't matter. You just don't like the bad press it gives the Gay community. Well I got news for ya, The Gay community doesn't need any help when it comes to disparaging them. They do a BANG UP JOB everytime they try to back door (no pun) a stupid hate crimes bill through speciously like they did once it was rejected what did they do? They attached another one to an aggriculture bill so that if we wanted to eat, we have to agree with the gays hate BS. That didn't fly and Americans said NO, which should have told the gy community that they would rather STARVE then lose their rights to free speech protecting the tender sensitivities of gays who are anonymously known until they flaunt their selves infront of our faces with excessive nudity and acting out sexual perverse mime's in every gay parade I have witnessed acting like that you would THINK gives most of us a reason to have little to no respect for them. Would you like top see some pictures of the events? I doubt very seriously you would want me posting them or the video's of just what kinds of violence Gays are about that make this ministers idiocy pale in comparison but I am trying to appeal to your higher intellect and not escalate the temperature in this thread.

Hell, I can't even POST MOST of the bad stuff gays do in those parades because their are CHILDREN on this website and it is ALL bad stuff. I couldn't care LESS what you think of me and my support of family values or straight sexual relations. inspite of your insistance that both are the same as gays having anal sex, NO IT ISN'T! Not among heterosexual monogamous married couples where the male in that relationship is NOT having another mans penis inserted into his rectum! Why this is so hard for you to fathom I have no idea but you can try obfuscating the truth all you want but the funny thing about the truth. IT NEEDS NO DEFENSE!

People know when something "rings true" they have it seared on their conscience whether it be by God or the flying spaghetti monster, if it wasn't that way, we would be seeing just as many "dudes for adultery" having parades to attack religion or "Fornicators rights" people making threads saying "The Bible doen't condemn cheaters or swinging singles, etc" but WE DON'T and ya know why? Because, un-like gays who want to FORCE society into accepting their sexual transgressions and depravity by any and every means neccessary, the others in the hypothetical group don't exist, don't have a lobby to lower age restrictions on consensual sex, because everyone inherently KNOW IT'S patently WRONG! I see a lot of people here using the Bible to condemn Christians using there own book saying Judge not lest ye be judged while using the most extreme examples to assail Christians and Christianity in the same voice expecting to get them to back off using the scripture. My first thought is what the hell do you think they are going to do? Stop? Stop Judging gays while they try to weave their agenda into public schools and politics saying it's not about sex, it's not about sex, it's about diversity and tolerance in the same voice you show hatred for the evil Christians have done bringing up things that happened a thousand years ago? The most evil thing I see Christians doing today is once or twice a year interupting the football game knocking at my door to tell me the good news! I say no thanks and ya know what??

I have yet to be held down while some maniac Christian was keeping my mouth open using a speculum and forcing a leather bound bible down my throat but ya know why Gays have to embellish this that way? Because it is as bad as it gets when having to tolerate Christians so don't give me the crap about what they did to Matthew Shepard because a Christian didn't Kill Mathew, a Bi-sexual meth addict did so don't blame Religion for it, they happen to be just as undeserving of the blame as YOU are!

Would you LIKE ME to show YOU the difference between what Christian protestors do and Gays? I can if you like and you would probably pull up that same baptist church or other extreme fringe of Christianity and without a DOUBT MOST OF US KNOW that would be the exception to the rule but when it comes to gays the extremes ARE THE RULE! The very essense of what Gays not only do routinely but HAVE to do if they ever want to see their political goals come to fruition is ATTACK Normalcy and get it to accomodate THEM by redefining it! They want to "Re-define" marriage to mean that which is between one man and another guy or one woman and her other wife. They have been offered equivolent legal conttracts that are IN FACT Recognized in all states but they insist they are not and as usual the slim if any odds they actually stay married till one of them dies and is in a hospital, Gays want us to believe the chances are it will be in a state where that contract isn't recognized. rather than invent their own version of marriage, I dunno, call it "Garriage" for all I care, they insist on imposing theior definition on hetero marrieds because they want to ride the coat tails of legitimacy hetero's have.

What makes you think heterosexual marrieds want THAT to tarnish what is already becoming a weaker institution with families without the gays merging the two together like they did pedophilia and pedastery to reflect inaccurate statistics on heterosexuals as the winners in the child molestation statistics!

We just tolerate the fact that gays are going to do what it is they do regardless of the social consequences of their own actions but if what they do spills over into the rest of society, then what happens? We saw it happen with aids and we are seeing it again with MRSA.

Or are all statistic gatherers homosexual…lol Child abuse is child abuse no matter what words you use for it.

