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GOP leaders oppose release of more abuse images

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posted on May, 14 2004 @ 04:16 PM
I still say that the FBI or CIA could release the pics for download from one of their sites. Free is free.

By the way, I just viewed the beheading video, thought I could handle it. Well let me tell you, NONE of those pics could be as bad as that beheading scene. I have an iron stomach, or I used to think so, but I almost got sick seeing that.

I saw on one news site where the religious dude that all the Shiites or Iraqis are supporting apologized for the beheading. Nothing could make up for doing that to anyone and think that the situation warranted that degree of retaliation.

Send the hit squads out, and do it as quietly as possible. ASAP.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Kathi
I still say that the FBI or CIA could release the pics for download from one of their sites. Free is free.

By the way, I just viewed the beheading video, thought I could handle it. Well let me tell you, NONE of those pics could be as bad as that beheading scene. I have an iron stomach, or I used to think so, but I almost got sick seeing that.

I saw on one news site where the religious dude that all the Shiites or Iraqis are supporting apologized for the beheading. Nothing could make up for doing that to anyone and think that the situation warranted that degree of retaliation.

Send the hit squads out, and do it as quietly as possible. ASAP.

Got a link anyone?

I can't seem to find it. Looks like they are eliminating it as soon as it pops up.

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 06:50 PM
I found this listing through Google:

The link I found it on was

Now they are getting bogged down and the first link I listed has a whole list that is being updated.

[Edited on 5/14/2004 by Kathi]

posted on May, 14 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Here's the link. It's actually about 2/3 of the way down the page.

I couldn't watch the entire thing; I have a son about Berg's age, same type of scruffy wannabe beard. As soon as the terrorist pulled the knife out from under his robe, I shut it down.

Be prepared for seeing the dark underside of human nature.


posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:10 AM
The GOP doesn't want the photos released because the buck stops at the president and they are trying to protect him... plain as the nose on your face.

Democrates want em released because the buck stops at the president and it will make them look better the worse the president looks.

Bush's patriot act and other statements by Bush show
s me that he has no respect for the constitution that he has vowed to uphold.

I say release em if it will help move his smelly old arse out of office lol

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 03:12 AM
Welcome, to the wild discussions here on this cool website.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way...

Chevy says
"Democrates want em released because the buck stops at the president and it will make them look better the worse the president looks. "

IF you are saying that further EXPLOITATION of the abuse victims by co-opting the photos of their abuse to support your or democrats POLITICAL ADGENDAS is OK

How would you feel if your embarrasing pics of you being abused were being used for others politics, politics which you might not even support?

Continuing to show/dwell on the images (not the idea) only makes the victims more and more abused everytime their humiliation is seen....
Talking about the issue and what can be done is one thing, but how much viewing of the imagery do we need to GET IT?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 02:06 PM
well you obviously missed my comments about the prisoner abuse in another thread dear.

i could care less what they do to the prisoners over there... Whatever it takes to get them talking is fine wit me .... Wake Up !! This is war and war is hell and you do what you have to do to survive... Now at a sunday afternoon tea party stripping and humilation would be terrible but not during the middle of an armed conflict... sorry

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 01:37 AM
I read a lot of threads, but cant read them all..(sometimes i mix threads as ive read sooo many)
Im going by your statement here..
"Democrates want em released because the buck stops at the president and it will make them look better the worse the president looks."
"I say release em if it will help move his smelly old arse out of office lol."

I can infer from this that you support EXPLOITIVE use of photos of people being abused to support a political adgenda.

It is one thing to see these photos as evidence of the abusive situation at the prison, and take actions against the ones involved...
to then try and extrapolate the incident into a larger context in order to "pin the blame on your political opponent" seems twisted to me.

Why dont you just snap the pics yourself?
is it ok to run around town showing them over and over? To what end? We now know what happened and are taking actions.

The result would be the further victimization of those that were already violated....adding insult to injury.....never letting the victims "put this behind them" or heal themselves, as now they've unwillingly become someone elses "poster boy" for a political adgenda which they probably wouldnt support.

Talk about the issue without continuing to abuse the victims.
While i dislike the prisoners, WE must stand for a better cause than the ones were working against.
That means trying to give those prisoners victimized already, some type of decency without perpetuating their initial suffering.

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