posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:06 PM
I applaud you for posting this thread, joker.
I am sick of the right-wing nutjobs acting like its the dems fault that every single horrible thing
in the world (i.e. swine flu, HIV/AIDS, etc.), and that Obama is the Hitler of the dems.
the repubs think that they are the people who know everything and have a plan to fix everything that "the democrats messed up." their eyes are blind
to their own folly. Take Rush Limbaugh for example. I heard he lost 90 pounds recently. It must be really hard to eat when your mouths on the
republican party's ass.
also, on your entirely true observation that repubs basically quote one another on ideas, their minds are so clouded on topics. Their opinions are
based on what they THINK will happen to them, not what is true.
sorry that this seems like I'm ranting, I'm just making a point.