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'I wed Iranian girls before execution'

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I didn't say I didn't respect you as a person. I just feel that you have become so jaded, you're completely overlooking the STATE SANCTIONED and CONDONED rape of women and children, so they can execute them, for stepping out of line. I've been right beside you on countless occasions criticizing our government for legitimate reasons. But I am also able to see when our society is on the right side of an issue, I don't think you would allow yourself to even consider that. I just think you're overly jaded marg, if you are really trying to say that we, as a whole, are anything CLOSE to what the Iranian regime is.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:07 PM
The UN report from 1990 doesn't prove this story to be true, in fact, it doesn't prove the original accusation that it is part of the Iranian Penal code.

Can someone post the portion of the Iran penal code that sanctions rape?


Anon source, telephone interview, Jerusalem post.

I think that adds up to hogwash in any normal observation of the story.

But I guess if you really want to push the empirical agenda of putting the middle east under the resource needs boot of the west, then that's your prerogative.

I am not buying vowel one of this article. It's propaganda and lies as far as I'm concerned and nothing has been shown here to prove otherwise.

Don't let your desires, good or bad lead you around. Use your reason over your base instinct. Your base instinct is derived from fear.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by silo13

Did you not read a THING in this thread before you posted ? That's inexcusable

Did you not read for instance that 'women of the other countries' are JAILED and 'given' to their jailers who rape and beat them at whim, when they 'protest against' their treatment and dehumanisation under these vile misogynistic regimes ?

Well why not scroll back to page 5 or so and read verbatim what happens to these 'women from other countries' who DO protest --- and risk their lives and futures by speaking out. Read about the qualified medical doctor Dr. Homa Darabi for example, who had everything to live for, everything to lose, by speaking out. And she did so in the end by dying in flames in order to grab our fickle, bloody fickle attention, in the hope that we might just shut up posturing in forums and actually DO something.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by djusdjus

And you. You obviously couldn't be bothered reading other's posts before leaping into print. Page 5. Some of the Chapter and Verse you'll find there. The rest you can research yourself ... if you're that concerned and interested. Page 5 .. hit it.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by purplemonkey

Its not propaganda, its true. It is considered an act against God to kill a virgin, but then it is also a sin to have sex before marriage. So, the Revolutionary Guard, managed by the clerics, circumvents the obstacles in killing them by getting married, taking their virginity, then killing them. One shouldn't be ignorant to the horrors of a petty theocratic regime.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:19 PM
siol is absolutely right. A group is oppressed until they will no longer take it. The oppression of a group is so powerful in some areas, that it will take a TREMENDOUS sacrifice amongst a sizable amount of the oppressed in order for any change to be possible. History is a wave that must be drawn back out to sea by those getting dumped on. However, in this world, people are so full of projections, so full of IN-SIGHT-LESS judgment, totally unaware of the inner self because of the continuous ACTING for positive external reinforcement, that they have constructed a matrix reality, an unreality that veils the way things really work. People need to cease their projection, become disillusioned by the false-ego matrix we have constructed, and then hack at the roots of the atrocities. Hacking at branches does nothing but enable a bushier tree of despair. Oftentimes, an individual refuses to acknowledge a dangerous aspect in himself or herself, and simply projects that aspect onto another. The other, really a reflection of the self, is now a straw man ready for a prompt burning. We live in a world full of so=-called adults who think that, well, they did this wrong to me, so it is right to do this wrong to them. Too bad we have so many math illiterates. These two wrongs are the same thing, stacked upon each other. Only by finding the inverse of a problem, the verse inside the problem, the verse giving the problem a story, can we hope to stop the evil (live inverse). Only life, love, connection heals evil, hate, disconnection. Moreover, the hate itself acts as a binding tie, because one is whole-heartedly attracted to that which one hates.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by St Vaast

Did you not read a THING in this thread before you posted ? That's inexcusable

LOL - I will not rise to that stinky bait and I stand by my post.

You tell me one person here on ATS that can do something to change this?

It's their fight, the women of the country where these atrocities occur.

I'm sorry to say - but it's their fight - not ours.

There is NO WAY someone from a Western culture/mindset, without working for an organization like Amnesty International (and even then obviously) can do anything but read this thread, cry about it, and then move on.

What, you really think someone here is going to read this thread, vault the language barrier and help these women?


So what does the thread do?

NOTHING but feed negativism and it does NOTHING to help our reality, right here - right now - and then in conclusion taking it a step farther, help the betterment of the world at large.

