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Buzz Aldrin downplays his slip of the tongue to thousands

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Helious

MKULTRA was in active use by the military during the Apollo mission's time frame. I would think the mind-control technology could have been used to obscure memories during the debriefing sessions following each mission. Other astronnauts have expressed a blurry rememberance of their time on the surface of the moon, in the past. Also, remember most of these Apollo astronauts were military men and were accustomed to tight-lipped silence about classified info.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:12 PM
I think it was just a joke. Think: how could he know when this monolith was placed on Phobos, or by whom? No one's been to Phobos yet.

What amazes me is Buzz AldrIn's passion for Hip-Hop. When he first said it, I thought he was joking. Then he's with Snoop Dogg, recording a rap. The guy gets around...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:31 PM
I think buzz is speaking the truth, how could anyone come up with a joke about that? I think the older buzz gets the more he wants the American people to realize the bigger picture....

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Helious

I believe Buzz Aldrin about the 15 ft. high monolith on Phobos that the Egyptians placed there even though later Buzz passed it off as a joke.

He knew how tall the monolith is on Phobos and that the Egyptians that built the pyramids on Earth had placed it there. To make this statement he had to know we have already been to Phobos and Mars.

The original landing site of the Martians on Earth was in North America. The Martians consisted of every race known to man and then some. The original landing area is known to a few elite on Earth and they have kept it hidden from mankind on Earth because of repercussions and to protect the knowledge the Martians left behind. ^Y^

[edit on 26-7-2009 by amari]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 06:57 PM
And once again Aldrin jerks around conspiracy theorists. I personally think he should be ignored. I don't know his game, but something as serious as a UFO/ET conspiracy doesn't need these types of jokes.

Either admit what you know or shut your mouth, Buzz. If you want to keep the game going that the governments of the world have kept up for at least sixty years, you're doing them a great favor by making fun of it. That's always been the method and Aldrin is going about it just the same.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
It's Buzz.. meaning this man has been in loops where we could only dream of the conversation content and I'm sticking to what he says when he's animated and upset. This "downplay" has been initiated by someone or something from somewhere.

I'm pretty sure that he's been in conversations with people who know more about the moon anomaly than others have and his comment just cannot be downplayed.

Poor Buzz. Been a part of one of the most historic missions ever and has to endure the tug-a-war between government instruction and personal conviction.


You said it all.

I think as time passes, Buzz feels less and less worried about repercussions from NASA, though they could always threaten to rub out his family and friends to hush him up.

I too, whether right or wrong, feel like what he said on CSPAN is different from this deflection, and I think he told the truth on CSPAN.

Having just seen a horrible UFO or something last night, in fact two, I feel terribly drawn to this issue yet repulsed and afraid by everything I learn.

But it's good that there are still brave men in the world who do brave things.

I hope Buzz continues to speak out on this.

Originally posted by Frith
And once again Aldrin jerks around conspiracy theorists. I personally think he should be ignored. I don't know his game, but something as serious as a UFO/ET conspiracy doesn't need these types of jokes.

Either admit what you know or shut your mouth, Buzz. If you want to keep the game going that the governments of the world have kept up for at least sixty years, you're doing them a great favor by making fun of it. That's always been the method and Aldrin is going about it just the same.

I think you should shut your figurative internet mouth, frankly.

Buzz Aldrin is a very accomplished astronaut who should be respected.

If his words and opinions are twisted to make a "joke" then you better believe that someone is leaning on him pretty hard, putting the pressure on to make him say what he said.

He is speaking out at every possible opportunity, but when the heat is on he must comply or else.

And I'd say Buzz Aldrin is in a better place to say whatever the hell he wants than you; I doubt you walked on the moon, rode in a space ship or anything else, so what makes your opinion better than his?

[edit on 26-7-2009 by BaronVonGodzilla]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Guys, we all know that when Buzz landed on the moon and he saw that the aliens were there waiting and watching the whole show, someone wiped his memory along the way and he's been a bit odd ever since. Now they also may have planted the notion so that when we thought of going back, he says no, lets go to Mars. An unconscious response to going back when he was told we're not to?

So if you add up memory wipes, implanted notions, and a couple truck loads of Scotch over the years, what would you figure that would do to a man?

I too just don't know what to think of old Buzz but you got to love the guy, he is an original!

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:25 PM
I don't think he was ever really serious. From the CSPAN or CNN video, whatever it was. it seemed like he was talking figuratively. I mean, he pretty much explained the plot to 2001:Space Odessy. I think he was just using that as an example of why we should explore different planets.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Helious

The air was so thin he felt like a kangaroo jumping...

Did anybody else catch that ?
So, you can jump all over the place on the moon - and it's because of ' thin air ' ?

First of all, what air ?

Second, does relatively weak gravity have anything to do with it ?

Good post, OP - just watch the poor old guy backtrack.

Doesn't look like Armstrong has any taste for this sort of thing at all...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

And I'd say Buzz Aldrin is in a better place to say whatever the hell he wants than you; I doubt you walked on the moon, rode in a space ship or anything else, so what makes your opinion better than his?

[edit on 26-7-2009 by BaronVonGodzilla]

Well, first of all, I am finally having my own doubts about wether or not HE walked on the moon. I do know that he flew in a space ship, as I was there for a couple of launches ( my dad was a bigshot in AF ).
We went to the base fourth of July picnics with these guys and their families... and I thought they were larger than life.

