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Has ATS become A Right Wing Side Show!?!?

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

Heh not many people would agree with you there, although clearly I'm one of them. It's no news that conservists are very set in their ways and very biased. Would be the reason we call them conservists I suppose.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife & NoJoker13

All right you two, break it up or get a room ...

This isn't a town hall meeting.


I have always found it interesting how ATS seems to be ahead of the curve when it comes to social trends.

I do believe what we have he is a classic case of "blowback" ...

Same thing is bound to happen countrywide. I mean most reasonable folk will take the Limbaugh, Corsi, Coulter, Beck hate filled jackassery for a little while cause they can't believe anyone would take them seriously. But the time comes when folk will say enough is enough, you're embarrassing us now and hurting us.

Perhaps this is just an indication of what's to come.

[edit on 16 Aug 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by enigmalone

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies. It is a shame ATS can't do the same. The fact is (proven scientifically) that conservatives are not open to differing viewpoints. In fact the more evidence they are presented with the firmer their twisted stance becomes. This site has a conservative christian cabal that almost renders it useless.

I would say my views lean "conservative" but I would also say you are not a very nice person. I am open to all views and appreciate people of all colors. I am offended by you and your post and would hope ATS would brand you as a person that doesn't deserve the same space to post here as I do. Wow..I still can't believe you said what you did!.................I'm a "loonie" for being conservative? You need some Soviet air space in your life pal.

I'm at a loss for words.....

In the old days, it was considered uncooth to discuss politics and religion in a public forum, in this case, ATS which is dedicated to searching for the truths that the MSM didn't cover.

People who could not find common conversational ground with other people were considered to be badly educated or limited.

I believe this started during the watergate era where the force of history combined with the increase power of the media made it almost impossible to discuss.

Today's forums are populated with mudslingers, trolls, and the severely limited mindset that create an atmosphere of division and hate which muddies the waters of any genuine attempt at constructive conversation.

Has ATS become a right wing sideshow? Yes. It has also become a left wing sideshow, a liberaterian sideshow, a green party sideshow and a fence sitter sideshow. Choose a side, pick up your complimentary bag of rocks and let the show begin.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I'll try my best, I just have asked questions which have been dodged. I'm through with any convo with him anyway since as you've pointed out it's getting no where.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:51 PM
Oh and not for nothing ...

But the Republican party better get it's head out it's bottom and start standing for something other than "get Obama" at all cost. Right now it's being wagged by a bunch of ratings mongering pundits who care no more about conservatives than Jerry Springer cares for obese hermaphrodites.

Hopefully reason will prevail and the nation will not face the same result.

People are being baited into an ideological frenzy and if it tips over they won't be throwing armchairs.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I absolutely agree and this is my problem with this one biased voice mentality.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Originally posted by DaisyAnne

Originally posted by contemplator
The best forum communities I have ever used catered to the liberal mindset and ran off conservatives & religious loonies. It is a shame ATS can't do the same. The fact is (proven scientifically) that conservatives are not open to differing viewpoints. In fact the more evidence they are presented with the firmer their twisted stance becomes. This site has a conservative christian cabal that almost renders it useless.

I find this to be completely true.
I didn't really expect to encounter it here, so I was unpleasantly surprised.

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by DaisyAnne

Heh not many people would agree with you there, although clearly I'm one of them. It's no news that conservists are very set in their ways and very biased. Would be the reason we call them conservists I suppose.

Yep, game set and match.

History has told us the people that have always silenced speech were Communist, Fascist, Nazi's, etc.

You just admitted to being what you are accusing people of. You just did it with out actually saying it. Yet, you accuse a good portion of the site of having a "right wing bias" and not being open to alternate view points, but yet you agree that forums where there is not "right wing" viewpoint offered are the better sites.

There it is in your own words and everything that I have pointed out to you, as being truth, and not insults.

Now, I'm done with this debate, because you have proved what I have been pointing out to you this whole time.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Alot of people complained about Bush.

Alot of people complain about Obama.

Some people defended Bush.

Some people defend Obama.

I think most of the ones that are complaining about Obama are the same ones who complained about Bush. Of course those who defended Bush are complaining about Obama. Just like some who complained about him are defending Obama.

More then a few posters on ATS has stated that they are sorry for voting for Obama and I can't help but feel the same sentiment goes for alot more. The ones who complained about W were sick of big spending, big government war and over all disregard for the American public.

So far that is the same thing Obama has been all about. The only time we hear from him is when he wants to spend hundreds of billions of dollars or expand government. The only differance between Obama and Bush is that Obama is a better speaker (debatable).

So to claim that ATS is overrun with right wingers isn't very accurate. They are merely speaking out against the same government that they have always spoke out against.

The reason its getting bigger is that the some conservatives are playing catch up. It took a Democrat to get into office for them to see that we are in trouble and the government isn't that keen on helping the little man.

Now we have alot of liberals and conservatives on the same side. Of course there are some strays on each side, but that is the nature of the beast.