When the Western World can STOP the rapes of it’s own children, the abuse of it’s elderly, feed it’s hungry, cloth the poor, etc etc - THEN go try to help out your neighbor.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by 27jd

No, in our country children get molested, raped and killed still with all the laws we have, so is not need for marrying 13 year old, children as young as 4 get raped in the US either by somebody they know or family members, like my neighbor's grand daughter that was molested by her own father at age 4 during parental visitations.

So not you don't need to marry children like in Islamic countries to do the same damage.

People still doesn't get it.

Iran and any other Islamic country have their own dirt, but while here in this board people are all out raged and beyond words to express that out rage, they don't look into other countries that are doing the same and god forbid look into their own backyards.

But lets get with the program it is Iran we are talking about so for now, the only country that is abusing children is Iran.

I am not a hypocrite and never will be one just to satisfied agendas.

I am looking for motives to the article in the OP, while valid concern, by the OP started is also a propaganda behind the article itself by the site that posted.

Plain and simple.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

WoW... more propaganda please. I hope you know your sources.

You say this things are real and true. I have a question have you been to IRAN?

I bet you haven't'.... so why could it make sense to believe what a article tells you about a country if you never had a first hand experience.

Yep I agree with you their..... we need to denie ignorance and that starts with you and your post.

I have seen many many books and articles and eve post here on ats about hating muslims and islam religion.

Yet these same people never met a muslim and never talked to a imam to learn what the relgion is about they just read these books and watch tv hearing other ignorant phd guys spreading the hate all over america.

My dad has been to IRAN and knows for a fact that this is not true. It's all propaganda.

I agree with him since it sounds like propaganda. I never been to IRAN so I can't share any experience but I am a muslim and do know about Islam but I am not a major in it.

If you want specific Islamic answers go ask a imam they study the religion to the fullest.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by 27jd

And that is why Iran is now having their own citizens doing protest getting into the streets and calling for change even if the change still doesn't make their religious law any different.

But at least is a start.

But condemning one countrie laws and believes while knowing very well that they are not the only country doing the same I find it bias and still is an agenda behind that news from the Jerusalem post.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

Interesting that you bring that on because the second and third countries in the world that is hard to be a woman are actually the two countries that US liberated and brought feedom.

The Irony.

But god forbid you bring statistics and links to show that things are not always what it seems.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:33 PM
This world at large is oppressive. It contains essentially only slaves, but the dynamic of master and slave. The "masters" are slaves to an ideology that rules them, and the slaves are subject to the masters because of the organizational power of the "masters." People continually, foolishly think that if I were a "master," then I could give the slaves a proper education. Stop judging and start forgiving everyone in your life, seeing the world as US and not US VERSUS THEM. You will then get past the false image that is so prevalent in this world, and you will begin to see the vast interconnection of everything. We then might be able to start solving the problems, culling the diseased roots and planting beautiful, fruitful trees.

Otherwise, and of this I assure you, you will become the very thing that you hate. It never fails.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
No, in our country children get molested, raped and killed still with all the laws we have, so is not need for marrying 13 year old, children as young as 4 get raped in the US either by somebody they know or family members, like my neighbor's grand daughter that was molested by her own father at age 4 during parental visitations.

Right, I stated that in my post previous, the difference here, is that if our government finds out about that abuse, that father will go up the river, and in prison, it is well known that the father will meet mr. broomstick and eventually mr. shank. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a child molester going to prison? That is the difference, our society does not allow this to happen and it is looked down upon fiercely. The complications of turning in a family member are probably rough no doubt. But it is still nothing close to a prison guard being ordered to rape a little girl, so she is not a virgin and can then be exectued under islamic law. Nowhere near being comparable to the issues in a society that hands down death sentences to rape victims, for being raped.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."

"I regret that, even though the marriages were legal," he said.

Why the regret, if the marriages were "legal?"

"Because," he went on, "I could tell that the girls were more afraid of their 'wedding' night than of the execution that awaited them in the morning. And they would always fight back, so we would have to put sleeping pills in their food. By morning the girls would have an empty expression; it seemed like they were ready or wanted to die.

"I remember hearing them cry and scream after [the rape] was over," he said. "I will never forget how this one girl clawed at her own face and neck with her finger nails afterwards. She had deep scratches all over her."

This happened to girls over the age of 9. NINE!!!! Bastards. This just makes me sick! I will NEVER understand this mindset. I guess I'm just speechless...
(visit the link for the full news article)

Edit to add: Obviously nobody reads treads before they comment on them anymore so I am adding this. I hope this will stop all of the anti-Jerusalem Post posts.