Anyawy, bring up senility or no - the truth is that when I was a child, I knew the air wasn't thin on the moon. I knew why you could probably have jumped around ' like a kangaroo '.

I don't know why I feel this way now- but I don't think they did it, and I think they feel terrible about it. I think they tried and failed to reach the
' rarified air ' of the moon

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by amari
reply to post by Helious

I believe Buzz Aldrin about the 15 ft. high monolith on Phobos that the Egyptians placed there even though later Buzz passed it off as a joke.

He knew how tall the monolith is on Phobos and that the Egyptians that built the pyramids on Earth had placed it there. To make this statement he had to know we have already been to Phobos and Mars.

The original landing site of the Martians on Earth was in North America. The Martians consisted of every race known to man and then some. The original landing area is known to a few elite on Earth and they have kept it hidden from mankind on Earth because of repercussions and to protect the knowledge the Martians left behind. ^Y^

[edit on 26-7-2009 by amari]

15 feet? Based on a previous post by Phage, the Monolith is estimated at 28 STORIES, which, by my calculations, is about 260 feet!

[edit on 7/26/09 by StonyJ]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by chiron613

What amazes me is Buzz AldrIn's passion for Hip-Hop. When he first said it, I thought he was joking. Then he's with Snoop Dogg, recording a rap. The guy gets around...

This seems to fit, really. Do you remember ' I Dream of Jeannie ' ?
I would have thought this was about as implausable as it gets.

The military was ( and I'm sure IS ) very interested in youth culture... some say they even create it from time to time.

Wasn't the Beatles' record company ( a defense contractor called EMI- electro-mechanical industries ) dabbling in this? Didn't a west- point/Rhodes scholor captain in the army write arguably the anthem of the era ?
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

Doesn't surprise me that TPTB are collaberating their Playas in entertaining and surprising ( ? ) new ways...

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by mathew10s

I think you may be right. We all must remember that the majority of Astronauts are military men first and NASA fodder second.

Most of them will protect a secret with everything they have in them because they are trained and molded to do so. Buzz Alrdrin I truly believe is a patriot and being a patriot means different things to different people.

If he was ordered to keep his mouth shut about something im willing to bet that military side of him and his sense of patriotic duty compelled him to do just that.

Perhaps in his older age, maybe he does want people to know, perhaps there are health concerns we don't know about and he may feel this is his last chance to at least say something, anything regarding the things he has seen or may know.

Lastly, perhaps, age is catching up on him and his imagination is starting to blend with all the fantastic things in life he has been a part of.

Who knows, we will never really know, all I can say for sure is Buzz Aldrin is not part of the NWO and in my mind will always be a true American patriot, I can guarantee you he loves our country and that same love may be what is shutting him up if there is anything to tell.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:51 PM
I want to see a closer photo of the Monolith, is that possible?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by game over man

There are alot of sights out there with there own view on exactly what shape and dimensions this object is.

Keep in mind, we (meaning normal people) don't have the correct data to be sure and all we are left with is logical guesses.

That being said I would encourage you to do your own internet search regarding the data available but here is one site that I think at least in my own opinion uses the data available to us to reconstruct would it looks like.

Site for monolith picture

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:35 PM
I think this is all part of his plan to get people to believe that aliens are in fact on the moon. You have to understand that when he siad on CSPAN he got the attention of the group of people that want him to keep it quiet so they made him get back on tv and say it was a joke.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Alien Mind

Well, actually... Buzz is sorta opposed to wasting time going back to the moon. We is pushing the exploration of Mars.

The object in questions that we was talking about in both instances were on a moon of Mars, not Earths moon.

Perhaps, he is trying to divert attention from our moon? That would actually make sense if there was something to hid because there has been a fevered pitch regarding activity on the moon as of late.

Maybe they are betting on Buzz, the all American hero to come out one last time and throw people off base by suggesting there is nothing to see on our own moon but one that is currently unreachable such as Phobos.


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Before you guys start calling him senile, please take the time to research the technologies he is currently developing. What positions and titles does he hold? Why does he still hold them if he is senile?

*I want the kind of senility that man has.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Please don't get me wrong, I have an incredible amount of respect for Buzz. The man is a true patriot in every sense of the word as far as im concerned.

However, I don't think we can guess what is going on in his mind in this late stage of his life. There is alot to second guess here and there really is no right answer because none of us can know for sure.

Some would say he wants us all to know but his commanding officer has spelled out he is not to disclose ANYTHING, Buzz being the American he is will conform to the command because he is a military man and has integrity.

Some would say in his later years, his health failing his loyalty has switched focus to the people and not the goverment and he is trying to tell us in his own way without commiting treason what he knows.

Some would say that all of us are underestimating him and his intentions on the command of his superiors have led him to mislead us into thinking there is nothing worth while on the Moon and we should move farther out and start thinking about things that are 20 years beyond our ability because too much focus on Earths moon is irritating them.

Take your pick, anyones guess. At the end of the day though, im sorry to say, there is a chance he really is getting a tad loopy, the man drinks alot.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Before you guys start calling him senile, please take the time to research the technologies he is currently developing. What positions and titles does he hold? Why does he still hold them if he is senile?

*I want the kind of senility that man has.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Exuberant1]

What about Reagan?- he had alzeimhers and was still Pres

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