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Resolution says Hawaii Obama's birthplace

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

I don't care where he's from. He's just a pawn of the hidden powers behind the curtain. Nothing will ever change unless the People stand up, nothing will change if we sit down every night as 5pm watching Dancing with the stars, and survivor bullsh*****. Anyway, this will put an end to alot of those 'Obama was born in Kenya' threads.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:57 AM
So let me see if I get this right....

They had to make a resolution saying Obama was born in Hawaii, and some how this is supposed to be proof that he was? Well if this is the case, I am passing a resolution in my living room that states I have the largest male appendage ever in the history of man kind.

Yippee!! My new resolution passed unanimously in my living room, so I guess it must now be fact!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Dienekes

Originally posted by Elepheagle
It has been proven to death that he was born in Hawaii. There is absolutely NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE to the contrary. Before the "birthers" start pumping, note the word CREDIBLE.

Oh? Where's it at? Post the evidence you lay claim to. I'd certainly like to see it? Hope it isn't a White House video of him recalling his childhood in Hawaii sitting on his grandfather's shoulders during the space capsules from apollo 11 came splashing down in the Pacific Ocean in 1969*. Or some obscure little bit of a resolution passed unanimously by a little over half of the house... or maybe even a potentially forged COLB? Perhaps some important Hawaii official giving us her word that his long-form birth certificate is there? Well, definitely not the quotes from his grandmother recalling being there when he was born... in Kenya. Not even the renouncing of his US citizenship in order to have lived in Indonesia from 1967-1971*? Well, So far I'm not convinced. But who am I to question? I mean, I'm just a Right Wing Nut job that still probably denies the Holocaust right? shoot....

edit to add:Really though, it's not going to go anywhere because all of the evidence us "Birthers" have, is really just a lack of evidence from the other side. As we all know he's innocent until proven guilty, therefore its not going to go anywhere unless something big does actually fall out of the closet. In any case, he's proven to be a liar and has clearly shown to be hiding things. His hypocrisy and lies are bad news for a man with such power over the Executive AND Legislative Branches of our Government.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Dienekes]

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Dienekes]

Even a cursory search of reputable sources would tell you this. The things you quote above? Find them somewhere else other than WND or ANW. Did you know that McCain's lawyers actually investigated this during the campaign? Probably not.

Again, something you can find in a cursory search. You don't even have the right to see his COLB, but you have. Did you know the Republican governor of Hawaii has verified the authenticity of everything in question? Of course, in your minds, there's something more behind this.

Anyway, to close, there are NO LEGAL GROUNDS at this point in time to remove him from office because of this birth certificate issue. That time has passed. Read: it would have had to happen during the campaign.

Again, did you know the WND broke this "story"? They've been discredited a million times over. NPR actually covered this issue yesterday, probably because the looniest are often the loudest.

Good grief.

I'm not going to post any links to evidence you may have already seen, because no matter what, you won't believe it. What I present would just be the same things already presented in these forums hundreds of times over. Isn't there something else constructive we can do?

Birthers: There is NOTHING more you can do. Really, except continue to cry foul when there is no foul. That's a yellow card. Read again: there is NOTHING more you can do. Nothing at all.

Dropping out for good. Promise.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Elepheagle]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:02 AM
(8) The evidence contained in Exhibit B shows that Barack Hussein Obama might have used as many as 149 addresses and 39 social security numbers prior to assuming the office of President. The social security number most commonly
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Rule 65(b) Application for Temporary Restraining Order 10
used by Barack Hussein Obama, is one issued in the state of Connecticut, the state where Barack Hussein Obama never resided and it shows him to be 119 years old. This coupled with the fact that Mr. Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department and had access to the social security numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Obama and his claims of being born on US territory. Exhibit C, the expert affidavit of renowned forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, states that the certification of live birth posted by Mr. Obama as verification of his legitimacy, cannot be verified as genuine, and should be presumed fraudulent.
(9) This doubt is further reinforced by the fact that the Hawaiian statute 338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian birth certificates, that those birth certificates can be obtained based on a statement of one relative only without any corroborating evidence from the hospital; that “late birth certificates” (i.e. non-contemporaneously, post-facto, in two words “potentially fabricated”) can lawfully, under this statute, be obtained at any time later in life.
(10) That is of paramount concern, as Barack Hussein Obama’s original birth certificate was never provided by the state of Hawaii, but only a statement that there is an original “long birth certificate” document on file. The statement repeatedly provided by Hawaiian officials is quite simply incomplete, evasive, and without explanation of critical details: namely, whether it is a foreign birth certification or one obtained based on a statement of one relative only, or a late certification or amended one, obtained upon adoption by his stepfather.