Clever trick but no cigar, NO Child abuse is very very differnt than SEXUAL CHILD ABUSE!
Beating on a kid is one thing, but raping them and beating on them is much more deviant and worthy of this posters rebuke in its repugnance. I am NOT surprised however, YOU would be here to again BLUR the distinctions of any criminal act.

, You use the term pederast to distinguish an adult male grooming and then sexually assaulting an adolescent male. Do you know that most of them are heterosexual married men?

Ironically you can't see the forest for the trees then you are so resistant to the obvious truth when it is right infront of your face. You even talk as if you are an authority while I am no expert I have more experience seeing the dark side of this world than you do I can assure you. Do you know what these are?

If the dude is married, but living a double life "grooming young boys to be his bitch" does it NOT occur to you that maybe,, just maybe it is because he is GAY and NOT straight?

NOOOOO because that would mean,, ooops!

That's right, Gays marry woman as what Gays call "Fag Hags" they also refer to them as "breeders" if you have ever seen Perez hiltons forums they don't seem to have too much respect for woman other than to use them to hide their secret.

Or do you now think it is a straight guy who is just experimenting with sexual orientation? Are gays Born that way? If that is true, Straights are too? I mean WHAT ELSE would possess this Heterosexual to live a double life like that? Is it any wonder why their are sooo many in the clergy having an excuse NOT to be married and access to all those choir boys having authority by divine providence of God. Yet what do gays do? They Attack the Catholic Church and all Christians as hypocrites again not seeing what is glaringly right infront of their face. That Maybe, just Maybe, if gays didn't live double lives as Phoney Priests wanting a taste of young boy blood, the Catholic Church wouldn't be the blame for it all, the BEHAVIOR would!

Homosexuals are murdered the world over. And no it is not a raised eyebrow and a giggle. In Brazil I think it is every other day a gay man is murdered. And I dread to think how often they are killed in the Arab world and other countries.

I guess they shouldn't have it tattooed on ther heads or just what IS IT that is giving them away so much and just WHY do you think, that gays are hated so much?

Do you actually believe it has something to do with sex? You don't think other guys straight guys don't get into anal sex? You don't think other straight guys don't mind the lesser competition for females? Do you think the in your face militant gays you say are giving the rest a bad name is only one way while the same can be said of that idiot minister about Christians?

This nut job preacher Anderson, is not expressing religious freedom, he is expressing rabid hatred and incitement to murder. He is about as Christian as my backside in the true sense of the word, and he is on a fast track to jail.

You appear to have a strange agenda. Interesting that you go to gay sites, many gay people don’t even bother to do that. The words of Christians spouting righteousness and hate is not strange to me as many of the Christians I have come across have been manipulative hypocrites and liars, often not very intelligent but displaying cunning, who know not of morality, and merely use Christianity to excuse their own hate ridden, sordid and unchristian behaviour.
The huge difference is that I would not call for them to be killed.



I go to all kinds of sites my friend and why is none of your business but I can assure you it isn't because I'm a Closeted Gay Christian looking for a "hook up"

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:27 PM
One of the nice things about christianity,
is that it teached us we are all guilty..

in other words, you measure evil against other evils,
but by doing this you become evil yourself...
because you think one evil is free of being evil because
there is a worse evil.

we want to judge everyone and everything,
but as hard we try, we will have to admit
in a lot of cases, that people were not in control
of doing something..

if people are that sick to feel an urge,
that they can not keep theirselves from doing it,
it is only understanding that will break the circle
of them doing it...

reality is relative, some people choose, others become,
when you did not choose the only way to serve your own evil as good
is to understand it

relatives teach us what absolute is,
obsessions teach us, ask us to understand,
if you need oxygen, it's in your control to change it ?
i know, this is to easy. is it ?

if gays are evil, all humans are.
if you are so sure about your control,
then change the world now totally, if not,
you do not have control, so try to understand
the others who don't have it either.
they maybe look worse, but are they really ?

statistiscs maybe point to a bigger risk,
but risk does not mean guilty.
you accuse people of not being able to be free,
when you aren't yourself.

see and you will heal,
understand the devil and it will dissapear and change into god

the real devils are the one who do no want to see the reactions
they cause by the actions they do not want to see...
if you can see yours, then your have the right to judge others as
not having individuality and being a statistic, as risk.

nature is not divided, maybe people think that, but nature means
everything you can find here grew out of it, even what we made
with our hands... nature has a lesson to teach us, and it is called
love, which is understanding.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
The thing is that the teachings of Jesus Christ overturn a lot of the superstitious nonsense in the old testament so I can not understand why some who call themselves Christian do not notice this contradiction. Jesus taught in Luke 6:27 "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.