Iran's penal code sanctions rape

A disturbing finding of the U.N. Report of the Economic and Social Council, 6 Nov. 1990 (Doc.A/45/697), was that virgin women condemned to death were forcibly married to officials on the eve of their execution. These officials would then rape the condemned, in the belief that such would prevent her from going to Heaven. This is a blatant violation of Article 7 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, which prohibits torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment. This point of law was successfully argued in the Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in 1998, (IT-95-17/1-PT) setting the precedent, which elaborated:

"Rape of a detainee by an official of the State must be considered to be a grave and abhorrent form of ill-treatment given the ease with which the offender can exploit the vulnerability and weakened resistance of his victim"

[edit on 20/7/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

This thread is inaccurate and fraudulent. I checked the U.N. Report of the Economic and Social Council, here is the link;$FILE/G0210428.pdf

It was produced in 1983 and is a report by Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy to address violence against women on a world wide basis with no serious reference to Iran. Here is an extract;

Such honour defences, partial or complete, are found in the Penal Codes of Peru, Bangladesh, Argentina, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, the West Bank and Venezuela. The attitude that a man has a right to kill when faced with adultery has not disappeared in Texas, in the United States, where, Jimmy Watkins was sentenced to four months in prison for murdering his wife and wounding her long-time lover in front of their 10-year-old son. Analysis by some feminist scholars of the defence of “provocation” has shown that many wife murders have come within its ambit.

6 Nov. 1990 (Doc.A/45/697) refers to a report on the application of Sharia in post revolutionary Iran in technical terms. I have found no reference to the rape and forced marriage of a prisoner on death row.

6 Nov. 1990 (Doc.A/45/697) has little bearing on Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy report. The only connection is with a references to both documents in a book by Reza Afshari titled 'Human rights in Iran'.

Furthermore, the OP extracted this deception from a blog called "Truth and Justice" made by a chap who calls himself Mehrtash and claims to desire a free Iran and seems to be one of the Iranians that booked it out of Iran with the downfall of the Shah.

The Jpost article is from Israel and we know what Israel wants. Basically Israel wants war and the destruction of Iran. Part of the process of priming people to accept the destruction of other human beings is to tell a big enough lie for hate to become acceptable.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

This world at large is oppressive. It contains essentially only slaves, but the dynamic of master and slave. The "masters" are slaves to an ideology that rules them, and the slaves are subject to the masters because of the organizational power of the "masters."
People continually, foolishly think that if I were a "master," then I could give the slaves a proper education.

Stop judging and start forgiving everyone in your life, seeing the world as US and not US VERSUS THEM. You will then get past the false image that is so prevalent in this world, and you will begin to see the vast interconnection of everything. We then might be able to start solving the problems, culling the diseased roots and planting beautiful, fruitful trees.

Otherwise, and of this I assure you, you will become the very thing that you hate. It never fails.

One of, if not the best post I’ve read to date on ATS!

I would give you all my points if I could, right down to the last 20 I’d need to keep posting!

*Standing Ovation*


[edit on 20-7-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by 27jd

No, in our country children get molested, raped and killed still with all the laws we have, so is not need for marrying 13 year old, children as young as 4 get raped in the US either by somebody they know or family members, like my neighbor's grand daughter that was molested by her own father at age 4 during parental visitations.

So not you don't need to marry children like in Islamic countries to do the same damage.

People still doesn't get it.

Iran and any other Islamic country have their own dirt, but while here in this board people are all out raged and beyond words to express that out rage, they don't look into other countries that are doing the same and god forbid look into their own backyards.

But lets get with the program it is Iran we are talking about so for now, the only country that is abusing children is Iran.

I am not a hypocrite and never will be one just to satisfied agendas.

I am looking for motives to the article in the OP, while valid concern, by the OP started is also a propaganda behind the article itself by the site that posted.

Plain and simple.

The difference is that the government sanctions it in Iran but not in America... you know that. That said, this does not detract from the horrible seriousness of rapes and incest in America.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

The difference is that the government sanctions it in Iran but not in America... you know that. That said, this does not detract from the horrible seriousness of rapes and incest in America.

The difference is that you make it up as you go a long. You are an advocate for dehumanisation and war. Any lie would do, especially if it is big enough.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

It's not true according to islamic law. What a bunch of belony. Gosh... I am reading this and my blood is boling hearing such ignorance.

Please go and see a imam before making any more posts on Islam I just hope you know when you say islamic law that directly means Islam the religion.

yes in islam your not aloud to have sex before marriage. The virgin stuff is false. Islam dosen't allow anyone to kill anyone at all. I don't know if Iran created their own laws but your statement seems to indicated your talking about Islamic law which is based off the Islam religion. This is what my statement is based off.

I doubt Iran does this. I seen interviews where they asked him questions that they gill gay people and treat women like animals/dogs. He smiles and says not we don't do such a thing. He says we don't have gay people. Then the interviewer and many other americas go oh ya you don't have them because you killed them all.

