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We are getting cooked right now by the Sun!!

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posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by VernonBC

I'm out of North Carolina and the same thing. We have had clouds pass through but hardly a drop of rain. In fact cloud activity seems more than usual for no rain. We should be getting pounded with thunderstorms and rain and not a single drop. Grass is drying up, neighbors haven't mowed in weeks. Normally we have to mow our lawns every 5 days.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:18 PM
ive been very close attention to and observing this whole phenomina unfold before alot of this was posted here via this link there is undeniably the best coverage ive seen

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Here's a simulator animation of a pretty nice storm in 2006. Nobody got fried then and we're nowhere close to what was happening then.


The storm hits about 2/3 into it.

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Paroxysm

Originally posted by Bachfin

LOL phage is NOT an expert at anything.

Sounds like you still have some sand in your vag, because there was no solar storm, and collapse of earth's magnetosphere on 7-7-09.

you thought somehow that since the CC forcasted solar activity on 7/7 that the ejection from the solar activity would 'reach earth at the same exact time that it happened on the sun?

it was forcasted to arrive now.. during the eclipse.. and that's what's happening.

keep chuckling there buddy.
funny thing is.. if this DOES cause a grid failure.. we wont be on this electric medium the interwebs to be able to wipe it in yer face


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by prevenge


The CC "prediction" concerned the lunar eclipse which occurred on July 7th.

The Jellyfish crop circle has the symbols of the eclipse in it, which on July 7th there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The increased pressure we're seeing in the magnetosphere has nothing to do with anything that happened on the Sun 2 weeks ago. It is a result of activity 4 days ago.

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by prevenge

omg the facts are pilling and pilling up and where are the naysayers now???

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by downtown436

That is the pic I meant to post.

It looks pretty white hot to me.

Are the two small spots where the white actually touches earth where we have O-Zone Holes at?

Would explain a lot...

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85


The area near the poles is where the magnetic lines of force are perpendicular to the surface. This is why we see the northern (and southern) lights. Charged particles from the solar wind can reach the upper atmosphere in these areas.

We may experience a G1 (minor) storm. The northern lights will be pretty tonight, I wish I could see them.

Other than that, what would it explain?

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

solar activity on 7/7 that the ejection from the solar activity would 'reach earth at the same exact time that it happened on the sun?

I hate to promote such fantasies by even responding to such a ridiculous statement, but if in this fantasy of your's there was a CME back on 7/7 (which there actually wasn't), what exactly delayed it arriving here by 12-15 days??
Did it detour out to Saturn first?
Maybe it got stuck behind Venus for the last 10 days?

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Phage
Our members in central Canada may get a light show but there is no magnetic storm brewing.

Lucky northern neighbors. It's looking really good for them right now:

I personally have really had my fingers crossed hoping for a magnetic storm, because I have never personally witnessed the Aurora, and would really like to.
I'm pretty far south, so it would have to be a pretty big storm....fingers crossed though...

EDIT TO ADD: NOAA just issued an alert warning of "ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 5" expected.

I figure It'll need to reach a K-index of at least 7 before we get a light show in the southern states.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Paroxysm]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Phage

I'm sure you mean to be helpful, and I am in no way criticizing you.

But here's the thing. Me and I'm sure quite a few other posters are looking at data from many different areas and trying to find a correlation, to figure out what may be going on as we are observing many changes these days.

We are , most of us, quite capable of getting different info from the many sources. This is a discussion forum. So why are the same weary old facts being regurgitated each time. Whatever happened to discussion of ideas and thinking outside the box?

There's a lot of flaming going on here in these kinds of threads!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:22 PM
Where is Brokenheadphones?

He did some good threads, where I felt there was more open, expanded and friendly discussion.

Also questioning all is good at incorperating many different aspects into her threads.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by maya27

Was I flaming anyone? I was pointing out an inaccurate portrayal of an inaccurate prediction. Is that a flame?

So why are the same weary old facts being regurgitated each time. Whatever happened to discussion of ideas and thinking outside the box?

Because, even though you may not like it, the same old weary facts are facts.
If you want to relate things that are unrelated, be my guest. Discuss them to your heart's content. But please allow me to "regurgitate" my boring old facts as well.

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Bachfin

I don't have the tools for a full understanding but I do have a grasp of the fundamentals.

Armchair Expert..

from phage's mouth... dont depend on selfproclaimed experts all phage does is quote other websites, dont be somebody else's sheep think for your self and do your own research

LOL phage is NOT an expert at anything.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Bachfin]

About sums it up!

So, here's yet another thread on the sun which has turned into a game of egos. SHEEESH!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Paroxysm

A G1 (minor) alert was issued a while ago. Things are looking up for you.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by maya27

But here's the thing. Me and I'm sure quite a few other posters are looking at data from many different areas and trying to find a correlation, to figure out what may be going on as we are observing many changes these days.

There's a lot of flaming going on here in these kinds of threads!

Well here is a correlation which I feel I can logically agree with after just the last few weeks of threads on ATS:

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Bachfin
LOL phage is NOT an expert at anything.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Bachfin]

He knows a lot more than you for a start

All you came here to do was smear his name, which indicates that he's proven you wrong somewhere down the line.

To Phages credit, he didnt even bother with your post....its obviously a cry for attention


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Gotta love the "science" thread. You may not know or even care about what they are saying, but you always end up with a
with the back and forth bickering .

Big heads rule!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:55 PM
The solar wind is hotter than it should be, and for decades researchers have puzzled over the unknown source of energy that heats it. In a paper published in the June 12 issue of Physical Review Letters, NASA scientists say they may have found the answer.

The energy source is turbulence," says co-author Melvyn Goldstein, chief of the Geospace Physics Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "The sun heats the solar wind by stirring it up."

It's a bit like stirring your coffee--in reverse. When you stir your morning cup of Joe, the coffee cools off. But when the sun stirs the solar wind, the solar wind heats up

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 12:08 AM
According to Dr. Leif Svalgaard (a world renowned solar scientist):

Yes, it is as one would expect from the solar wind parameters right now. Magnetic field is high, ~16 nT, and almost southward, and the density is also high, ~30. The solar wind speed is still low, so the terrestrial effects are not extreme yet. rd=general&action=display&thread=629&page=45

So who do you believe?

  1. Solar Scientist who's been writing papers for the US government for 30 years
  2. Phage

I'll go with Dr. S.

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