This is what a real hawaii birth certificate looks like.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by epete22]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by whatukno

It's about trying to get a person out of office that birthers don't like.

Let's see...I have as of yet seen the troops come home. I have seen my taxes increase by a HUGE amount (cigarettes) and I make far less than $150K/yr. I have lost a job due to layoffs and could lose my current job on the whim of any politician making a budget cut. There is no sign that cash giveaways have done any tangible good.

In fact the only thing I have seen a continuation of Bush policies and actions that the majority of the people wanted to see end. Let us not forget the saying of one thing and doing the other. So with that in mind, if Obama says he is a natural born I have my doubts just from my observations of his actions so far.

*shrug* If only I could be so shallow as to say it was a race or religious thing, then maybe I wouldn't hear so many panties rustling into a wad. But I say let us bring on the healthcare reform plan, I have always wanted a blinking palm light of my very own complete with agents ready to enforce "the greater good."

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:07 AM

Now that's cleared up maybe we can get Congress to vote on a resolution to confirm that Teddy Kennedy is an alcoholic.

If I wasted my employer's time doing crap like this, I'd be promptly fired.

"Boss, I just sent out an e-mail to the staff confirming that you graduated college! So, can I go ahead and get a pat on the back?"

What a waste of time. Thanks a lot Congress - you're really earning that salary-for-life that Joe Public pays you after retirement by way of his hard earned tax dollars. It's a shame they'll never know what "hard-earned" means.

Sometimes I wonder how much smoother the country would run if Congress were to be disbanded. They obviously don't do the job that it was created for ... managing expenditures of the government. They'd just as soon rack up a debt to a Federal Reserve. God forbid if they ever had to have oversight on the Fed. They'd might actually have to WORK!

Completely worthless. And this is coming from someone who doesn't buy the birthplace conspiracy.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Perfectly put. Star 4 U.

A Flower For YOU.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:21 AM
What i find interesting is that most people that support obamas birth records are the same people that say the new world order doesnt exist. These same people quote the media like they're god. I find it very interesting that same from the left and the right can only regurgitate MSM words verbatim. These same people never read the book 'propoganda' put out by the CIA in the 1960's. These same people find Keith Olberman creditable. These same people call lou dobbs a hispanic racist when in fact he is married to a latina woman. These same people have never read MkUltra or operation northwoods or able danger, these same people never read Orly's lawsuit, these same people listen to NPR and MSNBC on a daily basis and find their information creditable. These same people blame Bush and the economy for the housing crisis. These same people do not believe their is a group called Bilderberg or the CFR, these same people don't believe their is price fixing with gasoline, these same people never read that 9 of the 911 highjackers were paid and lived on military bases in the US. These same people only listen to the TV heaven forbid you do some of your own research. These sample people think saddam hussein attacked us on 911. These same people.

Did you know Nazi where put on the nuremberg trial for trying to set up a board of doctors to determine who gets life saving treatment and who does not. Hmmm that sounds familar....But heaven forbid you read something.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:23 AM
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs lashed out Monday at the so-called "birthers" who believe President Obama is not a legal U.S. citizen despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. (Hotsheet explained the Birther movement here.)

Note how Gibbs is very careful in his choice of words... “Legal US citizen,” - rather than “natural born citizen,” which is the real issue at hand. “Overwhelming evidence” even though his boss has spent a million bucks keeping ALL evidence under lock and key. NO authenticated official evidence has been presented....

Nobody has challenged whether or not Obama is a “legal U.S. citizen.” They have challenged whether or not he is a “natural born citizen” as required by Article II – Section I of the US Constitution, in accordance with “natural law.” They are NOT the same thing, as Gibbs knows. What “overwhelming evidence” to the contrary? Three different COLBs, none of them authenticated... and Obama’s naming TWO different hospitals, neither of which willing to confirm his birth?

At his daily press briefing, Gibbs was asked if there was anything the White House could do to make the issue go away. "The God's honest truth is no," Gibbs responded.

That’s because there is NO long form birth certificate, no hospital that will confirm his birth in Hawaii, no doctor or nurse who will confirm his birth or his post-natal care, a legal affidavit signed by his family in Kenya stating that they were present at his birth in Kenya, the matter of his legal adoption and citizen student status in Indonesia and NO US Passport record prior to receiving a diplomatic passport as a state senator in Illinois. No record that he ever attended college, or who paid for it. Three COLBs instead of one, and TWO hospitals named as his place of birth.... Gibbs is right here... "The God's honest truth is no,"

"I mean, let's understand this," he said. "And I almost hate to indulge in such an august setting as the White House -- and I mean this in seriousness -- the White House briefing room discussing the made-up fictional nonsense of whether or not the president was born in this country."