Does that not simply overturn any old testament nonsense about hating or stoning anyone to death or killing anyone? People profess to be Christian but do not follow the teachings of Christ. They are not Christian and certainly do not represent the rest of the Christian community with their ignorance and hate speech.

I am so weary of this argument. It is as old as Christianity itself, and both Christians and non-christians use it and they don't know the entire Bible. Somehow many think that the God of the New Testament (Jesus) is somehow different that the God of the Old Testament.

John 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Matthew 5:17 ¶ Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

(For those of you that don't know what a jot or tittle is, they are parts of the
characters in the Hebrew alphabet - similar to the dot over the letter "i")

Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

See also Matthew 5:43, 19:19, 22:39, Mark 12:39

In regards to stoning and killing...
I think you will find with some research, that punishment for sins (or crimes) in the Bible are accomplished after a TRIAL...and in order to be found guilty of any sin or crime, there must be at least two eye witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6 & 19:15) This is the reason for the commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." The Bible is not simply talking about lieing, it is about lies in a trial situation. Unless of course, you believe that when you talk everyday to your friends, family and enemies, that they are "witnesses" even outside a courtroom situation.

Too many people take so many Biblical verses out of context.
Now, you would have a reasonable point if you had made the statement that God and His commandments and statutes are directed to the Israelites, and if you are not an Israelite, then they don't apply to you.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by dirkpotters]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:59 PM
the nice thing about the old testament,
is that the law had 2 sides to choose

blessing : god is one, nobody to accuse you
curse: divided, follow the rules, witnesses enough to accuse you, god is not one

in the curse is symbolism to be taken spiritual.
not literal, because then you actually follow the curse.

eye for an eye means revenge is automatic,
the bible teaches to give forgiveness
but to receive it you have to see first
so we give without handling it over, we can't give forgiveness if somebody doesnt want to receive it.. if someone is better then the other, he will not want to receive it,
in the end where god is, everything is equal as one.

that's why the gospel says
give the other cheeck, by this manner, your two eyes
will see it, you see it from both ways, and you will understand it
as good once.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by pasttheclouds
One of the nice things about christianity,
is that it teached us we are all guilty..

in other words, you measure evil against other evils,
but by doing this you become evil yourself...
because you think one evil is free of being evil because
there is a worse evil.

we want to judge everyone and everything,
but as hard we try, we will have to admit
in a lot of cases, that people were not in control
of doing something..

if people are that sick to feel an urge,
that they can not keep theirselves from doing it,
it is only understanding that will break the circle
of them doing it...

reality is relative, some people choose, others become,
when you did not choose the only way to serve your own evil as good
is to understand it

relatives teach us what absolute is,
obsessions teach us, ask us to understand,
if you need oxygen, it's in your control to change it ?
i know, this is to easy. is it ?

if gays are evil, all humans are.
if you are so sure about your control,
then change the world now totally, if not,
you do not have control, so try to understand
the others who don't have it either.
they maybe look worse, but are they really ?

statistiscs maybe point to a bigger risk,
but risk does not mean guilty.
you accuse people of not being able to be free,
when you aren't yourself.

see and you will heal,
understand the devil and it will dissapear and change into god

the real devils are the one who do no want to see the reactions
they cause by the actions they do not want to see...
if you can see yours, then your have the right to judge others as
not having individuality and being a statistic, as risk.

nature is not divided, maybe people think that, but nature means
everything you can find here grew out of it, even what we made
with our hands... nature has a lesson to teach us, and it is called
love, which is understanding.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

Yeah, ok muhatma, in the meantime I will gauge what is or isn't evil by the laws that refer to them and how they apply. You see if it were just as easy to be regarded as just as evil as the most evil among us, their wouldn't even be a reason to try. Some people try to harder than others but with Christians, I see them being bludgeoned with such tactics as using the thou shalt not judge as a means to end the argument but why is that? It is because out of the two sides I see arguing here, the Christians are the ONLY ones that have a moral standard being used as a measure against them making it clear to me if they were perfect and pure as new fallen snow, they wouldn't need such a benchmark in the first place. Since they have one, it goes without saying they already know they are subject to the temptations their beliefs warn them against, so I EXPECT them to be prone to make mistakes and be guilty of the things they warn others not to. I EXPECT them to be hypocrites so I don't have to act all surprised when they are. But ONE thing I notice about them is they at least TRY to be better human beings than what "nature" would have us be if we just give in to our animal instincts and justify it saying it is natural because it is seen in lower life forms who have no morals no conscience no conception of civilized standards of the rule of law and what is right and what is wrong.

