We are inflicted daily with a constant barrage of threats that weaken our resolve, cause dismay, sadness, isolation and Fear within us here at Ats.
These topics come down to renewed concern on a handful of issues.
The Police State, The Environment, Pandemic Disease, Resources, Energy, Revolution, Social Change and The Economy.
I wish in this thread to help guide those of you who wish to listen, through the reality of the circumstances the root cause and the method by which
you can comfortably adapt and be rid of almost all of the above issues.
This thread is a reflection on the Causes of the first American Civil War (in fact many revolutions around the world) and why we are entering a
similar period now.
Agriculture vs Industry
The American Civil War, in school we are taught a myriad of aspects of the Civil War, Slavery and human rights is often used as a reason for the war
happened... We are taught the battles and the losses and victories.
But the actual divide is rarely taught, the root cause, the necessity and the thing that was changing is hardly mentioned.
The shifts from an Agrarian society to an Industrial society... The method, civil war and break down of the existing social order.
Only the North possessed an industrial base, small as it was, before the shooting started. During the fiscal year ending 1 June 1860, the country
possessed some 128,300 industrial establishments. Of these, 110,274 were located in states that remained in the Union. The most heavily industrialized
states, New York and Pennsylvania, each had more industry than all the seceding states combined. In 1860, too, America had a total of $1,050,000,000
invested in real and personal property devoted to business, with $949,335,000 concentrated in the North; Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts
each had a larger investment than the South as a whole. Finally, the North contributed 92.5% of the $1.9 billion that comprised the total value of
annual product in the country in 1860.
Excerpt from
Civil War
Times were changing, there was need for the United States to adapt or face being irrelevant in the next Century
For the next 100 years, we would see the United States rise to become a super power, Our Cities grew as immigrants and Americans alike came for
factory jobs, our wealth grew as our production increased, small business flourished from the demands of local Industry and the people crammed
together and today's now failing street side businesses were there and numerous as pedestrian and later automobile traffic and density supported
To live rural for the last 150 years increasingly meant being a bumpkin, without culture, without education, without access to hospitals or
Today we face yet again... a shift of perhaps even greater consequence. And I will argue here that the time of the City is now over and that to
remain in mass is to face the fate of poor Southern Farmers in the post civil war era and that 90% of the things we conceive of as conspiracies are
actually the result (conspiracy in some cases to force the issue yes) but the result of an Unstoppable shift in society from the Industrial Era to the
Communication Era
The Internet and Communication Era
Since the 90's we have all heard the term "The Communication Era
This is not a buzz word, this is a definition of a shift as significant and life altering as the shift from Agriculture to Industry and it encompasses
many aspects of life beyond simply the Internet although like the factory it is the driving force that makes the shift possible.
Urban life is dying from a variety of failures in this new modern age.
Environment, and Disease... Traffic and The Daily Commute
Cities have reach mass, most can no longer sustain much more growth, the methods of the Industrial era can not ecologically sustain 4.5 million people
in LA for example going to work at the same time every day
Gas consumption and strife over Oil and it's affect on air quality is responsible for a downgrade in human life at a time when things should be
better than ever...
The pollutants weaken the immune system, cause cancer
The stress and time loss in traffic does equal or greater damage... it also disrupts the family unit, parents find themselves away from kids 12 hrs a
day leaving only 4 hrs a day, 2 of which will be spent consuming food and defecating.
The damage to the environment is causing restrictions on human freedoms and again pollution as effective methods of waste removal are pushed to the
The OIL to maintain this Mass immigration of humans daily is the leading cause of global tensions between nations and contributes to economic
Disease is spread readily on polluted transit lines where people are immune compromised from stress, toxins, poor sleep habits and poor daily dietary
habits that result from... "eating on the run" and "living by the clock"
Today we once again have to fear a flu pandemic as a result
and of course in the hustle and bustle of cities that have exceeded maximum sustainability comes...
a loss of time for personal development... "the culture less American syndrome"
The Police State, Violence and over crowding
is cause and effect
Working at NIMH in 1954, Calhoun launched several experiments with rats and mice. In his first series of tests, he placed 32 to 56 rodents in a 10- by
14-foot case in a barn on a Montgomery County farm. Using electrified partitions, he divided the space into four rooms. Each was designed to support
12 adult brown Norway rats. Rats could move between the rooms only via the ramps he built. Because Calhoun provided unlimited water and food as well
as protection from predators, disease and weather, the critters were said to be in “rat utopia” or “mouse paradise,” Ramsden explained.
“The one thing they did not have was space...He allowed the population to grow to 80 in the first instance.” As the scientist observed, a social
hierarchy developed: One despot male and 9 females claimed the two defensible pens with only one ramp provided; 60 others crowded into the other 2
pens with two ramps. Calhoun found that “rodent utopia” rapidly became “hell.” He described the onset of several pathologies: violence and
aggression, with rats in the crowded pen “going berserk, attacking females, juveniles and less-active males.” There was also “sexual
deviance.” Rats became hypersexual, pursuing females relentlessly even when not in heat. The mortality rate among females was extremely high. A
large proportion of the population became bisexual, then increasingly homosexual, and finally asexual. There was a breakdown in maternal behavior.
Mothers stopped caring for their young, stopped building a nest for them and even began to attack them, resulting in a 96 percent mortality rate in
the two crowded pens. Calhoun coined a term—“behavioral sink”—to describe the decay.
The first of these studies was done as far back as the 1920's as American cities swelled
Read VERY CAREFULLY the above it IS an accurate description of modern city life...
All cities have a maximum sustainable population area, when we surpass that Life becomes "HELL" instead of paradise exactly as described above
The police state is again an aspect of a failed Urban environment that has exceeded the capacity to sustain itself crime and punishment entered from a
cry within our cities to an endless cycle of action and reaction resulting in a loss of human rights for everyone.
Economy and Poverty
We look around and see mas consumption and everyone likes to blame the consumption for our ill's
But I would argue it is the Production that is actually the issue in a negative economy
Through the Century Computers have begun to replace many, many jobs once required for production, we don't need people to COUNT anymore, We have
trucks and machines to CARRY, Homes very often are produced by Machines these days, prefabricated, Cars are built by robots...
The "JOB" as we know it does not exist
10% of America as example could readily Farm, build and produce everything, everyone needs...
NY alone produces enough Milk for the entire Nation, Tv's roll down assembly lines in China
Most jobs are low grade service industry positions... Fast food, restaurant and hotel service, telemarketing
Now... You can order anything ONLINE
People don't wast the gas to go out shopping as much, superstores can mass supply the bulk of our goods...
The small business is dead...
In crowded cities, rent prices and competition from lemmings who wish to try and be Entrepreneurs but employ a method from the 50's Rent prices sky
rocket and so does Insurance... The RAT RACE was born...
The "JOBS" we were all taught to look for, Simply do not exist
Nor will they ever again in the numbers of the past despite what any politician promises...
Like the Day of the small Farm, it's time is simply done and no one can change that.
This is the root cause of ALL our problems
A change that can not be fought, A change in Technology that will never now go away aside from destroying ourselves
The CITY, Has heard it's bell toll
I do not propose that the city will go away... in time our cities will transform fully into cultural and educational hubs with lower population
But for now they have become Orwellian nightmares with armed soldiers on the streets, an ever present police force, rampant crime, loss of privacy via
street cameras, epidemic disease surging, poor living conditions lorded over by handfuls of wealthy individuals living in towers and on the out skirts
fenced in for protection that they can never actually achieve anyway
Yes their is conspiracy behind this,
Yes from terrorism to disease to the development of thwe Internet you are being strangled and pushed out...
There is a solution CONT...