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"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

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posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by antar

It is a very important question, one I personally hope we will all still have the ability to ask on a site called in a year or two.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

That's exactly what I thought. It is lobyists of both sides, or at least most of them. There might be some others who feel and think like that chaperone that SO was talking about, but they keep it quiet. However most of them seem to not care at all about the people, or the nation.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:13 PM
that would be the day bush gets impeached and pigs fly.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
It's about time we made some ammendments to the Constitution.

In truth, it's time we returned to the Constitution and stopped trying to twist it into something it never was through grossly elastic interpretation.

It's about time that we, as a nation, demanded a national referendum to impose Congressional term limits, so that we aren't living in the 1960s with these political hacks who are in their ninth and tenth and sixteenth terms in Washington.

All these career politicians do is accumulate power — the dirty sort of power — which is then sold to the highest-bidding lobbyists.

Let's take the power out of their hands give it back to the States, give it back to the people — and the way to do it is to limit Congressional terms to 2 terms (or less). In this way we keep new blood in Washington, new blood with fresh ideas and no dirty power base to attract the big-money lobbyists.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:17 PM
The root of the situation is the wealth.

The wealth you earn by the sweat of your brow, the spinning of the little hamsters in our heads.

If we deny them our wealth, we deny these companies and lobbyist our power.

sounds like time to drop out.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

But you mentioned that it was only Republican lobyists, how can you be sure those were all, or mostly Republican lobyists? there are Democrat lobysits too you know, and by what the Obama administration has been doing, they don't care what happens to the country, and they don't care what happens to Americans either.

I am not sure a lobbyist is a partisan position, they probably try to buy whichever side holds the power, and then buy the rest just for good measure.

sry bout typing cat is making love to keyboard

[edit on 11-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Great post and only confirms what I have seen and felt for awhile now. The kid gloves are off and there are those in power who will do or say -anything-to hurt Obama. Look at some of the threads on this site, the level heads are having a really hard time trying to mitigate the fearmongers in fact if I didn't know better I would swear that some are using this site as an actual vehicle to spread fear. We all know how easy it is to start rumors in this day and age...

Anyway we Americans need to simply just get involved again, a very large portion of our population is trapped in apathy but in this day and age communication is easier then ever!!! Want to get change in DC? throw them all out on butts till they start playing nice and getting rid of those Lobbyists!

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

I definately agree that we need term limits.
However, you know what would happen? Corporate America would just step up its efforts to corrupt people more quickly.

Afterall, every Senator I have ever met made his name as some sort of prominent businessman. Not that there is anything wrong with being a businessman, just that these sorts are the ones you can spot the fake smile on their from a 500 feet away. They are the car salesmen (not really. most likely they are lawyers or real estate agents).

They seek office TO gain power.

And it is rewarded once they get there.

The corruption is in the lobbying.

Even if you say that they can only serve for the duration of one Congressional Session, the lobbyists will pump even more money in to ensure their projects are made legal and reward those doing it.
Afterall, at this point in time we are just printing money for these corporations in the first place.

It is a ridiculous state of affairs.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:29 PM
WOW, I have read every post but I am still having a hard time with the fact the owner of a conspiracy theory site went to Washington and told them he was an owner of a conspiracy theory site
Internet Security—Obama's 'Cookies' Breaking the Law

Forward us the email,

Forward us the email?

Forward us the email!
Obama quote

The privacy act, was written to prevent the president of the US from gathering the names of people that disagree with Him.

[edit on 103131p://bTuesday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Lobbiests have power because they pull the strings of the politicians and convince them that if they don't support their cause, they will not be reelected.. It is up to us to show the politicians that they will not be reelected if they do not represent us.. Plain and simple...

Simple yet effective .

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD

This is my other question: What is the ultimate goal for all of this? It can't just be the general goal of 'power' or 'control' or 'money' if it's true 'everything stays the same, just the name plates change.' So what are they really trying to do?