Your Post albeit is rife with warm fuzzyness, it makes just as many errors behind the guise of a superior enlightenment as gays do about tolerance and diversity or Christians about an all lovey dovey Jesus.

Jesus wouldn't tolerate un-repentant homosexuals in the Church anymore than he did the money changers and would have tossed them out on their butts just the same way, he was THAT kind of guy

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Stylez

Back, in the late 70's,nearly all my male friends were gay.One evening,
my friends and I,were at a park talking and just hanging out.There was
a disturbance at the park's entrance.A truck,loaded down with drunken,
good-old boys,entered the park.

They were screaming ,how they wanted to kick some q. a. and they had
baseball bats.When I saw the truck coming our way,I wrapped myself
around one of my friends.When the truck passed us,I let go of him.This
had all of us scared.Those bozos, in the truck,meant business.

I am a christian now and I don't hate gays.Gays have a right to their
life style.I don't want that life style being taught ,to my children or
my grandchildren, as being normal.It's not normal and it goes against
nature and God.

A true christian will recognise that being a homosexual is a sin,hate the
sin,not the sinner.A christian, is a sinner,saved by grace.I believe,the
friends I had back then,would not have touched a child.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM
the thing about honor reactions
is that they never really read what was written before,
i did not say you're bad in your thinking
i tried to show you more.

i never neglected care as below truth, because care creates truth,
i also mentioned there is first negative before positive,
and care makes mistakes.

jesus would handle gays as he handled
prostitutes...he would understand them to be free of sin.

jesus warned against ignorance.
an example of this is the wrong translations of
sodomy and female virtues into homosexuality in the gospels.

god is one, one does not judge himself, but needs hate
to forgive, hate as long you use it to turn good, not
to take peace in it. ignorance means false peace,
love means hurt but growth.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:02 PM
You honestly think this man is a Christian and loves everyone the way Jesus intended? If so, then that says more about your intelligence than his.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by superheterodyne
I agree this guy is under the influence of hatred. God commands to kill nobody. However homosexuality is as he describes it and it is God's job to destroy these sinners not ours. Political correctness is invading like a disease and the fires of hell will be consuming all sinners so no need to be killing anybody. Just sit back and wait. He's coming back.

The Bible is stuffed with commandments from God to kill all kinds of people for the most insane of reasons. If you wear clothes made of 2 different fabrics, or eat shellfish, or your kid refuses to behave, these are all killing offenses.

I hope you're right and he does come back though. I would like to spit on him before I go to hell for rejecting his type of "love".

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Angus123

The Bible is stuffed with commandments from God to kill all kinds of people for the most insane of reasons. If you wear clothes made of 2 different fabrics, or eat shellfish, or your kid refuses to behave, these are all killing offenses.

I hope you're right and he does come back though. I would like to spit on him before I go to hell for rejecting his type of "love".

Can you please provide any type of evidence or record where a child was killed under that Levitical Law? Or any other?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:42 PM
Every time this post pops up on the board I keep seeing

"God Commands You To Kill Grays (not Gays). It freaks me out everytime.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by TangoVooDoo

Originally posted by Angus123

The Bible is stuffed with commandments from God to kill all kinds of people for the most insane of reasons. If you wear clothes made of 2 different fabrics, or eat shellfish, or your kid refuses to behave, these are all killing offenses.

I hope you're right and he does come back though. I would like to spit on him before I go to hell for rejecting his type of "love".

Can you please provide any type of evidence or record where a child was killed under that Levitical Law? Or any other?

Do your own homework. I'm not talking about specific incidents, the discussion is about the commandments.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:55 PM
lots of people are saying that those Christians who hate gays aren't real christians, well i would refute that and point out the bible is quiet clear that those who don't obey and agree with god are not his people - never once does it anywhere suggest that god has repented from his mass genocide of soddom or gommorah, never once does it suggest that it's now ok for a man to lie with a man like he lies with a woman - God hates homosexuals - it's quiet simple, horribly outdated and offensive but none the less it's his opinion.

