posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 07:50 AM
a free country? where the hell have you been? jupiter?
and we had to fight the british to gain our independence from them didn't we? they didn't care for kisses and hugs and just say "oh yeah we're
sorry for what we have done to you-please we just want to get along. so let's kiss and make up and you can have your country and we'll best friends
ok? our sincerest apologies"
believe me i wish the kisses and hugs aspect would work, but criminals don't care how nice you are to them- they only want to hurt you and succeed in
their agenda.
tell you what- take your love and peace theory, go to the zoo, walk into the tiger cage at feeding time with a steak necklace and try and pet one
behind the ears while saying"nice kitty, yeah you like that" and see what response you get.
our gubmint criminals,the fed reserve criminals,who lnows how many more,etc are the tiger and we are the steak. no way they will just roll over so we
can rub their belly and just be friends
and by the way ghandi didn't free india thru peace. he simply preached it. india actually fought the british and won because the british were
outnumbered by being so spread out throughout the world.
kind of sounds like the us today doesn't it?
if you actually survive enough to type come back and tell me how nice that tiger was
[edit on 13-8-2009 by bigfoot1212]