I personally thought he has no idea that their is gay people in his country. The reason why is that they usally would hide that fact. Just like in america. How come the lastest move was gving marriage rights to gay people. I mean I notice this from 2003 and up. I never knew about it in the years 2002 and below 2002. I am saying is that their wasn't a national acknowledgment for the U.S in the past about gay people. So now we attack a country that is behind in technology then use and ask them about gay people in their country.

I am just saying that their is bigger issues to talk about with Iran then then about this post.

I personally don't think that women are treated badly in Iran if their is any bad treatment it would be the ignorant people. The people that are uneducated. They follow the very old traditions. I am sure Iran hase these people and many 3rd world countries have such people. So comparing the U.S with Iran is not right either.

The U.S has more resources and educated people. That is why we have a better understanding of many things here in the U.S . Iran is a 3rd world country. They don't have as much resource as us in the U.S. So the people of Iran are not educated like us. They rely on old traditions but the Iranians that do get a education in Iran or go to the U.S to get the education. They have a better understanding and would quickly stop following the very old traditions of the area.

Like their is alot of muslims that think it's ok to marry more then 1 person. If you talk to a imam today. They will say it's not right to marry more then one because of the time.

That' is a old rule. It was at a time where they needed population so it was ok back then. Today since we don't need alot of population. That is why today it's viewed as wrong.

Islam allows changes to it's law when it's nessary. It supposed to benefit the people.

Like for example we can't drink beers or any alcoholic beverages. However if we are in the boom docs and caught some disease or something. We can drink beers or any of those beverage only for one purpose which is using it for medical purposes. That is only allowed. Otherwise if you drink it to party or whatever it's haram meaning bad not allowed.

So uneducated people will follow old traditions. old traditions are not part of the religion it's the region or countries practice. You can have family traditions it's a practice that people do on their own with their own ways..

So this OP article is in the tone of propaganda. It's mug slinging stuff towards Iran.

It could turn out to be one reason to push for war with Iran. Lets save the children and women of Iran.

I never seen the U.S do a charity. I have only seen the U.S do their agendas based on their own interest.

I was very confused about the U.S going into Iraq. First they said oh we need to go to Iraq because they have weapons of mass destruction. They went into Iraq. They found nothing. They then said oh we need to help the Iraqi people. Saddam is a dictator and the people hate them so they want him out of power.

Like I said propaganda is a powerful tool to use to push your agenda to accomplish whats on your agenda.

It's a common tool to use to the public to move them. The public is just like cattle and the Governements are like the shepperd that has a dog to redirect the cattle in the direction the shepard wants it to. In this case the Governments uses tools instead of dogs. They use propaganda... and misinformation. They use marketing and politics to get this country moving.

This article is propaganda. I could tell by the tone of it. Not just that my dad and his friends been to Iran and never heard of such a story. I showed this article to him and he told me it's propaganda. He never heard such a thing in his life. Iran is getting more modern.

The reason Iran is a treat it's the only Islamic Country that is getting closer to have equal power compared to The U.S well not equal but good enough power to do some damage to the U.S

I am sure the U.S wants to weaken them. The reason is that if this progress continue they could get enough power that they could fight against us about issues .

My history teach said that the U.S is just like Rome back in history. They wanted to conqure the world but when they attempted to do so they failed and the empire came crumbling down. He said we will see the same effect with the U.S. Ron Paul said that we can't afford to have a empire that is involved with the whole world.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by computerwiz32]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by 27jd

I agree, but the law is not always defending the Innocent and is more than we will like to have instances that the perp get to walk free.

My neighbors grand daughter was molested for 6 months before the judge finally stop visitations, still the father walks free as the paper work and agencies involved are still doing their "investigations".

Yes we know that we have laws but that is just to make us feel safe, but abuse goes rampant everyday in this nation every 10 minute children gets abuse, 4 die of their abuse every day.

And the numbers are not up to day as the report I got is from back 2006.

So hey I am just been open minded.

Iran have their abuse backed by the government itself and we know that most nations with same Islamic and sharia laws do the same, that looks like worst but still no matter what laws are changed the abuse of woman and children will not stop by laws alone.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

Although your language is a bit more colorful than mine, I absolutely agree with it.
I find this sort of thing sickening and widespread. Women and children are always the ones that end up suffering the most in this amoral world.

These guards actually seem to try and justify this behavior by saying that they can't kill a virgin so they MUST rape her. I am sure that that would happen much faster had she not even been a virgin.


How long do we have to keep allowing such abuse and subjugation of women through religion?

- Lee

EDIT: unnecessary point.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by lee anoma]

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