The bible is either right or it's wrong. If you think that it's wrong then you don't believe the theological teachings of the christian faith, put simply you are not a christian -infact you are an Athiest wheather you believe in a spiritual higher force / god or not but thats a matter for a million other troll threads, you are not a theist. Anyone that thinks humans of the same gender can and should be able to live happily ever after are Atheists, the inverse of course isn't strictly true plenty of forms of bigot exist in the world and many people who do hate gays aren't christian.

if you try to change what the bible says then you are going against the word of the bible, as you think that you're able to go against gods word you presumably aren't scared of all pauls plauges which will apparently befall you should you 'alter a single word of the text' (however it was how king james was killed as we all remember from histroy....oh no wait, no one ever died on record from gods wrath for any of the many, many versions of the bible) - Hardly any of the bible is relivent today, we've created an understanding of logic and reasoning which would have made US seem like gods to the bronzeage savages who penned those inelequent lines, could they but imagine what we have seen then maybe, no certainly, the rules and laws would have been wildly different - thus we must assume the book isn't devine, Atheism is the only correct answer.

or was god right all along? should we be stoning with stones all the homosexuals, heratics (yes those of us who don't follow the teachings of the church need to be killed too, god never gave us no first ammendment), fornicators and adultarers? Tell me where is the tent i'm ment to take all my best goats, pidgeons and doves to kill? oh no wait - no time, my wife just came on her period and i gotta drive her to the desert, oh no wait i can't go near her she'll have to walk.

The book even says plain as day, don't accept special interpretations or twisting of gods words by clever lawyers - isn't it time to accept the book just isn't that good?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth

I am a christian now and I don't hate gays.Gays have a right to their
life style.I don't want that life style being taught ,to my children or
my grandchildren, as being normal.It's not normal and it goes against
nature and God.

A true christian will recognise that being a homosexual is a sin,hate the
sin,not the sinner.A christian, is a sinner,saved by grace.I believe,the
friends I had back then,would not have touched a child.

With all due respect mammabeth, according to most gays here, the moment you said:

I am a christian now and I don't hate gays.Gays have a right to their
life style.I don't want that life style being taught ,to my children or
my grandchildren, as being normal.It's not normal and it goes against
nature and God.

You just became hater of the sinner and that is all you'll ever hear from them because the moment you don't comply with their demands to accept them unrepentant of that same sin, you can not be both a Christian accepting them in that condition under that condition and you are to hate the sin and shun the sinner but like anyone who is honest with themselves and tickle the ears of homosexuals rather than explain to them the truth, they hate the truth and they will hate you all the while in the same voice they will be demanding tolerance while being intolerant of your disapproval of their sinful ways.

I know hating the sin and not the sinner sounds reall quaint and cute and soft warm a cozy but nothing I have said has anything to do with hating them. They just can't tolerate my having the same opinion you just mentioned. That isn't my problem, it is theres and if they don't like it, they should stop seeking the approval of Christians by creating threads like this because it is either done for that reason. or it is done to bash Christians who came in here to defend the broad sweep hunka was making about this minister.

Like I said before, Hunka has no problem with a President that attended a church full of white hating bigotry, why then would he care about this one.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM
does anyone read here ?
intending to learn something ?

okay, again, and again, until somebody hears it

the torah has 2 ways to read
you pick the one

or god is one, the rules have spiritual meaning
or god is divided and you find witnesses, and you have the rules as curse
torah condemns based on divided witnesses, accusers,
in other words, when god is not one you can use it,
if you take the blessing you see the other as part of god.

the torah is not the enemy, interpretation is.

same for homosexuality
it is not written in the original languages in the gospel

this is my last rementioning of it,
if you are a christian do your search before you condemn
and if you are not a christian
do not attack the torah based on wrong interpretations,
because it does speak about love

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Angus123

Do your own homework. I'm not talking about specific incidents, the discussion is about the commandments.

I have. There is no record of it ever happening.

Those are NOT the "commandments". Those are laws, ceremonial, moral and ethical mainly with regards to the Levitical priesthood and also the Israelites.

Do your homework.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Umbra Sideralis

"No real Christians did violence to others other then what was ordained by God? The God of both son and Man and God, who preached peace above all else. Humans perverted and defiled that message. The rest is history.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:05 PM
the law was a shadow of the truth,
it means that even israel
did not understand the law
until jesus came to explain it
it looks like god commanded israel to use the ceremonial law
but even then he always took away something so they
could not use it perfect, and the law (curse version) condemns that,
for example the arc was not in the last temple,
in other words god was not 'there'
and what the romans destroyed was not gods temple,
but a symbol, a shadow.

ofcourse after jesus explained it,
truth got again hidden by misinterpretation
for reasons.

then mohammed came to explain it,
and truth for the tird time got misinterpretated
for reasons.

then logic is explaining it
but people think they know logic better then logic in logic.

truth will only be seen by those that belongs to it
live care and honesty, and you'll find truth (truth is honest)

do you need to know anything about history ?
nope, because a human can not know anything for sure,
except that what isn't true if he looks far enough.

logic starts with seeing what is not true. = repenting

[edit on 1-9-2009 by pasttheclouds]

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