Overall, its a good thing.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:14 PM

however it was not that way when JR was in office.

I just think it is easier to criticize when you are politically on the skids.

Although I would say the righties have a far larger imagination, adhere
to the group mentality (odd, socialist if applied to the psychological realm if such a thing existed?), listen too / defend authority / power (odd) and attack in heard like mentality ( also very communal which is odd???)

I think in general liberals are much more independent (also odd) as there is
a much broader scope of things the ideology could include or exclude.

Considering the unified front that right has mastered it is no doubt they rule ATS...

Thank god the left is not as "imaginative" or we would soon be debating the numeric value of 2 or the definition of pain.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:22 PM
well, duh.......

if you are into conspiracies, you are usually conservative, at least somewhat: conservative is SUPPOSED to mean that you are against "big gubmint"

liberals generally love gigantic gov't ("save us, oh messiah!"
or, "suck, suck, suck"--the sound of mouth on gov't teat)

i grew up with liberal parents; took me years to become somewhat conservative; working for a living will do it!!!!!!!

like, duh-uh!

ps, just because i consider myself conservative doesn't mean i am a republican--no way! never!

[edit on 16-8-2009 by brygivrob]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by brygivrob

liberals generally love gigantic gov't ("save us, oh messiah!"
or, "suck, suck, suck"--the sound of mouth on gov't teat)

Or liberals want to curtail the suck suck suck of the corporate vampire...
("lets race this economy to the bottom, oh WALMART")

$.05 annual wage review for all!!! (if your scored a 9 or better by your shift leader
and are wearing 23 pieces of flare)

[edit on 16-8-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by brygivrob
if you are into conspiracies, you are usually conservative, at least somewhat: conservative is SUPPOSED to mean that you are against "big gubmint"

Nonsense. I've spent most of my life living in very liberal areas. Liberals can conspiracy-theorize as well as conservatives.

The whole "Right-Wing = Conspiracy Theorist" meme is absurd.

Do you really think that it was conservatives who first began building conspiracy theories around the RFK murder?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Thanks for your posts everyone.
I know this is gonna sound weird but I agree with you all.
Schroedersdog, I always enjoy your posts and I agree!

You are right, carnival of souls I'm pretty sure!
Just look at all the bad language on the youtube comments for instance!
I enjoy this site: , but the bad language and hate makes it somewhat unenjoyable.
Really, its like third graders yelling at each other.

JD140: I agree, it is a good thing when people catch(wake) up!
(whatever label they are) Star!

Mental: yes it is odd! Like liberal being used as derogatory and
conservative being used as status quo.
That should be a perfect example of this!
Whats ironic to me is the country liberated itself from england!
By definition wouldn't this be considered -OMG- liberal?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by dodadoom

Well it depends upon which definition of the word "conservative" you are applying. You have conservatives in the sense that they are restrained in what they do, i.e. fiscal conservative being frugal, social conservative as in living in the "old school". Then you have conservative in the political sense of the word which means adhering to the countries roots, i.e. the UK as always being subjects to the King and Queen, or in America it would be freedom oriented.

But in the real sense of the word "liberal" our founding fathers would be liberals, or more accurately progressives, because they wanted to move forward out of the stone age.

Now when you hear the word liberal and conservative they are painted as opposite sides of the political spectrum when in reality in America at least they are both the same thing. Now through years of whitewashing and brainwashing they have come to mean two separate things.

Progressives these days, want to move to a socialist system, which is an idea that is over a 100 years old, been tried doesn't work. The founding fathers wanted to move to a self-governing system where people all followed a limited set of laws and would eventually move to the abolition of a sole governing body.

So in reality which one is really moving forward and which one is moving backwards? The modern day progressives are moving backwards, where as the system of self governance has not been tired on a large scale because of the inherent nature of humans of always wanting power and control.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by dodadoom

Now when you hear the word liberal and conservative they are painted as opposite sides of the political spectrum when in reality in America at least they are both the same thing.

I hear this all the time and frankly I think it is a logical fallacy...

I mean the practical implications are visible today with the health care debate.

DO you honestly think MCCAIN a "Conservative" would be posturing to do battle with
the health industry if he were in office?

Would AL GORE have gone to IRAQ???

Please examine the logic of this notion you and many have expressed?

Remember that in nature there is usually two basic sub divisions

high - low

hot - cold

fast - slow

I think as a matter of nature this duality applies to mankind and ideology.

Please address the two scenarios above and tell me how you maintain this belief.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:26 AM
No but you probably cheered or laughed when they did that mock assassination film of him. Or how about the hate-filled rhetoric all the while he was in office

Nothing like the MSM attacking Bush on a daily basis. You won, we lost. We get it. Why is it liberals are the ones that bring up "race" and "Bush" in almost every thread about Obama?
Get over it.

Again with the Bush thing. Leave it be and concentrate on what is going on now.