By “august setting,” Gibbs means the elections over, who cares if Obama passes Constitutional requirements at this late date? But the debate is NOT really over whether or not Obama was born in this country, although it appears he was not. It is over whether or not he is a “natural born citizen” under constitutional “natural law.” As the son of a British subject who was born a British subject as a result, he’s not, no matter where he was born.

Note how Gibbs remains focused upon the wrong issue, citizenship instead of “natural born citizen” status, as defined by the Founders as a US birth and direct descendent of TWO US Citizens in good standing, with NO dual or divided foreign loyalties, such as that of a British subject. Note how Gibbs tries to “MoveOn” in this “august setting...” Nice try Gibbs....

Gibbs noted that he asked that the president's birth certificate be put on the Internet a year-and-a-half ago, a move that did not satisfy the birthers.

Yes, and it’s too bad that he and his friends screwed up and posted three different COLBs instead of one, none of which authenticate. Too bad document specialists were unable to authenticate any of the COLBs offered and that neither of the hospitals Obama claims to have been born at, will verify his claim. Those damned birthers....

"If I had some DNA, it wouldn't assuage those who don't believe he was born here," he said. "But I have news for them and for all of us: The president was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the 50th state of the greatest country on the face of the Earth. He's a citizen."

What does DNA have to do with it? Would DNA prove his place of birth? Where’d that come from?

We don’t need his DNA, he openly admits to being the son of a foreign British subject and that’s why he’s NOT a “natural born citizen.” The president was born in Honolulu... GREAT! Birth certificate please? He's a citizen... Who cares if he’s a “citizen?” We’re asking for proof that he’s a “natural born citizen.” Try to stay focused! Gibbs is VERY focused upon parsing his words carefully in his overt effort to mislead. Readers and listeners must focus on the words Gibbs is choosing with great care. Not ONCE in any of his communications on the matter has he addressed the issue of “natural born citizen.” As we all know, citizen and natural born citizen are NOT the same thing.

"There are 10,000 more important issues for people in this country to discuss rather than whether or not the president is a citizen, when it's been proven ad nauseum," Gibbs added.

That’s what Bill Clinton said, right after saying “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky...” Turns out he did.... Time to “MoveOn” according to Gibbs... The kitchen is getting HOT and Gibbs, like the Clinton’s, wants to MoveOn to the parlor room.... LOL

The press secretary was asked why the issue keeps coming up. Among those who have taken “bither” (White House or CBS spelling for birther) arguments seriously in recent weeks are CNN's Lou Dobbs, right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh and a group of Congressional Republicans, who sponsored a bill mandating that presidential candidates submit their birth certificates. It’s about time.... the man and the issue should have been properly vetted two years ago.... Better late than never!

"Because for 15 dollars, you can get an Internet address and say whatever you want," Gibbs responded.

Yeah, but keeping your entire life a complete secret costs MILLIONS!

Gibbs is in such trouble on the matter that he has made a “surprise visit” to Iraq just to end the birther discussion in White House briefings and hope things cool off by the time he returns.

Those of you who want more answers than Gibbs is offering in his carefully parsed B.S. should send a copy of this to all of the CNN folks... I have provided their email addressed for your convenience!

BTW, only hours after CNN president proclaimed that his “investigators” confirmed that Hawaii “destroyed all paper birth records in 2001,” Hawaii officials announced that CNN investigators were WRONG and the NO paper birth records were destroyed.

This is GREAT news.... This means Obama’s long form certificate exists and all Obama has to do is release it! LOL.....

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by epete22

(8) The evidence contained in Exhibit B shows that Barack Hussein Obama might have used as many as 149 addresses and 39 social security numbers prior to assuming the office of President. The social security number most commonly
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used by Barack Hussein Obama, is one issued in the state of Connecticut, the state where Barack Hussein Obama never resided and it shows him to be 119 years old. This coupled with the fact that Mr. Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department and had access to the social security numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Obama and his claims of being born on US territory. Exhibit C, the expert affidavit of renowned forensic document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines, states that the certification of live birth posted by Mr. Obama as verification of his legitimacy, cannot be verified as genuine, and should be presumed fraudulent.
(9) This doubt is further reinforced by the fact that the Hawaiian statute 338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian birth certificates, that those birth certificates can be obtained based on a statement of one relative only without any corroborating evidence from the hospital; that “late birth certificates” (i.e. non-contemporaneously, post-facto, in two words “potentially fabricated”) can lawfully, under this statute, be obtained at any time later in life.
(10) That is of paramount concern, as Barack Hussein Obama’s original birth certificate was never provided by the state of Hawaii, but only a statement that there is an original “long birth certificate” document on file. The statement repeatedly provided by Hawaiian officials is quite simply incomplete, evasive, and without explanation of critical details: namely, whether it is a foreign birth certification or one obtained based on a statement of one relative only, or a late certification or amended one, obtained upon adoption by his stepfather.