[edit on 8/11/2009 by AshleyD]

They hate us, they want to destroy us, they want to drink our souls through straws.
And to the question "Who are "they"?", the answer is WE KNOW THEM WHEN WE SEE THEM.
Think of all the witchfinders directing angry mobs throughout history...the convicts recognize their guards in the prison-house of this world.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

That's exactly what I thought. It is lobyists of both sides, or at least most of them. There might be some others who feel and think like that chaperone that SO was talking about, but they keep it quiet. However most of them seem to not care at all about the people, or the nation.

ElectricU, I have actually been left with the impression over time that lobbyists are mercenaries. They don't have a side, they simply follow the money. One day they are working with a group to push through a republican agenda, the next they are working with a group to push through a democratic agenda. Mercs are very effective, so long as you are the highest bidder.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

They hate us, they want to destroy us, they want to drink our souls through straws.
And to the question "Who are "they"?", the answer is WE KNOW THEM WHEN WE SEE THEM.
Think of all the witchfinders directing angry mobs throughout history...the convicts recognize their guards in the prison-house of this world.

I disagree with that statement. I do not think they "hate us", they just "love themselves".

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Um, thats why they created Diebold voting system... Crooked system has nothing to do with the voice of the people, we can march in the millions and a day later its on to what Paris Hiltons dog is wearing.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by antar]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I disagree.
Lobbyists do more than convince Congress they won't be reelected.

Afterall, at that point it would be a simple matter of who should I listen to, this guy telling me that I won't be reelected, or the thousands in my district who are telling me I won't be reelected?

Believe me, the number of constituant requests and complaints far outnumber the lobbyists. In reality, it is just like SO said. The Congress looks at the constituancy and asks: "What do you have to offer me?"

Which means that the lobbyists DO offer them something. Backdoor deals.

Afterall, the tobacco industry doesn't spend millions of dollars just to send the lobbyists to the Hill. Most of that is paid to the people supporting them ON the hill, through various dishonest accounting schemes.

So, you have to get rid of the lobbying. Otherwise, they'll just continue to make it more lucrative for the Congress to side with them.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:40 PM
Thanks for the thread!

I agree I haven't seen this type of division since the sixties and this seems worse. People are going to start getting hurt soon I am sorry to say.

I also agree with you that campaign finance reform is the only solution to getting the money out of our system of representation. Both sides of the aisle play the game and the players play both sides of the aisle.

And guess what the "special interest groups" are the big money corporations for the most part.

Another point to be addressed is "corporate personhood". It should be completely revoked. A corporation is not a person and does not deserve the same rights as an individual human being!

But alas we may be too far gone along this path. Another legacy of the neocons of the last administration.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Well as I see it, the only power we have left is our vote, and the problem with that is, people vote.

Actually storm, unfortunately that is not the case.

You/I/we cannot vote our way out of this ... no blue/red pill choice here, just different shades of blue.

Thats what I said,
in code

Get it ?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Just as an off thought... anyone consider the outrageous possibility that the republicans have their long-knives out because they are starting to realise what is about to come to a head?

I mean Christ, we now have people painting Swastikas on the doors of Congressional "leaders'" offices.

What if this is happening because the Republican party realizes that they f-ed the pooch pretty bad last go around and they are actually trying to stop the coming crap-storm?

Sure, there will be serious harm in this and they won't come out openly (well, Palin sorta' did) because in doing so shows fault of their own.

It is a silly thought... but I'm curious why they are so up in arms.

There must be a reason they are trying to "stop" Obama.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

No no, anyone who is a parasite hates the one they depend on.
They exaggerate our badness to justify their predation.
And then anything that bad, just calls out to be destroyed.

I know it is not logical, seemingly, but I also know the human heart works that way...

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by antar

Oy, don't get me started on that... I was so disturbed by the voting machine thing. As a developer, I was stunned by the total incompetance of the systems they deployed. I could literally put together a voting system with touch screen using one developer and a IT pro in a month. Total cost maybe $100K base cost and maybe $6K for each unit (max). It would be secure, easily replicated (for deployment to various voting stations), and no back doors. It just seemed fishy from the moment they started griping about printing slips.

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