By the way, The Police and Fire services in our country are SOCIALIZED, as well as Public Education...check it out, nobody's whining about that.

I'd have to agree with you on education, and just LOOK at how disgusting our public schools are now? Yeah, thanks socialism. As for police and fire? Local taxes pay for that. Any federal funding is given to the local governments in "support" of on-going programs.

First of all, I would never condone any portrayal of anyone assassinating any President, whether I agreed with them or not. I have never seen, nor do I even know about which film you are referring to. I wouldn't laugh at have characterized me as someone who would find that amusing. You have in essence, ( In true conservative style ), characterized me and created a fictional scenario in which you are portraying how I think and act without any actual knowledge of who I am, or what I stand for.

I am not the main stream media...???

I never mentioned race, or Obama. I am reacting to someone who hopes that our President will fail for purely partisan reasons. Does any right thinking person truly want ANY President to fail? Is that really rational? This concept is self-evident as ignorant, and it requires no further comment from me.

Public schools are disgusting? All of them? Everywhere? Let's use the logic from the above concept and just say that since public education is disgusting, let's have no education at all.

Get over the Bush was in the past. Except that TODAY Americans are still being killed in Iraq because a man who DID NOT earn the popular vote started a war against a country that did not attack us based on "faulty" intelligence at best, and a lie at the worst. Not to mention that his brother was the Governor of the state in question, and the committee woman who was in charge of the recount had political ties to the Republicans. I'm sure that you would like to sweep the most embarrassing political episode ( starring your Boy and his friends ), under the rug and forget it. That would be convenient, wouldn't it?

Socialist programs in Europe are funded by tax dollars, local and federal. So it has to be federal money for it to qualify as socialist? This whole concept of socialism as wholesale evil doesn't ring true, anyway. Of course the corporate base of a Capitalist society doesn't want ANYTHING to be free. You can't get rich by giving things away...everyone knows that making a buck is the only reason to do anything, right???

There is no such thing as a "MY" America to get "back", because it didn't go anywhere. Everything alive grows and changes. Change is the only absolute that we can see in nature. To not change is to BE DEAD. Anybody get that?

And I'll stick my neck out on the block with one last opinion; In today's world, with the level of technology that we have, and the means of communication, travel, and distribution networks that we enjoy, basic necessary health care is a HUMAN RIGHT, not a privilege for those who can afford it. Gasp! Groan! I can hear the conservative chins hitting the floor and the steam billowing, so I'll say it again, just because it's fun; BASIC NECESSARY HEALTH CARE IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE FOR THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT. C'mon people, get real.

Change is what's going on now, and you don't like it, and you're throwing a temper tantrum.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Interesting! Thanks for your thoughts!
It seems you have thought about this before.
I appreciate the post.
I would like to say we all need to learn to get along.
I am included. I have shut people out before
because of political preference(left or right)and thats not right!
I have decided its not worth it. Lifes too short.
People are people. Labels belong on cans.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

Well, McCain is not a "conservative" he is a RINO or a liberal. And Also I see him doing the same thing as Obama, as in crafting legislation that allows Big Pharma and Insurance to gain substantial profits from "reform". Neither party stands up to the lobbyist they only stand up to the lobbyist that aren't packing their pockets.

It sounds like a logical fallacy, but it really isn't. Because Traditional Idea's in America is Freedom and limited Government. It is a lot deeper than that but it is just the basics.

America when it was found was very progressive idea. But like everything else though the meaning of words change as each generation passes.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by mental modulator

Well, McCain is not a "conservative" he is a RINO or a liberal. And Also I see him doing the same thing as Obama, as in crafting legislation that allows Big Pharma and Insurance to gain substantial profits from "reform".

I mean on a fiscal level neither was REAGAN OR BUSH...

But as far as the current legistlation, you are saying that people are crying


but at the same time the real goal is to gain substancial profits?

Cause the argument seems to be government will destroy the capitalism idea in this case, correct??? Socialism???

Yet the very definition of socialism is the state taking sole stewardship of any giving industry with the "people" be the main beneficiary and executor.

So the goal is to take from the rich to give to the poorer while socializing to give to the rich???

I mean if I combine both ideas this is what I get, I doesn't make sense.

Why cry socialism???

Why all the "take from the rich to pay for the lazy bodies healthcare?"

then you say give to the rich?

I mean why is the insurance industry funding anti "reform" commercials or organizing rallies for that matter?

if the goal is gain profit by reform passing, that is.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

You are way off into left field. I don't think we have had a fiscally conservative president since, well, I really can't think of one, the government has always grown in power since it's inception.

What you just described is a key tenant of communism, "each according to his needs, each according to his ability" or something like that.

What I am saying is that our government is slowly, well quickly since 9/11 into a fascist state.

Liberalism, is not socialism, just like Conservatism is not Fascism. What has happened is the bastardization of labels.

What I was explaining earlier only applies in America, to the best of my knowledge, only because America was founded upon the principles of freedom.

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