This is what a real hawaii birth certificate looks like.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by epete22]

Nothing to see here if you have already made up your mind like some members who like name-calling and slinging insults and inuendo, casting aspersions with the one-track minds they guard jealously. It is not their fault however.

There is something more at play here. Only by taking your emotions and personal need out of the equation can one come to the logical conclusion. But apparently the logical conclusion is interpretive, unique to the bearer and unrelated to evidence.

Every jury is instructed to view the evidence impartially with instructions to follow the law (given by a judge before dismissal). A defendant cannot be deemed guilty or innocent until the jury has deliberated the evidence.

We who argue or "debate" on ATS are the peon, unofficial, unnamed, jury. There will be no unanimous vote here. The gameplan has been very cleverly devised and implemented. Too bad many are unable to recognize their pawn status in this game of social manipulation.

You hate and disrespect us. We hate and disrespect you. (NOT my feelings at all. I mention this because in the last 20 minutes that is what I've read from other member's posts). What the ????? How did it get to be such a hateful issue?

We are all being played for the suckers they we are and we prove with every ignorant comment we make. Doesn't it feel good to know you're being laughed at by the very person you are defending?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Heres the official word from Hawaii. And this is from your beloved fox celebrity news network.
But I don't really want the issue resolved as far as the birthers are concerned. It gives them something to mentally masturbate about while the rest of us go on with the Nations business.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by bharata
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

I agree, its sounds like a lot of hot air to me, blah blah he's not my president, well all of congress agree that he is, blah blah cough splutter you can't trust them etc etc.

Even if he did produce his documents it would only lead to blah blah they are fake blah blah.

He is the president, he was voted in by your democratic system, your representatives agree that everything is legit but still you want to go on and on and on.

If and I mean IF he is not holding office legitimately then its no big shock to me, Bush juniors installment into office was also a bit dubious but shhhhh... we wont go there

You're so un informed. We are supposed to be a republic not a democracy but obviously the media has done a great job of brain washing you. Do you even know what the difference is between a democracy and a republic and why our founding fathers built a republic instead of a democracy?

[edit on 28-7-2009 by epete22]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by epete22

No need to be insulting. He never said that the US was a democracy, he said our democratic system.

We are after all a Democratic Republic.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by epete22


You said as I 've read before that M. Obama spent 1 million dollars in lawyers' fees to block files and Courts to avoid to show that BC.

How much earn a Prez in the US ???

250K a year.

I already spent his salaries for his whole term.

Lucky you, american folks, you even have a volonter for president.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by epete22


You said as I 've read before that M. Obama spent 1 million dollars in lawyers' fees to block files and Courts to avoid to show that BC.

How much earn a Prez in the US ???

250K a year.

He already spent his salaries for his whole term.

Lucky you, american folks, you even have a volonteer for president.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Oh wow. A resolution from congress? Is that supposed to convince anyone? Aren't these the same guys who lied us into holocausting iraq and continue to lie about 911??

The burden of proof is on Bammer not the birthers and he won't supply the proof.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45

As in every criminal procedure, the burden of proof lies squarely on the shoulders of the accuser not the accused.

Bring your evidence (like you all have any) to the house of representatives for review.

It's true that a resolution solves nothing. But without any evidence to the contrary your feeble attempts at discrediting Obama will go nowhere.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:34 AM
so if Barck wasn't born in Hawaii, explain this.. also pointed out that Mr Obama's American mother and Kenyan father placed an advertisement in a local Honolulu newspaper on Aug 13, 1961, announcing their son's birth.

here is the link to the full article

[edit on 28-7-2009 by research100]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by research100
so if Barck wasn't born in Hawaii, explain this.. also pointed out that Mr Obama's American mother and Kenyan father placed an advertisement in a local Honolulu newspaper on Aug 13, 1961, announcing their son's birth.

LOL, thats great! I wonder if we could get a copy of that!

That would be just fantastic!

I bet someone out there in the RW has a copy!

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Helmkat]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat

Originally posted by research100
so if Barck wasn't born in Hawaii, explain this.. also pointed out that Mr Obama's American mother and Kenyan father placed an advertisement in a local Honolulu newspaper on Aug 13, 1961, announcing their son's birth.

LOL, thats great! I wonder if we could get a copy of that!

That would be just fantastic!

I bet someone out there in the RW has a copy!

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Helmkat]

Here you go.

First birth announcement

Second birth announcement

Two different newspapers.

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